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<br /> � TOC�ETHEi� with aay aad all a�ards or payments. � � . .
<br /> � includ�nq iaterest therean, and the right to receive the same, �
<br /> as a result of (a� the egercise of tl�e right of emineat domain, ,�
<br /> f b) the alteration of the qsads of any street, or t c) any:other
<br /> injury to, tatcinq of, or decrease in the value af, the �
<br /> . premises, to the ext�nt of all amounts which map be secured bp �
<br /> � �this inortqage at� the date of reaeipt of any such award or ,
<br /> . payment by�Lender and of the reasonabYe attoraey's fees, costs
<br /> . and disbursemeats incurred bp Lender in.:connection with the �
<br /> collection of such award or payment. � - . . � ' �
<br /> , TO HAVE AND- T� HOLD all the aforesaic� progerty, �
<br /> property rights, contract riqhts, Equi�nent, Collateral and . .
<br /> � �.claims (all of which are col2ectivelp referred. to hereia as the
<br /> ` ` � "Premises"3 �to the use, benef it and behoo€ of thE: Lender, � '
<br /> --= � f c�r��er: iEi � S�t�LE. � . - -
<br /> � BaFxower warrant$ that Borrower has good title to the `���"'��
<br /> � Premises, and is ��la�zfullg seized and possessed of the P�eemises. .: � � � �
<br /> . and every part �hereof, and has the right to coavey.satne; that. ... . . ,
<br /> � ' �e. Premises are unencttmbered. except as. may be herein -.expressly -;;y�. . -
<br /> _ � provided; and that Horrow�r will� foreve� warrant and defend the
<br /> title to the Premise's unto Lender aqainst the claizas of all
<br /> persans whamsoever. �
<br /> �'his instrwneat is a mortqaqe passinq legal title � _. ;�
<br /> pursuant to the laws of the State of DTebraska. This mortgage . � �
<br /> is mad� and iatended to seaure the �payment ofe (a) the � . . , . . � .
<br /> indebtedne�s evidenced by the Nate in accordaace with the ternr.�::� . . :_
<br /> thereof, (b) advances bp Lender or ang t�ansferee of Lender �{ �_�5
<br /> � made to pay taxes on the Premises, to. �a�i premiums on insurance �' � ��
<br /> ; on the Preiaises, to repair, maintain or, preserve the Premises, . . : �
<br /> � or to complete improvements on �e Premises (whether or not
<br /> Borrower is at that time the owner of the Premises) , (c) any
<br /> _ and all other indebtedness now awing �� r.thich may hereafter be __
<br /> owiaq by Borrewer to Lender, however �iaa�urred, direct or � . -
<br /> indirect, and (d) all renewal or renewals and exteasion or , � '—
<br /> e�stensions of the Note or any ot�aer indebtedness secured
<br /> hereby, either in whole or in part, (al� of which are
<br /> . collectively referred to hereia as the "Secured Indeh�edness".) . �
<br /> - This iostrument shali also constitute a security ' ;
<br /> � agreement under the Uniform Commercial Code, and Horrowex , .
<br /> agrees to j oin with Lender ia the execut ion of any f i*�anc ing , '�..;
<br /> � � statements and any other instsuments that may be req�i��d for ,`�--
<br /> , the perfection or renewal of the securs�� interest cre�a"ted �
<br /> • hereby under the Uniform Conanercial Code. .;
<br /> 1. PAYMENT OF SECIJRED ENDEBTEDNESS. Horrower shall �
<br /> pay to Lender the 3ecured indebtedness wxth interest �1'aereon as �
<br /> - � -� ---- . . in the Note and -this� mortgage provided.� -� -----�----_.._...._.-.---.- -
<br /> 2. PAYMENT OF TAXEB, E'��C. Horrower shall pay, when
<br /> due and payable, (a) all taxes, assess�ents, general �r
<br /> specia2, and other aharges levied on, or assesseci, pT.aeed or ..
<br /> made aqainst the Premises, this instrument or the Secured � .
<br /> Indebtedness or any inte=est of �he Lender in the Premises or �
<br /> the obliqations seaured h�reby; �b) pre:�iums ca policies of ,
<br /> fire and other hazaFd insurance cover;r;�. zi�e Premises, as ;==-.-
<br /> required in Article 3 herein; (c) premiums- an all collaterally �
<br /> � pledqed life 3nsuranae policies, if any; tai ���emiums for
<br /> mortgage insu=ance, i£ this mo'rtgage and �he LT�te are so � '
<br /> . �n�raced: and �e2 ground �ents or Qther� lease rentalsr. if anp, . . . � -
<br /> payable by Borrower. Borrower shall pxompt ly deliver to Lender �
<br /> � . receipts showinq payment in full of all of the abave items. • �Y
<br /> Upoa pr�or written aotificatior� from Lender, Horrower shall pay
<br /> to Lender toqether with and in addition to the payments of
<br /> principal and interest payable under the terms of the Note �
<br /> " �
<br /> . � . � - � Lt .
<br /> . .. �-
<br /> . . . . �. L _ • - --
<br />' ' iilOt y9�! . �
<br /> .. • �
<br /> � ,.
<br />