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<br /> � UMFOR�CovErr�tvi5.=.Borros�ru and Lendes cavenant and agrce as follours: vo'�Q i V�� � ' .
<br /> � l: Paymeat oL�Pttactpal and Ia t e r e s�p r e p a p ment ae d V�e C h�, g onower s ha l l promptty pay w6en due
<br /> the principal of and intercst on the debc evidenced by the Note and aity prcpaynunt anQ late charges due nndrr the 1�IOte. �
<br /> Z. Fa4ds for TiYa ieed Tasnranee. gubject io apglir�Iclaw ar ta a u�ritten waiver by Lender.gorrower shali pay `
<br /> ca I.arde�on the day monthly payments are due unda tht`Note.nntil the 1rTote is paid in fu1).a sum( Funds')equal to � �
<br /> � onatwplRh of: (s}y�►y ���� ��m�� ��cb may attain prionity over this Security Instrument; (b) yearly �
<br /> lase&o1d payments or ground�rrnts on th� Property, if any; {�) y��y b��d insurance premiums; and (d) yearly �
<br /> mortgage insurance-praniums,if any.These stems are catted••escraw,itesns.^Le�ider may atimate the Funds due oa the
<br /> , basis ofcurrent data and,rwsoAable estimates of future escrow items. • �
<br /> , ThcFunds shal}be he[d in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guarantetd by a federal or
<br /> . state aamcy Cncluding Ltnder if I,ender is sucb an Izutitution).l,ender shall apply the Funds ta pay tbe escrow items.
<br /> ' Lender may aot eharge for�olding and apptyirtg the Fw�ds,analyyirfg thc account or vuifying the escrow iterns,unless
<br /> Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fnnd4 and applicabte law permiu I.ender to make such a cbarge. Borrowu and
<br /> 1.en�er may agra i�writing that intaest shaU be paid aa the Funds. Unless an ageanent is made or applicabte law `�
<br /> requires interest to 6e paid Lenda.shall not be required to pay Borrnwer any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br /> ahall give to Borrowu.without charge.�nn annval accounting af the Funds showing creditsand debits to the Funds and the
<br /> putpose for which each debst to tbe Funds was made,l'hc Funds ar�pied�ed as additianat s�c���►ty fc►r t�e st�sxured by �
<br /> :r�s���yt�. - . .
<br /> If tlte amuunt of the Funds hdd 6y Lpider,together with the fumre monthly payments of Funds payable prior to ' �
<br /> _ the due dates of the escrow item�,shall exceed the amouat required to pay the escrow items when due,the excess shaU be.
<br /> • at Borro�ver's option,either prortiptty,repaid to Horrower crr credited to Borrower an monthly paymenu of Funds.If the �
<br /> . � amount af the Fuads held by Lender is not sufficient to pay the escrow items whrn dc�e„Boa���sha!!pay to Lender any . `
<br /> sissount nec�ssary t�maice up the defrcieney i�rnte or more payrr.e►Rs,.as required by.Le��. _, . "
<br /> - - UPon PaY�ent iri full af all sums secuaed by this Secuiity Instrumen�Laad�ssa��zomptly rtfand to Borrower
<br /> any Fnnds hdd by Leader.If under paragaph f 9 the Property is sold ar acquiro�4�.�er.Lender shal!apply.no later
<br /> . than immediatdy prior to the sa".�of the Property or its acquisitian by Lender.ar.y�unds held by Lertder at che,time of
<br /> .� application a5 a credit against t4�e suins s�se�by this Security I��t.�en� • _
<br /> --
<br /> 3- A�a��o�Pay�eents. : UnEess app�icable law provides oiherwisG a11 � �
<br /> � �. , paym�nrs rrceivrd by Iknder under \
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2�be appliod:first,to late charges due under the Note;secand to prepayraent charges due under the
<br /> NotC third,to amounupayable under paragaph 2;fousrt�,_2o interest due;and last,so princi p al dve. '
<br /> �• C�arBe�Liees. B��sower shalt pay all tax�,assessmcnts.charges,f�and impositions attri�utabte to the � -
<br /> Property which may attain priority.over tbis Sa�rrty Instrument, and Ieaselt�?��aymer►u or gronnd rents. if any. � •��=1
<br /> Horrower sba11 pay these obtigations in the�,-��er provided in paragraph 2.or ifno�paid in that manner.Borrower shall
<br /> � pay them on time dircetly to the person owe�E*,ayment.Horrower sha11 promptly furrsish to I.ender all natices of amounts
<br /> �' to be paid under this paragApl�Ti Burrower rnakes thtse a � ��
<br /> receipts evidencu�g the paymmzs. P Yments directly.Bos��rer shall promptly fnmisb to Lender
<br />: Borfower shaU prompt3g discharge as:y lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument unIess Borrower:(a) �
<br /> . agree.s in wridng to the paymes�t of the obL*�ion src�rod by the lien in a manner acctptabte to Lender;(b)contats in good ' '
<br /> . , faith tlse lien by.or defends against enforcer,:ent of the lien in,legal proceedings ahich in the Ler:drr•s opinion operate to � � "�-
<br /> � prevent the enforcement of the Qi�or forfeiture of any part of the Property;or(c)secpres from the holder of the lien an , .; 'h���
<br /> sgreement satisfactory to Lend�*s�bordinating the lien to this Sceurity lnstrumrna.Aff Lcnder determines that any part of `
<br /> the propeRy is subject to a lien Rhich may attain priority over this Security Instranca�ent, Lender may give$arrower a �
<br /> notice identifying the lirn.Bdrrawer shall satisfy the litn or take one or more of the actions set forth aiwve within 10 days
<br /> . of thr giving oinotice. � '
<br /> 5• �luard insuraace. Borrower shall`keep the improvements now eaisting or hereafter erectod on the Property ?
