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<br /> ;� to Lender, but Lender shall not be obliqated �to see to the . � -
<br /> proper application of aap amount paid over to Borrower.
<br /> � �
<br /> , _ � � • � •
<br /> _ . � � � � (b) Not Iess thaa�ten (1�) days pr�or to the � .
<br /> � espiration date:of each, policy of itisu�ance required of , �
<br /> 8orrawer pursuaat to this Article, aad of each policp of ° �
<br /> , � � iasurance held as additional collateral tc secure� Secured . , �
<br /> ` Indebtedaess, Borrower shall de7.iver to Lender a renewal policy
<br /> or policies marked "pr�ium paid" or accompanied by other .
<br /> evideace of payment satisfactory to Lender. -
<br /> � (c) In the eveat of a foreclosure of fihis �
<br /> ` � � mortqage, the purchaser of the Premises shall succeed to all � �
<br /> the rights of Horrower, includinq aay right�to unear�ed . . . � _ ,
<br /> . • � g�emi�.�ms� in and .tn al l- po2iaies of insurance assiqned and .. �� :=,��:: _ -
<br /> . _. -- � :�
<br /> ' d�live=ed to Lender,. with respect to all p=og�rty convsyed as�d � � '_� �`�_��Y ' _
<br /> to be convep+ed by this mortgage, pursuant �to the provisions _uf � .�;:i_�,` �
<br /> this Article. .
<br /> 4. MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES. Borrower shall mai�tain .:, �
<br /> the Pr�aises in good aondition and repair, shall not conaait or �
<br /> suffer aay waste to the Premis�sa and shall comply with, or , . _: �.
<br />. � cause to be camplied with, all ���trictive covenants, statutes, �
<br /> ordiaances and requirements of any q�c�ernmental authority
<br /> relating to the Premises and the use thereof .or aap part .
<br /> thereof. Borrower shall promptly repair, restore, reglace or � `
<br /> rebuiid any part of the Premises, now or hereafter encumbered �
<br /> ' by this mortgage, which maq be affected bp any prcceedinq of - :
<br /> the chapter referred to in Article 6 herein. No part of the �:��F�:?.;;
<br /> Premises, including, but not limited to any buildinq, � ` � =
<br /> : �
<br /> structure, parking lot, driveway, landscape scheme, timber or � ,. �
<br /> other ground improvement, equipment or other property, now or
<br /> hereafter conveyed as security by or pursuant tu this mortgaqe,
<br /> shall be remaned, demolished or materially altered without the . �
<br /> prinz writtea cor�sent of Lende�. Horrower shall camplete, � °� :�
<br /> within a reasonabie time, and pay for any building, structure �l
<br /> or other improvemeat at aay time ia the process of construction
<br /> on the praperty herein conveyed. Borrower shall no� ��,itiate,
<br /> join ia, or consent to any change in any private restrictive. `
<br /> covenant, zoning ordinance ,or other public qr private � :.
<br /> restrictions limiting or defining the uses which may be mae�e of � . -
<br /> the Premises or any part thereof. Lender and. any persons
<br /> authorized by Lender shall have the right to enter and inspect �� ��
<br /> the Premises at all reasonable times and access thereto shall � ����`"
<br /> be permitted for that purpose. . `. '�
<br /> . 5. ADDITIONAL INSTRti1�;NTS. Borrawer shall execute .
<br /> and deliver tand pay the costs of preparation and recording
<br /> thereof) to Lender and to any subsequent holder from time to
<br /> ti�mg, upon demand, any further instrwneat or instruments,
<br /> - ���� -�-�--�-���-�� � includi,n , but not�� limited �tb; �-mort a� es,����securit � � - -� � �
<br /> , 9 . . 9 g Y_.aqreements;-------�-------- -- -- ,
<br /> , finanaing statements, assignments arnd renewal and sul�stitution
<br /> nates, so as to reaffir�m, tc correct and to perfect the • ' �
<br /> evi.dence ef the obligation hereby secured and the leqal
<br />� seaurity title of Lender ta a�I ar any part of the Premises �
<br /> . intended .to be hereby conveyed, whether now conveped, later �
<br /> substituted for, or acquired subsequent to the date of this
<br /> r*s�tqage amd ex�ensions or modi£ications thereof. Barrower, ' __. _ ___
<br /> :-------
<br /> �on request, made either personally or by mail, sha11 certf±�y .
<br /> . by a writinq, duly acknowledqed, ta Lender or tio any proposed � �
<br /> . . � assiqriee bf this mortgage, the am�taYat oE principal and interest ; , .;�
<br /> � then owi:�g on the Secured Indebtedness and whether or aot any ;; ,
<br /> -- - c�ffs��st v� c�ef��s�s exist aqai:�st t�e Securec� Indebtedness. .
<br /> � withi� six (6) €days i.n case the request is made personally, or
<br /> � within ten (10) days after mailing o€ suah request in case the
<br /> request is made by mail : .
<br /> , � , M1
<br /> . �
<br /> ,
<br /> • . t. .
<br /> , � ,x .
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