<br /> —�g
<br /> +f:
<br /> —__'_—_. . � �
<br /> `11
<br /> 7
<br /> � 90�-- 10205g
<br /> � Nara�UNIFalIM CO�ENAN7'S.�onower and 4e��der further cavenant an0��ree a�follaws:
<br /> lA. Accs�erntio�: R�w«li�. Iw�Mr �Mq a�e �o�ic�e to Bonower �tor to accetentlo� tollo�iy Borrawer'�
<br /> k�ci of�sy corawt or�t G�t�M�ewttq Y�trwrrat(►Yt�t frior to�acceisc�tfo+����ar�n�13�ed l7
<br /> rai�aM1it�MM I�w �roWiw Mlwwi�el.'fie �oticw�MI!IMclfy: tU tre dth�i�(i)t�e KtioR�wtred to cwre t�e
<br /> � i�h:(c)a i�e.�ot!�tlw�30 i�ri 1Mow�tlie�h tM�atice i��I�to 8orro�.Sy wldeM t�e det��lt�wt be errN;
<br /> aM ti)tl�t lWi�n to c�re tM ie�Yylt o�or�e tM i�b�/�dMi i�tie ieotke�y tewlt tN�ecek�Now ot tAe�a
<br /> � �e,�M!y eW Sarrity I�t�M wit ot Ne Pro�eny.71w�otke�!!flutMet I�totia 8orrower oi t!u��t to
<br /> ni�tMo�acc�Mr�tk� �tM ri�it to��cerrt�etio� to a�ert Ne�o+i�e:hte�ce ot�d�ta�le oe�ny ofhsr
<br /> �d�i��t�tt�o�r to�ccel�ntlat�i rle.if t!e�it�ot ere�i a�or betore t!e dNe speeflMi i�t�e iotice.I�e�iee
<br /> �t ies�o�tlo. ..y r.�etce t�..Nd�liM N�.�e i�hq ot ail w�.�wcrrM�y tlis Secwit�► l�t witl�oMt t�rt6er
<br /> � � /e�i a�i�ap taeoke tl�e pwes otaN aM as�r u�c���sttt�i►�y�Ncar{e�aw.Iw�iCr sl�Q Me e�titte�l ta
<br /> colNet a11 �Y�� t�e�n+e�G� MnM� tk re■Mii�s �orii�d t� t�is MraR�i 19, t�el�i�, bpt Rot Ildite� to.
<br /> �.MO.�a.ee�.,�•I�i...�i eo.a otaut..1/�ee.
<br /> It ti�pweR ot�le b i�roice�.Trwbe�11�weor�a�otke ot dK�lt i�acb coraty i�whlsi�y p�rt of the
<br /> � Pro�tr i�loabr wi�W1�tl eo�otw�c��adei t�tre w�er ln+�erli�l tiY�IicsMe I��to Horrow��i to t�e
<br /> �N��K����IN�eatilt hw.Afbr t�e tl�e repitei►y Mlika�k bs,Terstes si�all�i�e�Miic�otke of
<br /> a�M to t�t��aw 1�t!e w�e��acrlMi�y y/iic�Ik I�w.Tr�tst.wit�t de�a�d oN Borwwer.sUall seU t�e
<br /> Pr�l�tf M�Nic wctio�to tlM Yidwt YMe�at tM tl�e sN Nl�e��i rNer t�e t�t i�p�t�i i�tlr�Mt�e otsak i�
<br /> o�or weee rra�b Mi V Mr orMr 7'�reten�t�.Trwtee ia�►�ort�o�e ale of all or a�y Nrcel olt�3'iro�erty by
<br /> P�ic��c�t�ese�t t1e ti�e s�d�t�ce ot a.� KtNowlq xN�iM�le. I.ewler or ia�e�ee�iuuy prrcAaae t�e
<br /> Pr�o�ty st aNy al�
<br /> Ula� rocel�t ot/�rsat ot ti�e �ice Mr.7'e�t�e 11�aU delher to Ne� Tnates'�aee�coN�eyi��the �
<br /> ' Pra�e�ty.7'ie roctbQs i�tw T�tee'��M�Mall�e�si hcle eNre�ce ot tk trnq�ot tMe state�a+�sde cluni�.
<br /> 7'twta sWll aNly t�e Koca�1�ot t�e qk i�fie tolbwi�o��:la)to�ll e:�e�es of tk s�1e.iwcirliN,M�t�ot li�its�
<br /> ' to�Tr�'s tas as M*v��l'�lNkaNe dw aM re�o�ile�►tto�se�rs`tee�IDl to all sM�c�c�ed/r tids Se�writy
<br /> I�tr���M cc1�y esee�r to Ne��or'eMO�t IepAtr e�atl�ta i�
<br /> �0. Lendsr i� P.o�b�. Upon ucekration under parajrapt� i4 or abandonment of the Property. i.cnder(in
<br /> person�by a�ent or by judicially appointed �cceiver)s1�a11 be rntitlad to enter upoa,tske possession of uid m�na=e the
<br /> Propeny and ta colkct the renb of the Property includias thase past due.Any renu collected by Lender or the rcceiver
<br /> shaU be�pplied Ant co payment of the costs of mana�ement of tha Property and cotlectioe of r�t�,ineludinj,but not
<br /> limital to.receiva•s fees,prrmiums oe receiver's bonds a�d rcswnsble attorneys' fees.md the�r to the sum�securcd by
<br /> . thi�Security Imttument. �
<br /> 2I.R�co�reya�ee.Upon payment of all sums�ecured by ehi�Saurity Instrument,Lender shall request Trusta to '
<br /> rrc�onvey the Property and shaU surrender this Security Instrument and�11 notes ev�dencin�deM stcured by this Security °
<br /> Instrunxnt to Tnutet.Tnuta shall teconve�the Property without Marnnty and without chsr�e to the person or persons
<br /> �. �ly entitled to it.Such person or pe�ons shall p�y itny recordation cotts. �
<br /> 2t�Ytit�a T�.Lender,ae it�•�+tinn,r±►ny�,rnn t�••±o tn.im.�.�„vt'_r�.!:.�..�±sp�iat s serr�t s:::st� - �`
<br /> � to any Trusiee appointed haeundet by sn instrument�ecorded in ihe county ia Mhich thu Security Instrument�s recarded.
