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<br /> ��`�." 102a5B
<br /> (�' 1f l.ender rrquired mort��se irtsurance a�a condition of m�icina thr loan secured by this Security In�trumrnt,
<br /> � Borrower shsll p�y the premiums required to maintain the insur�i�ce in efCect until auch tima a9 the requirement far the
<br /> � itn�u�ee te��iatt�in�acoardanct with Horraver'�an�Ltndtr's rNtitt�en a=reeAeeat or spplicablr lax.
<br /> 's. l��li�t K L�p�er�ita��ent m�y tna{ce rwotu�ble enttia upon and inspections of the 1'ropcny. l.tnder
<br /> �talt ri�s���1qti�e at the time of ot prior to an in�pection specifyin`rasanxbte caus�far the itupecti�n.
<br /> �' !: �tM�. The proceed�of any aMUd or claim for damaaes.di�ect or consequential,in co�nectioa�ith
<br /> any condemnatian or other takinj ot'any part of the Praperty. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnnion. an hereby
<br /> � suipKd and shal!be p�id to Lender.
<br /> In the rvent of�tot�l takinj of the P�operty� the proceeds ahsll be applied so the sums securai by this Security
<br /> � Instrument�Mhether or nat thrn due.aith sny eacess paid to 8ormwer.In the evrnt of a putial takinj oi the Propeny.
<br /> � unle�Bon�oNer and I.ender otl�envi�e sira in wrritin�,ihr sums secured by this Security lnstrument shall be reduoed by
<br /> the�moa�t of the proceeds multlptied by tlie fopa�vinj trsction: (a)the totst smount of the sums xcared immeciiately
<br /> ���divided by(b)the fair mukel vitlue of tht Property immediately before the talcint.Any b�lana shall be
<br /> � . It the Property is abandoned by BorroMrr.ur if.after notice by Lende�to BorroNer trat the condemnor of!'ers to
<br /> make an aw�ud or settk a culm for dams�a,BorcoNer tsils ta rospond to Lendar within 30 dsys after the date the notice is
<br /> SiveA.Lender is authorized to colfect and apply the proceeds�at its option,either ta restoration or repair of'the Property or
<br /> to the wms�ecurad by this Security lnstrume�t,Mhether or not thrn due. '
<br /> . Un1a�L�ender+md Borrow�er otherMise��rae in writin�,sny application of proceeds to princip�l shall�ot eatend or
<br /> postpo�te the due date of the monthly paymrnts refened to in pua�phs 1 and 2 or change the unount of euch paiyments.
<br /> , ' 10. 8orrowe� Not Relea� Forliearuc� Ly I.e�er NM� Wai�er. Extension of the time fo� payment or
<br /> - modiflcation of amortiutiot� of the sums secwod by this Security lr�slrument gnnted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> intetat of BorroMer thall not operate to rekase the lis5ility oi the oriains! Borrower or Borrower's succasors in interest.
<br /> ' L�der�ha11 not be required to commrnce praceedinp aaainst sny successor in intorest or refuse to extrnd time for
<br /> p�Ya�t or other�viu madif�r�martiiation of'the aums securod by thi9 Socurity Instrument by reasoa of any demand made
<br /> by the oripnal HorroMer or Honower's succescors in interest.An}�f,orbesrance by Lender►.a e�ercising any right or remedy
<br /> sh�ll not be a Maive�of or praclude the exercise of any ri=ht or reinedy.
<br /> U. S�ccwon a�At�ip�8or�Joht aM Sereral I.ia�lUtyO Co�ipen, The cof•en�at9 And+�`reements of .
<br /> this Seeurity Intuument shall bind and beneAt the suecxssors anci assigns oP Lender and Borrawer.sub}eet to the provisions
<br /> of para�raph 17.BorroMer's covenants and aareemenb shall be joint�nd several.Any B�rroarer Mho ro-signs this Security
<br /> Inurument but doa not exxute ihe Note:(�)is co-sip�in6 this Socurity Instrumrnt�nIp to mortgage.gnnt and convey
<br /> � that Horrowrer't interat in the Pmperty under the terms of this Secudty lnstrumrnt�(b)is not peraasally abliaated to pay '
<br /> the sunu sxured by this 5xurity lnstrument;and(c)agas that L,ender and�ny other Bonower may ajra to extend,
<br /> � modiij►.{'oroar�r make any aocommodattons v►nth reaarC to the tenns of th�s�ecunty lastrument or t6e Note M�thout - —
<br /> thu Borrowret's conscnt. '
<br /> . u. T.O���ifld. �f fh�ltun swe�newl 1���ii�Gn.:.^.:�.^�.��::SS:::�:�jw's St'i:�+wi+::uiCii bca3�Ti'saiaTiihn Tui+n ,
<br /> � charga. and that law is finslly interpretod so that the interat ar other lo�n charaa collected or to be eollected in :s-
<br /> connaction with the loan exceed the permitted limits, thrn: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduc�d by the imount ��`�LL
<br /> neoessary to rodua�he charso to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collecta!irom Harrower which eaceoded ' �
<br /> pecmitted limits will be rdundod to BorroMer.Lender may choose to make this refund by reducina the principtl owed ?
