. �y�;ca;�:�.��r��t ��� . r� T ,
<br /> -- �� �t�Y${�L54P:�ui�[i�i��l]f�l.¢E'�4aSC' Z�'W3�iYC�llR�i� �^+.,� :�1.�.'�?i"`.':j�: x�'�.�` �38�ts s?� � #`��F� w�-�Z��4�L �
<br /> — — — _ _ �a��T+��.-iSS�b ,�`"'-
<br /> -- — ����c �� _ -
<br /> . .t _—� '-- . . � . �` . ` �.
<br /> No'�-UKtFORN CovE!v�!�'t5 Borrawer aad Lender further covenant and agree as follows: -
<br /> 14. AocetRtatIon; Remed3es. t.eade� shall Bi�e �ottee �o Bo�rower pdor to acceteraetoa foltowtag Batrnwtr•m'
<br /> Drac�of�ay�oreeant oe a�eeseat in this Scca�it!IesGrnmeac(bat not p�fAr to acceierat�oa under puagraphs 13 and IT
<br /> . us{as appifrable taw prnddes Qtlerwt�el.73e eotTce sball specifY:(al the detaul�lb)tAe scNon reqaired to cure the ��
<br /> deiau[t;(c/a date,nut tess thaa 3Q days twm t�e date t6e notice is�nn to Borrower.by�rhich the deiantt npust be cured:
<br /> � � and(dl tbat fiilare to cnte Ne�ettuft oa or befoee the date spec�ed In t6t aottce msy resuit in a¢ceteration af the sn�es
<br /> secured dy t6ls Secqrity iestra�eent aed sale oi the Prooerty.'Che notice sl��furtDer iniorm 8orrower of the right to
<br /> � retnsqte sfter acceteraiion tad tlte rigM ta brteg s caurt a�on M assert ttte noa-esisience o!a defiWt as aay attter
<br /> ' � delease ei Borrower to�cceleratioe and sate.[t t6e defiult is aat cured oe ar 6efore t6e date specif ed in Mt notice.I.ender
<br /> � at its optioe e�ay reqaire ImmedLte p�ymeat in fal!of dl sueas secnred by this 5ecurity lastrumtnt wit�oat fvrther .
<br /> O 'demand aad msy in�oke.the power of salt aad any othu nm�dies permItted by appiica6le law.I,endu sful!be entitt�d to
<br /> 7"I collect a11 eipeases iu�amd In p�rsuiag tbe remed�es prostded ie t6is para�sp6 19� inctading, but eot Ilmited to.
<br /> � � reaSOn�bte aKOnteps'fees aad aosts of title e�[denca �
<br /> � U tLtE pawer of sate is is��otced,Trostee shaii record a aotice of de€ault t�eac6 eouaty�n whic6 aey psrt of the
<br /> � PraOtrtp is tocated and shap�1 copies of sucb notfce in t6e maaQer presc�ibaf by app�iable taw�to Borrow�aad to tde
<br /> � other persans prescrt6ed bq sppiiable i�w.After the time required hy applica6te 1�w.I'�usOct s6a11 ghe pn6lic notice of
<br /> � swle t�the pe:sous and in the maeaer prescrtbed by appiicable I�w.Tn�stee,+►[ttiout demand oa Borrower.st�ll sell the
<br /> Property at publ�c suction to the 6i�est 6lddu st t6e time and place and uader the te�ms designsted ie t6e notice of sale in
<br /> oee or more parceLs aed in aey ordtr Trustet determines.Trustee msy postpone sale of a!i or s�ny parcet of We Property by
<br /> pu6l�c announcemeat at t6e time wd ptace oi any previously scheduled sale. Leader or its desigaee m�9 Parc6ase the
<br /> � Propertystaay�al�.. - —--<< - , `
<br /> Upau receipt of paymeat of tbe price bid.Trnstee shal!deiiver to the parcha5er"�irastee's t�eM conveyiIIg t�e - - —
<br /> � Prbperty.T6e secIWs ia the Trastee's deed sbali be prims fuie erFdtnce uf We trut6 of tlte sdttemeats madt t�erein.
<br /> Trustee s6a11 apply the pmceeds of t6e sale in t6e tollawing order:(a)to�ll expenses of the sale.inctuding,6ut aot�ited
<br /> � to,Tn�teds feas as perm�by Applicable law and r�sonal�be attoraeys'fees;(b)to all sua�s secured by thiv�e�cdty ,
<br /> Instrnmmt;aad(c)any ei�ss to�e person or persons tegally eatitted to it. � �
<br /> lA. Lea�cter in Passession.Upon acceleration under paragfaph 19 or abandonment of the Property. �.e�.der(in , �'`�;�
<br /> � person,by a�e��r by judicially appointed receiver)shall be entitIed to enter upon.take possession of and mar_�ge the ,
<br /> Praperty and tc.�?�a.lect the rents of the Pcoperty including thase past due.Any rents collected by[.eet�der or the receiver
<br /> �shall be appli��sst to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection ot'rersts,i��luding,but not -
<br /> timit�to.rer�c�'s fees.premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonabte attorneys fees,and then ta*w:�sums src�:red by ' _
<br /> this Security I�::ment_ . ", ,
<br /> . • 21.Re��eyanee.�1�on pa5trce�c of all sums secured bti cEsis Securiry�tnstrument.Lendet shaU request Tr•,�stee to � ,
<br /> reconvey the Prti�pe�ty an�G1z..�1 surrender this 5ecurity Instrument and all nQtes evidencing debt secured by this 5ecurity . .
