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<br /> rIF i,en�er required mortgage insurance as a candition of malcing [he toan secured by this Seceuiry Instnrmen�
<br /> Borrowu shalt pay the premiums required ta cnaintain the insurance in effect unti!such time as che requir�ment foi the
<br /> � � , insurance terininates in accordanse wit�Borrower's and I.endtr's ariusn agrtement oF applicable law.
<br /> � S. Inspectton. Lender or its ageni may make reasonable e�tries upon and inspections of the Property.Ixndv
<br /> , shaU give Borrawer notjc+e at tbe time of or prinr to an inspection specifying reasanable ranse for the inspection. .
<br /> 9 Cbndemastion. The proceeds o€any award or clairri for damages,direct or consequ�ntiaS,in connectiors with � �
<br /> any condemnation or other tai�ing of atiy part of thc Property.or for coaveyance in lieu of condannatian,are hereby
<br /> . _ assigned a�d sha�it 6e paid W I.ender. ,
<br /> : In the avent of a tota!4�king af the PropeRy,the proceeds shaU be appliea to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrumq�t.whether or rtat then due.aith any�cess paid w Borrower. In the event of a par[iat taldng of the Property,
<br /> - ''unless Borrower and Leader otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured hy this Security Instrument shall be roduced by
<br /> the amonnt of Ehe proceeds meiltip}ie8 by tht foltowing fraction:(a)the totat amount of the sums sec�red immediately �
<br /> , before the taking,divided by(b)the fair market vatue of the Property immediately before the taking.Aay balance shall be
<br /> � paid ta Borrower. . �
<br /> ' . If the Propetty is abandoned by Barrower,or if,after notice bv Lender to Borrowa tl�at the condemnar otfers to
<br /> ' ` � mak�an awasd or settle a claim for damages.Boaower fails to respand to L�.ender witfiin 30 days aft,�T�he date the nuutx is_ __... _ . _-__ _______._ ,
<br /> -� -
<br /> - - � - p�i�vat,-�xmaer is autiioriz�d to cojioct and appTy the proeads.at its option,either to restoratiorrar r�::i of the Progerty or � , < <
<br /> � �to the sums secured by this Soc�rity Instrumea�whethcr or not then due. � � ,
<br /> ; Unless Lender and 8orrower otherwise agrce in wriring,any application of proce�s to prit��-ipal shall nc3�tend or � �
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refeaed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or c4��e the amount of suc'�psg-ments. � ;
<br /> . r 1Q Borrower Noi Ytete�sed; Forbee�rance By I.ender �1ot a Waiver. Extesision of the time for payment or �
<br /> modification of amortizateo�of the sums secured by this Security lnstn.�er.t�ranted by Lender to_any successor in "
<br /> - - - �
<br /> � �nterest of Borrower shafI.aot operate to retease the liability of the originat�::-�w�er or Borrower's successors in interest � �
<br /> Lender shall not be required to�:omtnence proceedings against any su:.r�ssor in interest or refnse to extend time for
<br />� ,Rayment or otherwise madify amortization of the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> _ ___ . by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Any forbeara�re by Lender in exercising any right or remedy �
<br /> � shaU nos be a waiver of or-�rsclude the exercist of aeiy right or remedy. '. . . . ,
<br /> 11. Succeswrs and Atsigns#ioand;Jafaf sed Seteral Liability;C�igner�. The covenanti and agraments of ,
<br /> this Security Instrumtnt s}�all bind an3 benefit the suceessors and assigns of Ler►der and B�trower.su6ject t4 the pravir.ions •
<br /> of paragraph 17.Bonawer's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Bo�ro�ver who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument but das not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Scewity Instrument anly to mortgage,grant and convey . .
<br /> that Horrower's interest in the Property under the torms of'this Security anstrument;(b)is not petsanaAy obligated to pay �
<br /> the sutns secured by this Security lnstrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to eatend ,
<br /> modify,forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Socunty Instrument or the Nate without �
<br /> that Borrower's conse�t. , '
<br /> ' l2. Loan Cbuges. IP the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maxi�r►um loan ' _
<br /> ' charges. and that law is finaliy interpreted so that the interest or otheff laan char�es collected or to 6e collected in � � '"
<br /> conntetion aith the loan exceed the pem�itted limits. then: 4a)any such loan charge shall be re�:::�d by the amount .
<br /> �.�f��,�
<br /> necessary to re�uce the charge to the germitted limit;and(b)any sumx al�eady coltected from Borr<3�er which eaceeded ,;'`�
<br /> � permitted li�naits a+ill be refunded to Bonower. Lender may choose to make this refused by reducjng the princc�aal owed
<br /> under the No:�ar by making a direct payment to Horrower.If a refund reduces princiPaa the reduction will be ts�ex��3 as a '
<br /> partial prepaymeni without any prepayment charge under the Note. _
<br /> 13. Legislatton Affetting Lende�'s Rights. If enactment or e.Apiration of applicuble laws has the efi'ect of ;
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note ar this Security tnstrument unenforcea�b:e according to its terms,Lertder,ai its option, . .
