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<br /> . . . � : � � 90--101'7�9
<br /> UxtFORM Cov�t�x[s. Borrowa and I.ender cavenant and�agre�as follows: - � � �
<br /> (� 1. Payment of Pstncipd aad Interes�Prepsyment and Late C1�arges. Borrower shafl promptly pay when due ,
<br /> � thr prir�cipts�of t.�d"mtetest on thr drbt avidenred by the Note and any grepayment and tate charges due under the Note.
<br /> . 2. Faads far Tue�s�d a�ce Sublect ta applicabte law or to a written waiver by Lrnder,Borrawer shaii pay �
<br /> ' io La�der on the day nionthly paymenu ase due under the Noit,unti!che Note is paid in fi�ll.a sum("Funds")equa!to
<br /> onaiwelRh of: (ay.ytarly taxes and assessments which may attain priorily over this Security Instrnment; (b) ytarly .
<br /> lasehold paymtnu or ground rents on the Property,if an�r; (c) yqrly hapard insuranee premiums: and (d� yearty '
<br /> mortgsge insucance premiums.if any.These itrms are calird"escraw etems."Lender may estimate the Funds due an the ,
<br /> • buis of cturent data and reasonable esamata of futurc escraw items. �
<br /> The Fuads s6all be hel+d in an institution the dcposits ar accounts of which are insured or guarantad by a federai or
<br /> stste agatcy Cnctuding Lender if Lender ss such an iastiivaon).Lettder shall apply the Funds to Qay the escrow items. �
<br /> Latda may rtot charge fot holding and applying the flinds,anatyzing the account ar verifying the esctow items.nntess
<br /> . Lender psys Borrower interest on tlie Funds and apptiea6le taw permits Lender tQ make such a chargr. Borrowu and
<br /> Len�der nwy ag�a irt writing that interat skalt be paid an the Fvnds. i3nless an agreement is rreade or applicabDe law • ,
<br /> roquires inter�st to be paid,Lender shail not tie required to pay Bosrowcr any:r:�at ar esrniugs an the Funds.Lendu .
<br /> shsll give to Borrowa,withont charge.an annuat accovnting of the Funds shoa::t�srr.dits and debits to the Funds and the � � _ �
<br /> _ pyrpnse f�sxhich eac6 dehit ta the Funds was raa4le:'f't�Fnnci�sstpl�lged ss a3diticss�a!sects�ty for thr sums sccuret!by �_
<br /> thisSecurity lristrument.
<br /> If the amount of the Funds Add by Ltndet,together with the future monthl�_payments af Funds payabte prior to ' '
<br /> the dae daus of the escrow ittms,shaU excad the amount required tv pay the escraw items a�ts!dae,the excess s�CaII 6e,
<br /> , at Horrowet's oprion.either prompily regaid to Borrower or credited to$orrower on montY�—y�ayments of Funds.Ic the � �
<br /> amaunt of the Funds hdd by Leader is not sufficient to p,ay the escrow items when dur,Borr,�Rxr��+av to Lender any � � �
<br /> ataount necessary to matce up the deficiency in one ar more paymrnts as reguired by�.ender_ . " ' '` " ` °"
<br /> ...
<br /> , Upon payment in full of aU sums�ured by this Security Instrument.Lender sha�g.�mptly refu�d to Borrower
<br /> ' � any Funds hetd by Lender.If under paragca3h 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender;.�.ender shall apply,no later _
<br /> than immodiatei�priot to the sale of the PTaperty or iu acquisitie��y Lender.any Fura�s�efd by Lender at the time of
<br /> � application as a c�ctit against the sums sec�ret�hy tbis Security Instsument. •
<br /> 3. Appliation ot Psymeats. �?�?ess applicable!aw provides othern�a��a��mts received by L�ender under
<br /> paragraphs 1 aad 2 shall be appiied:fiss�,s�tate charges due urider the Note;secc�r�,ta�i�aymrnt charges due under the �
<br /> Notr,third,to aiznaurits payable under ga�g�ph 2;fourtb,to interrss due;and last,to prir.cipa2 due. �
<br /> 4. �C6arges�I.iens. Borrower s�lil`gaay all taxes,assessmenu,charges.fiaes and imgositions attributable to tt�e �
<br /> Property which rnay attain priority.over�iis Security Instrument, and teasehold payments or ground rents, if�ty.
<br /> Borra�wa shall pay these obligations in the r.:a^.ner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower slhall
<br /> pay them on time directly to the person occ�ed payment.Borrawu shall promptly furnish tn�dder all notices of amounts �
<br /> � to be paid under¢R�is paragraph.If Borr¢3ver:aakes these payments directly,Borrower shall�promptly fi�rnish to Ler+�tler
<br /> receipts evidencin�i'he paymenu. � �
<br /> Horrower shall pramptly discharg�any Jien which has priority over this Security instrument unlas Borrower:(a) � � -
<br /> agrees in writing to the payiaeaaa of the ob�igation sceured by the lien in a manner acceptabte to Leader;(b)contests in good
<br /> faith the lien by.or defends a&acs:st e�a�;,esrsedt of the tien�n,legal praceedings wbich in the I.ender's opinion optrate to r —
<br /> preveat the enforccment of th�lien ar.a��turt of any part of the l�operty;or(c)secures�r3m the holder of the lier_an '
<br /> agrament satisfactory to Lerlder suborrldn��ng the lien to this Saa:�ity Instrumen�If Len�Hxx dttermines that aay gari�f �� . '
<br /> the Property is subject to a 9:�a which r.iay astai��resity over this Security lnssrument,�xnder may give Barrow�r a '�
<br /> notice identifying the lien.Bozrower shall satisfy t!:e li�or take one or more of the actions set forth abc3��e within 10 days
<br /> of the giving of notict. - .
