- ` i ' � . . �.
<br /> ' :N�:v-U*�tFOR?�t CovE!vw�'[S Borroaer aad Leader further covenant and agree a�foltows: . ` _ .
<br /> � -- -- -��t4 Atcekratlas� itemedtes. i.eader sball �ss do�tiex to Bomower pdor to a�ttntion following BormRer's .. _ ---
<br /> i bniel�of u�Y co�ee�t ar�eea�e�t is t�Js Secusity ta�t(bnt not pdor to acceleratton under pata�sPhs 13 and!7
<br /> � w{e�s yptirable ttw pro�ida otierwisel.T6e solice s�all�ecifY-`ta?t6e dehul�(b)t6e actioa rtQuired to c4re the � � .
<br /> � `dtlanl�te/a duG eot Ips da�3t1 daya froet t6e date tLe nottce is p»to Bo�rower.sy whicb the defiuh�ust 6e cured;
<br /> � dd(d1 that faitwe ta crrt tbe det�ult on or beior`e t�e date speci8ed�a the notice�y result.in acceleration af the swns
<br /> .. � � sec�ned by t�s SecaeritY tes��eet sAd sde oi tbe Propesty.'ibe aott¢e s6iU turther iniona Borrower of the right to , � - .
<br /> � reinstate aher accelerattoe arrd tde right td bring s ca�art action to asiert @te noa-ezisteace of a defiult or any ather
<br /> � � defeese ot Borrawu to acceter�tion and sata itt6e default is not cured on or before the date specitied fa the aotIce.Lendsr
<br /> � at i1s opNo�msy reqait�e Imme�i�te paymeat ta fal!of a1!soms secn�td bY this Seeurity Iastrument +rithout further
<br /> � de�raad asd msY L��oke the�ower ot stle aed any atAer remcdt�s pmaitted by sypHcaste law.Lender s6s116e e0dtted to
<br /> cotleM slt ei�ptnses Inean+ed in p�tsuisg e�e remedict prosided ib this panBhPb 19+ incindin6. 6ut not li�ited to.
<br /> p, rasonable attorncys'fees a�t casts of title e�ide�ce.
<br /> � • If ti�e powu of sde is i��aiced.Trosta sbaU cecord a notice of definit tu esch caonty in w6ich any p�rt of the ,
<br /> . Pro�ertg is lacated aed abatl mall copies of a�ch aotice in t6e aanner pracdbed bY apPtiable taw to Borrowu a�d ta the : � .
<br /> other�rsoas P�Ibed bY spPlicable fsw.ARsr t6e time rcquired by applicable t�r.Trustee ahall gt�e pablic notice af
<br /> s�tte to die�trsoes aed ie th�maasu pracstbed 6y applicy�Dle law.Trnste�wiihout demaad oo Borrower,s6a11 seil We
<br /> Piroperty�t pnblic wctio'to the hig6est 6ldder at the time and pt�t�e and aader the terms desigaaie�tn the notice of ssle in
<br /> , one ar mare pueets�nd tn sny ordtr Trastee detsreaiaes.Teustee may pastpoee sde of all or any psscel af the Praperty by �,
<br /> pnblic annauncemeni at the tim+e and pLce of aay p�e�[ously sc6edaled sale.Lender or its des�ignee,ms,�Pure6sse the , •
<br /> ���at�y�t�. � . : ��: �. . ' �
<br /> Upoe rtcNpt ot paymcet ot t6e psice b[d.Trostce s6a11 deti�er to the purcdaser Tn�stee's dee��conveyi�g� • .
<br /> � '',< , Pcopetty.I'he reciWs in t6e Trustst's,deed shaU_6e�facte evidence of the trnth of tlee.st�tenieuts a�de�ec�in. ' . `
<br /> - � Trustee shall - - - _ __ _. _ -- �., ' --
<br /> • appty the pmce�s ai the sai�in tbe fo��a►�ng order:(a2 to a!i exve�s�s of the sal�inciad�a,�g,i�nt rtot timited _ _ _ •
<br /> to,Truita's fees as pern�itted by�pplica6te law ai��asooable attoraeys'tee�th}to aq sums secare��iy this SecuritY . � �
<br /> . tastraeaea�and tc)pny escess tu the person or�mns�egaUY eadtled to i�
<br /> 20. Lender in Possessian. Upon ar:.eteratier�.cutder paragraph 19 ar abandonment of the Property. Lender(in
<br /> � gezsoa, by agent or by�udicially appointed.recei�erTj�aall be entitled to enter upon.take possessian of and manage the ,
<br /> Prapertv an�to collect the rents af tbe Praperty incl•.z3sn`g thase past due.Any cenu collected by I.enderor the receiver • . .
