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<br /> �._�.. � - _ �t - -, � t
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<br /> ;
<br /> � , � , 90-�01'�69 � .
<br /> � IE Lender requirtd�mongage insurance as a condition of making the Ioan secured by this Security Instrumen�
<br /> Borrower shalt pa�r the premiums required ta maintaia the insurance in effett until such time as tht raluir�ent for ih� _
<br /> . insurance temrinata in accardance with Borrower's and Lendtt's wntten agtamcnt or applicable law.
<br /> � 8. Inspecttan. E,ender or its agrnt may make reasonable entries upan and inspections of the Propun;.Len�er
<br /> shall give Borrower aoiice at the time of or prior to an inspection specify ing reasonable cause for tht aupection. �
<br /> � 9• Co�ae. Tbe procxeds of�tty award or claim for darpages.direct or conse�uential,in connection with
<br /> . any crondemnatian or other Wking of any part of the Propeny,or for conveyance in Iiw of condemnation,are her�eby
<br /> assignaf and shalJ be paid to Leccder. �
<br /> ,' - ' In tIte event of a total taking of_the Praperty,the proceeds shaU be appli�to the sums sceured by this Security
<br /> . . Inu ent,whether or aot ctten dne.with any excess paid to Borrower.In the event of a partial tal;ing of the Property,
<br /> . • unt�onawu and Lender atherwise ager in writing,the sums secured by th's Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br /> the amount of the proceeds mWtiplied by the foilowing fraction.(a)the total amount of the sums secured immediateiy
<br /> before tlte taicing,divided by @}the fair maricet value of the Property immediately�before the talcing.Any balanee shal!6e
<br /> gaid to Borrower.
<br /> Jf ttte Pruperty is abandonM hy Borrower.or_if aft�nQtir�1�y Lender.tu B�r�aer that the coademnar offers tn _ .
<br /> � make an award or settle a ciaim fflr damages,Borrower faih tn respond to Lender aitEai�30 days after the date the notice is
<br /> given.Leader is authorized to coItect.and�pply the proceeds.at its option.either to restoration or repa'u of the Ptaperty or �
<br /> to the sums sacwed by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. .
<br /> ETnlas Lender and Borrower�therwise agree in writing.any appiication of proceeds ta F�,::_,.-ipal shall not e�ctmd or
<br /> postpone the dne date of the montIilg payments referred to in paragraphs'2 and 2 or cE�ange the amaunt of such paymenu. �
<br /> ��. : ..:,:: - ' .. ...10 Bnsrawer:hat�Pe�sed;�Forbearuue By Lender Not: Waiver. Extrnsiari of the�mae far paymeat or �
<br /> ' ` ' madification of amortiza4,:-��r�e snins secured by this Security Ins*.*vment granted by Lender to any successor in ,� I.'
<br /> interest of Borrower sT��:�.ra:c�perate to rdease the liability of the ori�.:�:>�orrower ar Borrower's successors in interest � �
<br /> � � Lender shall not be :s�:sired to commence proceodings against aay s�sor in interest or refuse to extend time foi '
<br /> payment or atherwisr�r.�:.�+dify a�.artization of the sums secured hy this Sec�.irity Ir.ses-,w..�ent by reason of any demand made
<br /> by the origival Borroaer or Harr�6�.s's successors in interest.Any forbeatance b� �L���r in eaercising any right or remedy �� �' .
<br /> . shal!not be a waiver ot or preclw:z��exercise of any right or rernedy. • . . .
<br /> l l. Succeasars and Assigas�Baund;Joint and Sevenl Liabiiity;Co-sjgrters. T6c cav�ianu and agreements af . .
<br /> this Seeurity]nstrumrni s1�a116ind altd bens�t�ice successors and assigns oP Lender and Borrourr sdbject to the provisions
<br /> of paragraph 17.Bdrtt��zr's covenants and agrc�ments shall be joint and several.Any_Horrower who casigns this Security '
<br /> Instrument but does naz eaecute the Note:(a}is co-signing this Security lnstrument only to mortgage.grant and convey �
<br /> . that�unower's interest in the Praperty under the terms of this Securitv I�strum�nt;(b)is not personally obligated to pay �
<br /> . the sums secured by ada.s Security Instrumrnt;and(c)agrees that L���and any other Bonower may agra to eatend. '
<br /> ' modify,forbear or r�cs�:any accommodations with regard to the terxa^s a:chis Secunty Instrument or the Note withotat
<br /> that BorrowePs consr�.. � ;., :.
<br /> 12. Loan Chuges, IP the loan secnred by this Seeurity lnstroment is su��µ::'o a law whicb sets maa�..^^ium loan .' �
<br /> : ��roes. a.�t�at !a� u �ua!!y in3e�teied sts that ihe i�i�::aG;t �r o�3�:e� toan c:,�ges�lfcctea or to be coi�tcted in . �"°. ��
<br /> connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any sech loan charge shall be caduced by the amouna .. ' �.'�;;,; :
<br /> �; ' necessary to reduce the d�targe to the permitta:fi L:mit;and(b)any su:rs;.'ready collected from G�c�ower which exceedee ;;��
<br /> permitted timits will be cefunded to Borrower. I,ender may choose tp cr.�ke this refund by re�ac:ng the principal owed
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment ta Borrower.If a refund reiiuces princiDal,the reduction will be treated as a
<br /> '. partial prepaymsnt without any prepayment charge under the Nate. � .