<br /> under the Note or by makie�s direct paymmt to Barrower.If s rcfund reduces princig�l,the reduction will be treatat as s
<br /> p�rtial prep�yma►t�vithout any prepayment chuge under the Note.
<br /> 13• T.qisdNo� AA�ecti� I.ea/a'� Ri�Yb. If rnactment or expiration of app}icable laws hu the effect of i
<br /> renderina any provision of the Note or this Socurity Instrument unenforcabl�aa,rording to its terms.Lender.at its option.
<br /> may tequirc immediate paymrnt in full of a11 sums socured by this Se�unty Instrument and may invoke any remedies �
<br /> �era�itted by paragaph 19.If Lender exereis�s this option,Lendet shall t�lce the steps specified in the second paragnph of �•
<br /> para�eaph 17.
<br /> ; 11. Noliee�. My notice to HorrvMer provided for in this Security Instrummt sha64 be given by ddivering it or by ''�
<br /> m�ilin�it by 5rst class mail unless applicable law requira use of anather method. The not�ce shaU be dirceted to the #
<br /> Property Addres+or any other addras Borrower designates by notia to Lender. Any nona to Lender shal!be given by �
<br /> first clau mail to I.mder's sddress stated herein or any other address Lender Qesignates by notice to Borrawer.Any notice
<br /> providad for in this Security lnstrument shsll be deemed to have been g�ven to Borrawer or Lrnder when given u prodided
<br /> in this puaaraph.
<br /> 1S. G�tnl��i�w;SerenDility. This Secunty Instrunzesit shall be governed by federyl law and the law at'the
<br /> ju�isdiction in which the Property is loctted. In thc event that any provision or clause oP this Secunty Instrument or the
<br /> Note conAiets with applicabk law.such c�ontfict sha1F s�ot aA'ect other provis:ons of th�s Secunty lnstcu:nent or the Note
<br /> w�hich csn bt�iven eAcct writhout the cot�}lichng ptovision.'to thes end the provisions of thts Secunty lnstrument and the
<br /> Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borwwer'�Coly. $arrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of th�s Secunty Instrurnent.
<br /> 17. Tra�nrfsr of t�e Proptriy at��tiefleW laterrst is HcKrower. if aii pr e[�y p�tt of the �'ro�erly or ss�y
<br /> � interest in it is sold or transferred(or�ia benefic�al iraterest in Borrow�r is sold or transferrcd and Borrower�s not a natural
<br /> � person)without l.ender's prior written consent.Lender moy,at�ts aption,requira immed�ate payment in ful!of all sums
<br /> secured by this Security Insuument. However.this opsion shall not be exercised by Lender �f exerc�se �s prohibited by
<br /> federal!aw u of the dau of this Secunty lnstrument. ____ _ _,__
<br /> If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall give Borrow�r notict of accelerat�on.The not�ce shall ptavide a penod .
<br /> of not less than 30 d:ys frests the d�tt the a�ticr is d:1�1•cred or nsailed�:itrin Xhuh Sorrower r,;;s;t ps�a!!:�ms secur�by
<br /> this Security Instrument. If Borrower fiiYs to pay these sums Qnot to the eap�rat�on of eh�s penod,Lender may�nvoke any
<br /> remedia permitted by th�s Security[nstrument without Punher not�ce or demand on Borrower
<br /> la.Borrower's Ri�it to Reisttate. If Borruwer metts certain condit«ns, $orrower shall have the nght to have
<br /> �! enforcernent of this Securyty lnstrument discontmued at any t�me pnor to the earl�tr of (a15 days(or such other penod as y�}
<br /> applicable law may specify!or ranstatement)lxfore sale of the Pr�perty pursuant to any powet of sale cantained in this �
<br /> LSecunty lnstrumenh,ar(b)entry of a�udgment enfore�ng this Secunty Instt�ument Those cond�tions are that Borrow•er.
<br /> (s)prys Lender all sums which thrn w•ould 5e due undet th�s Secunta Instrument and the .'�?nte had no ucceleration �•.�
<br /> oc�rurred: (b)cures any defaolt of any �ther r�venants or agreements. ccl payti alt eapenseti �ncurre� m enfurcing shis �
<br /> Secunty Instrument, mciudeng, but nat I�mited to, reawnablr attomeys' lees. and 6d) taket�urh action as Lender may �
<br /> rqsonably requ�rc tn assare that the I�rn of'this Secunty Instrument, Lender's ngAts �n the Pr�rperiy rynd F�o►rower't �.
<br /> nbligat�on to pay the sums secured by� this Secunt} InstrUment 5hal# continue unchanged t'�m re�nstatement hv
<br /> Hunower,th�s Srcun�y Instrumcnt and the obhgat�onc k�ured here�� sha){remain full�efFe�t�.e ati i!rs:�a��elcratinn t�ad
<br /> �-c�rser+ MQ:ve:e:,th:sr.gh;tn rt:nssat:,shal!nn;ap�sl: rr thecasE��i a«eier;.atum under �+�ragrv�nti 1���r i"
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