<br /> Without ronveyance of the Property.the succasor trustee�ull succeed to a!f the eitk. power u�d duties coaferrod upcm
<br /> - - ti'sio�i�isi ana vy sppnwv�e tawr. � _
<br /> �. R�Nt f� Notk�t. Borrower requats that copies of the notica of defiult u�d sale be srnt to Honower's , _
<br /> �ddras Mhich is ilie PtopeRy Addrest.
<br /> 2�.1tiiKS to tris S�erriq►I�hwea�If one or mor+e riden are euecutad by�arro+ver u�d recorded cosethar�ith �
<br /> tbis Security Instrument,the covenanq and a�reements of each sueh rider shall be incorporsted into and shall amend and
<br /> �upplatxnt tht c�rcc�ts and astnetnenu ot this Socurity Instrumfnt � if the tider(�) were a part of this Seturity
<br /> . Iswrumea�[Cbecic sppticabk box(a)I
<br /> � Q Adjusa�le Rate Rider [� Condominium itkkr � 2-4 Family Rider _
<br /> :�
<br /> Q t3radwted Payment Rider [] Planned Unit Devebpment Rider
<br /> � � Ot�er(s) (speci�r) Ackr:Wledge�ent �
<br /> �
<br /> Blf SloNirrG BE�ow. Borro�er acapts an�! a�sea to the terms and covenap�s contained in this Security ��
<br /> instrurneat and in any rider(x)executad by Borrow�er and racorded MitA it.
<br /> ................................................................ ....... ............... .,°�,,.,���.�Y_"'"?�"__°.�.....��,A����=��i............. .(Setf)
<br /> -�eor*o�.
<br /> � -�!�.��.':%. .�z'��, s�
<br /> ........................................................................................ .�',�:�� �. �::.,L-;, .. ........... .� y.
<br /> L -�90.,o..r
<br /> • STAT��E�SSRwSKA, Ha32 County ss: ��X
<br /> � ��
<br /> �n this x 10th day of yf�I? .19;; . before me, ihe undersigned, a Notary Publi�
<br /> dulycommiuionedandqualifiedfoesaidcourtty.personallycame �-�H4� E '.?7E_1: and _____-____
<br /> ?t::�BET�: :.. �G5"?t�J , husband and wife ,to me known to be the ,
<br /> s�-"'ntir.s! x:",�n,sf :r`�3e +�g��eisf a�c su;3c�;ocs tv che forcgoing ins�rument and acicnowledged �he execution
<br /> thereof to be volunt�ry act a�nd deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and rtotarial seal at Grand I sland, Nebraska in said coun►y, zhr
<br /> date afaresaid. �
<br /> � � -�
<br /> L � �� (��,.,.-� .� �-.:.x..,�, , �
<br /> � . . . . .. ... . . .�.
<br /> ��NII�L KMINE . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> w01�fa6�►�!!�1l�t �otsn P+,bi„
<br /> TU'f'R l:SiE E �.
<br /> Tht ur�dersigned �c the I�older c+f thc nu�e ur note4 tiecured ho rhi� [7eed ��t Tru�i ti�,a ne��e �u nn�e•. :�+ec•�her '
<br /> w�lh al!othte .ndcf�tednrtc5e.urCd by th:c DeiJ��t Tr'utit, tta�e heer� p���7 �n tull ti��u�uehrreh< <1�+e�lea in„�n.ci ,eid
<br /> tiote o� nc•te5 anci th�> C3ec�i of Trust, whi�h arc dci:�ered hecrh�, a:�d +�� rr.i�n�e�. with�•u� �.arr,�n��, al} thcc,tatr
<br /> nUw hCid h� �c�u under thic Qecd sif 7ru51 t�� th� ��rr�i�n •.�r �rrti,�a� IcKall� rni,ttt•d t�icrc���
<br /> �_� �?71C �
<br /> ��j�1; �
<br /> !!• „�r
<br /> ��j� .
<br /> MV
<br /> ,�, ,.
<br /> -�.i.�.. ._. . ".__—.—.__— . ...
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<br /> " ' ___——_ _'- ,- _ _ _ . .._ -_.— — - . —.-._�r-�'�'49�14}4'�RR4�!'^^�.� —�.. �._ -T�. I��INi�f��q•r�r�w_ ... .. --�—--�um�+r=-= ,�..�--.�_._ _ -..�-..
<br /> Il�fx. . � .. . � . ./. .. ,
<br /> J._. ' � ..�. �� __r � : „55Y . ' � .rr~��� 1�iin'M1 , �,�iflais_ . ,S':'!n'1 ,
<br />