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<br /> �Q�"° 102U58
<br /> I UN1F"�RiN COVENJ►NTS. Borrower�rid Lender covenant�nd�grcr�s PolloK•s:
<br /> 1. P�y�t ol Pri�et�al au�d I�ttnst;P►tMyateat u�d l.ate��r�es. Borrowcr shall pramptlY pa�Y whcn dur
<br /> tt�ptincipsl of and intctat�xs the debt evidtncrd by thc Notc and any prepayment And late charges duc under the Note.
<br /> 2. Fw�tur T�xe�wi Ii!wra�ce. Subject to�pplicable law or ta u writte�w�iver by Le�der.Borrowcr shall p¢y
<br /> � to l.endar on the dsX nwnthly p�yment�ar�due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,p sum("Funds")eqwl ta
<br /> one•twcMh of: (�) ydtly t�xa and a�xuments which m�y �ttain priority over this Security Instrument; (b) yearly
<br /> k�eho�W p�ytnenu cx de+ound rent� oo the Ptoperty, ii�ny; (c) yarly hsurd insuttnce premium�: �nd (d) yarly
<br /> a�o�t�ye insuranc�ee praniums.iE sny.Thae items are caliad"escmw items."Lender may estimate the Funds due on Ihe
<br /> bas++ofcwm�t d�ta aadr9a�wn�bkatia+ata d'fitiureescrow ite+ns.
<br /> Tb�Funds ahsll be held in an institution the depooits or a�counts of which are inaursd or gu�r�rtteed by a federal or
<br /> �tate tRs�ry(iachdia�l.e�xkr if Leader is such�n iastitution?. Lender shall spply the Funds to pay the escraw items.
<br /> Lender ea�y noit cMr=e far hoidin�and applylnj the Funds,analyr.inj the account or verifyins the escro�ltems,unkss
<br /> Lender pps Sarrower interat on the Fund�u�d applicabk law�permit3 Lender to make such a charse. Botrower and
<br /> Lender may asra in aritin�thst interast ahall be paid on the �unds. Unless an sareanrnt is made or applicabk uw
<br /> roqui�+a inter+at to be pud,Lendtr s1�a11 not be requiral to p�y BorroMer any interat c►r earninp on the Funds. Lender
<br /> �Mall pve ta Borroxer.�lthout char�e.an�nnual a000untin�of the Funds�howing credits sad deDits to the Funds and the
<br /> ptrpo�e for wrhich ach debit to the Funds waa tnade.The Funds are pledaed as addition�!security for the:um�secured by
<br /> lris Seeueity Imtrwnait.
<br /> If the aa�ouat aitbe Fuads Ikld by l.er►der.to�ether rvith the future monthly paymmu of Funds p�ysbk prior to
<br /> ibe due d�ta of the e�cro�r items.sh�ll exceed tlie a�naunt required ta pay the escro�v items when due,the excxs�shill be,
<br /> �t Bomo�+er's option.dther pranptly repaid to BorroNer or credited to Borrower on monthly psymsnts of Fumds.If the
<br /> �ount oithe Funds held by I.mder is not suAkirnt to pay the acmw items when due�Borrower shall p�y ta p.e�er say .
<br /> �mount naoa:ary to make up the deflcizncy in one or more payments as required by Lender.
<br /> Upon p�yment in full of all�ums sacured by thi�Security lnstrument.Lender shill promptly rcfimd to�orrower
<br /> �ny Funds 6eJd by I.endtr. Ii under parajrsph 19 the Property is sold or Acquired by l.onder,Lrnder ahall ap�,rtp.no later
<br /> tLan immediatety prior to the salt of the Property or it�acquisition Oy Lender.any Funds hetd by Lender st the time of
<br /> �ppiication as a cndit apinu the sums�ecured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. A�1lati�e�Pq�b. Unkss applicabk law�provida otherwise.all payments received by Lender under
<br /> p�ta�rapht 1 and 2 t�taUbe applied:Qrst,to Iste chu�ss due under the Note;second,to prepayment clur6a due under the
<br /> NotK third.w amounu paysbk under parasaph 2;fourth.to interat du�and last,to princip�l due.
<br /> S. (.7MrMr,I�.ie�. Borrower shall p�y all taxa.auasments.chuge�,flnes and impuitions attributable to the
<br /> Yroperty Mhic6 may attain priority.over this S�:�vrity inswment. and lasehold payments or �round rmts. if any.
<br /> Bosmwer shall p�y thao obliption�in the manner pravided in parasraph 2.or it not paid in thst manner,Bortower sh�tl
<br /> p�y them on time diroctly to the peran oMad payment.Borro�rer shall promptly tumish to Lendet all notica of smounts �
<br /> to'be paid under this pu�ph. tf BorroMer makes these paymtnts directiy. Honower shall promptly fumish ta l.ender
<br /> tooeipt�evidencia�the pyments. ,
<br /> Horrwver ahall promptly dixhsrte any lies�which has priority over this Security Instrument unlas Borro�ver:(a) .