<br /> may requnrc immediate payment in full of alt sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remediPS '�
<br /> rmitted b ra a h 19.!f Lender e ercises this o t�on,L.ender shall take the ste c s cified in the second ara ra h of' �`'t �
<br /> P aB�Ph,�� 6� P � P � � p. .Pe P 8 P .
<br /> �„>
<br /> 14. Natices. A.�w rtolice ta Barrower provided for in this Security�SSirument shaU be givc.�c:Ly delivering it or by ?�';';,:`:
<br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law recJuires use ol'another method.The notice shaJl be directed to ehe ��� .�
<br /> Property AddTess or any.�ther address Horrower drs�gn�tes by notice to Lertder, Ana�r.�tice to l.ender shall be given by ` ,
<br /> first class mail ta Lender's address se�;.d herein or any oiher address l.endeEClesignates by notice ta,Borrower.Any notice
<br /> , provided'for ia this Security Instrvment shal!be deemed to have been g�v�:n to Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br /> ' in this paragraph.
<br /> l5. Gqyerning I.��v;Sevenbility. This Security Instrument shall be gaverned 6y federbl law�nd the!aw oi'the
<br /> ._._..___....___.._jurisdiction in.vyhich.ihe Property islocated._]n the.eventthat any.prouisionnr.dause cs4'this Security lnstrument or the _._.._.__._.._._...___. _._.._.__. .
<br /> . Note eonflicts with applicablt law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions r�f this Security•Instrument or the Note .
<br /> ' which can be given efFect without the conflicting provision.To th�s end thr pr�v�sious c�f th�s Securily Instrument and the •
<br /> Note are declared to be severabte. �
<br /> 16. Bnrrower's Cony. Horrc,wer shall be given one conT�rmed copy of thr Nc�te and nf ihis 5ecurity Inslrument.
<br /> 17. Tn�ester ot the PropeHy or a Beneflci�l lnterest in Borrower. 1f all ar any part of ihe Praperly nr any
<br /> antetest in it is suld or transFerred(or if a beneficia!interest in Horruwer is sc�ld or Uansferred�and f3orrnwer is not a natural
<br /> person)without Lender's prior written cunsent.L�nder may.ut its optiar�.reyu�rr immed�ate paytnent in full o!'all sums
<br /> secured by this Security�tnstrument: However., thts c�pt�on shall na� be exercised by i.ender if exerc�se is prohibite�i by
<br /> federa!I w as of the dateof this Security Instrument. ' -
<br /> I�l.e»der ezercises this optinn.Lender shall give Borr�wer natice nf accelerat�on.The nnUCe sheU prnvtde a pertod �
<br /> of not Iess than 3Udays from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which�3orrower must pay all sums se�:ured by
<br /> ihis Security Instrument.If�3orrower fxils tu pay Ih�se sums priut tu the expiratian af this pen��i.l.ender may invoke aMy
<br /> " remedies permitttd by thfs Security InsUUment w�th�ut Purther nc�tiee tlt demand cm�qrrnwet. , :
<br /> • � 18.Karrawet'g Rig7�t to'Rettistate. ' If Horrower trieets certain r�piditi�m.r, Anrruwer sh�11 have the right tn have -
<br /> K ��
<br /> ChfolCement uf[h�s Secnr�ty Instrur,��nt discuntsnued a!any t�me�t�or tt�the earlier af ta)5 days(<�r�uch��ther pert�xi a.s �}
<br /> appltcabte!s`w may spCC:ify fat re�r y�aeement►tsefote sale of the Property pursuant t��any p��wcr��f sale ronta�nce�n th�s �K
<br /> �� 5ecur�ty Ins'trument:e,r!b).entry c:��udgment enfotc�ng this 5econty Instrument. 7huse r��nd�t�uns arc that�;r:ower.
<br /> , '(a1 pays Lender ail sumc which then wuuld be due under tMs Security Instrument and the Ainte had na acceferat�uR ' �M1
<br /> accutted: tbj cures an,r•de�ault of any Uther cayenants or bgreements. (�l pJys all rxpense� u�curred in enfur�:�ng th:4 �i��
<br />• Secunly Instrument, mciudsng, but nat LmUed tn, reasanable attorney�' fees. anct ld) take< <uch activn as �rerdYr rziay �%
<br />• � reasr3nabJy reywr� rF,ascure th;�� the I�en af lhts Secntity lnrtrume��t. Lrrrdu's rtglits tii� ttrr !`rt*rrrty and li:art�wer's • ' :Y '�'
<br /> _ _ f�bitg�fi6fl lc� �i5y' cFie sums secu�e$ bjr fh�s 5ecunty Instrumenf.shatl e:uutit�uc uucFi�uged l'�ufi �effic�dt�:��'. '�.' _
<br />- . �::y3:Jw�:.t�i.��a:ii:tj ii`ri`eiueiiCi'ri Hiit�fiiC��iigaiititii�cCeiit3 ircicr`.y i��eei iC'tltfllt fUIfY CIJCli1�C At tTttri dItCIC1A�U�1;':d+1-
<br />: �xs:ur►ed Now��er.th��rE�Chi t��reu�titete shatl n��t epply�n thc ca4c{�f,�s:Ft�rat+=�r�i:u�irr �+areF:t�i�h�i���s 17 .
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