<br /> S. Harae�iasuranee. Bonow@r�lh�ll keep the improvements now eaisting or hers�'ter eretted on the Property � ���
<br /> insured sgainst tass by fire.hazards inslu�i within the term"eatended coverage"and any oL.�r hazards for which Lettder •
<br /> requires insurance. This ansurance sha:fi'!�e maintained in the amounts and for the period�s that Lender requires. The ''+ �
<br /> insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Horrower subject to Lender's approval which shall not be '
<br /> unreasonably withhefd. ��
<br /> All insurana policies and reneww�s�haU be acceptable to Lender and shall inclezd:�standard mortgage clause. `
<br /> Lender shall have the tight to h�td the p�o:�c:es and renewals.If Lender requires,Borrowes s�ll promptJy give to Lender � �
<br /> all roceipts ot'paid premiums anA re�eewa�natices.Jn the event of loss,Borrower shall give presmpt notice to the insurance
<br /> carrier and l.ender.Lender m�y aseake prQOfof loss if not made pramptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Horrower othc��st agree in writing,insecrance proceeds shall t�e�pplied to restoration or rqpuir
<br /> of the Propesty damaged,if the restvration ar repair is economica:.:�feasible and Lender's�s�uurity is nat lessened. �f�Ihe
<br /> .. _._ --�---. ...-------
<br /> restoratioe or repair is not economically feasible or lxnder's security would be lessened,the�insurance procatls shall be - �- � - �- --�---- =��-�-- �
<br /> appliuf to the sums secured by this Secnrity lnstrument�whether or nat then due.witt�any excess paid.to Borrower. If
<br /> Borrower abandons the Propeny.or does not answer within 30 days a notice from l.ender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> offered to settle a claim.then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds.l.ender may use the praceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security lnstrument.whether or�oi then due.Thr 30�day period wiU begin
<br /> when the notice is given. �
<br /> • Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any application of praceeds to prinripal shall no1 eatend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payme�ts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amoant c�f the payments.If
<br /> under paragraph 19 the Property is acquirod by Lender,Bonower's right to any insurance polic�es�nd proceeds resulting
<br /> fram damage to the Propeny prior to ihe flcquisition shaU pass ta C�nder t�the extent of the sums secured by lhis 5ecurity �- -`— - `
<br /> lnstrument immediately priot to the acquisition. ,; '
<br /> 6. Pretecsation and Matntenutce o!Praper�;Lease6olds.. $orrower shall not des�ray,damage ar substantially �
<br /> change the Pra�erty,allow the Propeny to deteriurate or commit waste. if this Security ]nstrurisent is on a leasehold.
<br /> . $oru►wer shalt crosaply wit�;.�I:P�ru�isiavs oi'the tmse.and if Borrower acquirec fee title tn the prot+er�y,ehe IeasthothanA
<br /> fee titfe shall nai��erge unless Lender ag.rees to the merger in writing. , �•
<br /> 1. Protee2ian ot I.teder's Righta ie the Property: :Nortgnge Insurance. If �rrower faits tu perfornn the
<br /> L covenants�nd agreements eontained in this Secunty lnstrument,nr there�s a tegal prextedmg that may sigmficanUy affect �r
<br /> Le�der's tights in the Property fsueh as a prc�eeed�ng in bankruptcy, probate, for eondemnatiun or t�enForcr taws ur ��j
<br /> tegulations).then Lender may do and pay for whatever is neressary tn prntec�the value of the Property and I>ender's nghtc �
<br /> in fhe�Praprrty: Lender's ac�tans may inrlude pay�ng any sums secured by a lien whirh h�s pnor�ly isvCf (I11�SCCUfiiJl �
<br /> Insirument.aypearing tn coun.paying reasanable attc�rneys'fees and entenng nn the Pr��d-ty tc,m�ke repaus Alths�U�h �u'�
<br /> Lender may lake actiU»ustdev�hts haragraph 7,l,ender dt�es nc�t havt to do sc� ' r"
<br /> Any amountsd�cbutst�i by l.ertdet under tlrw paragrttph 7 sha!}hervmc addrtrc.rta!�iebt c+f t3orrvwer cecured bp ehn �
<br /> SeCUr�ty�Instturttent.l'nitss butt��wer and i_endet agtee to ather tr►ms of�+ay mrnt,the�e amn�m!��haU heai intrrrtit GEmt '
<br />• tht date of disburcement a� Ihr.N��tC rafc encl shall t�e rayahte, ui�h iaitere�t. u��nu �,:�:t;:r trum l enclrr ��� He�tt��uer
<br /> rcyuebting payment ,
<br />:_ �
<br />