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<br /> � If i.ertdv required mortgage irssurance as a condirion of making the Ioan secured by this Security Isrstrument, �
<br /> r ' B�orrower shal!pay the premiums required to ms�intain thr insurance in'effect unti!such time as the requirement for the
<br /> insurance terminates in accordance arith Bortower's and Lender's written ageement or applicable law.
<br /> 8. Inspection. L'ender or its agent aray make t�asonable entries upun atid irispections of the Prcperty. Leader
<br /> shall give Borrower notice at the timrof or prior to an inspection sp�ifying reasnnabte cause far the inspection.
<br /> ' 9 Condemnatfon. Ttie proceeds ofany award or claim for damages.direct or consequential,in connectiun with
<br /> : any cortdemnatian or atl�er taking of any part of the Property,or for convegrance in lieu of condemnatio�►,are hereby
<br /> assigaed and shall be paid ta Ixnder. ,
<br /> In the event of a tntal taking of the Property,xhe proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Securi�y �
<br /> Instruraent,whether or not then due,with.any exoess paid to Bosewer.In the event of a partial taking of the Property.
<br /> unless.Borrower ait�Ixnder otherwise.�in writing,the swns secured by this Security Instrument shall 6e reduced by
<br /> ! the��unt of the procc�eds�Itigfied.�_r�foltawin�fraction:(a)the total amount af the sums secured immediatety
<br /> befarrthe taking,di�i�ied by fib}the fair�;-�et valae of the Property immedsately before the taking.Any balance shall be
<br /> paid ta Bonower.-`: � . . . _
<br /> [f the Prc�u abandoned by Barcower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the.condemnor offers to
<br /> . � make an awar3 dT�;�'e a cIaim for damages.Barrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the autice is
<br /> given,Lender is�-,�r�€��u.-���rSiec;t and apply the pr�ceec�.�,at its option,either to restoration or repair oF�he Property or
<br /> ' to the sums secuzer3tti chis5a�ity Instrument.whether.as riot then due. , � . '
<br /> Unles�I.�.�;�and Fi�rrdwer otherwise agree in writing,anv a.F�tication of procecds t�L Lsr�,�cipal sriall not extend nr ' .
<br /> ; � postpone the dkr c��:.of i�e monthly paymenu referred to in par~�:.��s 1 and 2 or change t3�a,Lcir�eunt of such payments.
<br /> . 10., Borr�:1i� Keteased; For6earance By Lender���g Waiver. Extension c+r.'t::e time��r payrnent �r .
<br /> � modifieation of aii:anizar'.���,e�.f the sums secured b�:it���urity Instrnment granted by.�knder i3.�:�:successor in
<br /> . . interest of Borrower shal!n�L r�erate to celease the li�-�;�of the originat Borrower or$orr�;�rer'.s suc,�.�cis.in interest.
<br /> ` � . ,- Lender shall noi be required to co�mence proceed���a�ainst a.1�successor in interest:.�r s�efuse to eaiend time for :
<br /> ., payment or otherwise modify amortixation of the sums's���b�-ts.iy Security Instrument by�r�ason ofan�-��ssand cnawe ' '�
<br /> :by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in i��e.�::�s�ia^�ance by Lender in exercising ani`r:�or reme�y ' � �
<br /> shallr�s.beawaiverofarprecludetheexerciseofanyr�.2Lt:csreh:ed�-�. ,. � �
<br /> : . `.��. Successors and Asslgas Bouad;Joint and Se�ral Iaa'S�sty;Co.signers. The cavenants az�'z�`reemcnis of ' � ' �
<br /> this Ss.z:rTty Lz�s�,;�tent shall bind and benefit the success'c�rs and a5�.�s flf Lender and Barrower,subject t�p;�e.provi�ans �
<br /> i of para�ap?� �Y_t�anowei's cavenants and agreements sirall be jainr�i3 several.Any Borre�u�:r�t�o co-sig:st:nis Seca.^�y . "
<br /> , Instru�ent but dces not eaecute the Nate:(a)is co-signiag this Sec�rFty Instrumer_L onty�t�rn��atgage;�ra��and cartsey "
<br /> � that 8.�ower's inierest in the Property under the terr�;s c�.�this 5ecuriry Instrur�a:t;(b)is narpersona�s�;�:igated to pay f-.���;`�:
<br /> , ihe surss secured by this Security Instrument;�and(cy��rees that Lender and any ather Botrower ma��5-ree ta extend, -
<br /> � modify,forbear or make any accommodations with re�rd to the terms of'this Security Instrument or the Note without =-
<br /> : thatBorrower'sconsent. .
