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<br /> se�cured hereby,� on the installmeat-paying dates of t�e Note, �
<br /> � until said Note is fully paid or uatil notification from Lender
<br /> to the ,contrarp,. aa aa�ouat reaso�ably suff�cient f as est�mated
<br /> , � by Lender� to provide Lender with funds to pay said taxes�, � �
<br /> . assessments, insurance�premiums; reats aad o�her charqes next _ ,
<br /> � due so that Leader will have suffi�3.eat funds on hand to pay
<br /> same thirty (30) daps before the date oa whi�ch they become past ; �
<br /> due. Ia no event shall Lender be lfable for�.�nny interest on • �
<br /> aay amount paid to it as herein required, and..the.:moaey so � . - �,
<br /> received may be held and commingled with its awn� fun@s, pendinq • �
<br /> ��``�:�r���� payment or� application thereof as herein providQd�. Sorrower
<br /> .� � shall furaish to Lender, at least thirty (3Q) •days befo�re the � �
<br /> " , . date oa which the same will become past dt�e.;_`�::an .offic3al � � � .
<br /> �. � statement of the amount nf said taxes, .assess�ient�, insurance
<br /> . � . . prerniums and rents next due, and Lender. shal:l�:pay.��:.said charges � . -
<br /> -� � to the amaunt of filie then unusec3 cred�t:tY�erefpr as. and �ahe�a.
<br /> , they become severallp due and papable. An,,offic�al receipt �
<br /> therefor shall be conalusive evidenc.e of such paymeat and of �
<br /> the validity of such charges. Lender may, at its option, pap '
<br /> � aay of these charqes whea papable,..either before or after they
<br /> , � � . ' � become past due, withaut� notice, .qr�make advanaes therefor in- •
<br /> excess of the thea araount of credit for said charqes. . The �
<br /> , escess amount advanced shall become gart of the Secured
<br /> , Indebtedaess and bear interest at the rate of 14.40 perceat per �
<br /> annwa from date of advancesaeat. Lender ma a 1 credits held � `��
<br /> � F PP Y
<br /> bp it for the above charqes, or ang part thereof, on accouat of � �
<br /> , aay delinquent insta�iments of priacipal and interest or anX
<br /> '�� other payments maturinq or due under this instrumeat, and the .
<br /> � amount of credit exsstinq at aay time shall be reduced by the � � ='-,F--:
<br /> amount thereof paid or appZied to principal and interest � ���:��:�.`��`�
<br /> �.}�:=
<br /> a ents as herein `��
<br /> ' p ym provided. The amount of the existinq credit .
<br /> . hereunder at the time of any transfer of the Premises shall, -
<br /> without assignment thereof, inure to the benefit oE the � �:,.;
<br /> successvr-vwner of the Premises and shall be applied under and . •_
<br /> .. . s�bjQe�� te aZl. of ths grovis3oas hereaf. Upon paymen� in. ful.1 � _
<br /> of the Secured Indebtedness, the amount of any unused credit �
<br /> shall be gaid over to the person entitled to receive it. .��
<br /> .;
<br /> ' 3. INSURANCE OF PREMISES. (a) Horrower shall keep � �.
<br /> the Premises insu�ed for the benefit of Lender aqainst Ioss or �� ,
<br /> damaqe by fire, lightning, w��dstorm, hail, explos3oa, riot, � `
<br /> riot attendiag a strike, vandalism and m�licious mischief.
<br /> civil evmmotion, aireraft, vehicles aad smoke and sueh other - "
<br /> hazards as Lender may from time ta time require, all in amounts s;
<br /> . approved by Lender not exceeding 100� of full insurable value; !�"�:;;
<br /> and�Lender shall keep comprehensive qeneral public liability
<br /> � . insurance against claims for bodily injury, death or property �
<br /> damage occurring oa, in or about the Premises and improvements, �
<br /> includinq, without limitation, coverage aqainst so-called
<br /> occurrences in a comprehensive gene�al liability policy with a
<br /> � - - -� - - - .. . .
<br /> - . ...... ..--- - -� s ngle �occurrence�for .bodily. .in}urp..of �not less-�than-..-- ----�----- -� -�--�--- �----� - --_. - - -
<br /> �1,000,000.00 and a� combined sinqle limit per accurrence of not
<br />� less than �2,000,000.�0; ail insurance herein pravided £or .
<br /> shall be ia £orm and with campanies apprawed by Lender; and, .
<br /> seqardless o£ the types or a�sc�unts o£ insurance required and`
<br /> approved by Lender, Borrower�shal� assign and deliver to
<br /> Lender, as collateral and further security for thg payment of
<br /> ' the Secured Indebtedness, all policies of insurance which
<br /> . ` fasure aqainst loss or damage to the Prem�ses, with loss (-� -�"-
<br /> . payable to Lenfler, without contribution by Lender, pursuant to �
<br /> . the New York standard or other mortgaqee clause satisfactory to �
<br /> � Lendes. If Lender, by reason of such insurance, receives any i
<br /> , � _.
<br /> - � money �ar 2oss v�: c�amage, such am�unt map, at the optivn af � �
<br /> Lender, be retained and app2ied by Lender towgrd �ayment of the �
<br /> , � Se�cured Indebt�dness, or be paid over, wholly or sn part, to
<br /> Borrawer for the repair or replacement o£ the• P�emises or any
<br /> part thereof, or for any other purpose or obj�ct satisfactary �,
<br /> .. �
<br /> �
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