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<br /> �9��" .134
<br /> DEED �OF TRtlST �'Q�
<br /> THlS DEEO�JF TRUST,made this�j6th dey bf_....?►Er�l�_ _.�. , t9 sLl ,between
<br /> � ,��w J. Lliteras Associate�Inc� 8S TrustOr.
<br /> Fir�llec Bank,National Aasociailon.Omaha,Nesraska aa Trustue,
<br /> _ _ __ _ FirsTier Bank,Natianal Asaociation,Omaha.Neb�aska as 6eneficiary:
<br /> Th�st T�uato� Ir�evocably g�ants,transiers and assigns to Trustee in trust. with power of sale,the following described
<br /> propKty:
<br /> ' Lota Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (l6), Garland Place Subdivision, Hall Countg►,
<br /> Nel�raska, located in the North Half of the Southeast Ouaxter (N�iSE�) of
<br /> Section 23, Township 11 North, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., in Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, excepting for property conveyed to Frank Stauss, Jr..
<br /> described in the Deed recardeci aC Book 160 of De�ds at Paqe 696 in the
<br /> : Register o£ Deeds Office, Hall County, t3ebraska, said Deed recorded on
<br /> February 4, 1970 and except for 2.26 acrea condemned by the State of
<br /> Nebraks, said condemnation proceedings recorded at page 649 in Sook 9 of
<br /> MiECellaneous Re�cords in the Ha11 County Reqister af De�ds Office and
<br /> • recorded on October 3, 1961.
<br /> to�ethei with all interest which T�ustor now has or rrr.�y� herealter acquire in and to said property and ln ar�d to:(a)all
<br /> essements and rights of way appurtenant thereto:(tr�)a1!tenemer�ts.hereditament�,building�.atru�cture�,improvementa,
<br /> Nxtures,equipment,furniahinga and appurSer►ances now or he�eaf:r.er p0aced thereon;(c)all lsasehold e�tate,ri�ht title.
<br /> and inte�est of Trustor in artd to all leases a►subteases tt�ereof or any portion thereof now or hereafter existing or e�te�ed
<br /> into,aradall ci9h�titte,and Interest of T�ustor thereund'sr,+ncluding,without timitation,atl cash or secu�irydeposlb,advance �
<br /> �entat��and deposib o�psyments o1 similar natu�e,and(d)all mdneral,oil.gas rights and proflb.water,wate�rights,ar�d ,
<br /> w�ter stock_Trustor aq�ees to exeCUte an�E�el+ver.fram tima to tlme,such fu�ther instruments aa may ba requested by ;
<br /> Beneficiary in form and substance satist�t�tory t0 Beneflciary to confirm the lien of this Deed oi Truat on any ot the
<br /> atar��er�ti�:����a��y.T.`�a�c��:y sc�anv�ya�s��rus�a l:�:�ur.��:!s h�:�lr.atl�r���rer!e�a°a:.��h�r��eri;". ; _�_.
<br /> �
<br /> The'�rustorabsolutely and ir�evoCably yrants.t�ansfe�s and assignsto Beneficiary the rents,inCOme,isaues,and protits '`
<br /> , QI_all nroneriy cnvered 6y thla[�egd nf Trus� �-
<br /> 1. Payment ot 4he principal sum of Ten Thousand and no/lU0 - - -i S10�000.00) Dollars : _
<br /> •*.
<br /> 0
<br /> � i
<br /> evidencad by the certain promissory note dated of eve�date herewith(he►einafter rete�ed toasthe"Promissory Note")
<br /> exCCiit@d by J Lliteras Assaciates, Inc.
<br /> in sa"sd amou�t end payable to the order of Beneficiary maturinQ on �Pril 15, 1991 , � .
<br /> together with interest therean, late charges,and prepayment bonuses according to the te�ms of the Promissory Note � •
<br /> and all ranewats,extensions,and modifications t�ereof. `
<br /> 2. Peeitirmance.discharge of and comptiance with every obtrgation,covenant and agreement of Trustor incorpo�ated by '��
<br /> referenCe o�Cnntained herein or in any other securi4y agreement or deed of trust at eny time givert to seCUre any �
<br /> indebtedness hereby secured, or any part thereof.