<br /> � Instrument to"Trnstee.'�"r�:sc•�shall reconvey ehe Property withoui warranty and without charge to the person or persons
<br /> legalty entitIed!o it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordacian costs.
<br /> 22.5r.�tute Trustee.Lender,at�u option.may from tiaee tio time remove Trustee and appoint a succasor trustee � �
<br /> to an�T�'els`��.pointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in:�:e county in which this Security Instrument is re��3rded. '
<br /> Vl'��,,.-�..>yut cais�eyanee of the Property,the successor trusta shall succeed to all the title.power and dus�es conferred upon
<br /> Trss�ee herein and by applicabte law. _ '•::"
<br /> 23. R�t for Nolices. Borrawer requests that copies af the notices of default and sale be sent to Barrawer's �:�`�`��
<br /> address which:s t�se�roperty Address. , • • ,
<br /> � 24.Riders to this Security Insst�anea�If one or more rideas 4re executed by Borr��e:and recorded together with : "��.
<br />, �this Security Instrument,c�se covenants a�d agre�stsents ot�each such sia:z s�i��e incorporated into and shal{amend and ,;,�
<br /> sup�tement the covenan[s a:�d agrcemenu of t��,5�cunty lnstrumeni as,��the rider(s) were a p�.:t of this Security � ��
<br /> Inscrument.(Check appticabte bos(es)] �
<br /> _ � .�d,�;stable Rate Rider [,1 Condominium Rider � 2� �Family R�der �. �.
<br /> .
<br /> ,
<br /> (] Gra�uated Payment Rider � Planned Unit Development Rider , - :�.
<br /> ,L{`,i•
<br /> ��� ❑ OtTi�r(s) (specify� ' I�;r•����.
<br /> BY S1Gl�INt3 Bk.LOW, BorroGeC accepts and agrees tu the terms and coverY:rss contained in this 5ecurity .
<br /> Instrument and in any rdr�t,$)executed by Borrawer and recorded with it. ' �
<br /> <
<br /> .. ........................ ..... .............. .................... :.; / ...�.�..��� - ..✓.....) .................. .(5ea1)
<br /> ... . ...... ....... ..... :� .��. .. . .....
<br /> �s,�ck A. Pfeifer , —BOnowe►
<br /> .------........... ... ... .__..._ ...... ...... . ...... ..... . _ ..... - - - . . _..-- -�- - - - _ . --- - - -. ... __. .---..--�---...------. .._.. .
<br /> ................................................................. .................... � :`-.*.cr... ..� ...� . .. ..................... .(Sea11
<br /> � ... . . .. .
<br /> Jo E. Pfeifet ��/� —sorro,.e►
<br /> STATE UF NEBRASKA. Hall C�UUilly SS:
<br /> On this 2nd ��y ui AP�'il .ly gd, befare me. the undertiignrd. � Notary Pubii� � .
<br /> duly commissionedand quatified fvr said county,persc�n�lty�camr Jack A. pfeifer ar7d Joan E. pfeifer,
<br /> Husband and UJife . ta me known ro he the
<br /> identicat personl�) whoss name(s) are sub�cnbed tn th� forrge�ing instrument and acknnwledged ►he cxrcun��n ' ` '— --
<br /> thereof to be their ��oluntar} act and deed. �
<br /> Wimess my hand and notarial�ea{at Grand Tslan�, Nebrask� in caid�vun�c.�hc
<br /> date afaresaid. .
<br /> ,
<br /> My C�m iiss' NOT r�;h� . . ��If�f , ,�
<br /> WILt1El�� .... ....... . ... . . ... . . . ... . . . . . .. . .. �
<br /> L �'�YComro frp x::y t? , . ���a��, P��hi�. �
<br /> �........,...._ k�-:UUkSY' F=ttk l2����!)yt,'Z:Y.4'.v('f
<br /> �r
<br />- Tc�rt�t:tirrt , �,.��
<br /> r� ihe unders�g�ied i4 the i�4�ide� �+f ati�• n�>ie ur nufe, 4ccurcd by th�. !)ced ut [au�t. ti.i,� uvte ur n��t���. �c�,�thc•r
<br /> ccrth.iii afther�n�fr.htrttnes�,:ecnrcd hg-thi;. ()ect3 ht i ruu,hacc h:en r3iit]Ti t��ii. 1 rzii,ire Ri•r;�.c tfirc�trti t���,�n, �;:;rr;f ;,� _ �
<br /> r�ut� ��r rrnt:�t ;uut �h�• tic•s•�J ��F (r�i.t, c�h�:l��.itr �!c•t�:ert�i! t�,rrn�, .urtt t�=r•..i•ri���, :ti�tl���iu s�.�ti:tnts. ,t�l thc :,ra-:
<br />_ in,.� i�ci�f i,�, ,�,u :r;xli; �1��. (1����1 ��t ftir,t lc, �ht� ;.�.,r���r1 n� l•ct�•�n•, i.•ir.tll: .,�r��t;.I 'h,;_! � ..
<br /> Uale
<br /> . �
<br />