<br /> shalk 6e applied first to payment of the cosrs of managertient of the Prapetry and collection of rents.'rrcluding,but not �
<br /> . fiaaTia�id to.rectiver's fees.premiums an seceiver's bonds and reasonable attorney�s'fees,and then to the sums secnred by '
<br /> thisSecurity Instrumen�
<br /> � 2!.P.tt�°�;±a�.LT�e�pagtnent of a!!sttms�?+r��red hy this Security Instrument.Lender,shall sequest Trustee to- - - - -- _-- -
<br /> rec�avey the Propertq'and s�ait sunender this 5ecwra�+y lnstrument an�ail notes evidencing debt secure�by this Security • .
<br /> , Insttument to Tnutee.Trus2ee shaU reconvey the Prog►erty without warranty and_without.charge to the�aerson ar penons , , - .,
<br />, IegaUy entitled to at Such person or persons shall pay any recordatiun costs. ``"
<br /> . Z2.Substifi�te Trustea Lender,'at its option.may from time co time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trostee �
<br /> . to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument�ecorded in the county in which this Security Instrumetrt is recorded. ; ���
<br /> Witbout conveyance of the Propeny.the successor aa-Ws:ee shall succeed to all the titte,power aud duties conferred upon ,
<br /> Trustx herein aad by applicable taa. ,_ .
<br /> 23.Request for Notices. Borrower requests that capiss of the notices of default and sale be sent to Bonower's • � -
<br /> :�
<br /> addsess which is the Property Address. � :
<br /> . lA.Riders to thi�Seeurity Instrumen�lf ane a�:more riders are eaecuted by Borrower and recos�ded together with , _
<br /> this Seeurity Instrument,the covenanu and agramerts of each such cider sha49 be incorporattd into and shall amend and ..`'=
<br /> supplement the covenants and agraments of this Stcvrity lnstrument as if the nder(s) were a part of this Security ;•�
<br /> , Instrument.[Ctceck applicable box(es)] ' ;
<br /> _ � Adjustable Rate Rider ' C Condominium Rider � 2-4 Family Rider � `
<br /> r�]" Graduated Payment Rider ❑ P�ned Unit Development Rider '�
<br /> _ . C Othuts) [spccify] . `�-:
<br /> BY SIGI�IN6 H�LOw. Barrower aecepts as�� agras to the terms and covenants contained in this Secnriry • .�;s
<br /> d�as:�ment and in any ridecds)executed by Borrowec and recorded with it. � � ��s .
<br /> ............................................................. ., .................... ......... . .2�lFi�����'e��....................:. •`a*.al)
<br /> Randall C. Carlson -�r�ower
<br /> ....................................................................................... ........�. .��.�,....�....`..n�s'��:�.�.fry�.........�...... .�JGO�� .
<br /> .. .. _:,"_"—"__'""'' ""'.'__' ""'_ _'___""'—_'__..__....." " • '" .'�BOlIWMl�._...._....___._. ,..,..,_,.—___'_ '
<br /> -� -----------�-----�-Cynthi --R;-CaiTsbn-. .. . _.-----._..__._._ . .
<br /> . .
<br /> ,� �:
<br /> � STATE UF NEBRA5KA. Hall COUtlly ti5: �
<br /> dn this 6th day of Apr3.1 , 19 90, before me. the undersigned. a Natary F�uhfi:
<br /> � duly eommissioned alnd qualified for said county,personally came Randall C. Car.lsan and Cynthia R.
<br /> Carlson, Husbend and Wif� . to me known to be the . �
<br /> identiaa) person�s► whose n�melsi are subscnbed ro the f�regning instrument and acknowledgcd �he cxecut�rn �,..=,-� -
<br /> � thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. . , � •
<br /> Witness my hartd and�natarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska ��raid county,the '
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> • � ,
<br /> . �� � �.
<br /> S3�f�►rr�mii�'so eh s.M���II��C�H .._... .�. .. ...� .... . . . . .. .. .. . .... . . . .. . _ ,��
<br /> � . �.E�v Au�1Z 1932 ' ti�`�.,r�i��,ri�� �
<br /> ItEQUESi" 1(71i RE�.COtiVE�YANC'!=. ��
<br /> �U rltk;!+1EE: M1
<br /> "tlte pttdera�gned ic the hal�es csf rhe nnie or n��srs src��rr�f hy thiti I�c((�1�1 I f14�1 'y:ll(3 R(�1C k�r na�te:, t��E�.•th<�r �
<br /> with�!1 othet�ndeht�:tlne:��c�u�ed hc thi, I)eed ut 1�►u�t.Eid�e hern i,aici�ti lulf. ti'E�n atc hrtcht il:frCted l�,i Jt�,�1 .�u�i � � 'r.-�
<br />: nc�te r,r nore6 :iR(� [FUG �iCCI�Ut l�flf;i, �ttilt�i ��{;(�!•lltt'fi•t� �1(•frhti, �ll�lt t�r p>.,i.i��te�t_ u�!l�:+i�! ti�.�rl;ittf;. .i11 t�ir �,I.il�. T` '
<br />' -- iit_i:S �iCit� Iti '.+_tCLl[iiL=i��l- `��C�i� i�t tfllSl.I�� iItt ti�t���l: »f L�I�VIL� �+_�.1��4 �ltl!ti�� 1[1L'tCr��
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