<br /> 12. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> charges� and that law is finally interpreted so that the interesi or other loan charges collected ar to�e�collected in • -
<br /> � cannection with the loan exceed the permitted limits. tiien: (a)any such loan charge shafl be reduced Lr;the amount °
<br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;a:�d t?�)any sums already callected Prom Borrower which exceeded ': ''�
<br /> . permitted l�mits will be refunded to Borrower. I.ender may cht�ose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed . � ;
<br /> � under the Note or by matcing a direct payment to Barr�wer.If a ref���r:duces principal,the reductian will be treated as a �
<br /> partial prepaym�nt without any prepayment charge under the Note. , � , ' -
<br /> . ` 13. Legistation ARecting I.ender's Righis. Et e:actr.:e�t ar expirsP.it:.� �f applicable laws has the effect of ;
<br /> � , rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Insc:�.~��.�.n�:.°orceable a�cotd'mg to its terms,L.ertdgr,at its optian, . ' ��
<br /> may require immediate payment in foll of all sums sec::e� �s,.c�;,L,Security Instcument ar.c� may invoke any remedies . ' ','�� `
<br />, . ' permitted by paragraph 19.If Lertdet eaereises this optio~�,i,ei:Cer snall take the steps specifie�in the second paragraph of �x?�
<br /> paragraph 17. " , . -
<br /> ' . �l4. NoHees. Any notice to Horrawer provided.fi;r-ca this Secutity Instn_:ient shall be given by�tictt;•rering it or by ���<
<br /> ' mailuig�t by first class mail unless applicable law rer�uir�.s use of another method. The notice shall be directed ta the ' �'��'�
<br /> Propetty Address or any ather address Borrower desig:.2:es by notice to Lender.An�notice to Lender shall be givcn by
<br /> , first class mail to E.ender's address stated heaein ar any other address i,cnder designates by nct�c�to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> � � provided for in this Security lnstrument shalt hc decmed to have been given to Dorrower ar I.,e::�tet when g��•en ag provided
<br /> , in this�;aragraph. �
<br /> . 15. Governing l.sw;Severability. This Security fnstrument shall he gotic-rrted by�!e���2:iaw and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Praperiy is located. ln the event that any provisiun nr clau�e aF th,�s�ecurity lnstrument or the
<br /> . . ...... .... .. .... . . . .
<br /> . . _ . .
<br /> -�-� �� ate conflicts witt�nppticable law;3uch�canBict sriall noi af�ect ot�he�-piovisions o1'fhis Security�Instrument�or the Natc�
<br /> which ean be give�t effect without the confliciing prnvision.To this end the provisions of'this Security lnstrumeat and the
<br /> Nete are declared to 6e severable.
<br /> 16. iiurro�ver's Cupy. Botrowcr shall be given one conformed c�py uP the Nyte anci of this 5ecurity Ins�rument.
<br /> . 17. Trantter o!the Property or a BeeeRctal Interes! in Borrower. If all ur;�ny part u1'thc Prc+perty or uny
<br /> . . interest in it is sold or iransferred(or if a betteficiai interest in aorrower is sold or Iransferred and Hurr��wer is not a natura!
<br /> ' person)without Lendet's prior written consent,Lender may.at its aption. rcyuire immedialc payment in full oiall sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. fi�wever, this�ptian shal)n��t he eaercised hy i.cndcr if exercise is prohibittd by
<br /> federal law as of the date af this Security lnstrument. ;-_ __--_._
<br /> � !f Ixnder exerei�this option,lxnder sh�ll give gorrower natice nf arcefer�tinn.7`he ne►tice shall pmvide n periad . '
<br /> of not Iess than 30 day�Gnm the date the n��tice is delivered or mailed within which Hurr��w�cr musl R�,y�i1�um5 yc�ur�l hy
<br /> this Securi�y[ntilrurr►ent.lf Hurrowet fails tn pay these cums priar t���he expiratwn nf th���x:ricxl,Len�ier may�mnke any �
<br /> remedies permitteci by Ihis 5eeurity lnstrument with�ut furlher notice or demand im Anrrower. �
<br /> . l�.&��o�vet•s Rigtet t�t Eteisstslc. tf li�ss�rwer r�ccts rerta'sn e�►r�c�{tic,►i,.F#i+rrrnvrr�iraii�r-a�e tfre right tcr hsvc -
<br /> enforcement of'this Security Instrume»t disc�mtinued at any litne privr t�the earGtr nT:(a)5 day�(ur Such ulher per��n!as �
<br /> � applic�ble iaK may specify fnr reinstatement)befare sate of the t'r��perty pursu�nt t��any puwer of sale c��nta�ncd in thi�
<br /> Secunty Instrument;ot Ib)emry�jf r�judgmrnl enPi�rcing this 5ecurity In«runiem. "i'h�nc conddumti c�re tha! B�urower:
<br /> (a� pays t.ender ali sun�t whtth then xould!ie due under this 5ecurity fn1lru�rrent anci t,hc Nnte had no�ccderal��m `�
<br /> accutre�9: �b�cure�:,ny ��fa�f� ��f any n�ht�r cnvenants or �greementc; (c1 ���y�aU capentie� �ncurred �n cnii+tcii�� 11tts ���`p
<br /> Security� Inftrument.�ncluding,but n�it lim�ted tv, tra��mabte atturrieyti fecti:and (d��:�ke�.uch.ich��u;�� I.en�ier nt,iy t[t
<br /> tr��on�bfy reyuue tn acsurt IFwt Ihe I�en uf th�s 5ecunty lnctrument. I.endcr'� r��ht4�n tiie 1'r��per�y :�ii�l lie�tn•��vc�r'� � fi
<br />_ obliRati�n ta �t.�y 4i�e ti�ril+ stcurec!`by tEn4 �;.YU[i!} (ntitrait�e�! �+h;�!! cF,tife:suE• unehstr�e�# E=��•�� rr��T�tatctn�nf 1.�-
<br />. 13nrrt�a�t.�li��tircun�y tnctroment auci tt�r vh1�E�atu,n5�ecured i�erehy�h:�i{tem�nn fuli}effE�a�ze.i�rf n��.���rtrratrnn h;►E! • �
<br /> <<G;�urc�i HA�a.rccr.11�t�tr�:6t tti te�n�l�ite ch:i!!tt��t:�ppt}�rx Iiac�:ISt li�:IItCIf'f.7fl��t�tllf�If�r{�.�►�t:i:���!>, 1 ;r,� }? �
<br />. �
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