<br /> insured sgainst toss by 6re.hazasds included within the tertn'•extended coverage"aad any other i�azards farwhich Lendtr ' ''`
<br /> requires insurance. This insuraa�shall be maintained in the amounu and for the periods that Lender requires. The �"
<br /> � insurance carrier providing tht yTSSrance shall be chc�sen by Horrower subject to Lender's approva!which shall noi be
<br /> ur�rasonibty withheld , ;:_f;= '
<br /> AI1 insurana policies a�{{�ewats shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. � �
<br /> Lender shall have the right to h:�.,�s�.;e po)icies and renewals. lf Lender requires.Borrower shell promptly give to Lender
<br /> ,. all rectipts of'paid premiums ar.f,t r�ewaf aotices.ln the event of loss.Bnrrower shall give promog�I notico to the insurance
<br /> carrier and Lcnder.l.ender may make proof of loss if nat made promptly by Horrower.
<br /> Unttss Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,insurance praceeds shall be applied to restaration or rep�ir
<br /> of the Property damaged.if the restoretion or repair is economically feasible and I.ender's seeurity is noi lessened. Ii the
<br /> rdstoration or repair is not.economically.feasible or l.ender's security�would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shal)lie--��-���---�� �� ��---�� �� ----�- � � �
<br /> - ���---- ---� ����sppliod to flie sums secured by this Security Instrument,whethar or nat then due,with any eacess paid to Borrawer. 1P
<br />. Borrowtr abandons the Property,or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender t�at the insurance carrier has
<br /> oRerod to settle a claim.then Lender may collect�he insurance procads,Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by this Securi¢y Instrument,whether or na�t then dur.The 30-day period will begin.
<br /> � ahen the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lertder and Bonower otherwise agree in writing.any application of proceeds to prinripa)shal)not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the montbiy payments referred to in paragraphs 1 ar�d 2�r change the amount of the payments.lf
<br /> uader paragraph 19 the Propeny is acquired by Lender.B�rrower's right to any insuranct poliries and proceeds resulting
<br /> from damage to the Propeny prior to the acquisition shall pass to l.ender to the extent af the sums secured by this Servrity `� ,
<br /> . Instrument imrreediately prior ta the acquisition. � �
<br /> 6• Preaervation and Maintenaace ot ProperlD�;I,ease6olds. Borrower shall not destroy,da�mage or substantially �
<br /> � change the Property.a11ow the Propeny to deteriorate or commit waste. If this Secunty Instrument is on a Irauhold. �
<br /> • Borrower shall comply with the provisions of the lease.and if$onowet gcquires fee title,tn the Propesty.ttee kaschotc!and �'-
<br /> �t�sitte sh$I!uvt mcrgr untess LthQEr agrees tn the merger in writing. ' �.
<br /> . �. Protectian o! Lender•s Rlg6ts in the Piroperty Mortg�ge insurance. IP Horrowcr fails to perform the �
<br /> cavenants and agreemmts cnntained in this Secunty instrument.nr there is a legal proceed�ng that may signi8canlfy affect �.
<br /> � ' ttttder's rights in the�'ropeny (such as a praceediog in bankruptey. probate.for condemnation ar ta er�force laws ar
<br /> reguiations),then Lender may daand pay for whatevtr is rtecess�ry to p'rotccl tht value af the i'ropetty and 1,ender's nghts r� �
<br /> �n the Aroperty. Lendfr's acnons mby irtcfude paying any sums�ecured by a l�en whirh has pnonty over th�s 5ecunry �t
<br /> lnsttum�nt,aypearing in raurt,paymg teasunable attorneys'fees nrtd entertng on the PmE+ett�•tt.make repa�rti Althuugh : �,,�t
<br />_ l.endrr may C�kt act�on under thks��t�r�g:aph T,I.ender�trns not have tb d�s�; -
<br /> Any amvuntsd�sburseci t� �,-���u���f this paragra�h'7�,haff t�c�•me add�tfcmai det+t nf I3�jrrc+wrr�ecured by Fhrs �
<br /> --. - - 5ecuti�y_����„�`-"�' }'��=`�.�r'r^�;�����i,a�i�iei agree td othet terms�,1 payment.�hese am�i�rrtc vh.ill F+eat inlerest frum
<br /> the date uf d�ch�rsemer�� a� tr.a 'Vc+te tale arrJ 5hv11 t+e a aMe. uith ���tere�t. upt�n n+�ttce frnrn Lender s«- Hu�r��ae�
<br /> ��yuest�ngpayment - �'Y. ..
<br /> ��
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