<br /> 13. Legishtion ARecting I.ender's Rights, li' enactment or. eapiration of applicable laws has the effect of %�
<br /> rendering any proviSion of the Note or this Security Instrument unenfr,-�:,�ble aecording to its t.�.-cns,Lender.at its optior. � ; :,
<br /> ms►y require immediate payment in full of aiF sums secured by this�e�:�,:rity Mstrument ancE*�.�y invake any rernedies � � '
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender eaercises this opiion,L:nder shall take ihe steps sneci�e�!i�ihe secpnd paragraph o�
<br /> paragraph 17. ,
<br /> . 14, Notiees. Any notice t�Borrower provided fot in this Security Instru:eTer.t s'.tal!be�t:en by delivering it or b} �
<br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law reyuites use of ancther method. The notice shall be directed to the
<br /> Propeny Address or any aiher address$orrower designates by notice co Lender. Any aotice ta L.ender shall be given by
<br /> first elass mail ta Lender's address stated herein ar any other address Lender desi�Rates by notice to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> ' provided for in this Security lnstrument shaA be deemed ra have been g�ven to Borrc►wer��r Lender when given as provided
<br /> in this paragraph. •
<br /> I5. G�terning I.nw;Se�erabilly._._This.�ecurity_Instr.ument_�halJ be govetned.hy federal law and the law of the--��- --- --- -�--�-�--��-- - -
<br /> ----�- �-----�- :----.�--��--------� �---�-�
<br /> �uasdiction in whirh ihe Property is located. In the event that any prov�sian or clause of thiti 5erurity Intitrument or the
<br /> No1e canfl�ets with applicabte Iaw,sunc�onflict shall not aPfect other prav�sium oi'th�ti Security Instrument��r the Note
<br /> which ean be gsven effect without the conflicn�g prdvision. Ta thi`end the provisu�nti nf thi�5ecunty lnstrument and the
<br /> Note are declared to be severabte. ,
<br /> 16. Borroser's Capy. HUrruwer shnll be R�ven�ne���nfcftmeJ cupy of thr�tote and c►f"tlus Secunty Instrument.
<br /> . l�. Transfer of the Propeny or a F3eneflcial lnterest in gurrower. !f a11 or any part e�f the Nroperty nr any �
<br /> interest tn it is sold or tranyfetred(c�r if a benelirial interest in ilorrower ti;sc,ld�r transferred and Horre�wet.�ti not a natutal
<br /> person)without L�endei s prior written c�rtsent,l.ender may.at�t�c�ptton,reyu�re immed�ate payment tn fuU uf ali 5ums
<br /> secured by this Secur�ty Instrument. Nowever, th�ti upUun hhnll nut be exerc�ced hy I,ender tf exerctse is piah�bited by ,._ _____.,
<br /> federa!law as of the date oPthis Secunty lnstrument. � . � .
<br /> - if Lender eaercises thts apt�un.Lender shall give i3arrawer notice of�cceleratwn.'the nouce tihall pmv'tde a petiexi
<br /> . of not less than 30d3y�ftom tite date the rtc�nce ts dehvered nr mailed with�n whtch H�rmwer must pay aU�umti secured by
<br /> this Security Insvurnent. IP Borraw��P�ils to pay these sums pnar tu the exp�rat�un of this perlud.l.ender may invoke any
<br /> rcette�tes permitted by this 5ecunty instrumertt aithottt fufthet tintire or deman�l i�n Hdrrower, � �
<br /> 18.Borrower•a Right ta Rtinstate. !f If�rruwer meets certain cnndui�ns, tinrr�wrr shal( have�he nght t�have �
<br /> � enforrement of this 5ecunty Intitcument discontinued at any hme pnar to the earl�er oP.(a15 d��s fur tiurh uther penod as
<br /> � epplic�ble taw may specafy f'or temstatement)befote sale u!the Yroperty patsuant te�any puwcr��f salc conta�ned�n tbts ��C:
<br /> 5ecurity•lnstrument,c�r!b)eniry uf r��udgmem enforcmg this Secunty Instrument 'i hu�e c��nd�uons arr th;�t Dnrrower. .�.
<br /> (a)pays Lender ali sums whiCh then wuul� be due undet th�s Srcunty Instrument and the Nntc haJ nu acrelera��un ��
<br /> ix:cuned: fbJ rures any default ��f any nther c��.�enants ur agreements, (cJ pays all e�penset �nruried m erifutctng th�s !
<br /> 5ecurity Inslruenent, including,but nt►t litn�lec�ta�; rea�unaFile:+tt�staey�,� �CC`S, dfit�FtI)tttk�w�tiuEtf aiitUb aS I.i7ti�Ci ttfay �4
<br /> veastrnah{y° requfrr tr�a�tivre ihat the i�en �f th��Sc�:tiraty iii�[tumeui. I.e��Jet'� ri�hts sti tf�e Fr�z�uriy �ud I)urr��wer'� :_ _
<br /> obltgat�ni� tn pay thr cums tiecuted Ay tb�s !+e�ut�ty Iu�ttt�rnenE �hail canftnu� un�h:�n�cd l'�m rcirttitatrtnc��t h�
<br /> - ifotruwe►.tFnti Fecurity in�trurricut:�u�!thr ut�ligat�ati�ctcuttd herehy cirail rernaitf fulh �ffecli�r.s�if n�•;��e k-1era�trf�i�a�i
<br /> .
<br />. �currcd Hr,ic�c�rt.tiiii.'il�hi iE�reirntaie�iialrr���r�r,�,ry�«�h��-d�C�,r����ctcr,►itr�r�ur�c�cr ��t:►�raF�h�. 1 z��r E"'
<br /> . . ' �
<br />