<br /> 3. �ayrnent of aU fees and charges of Beneticiary or Trustee, whether or not set forth herefn.
<br /> TITLE:That it is iawfully seited and possessed of a good and indefeas�ble t�tte and estato to all of such prope►ry in!ee
<br /> simple free from any prior lien or encumbrance,has good right and lawful authonry to convey the same,and will forever
<br /> w8frflrt!ettd d8tend fhe litiC�tb;er6iv aySittst the cl�ir:�S ant�tlerr�ands o}�iE�$rsOns whosoev�r;t?�a!iE yrifl,a!its expense,
<br /> maint�in and preserve the iien ot this Deed of Trust as a first and paramoc��nt�►en upon such property. .
<br /> MAINTEMANC�:To keep sueh property in good condit�on and repair;to complete or restore promptly and in good and
<br /> workmanlike manner any b�iiding which may be cor.structe0,damaged or destroyed thereon and ta pay,when due,all
<br /> cleimsforiaoorperiormedra�dm�ierialsiurrrishedt�xere4vrea�d4��anya�z2rat+�rsttereat;t�comptywitfi:thapravisians ,-__---_- -
<br /> ot all insurance policies cavering saic9 premises,to comply with all laws,ordinances,regulations,cavenants,conditions •
<br /> and restrictions attecting such properry;not to remnve,demolish or mater�ally alter any building,or the characte►or use
<br /> thereot at any time thereon:nat to�Jrill or extrect nor to permit the�rilling tor or extraction of o�i,gas or other hydr��arbon
<br /> substances,water or any mi�eral oi any kind unless the written consent oi Benefic�ary is had and obtained;not to commit or
<br /> permit any wastelhereaf or aflyact upon such property in viotat�on of law;to d's�a11 other acts in a timely and proper martner �
<br /> which from the character or c,se of such properry may be reasonably necessary to protect and preserve said security,the M
<br /> Lspecitic Enumerattons herein not excluding the gensral �
<br /> CONSTFtUCTION OF IMP£�OVEMErJTS To completQ�r�good and wurkmanlike manne�any building or�mprovementor ��
<br /> �ARa+r relating thereto which�ay De begun on such p�operty or contempiated by the loan secured hereby,to pay when due
<br /> all cosfs end liab�iities�ncurs�d therefore.an�S not to pe�m}t any rnochan�c's I�en against such property Trustor also agrves. ��
<br /> an�thing�n this Deed at Trust to !he ctsntrery notwithsianding, (a? to qromptly Commence w6rk and to Complete the •�
<br /> p►�pos�d itraprovements prr�m�stl�v, (b�to complete same m accordance with pians and spec�f�cat�ons os approved by -
<br /> Senefic�ary,€c)to compiy withai��f the terms of ony build�ng loan agreerneni bQtween Trustor and Benef�c�ary.the terms of
<br /> tvh�eh�oo�n carporatod herem by reteiance to the same extE�nt as�f fully set forth t�ere�n and rnade a part of th�s Dead of
<br /> Tru51,(d►t1� �Ilow Qenoficifiry to Ensp�;�.:t SuCtt prOperty nt all timeS during conS4ruCt�nn �nd f e 1 to rFpl,�ce any work ot
<br /> mator���is un sausi�ctory to Banof�c�ary.wrt�in htteen(�!,)tlays.itt�r Wr+ttE n nOt�GC f�U«� QCre}�C�<+ry of SitCh taCt wn�cn �
<br /> /�01�C0 flte?y�%@ g�ven t[� TruStUr by rE,�g�starp,q or CF:�rtrfi�d rn<i�� f�f�n1�n hi5'��S! knp��n;�!}rjr�SS nr h✓ �:pr`nn;�:S��ViCt`O}1h(•
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