<br /> Kr+ea in wrritin�to the pyment of the obliption aecured by the lien in a manner aoceptabk to Lender;(b)contats in�oo� _---
<br /> fiith the liea by,or defends�pinst enforcement oi the lien in.leEal pracadinas w�l�ieh in the Lender's opinion operxte to
<br /> prevent the enforansent of the lien or forfdture of any part of the Property;or(c)secur�.s from the holder of the lien an
<br /> qrieea�esit�tisfactory tol,.euda snbosdinatin=tbe lien to thu Security IAStretment.lf l.ender detemeina that any put of -
<br /> tb�e Propeity a:ubjact to a lirn w►hich may attain priority over this Security lnstrumrnt. Lender msy give Borrower a
<br /> notiee ideatifyie�t6e lien.Bortow�er sball satisfy the lim or uice one or more of the actions set forth above writhin 10 days ' �
<br /> of t6e pvin�of notice. �:•'
<br /> 3. Ha�r�I�nwa. Bomowrer shsl)keep the improvements noN eaisting or herafter erected on the Property
<br /> inaund apitut las hy�re,lar�tds included w�ithin the terrrr"estrnded coverase"and sny other hwrds for which Lender
<br /> requircs insurance. Th�inwnnoe ahall be maintained in the amounts and for the periads that Lender requires. The
<br /> iawr�nce canier providina the insunncr shsll be chosen by Borrawer subject to Lendcr's approval which shall not be
<br /> unreqooabfy�vithhdd.
<br /> /W insurrmce pdiciea and renewals shall be acaptabk to Lender and sha11 include a sundard mort6a6e clause. �� �
<br /> Lenda slall bave the�i�ht to i�o�d the policia and rene+vals.if Lender requira.Borrower shall prumptly 6ive to I.ender .
<br /> al1 reoeipts of prid premiut�u and rene�va!notioa.In the event of loss,Bono.ver shall give prompt notice to the insurance
<br /> cuiier aad Lender.l.ender euy make proof of loss it na msde promptly by Horrower. ���
<br /> Ua1as I.rnder and Borrower othenvise aanx in Mritin6,insunnce proceeds shsll be apptied to restaation or repsir .
<br /> of t3�e Property damaaed,if'the rcstontion or cr�air is economically feasible and Lender's sececnty is not lasenod. lf the �
<br /> restontion or repair is not economically feasibk or Lender's security�vould be lasaud.the insurance proceeds shill be
<br /> applied to the wms secured by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due. �vith any exass paid to Barrower. If
<br /> Borro�rer abandons the PropeAy. or doa not answer w�ithin 30 dsys s notice from Lcnder that the i�surar�ce amer h�
<br /> e�ered to tettk a cltirtt,then Lender may colkct the insurance procceds.Lender may use the proceeds to repur or restorc
<br /> tbe Propaty or to pay aums axured by t6is�ec�uity Instrummt.whett�er or not then due. The 3�1�dsy period wYt!bcain
<br /> Mhen tbe aotia is pven.
<br /> . Unlas i,ender ar�d Borrowrer othenvise aaree in writina,any application of proceeds to principal ahall not estend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the montbly paymrnts referred to in paraar�phs 1 and 2 or chsnge the amount of the payments.lf
<br /> ' umd�r para=nph 19 thc Prc�pMy es us�uired by I.�der,Barrower's nght t�any iruurancr policits and prcacreds resulting
<br /> i'rosa dama�e to the Property prior to the acquisition shaft pass to Lender to�he e�tent of the sums secu red by this Security
<br /> Instrueient immediateiy prior to the uquisitian.
<br /> i. Prs�enatlow�i Mai�te�ute ot Pto�erj�;I,are�t. Borrower shall not destray,damage ar substantially
<br /> ehait�e tbe Property, allo�+ the Propeny to deterionte or commit wute. If th�s Secunty Instrument �s on a leasehold.
<br /> Borrower sha11 oomply with the provisions of the leax.and if Bc�rrower acqu�res fre atle to the Propeny,the lea�ehold and �-_-_—
<br /> ix'siik r�a11 noi mer�e uaie�s Lencier sgrees to thc mer�er tt�wci�ing. •
<br /> 1. Pn►tettlo� o/Lq�et's Rldb i• �he Pwrercy; Murtp�e Insura�ce. If Borrower fails to prrform the
<br /> covenmts and aptiem=nts containtri in this Secunty Instrument,or there��a legal p�oceed�ng that may s�gn�ficantly afftct
<br /> Lendtr's ri�Ats in the Property(such u a proceedmg in bankruptcy. Qrobate, for condemnat�on or eo enforce Iaws ot
<br /> refuLtions).thrn l�der may do and psy tor v►�hstever ts necessary tn protect the value flf the Propeny and l.ender's nghts
<br /> in the Property. Lender's setions m�y inciude paymg any sums secured by a I�en which has pn4nty over th�s Secunty �,
<br /> L lnstrument,apptinng in caurt,pay�na«uonable attomeys'fees and entenng on tht Property to make rep�irs. Although
<br /> Lender may take act�on under this p�ngraph 7.Lender das not have to do so
<br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by L.endtr under this pu�graph�shall become addutortal deht�f FMrmwer ucured by th�s �t
<br /> Setunty tnslrument.Unitss Borra��er and Lender agtee to other terms of payment.thcse amountc shall txat intrrest from ti
<br /> the date of d�sbutscmen►at the Notr rate and cF.�ll be payable. with �nterest. upon not�cc frnm Lender to Borroa�er �
<br /> «quespnt paymem
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