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<br /> , UNtFORM COt EPiA1�7S. BOitOw ti eIld LRitd2r COVEn3Ilt 3tld 3giCe 35 fOl10a 5: � �
<br /> . 1. Psyeneet of Principat aad Interes�Prcpayment�nd Ltte C6arges. Bosrower shsll promptfp pay when due `
<br /> the principal ofand interest an the debt r�7denced by the Note and any'prepayment and late chaYga due under the Note. �
<br /> ?. Fands tce�'ues and I�suranc�. .Subject to appficable law or to a writter�waiuer by Lender,�ottQwer shall pay �
<br /> � to Ixnder an the day monthly payntrnts are dut tuider ttie Note,until the Note is paid in futt,a sum("Funds")equaf to � �
<br /> ane-t�eeifth of- (a)yrarly taxts and ass�,sments which mag atta�n priority over thss Security tnstrument; (b} yearly
<br /> leuehold payraents or ground rents an thc Property, if an};(c} yearly haxard insurance premiums; arid (d) yearly _
<br /> - irrartgage insm�nce premit�,if any.These items are calte�°escrovic items_"Lendas may estimate the Funds due o�e the �
<br /> � basis ofcurrent data and reasonabte estimata of future escrow iterrts. •
<br /> - Th�Funds shat�6e!1tieEd in an institution the deposits or ac�aunts of which are insured or guaranieed by a federa!or
<br /> state ageacy(incIudiag�:tiidu if Lendet is such an institution).I.ender shall appty the Funds to pay the escroa items.
<br /> Lender may�ut charge for holding and applying tht Funds.analyzing tltc�ccount or�erifying the esciow etems,uniess � �
<br /> :,'>,�''. �- Lendes pays Borrawec intesest on the Funds and applicable law peimits Lenzter to make such a charge.BarroweF and �
<br /> " Lender�t�tay agroe in writing that interest sbaU be paid on the�Funds. Unless an agrcement is made or apgI�cable law
<br /> ���,;�!�.;, �"� requires interest�to be paicl,Lender shall not be requircd to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Fas�ds.I.ender
<br /> '" shatl give W Bono�cer,withoat charge,an annual accaunting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the �
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are ptedged as additional secueity fos ihe sums secured by
<br /> this Sxurity Instrumen� - `
<br /> If the amount of the Funds held by Leader,together with the future monthly payments of Funds payable prior to
<br /> � the due dates af the escrow items,shatt exce�d the amount required to pay the escrow items when 8ue,the excess s4all be,
<br /> at Borruwer's option,eittier promptly repaid ta Bonoarer or ccedited ta Horrawer on monthly paymer►ts of Funds. If the ' _.
<br /> amount of the Funds held by L.ender is nat�s to paythe escrcfR it�ns when due,Borrower shalf pay to I.enaer any
<br /> amount necessary ta make up the defrciency iT�csr�nore pagments as required by Lender. �
<br /> . Upan payment in full of alI sums secure�t by this Sec�-'sty Instrument,I.ende�s[tatl promptl,v refund to Borrower
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.If under paragaph i9 the PropestF is sold oi acquired 6�i:ender,Lender shall apply,no later
<br /> than immediately prior to the sate of the Praperty or iu acquisition�3�.�.eader,any Fnnds held by Lender at the time of �
<br /> applicationas a credit against the sums secured by tliis Security Instrar�.;:�.� _ � �
<br /> 3. Application ai Payments. Unlcss applicable 1aw p*ovides otiierwise.all payments received by Lender under �
<br /> paragraphs 1 and Z sha1l be applied:first.to late chazges due under the Not�seccmd,to prepayment charges due under the
<br /> Note;third.[o amounts payable under paragraph Z;fourth,ta ir_terest du�and last,to principal due. '
<br /> 4. �,fistrges;Liea9. Borrower shall pa�:ll taxes,D x � s,.,;�arg�.s,fiaes and impositions attributable to the
<br /> Property"wbich may attain priority,aver tbif S�curity Insr_-��*��'��.-��teasehold payments or ground rents. if any. .
<br /> Botrower shall pay thae obligations in the m�.y�providEd�xis�gIi?,or'if not paid in that inanner,Borrower shaA :
<br /> ..::: , pay them cn.qi�ne directly to the perso�c owe�payinen�Bor�:��is�aU gramptl�f,u:�ii�to Lender all notic�es of amounts
<br /> , j'.t;� � to 6e pa*'rt uui�r ttiis patagraph.Lf II�oirroaer makes t�ese j.lii,,r•TM_.enu directiy.Bor.a�ca shaA promptly fumish to Lender �.
<br /> "�.,::,r: receipts ev��cing the paymenu. ' �
<br /> Borcower shall promptly discharge any iien whieh has priority over tbis Security Instrument unless Soirower:(a) , �
<br /> agrces in wciting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good .
<br /> faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the tien in,legal proceedings ahich in the Lender's opinion operate to ` -
<br /> prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture af any part of the Property;or(c)secures from the holder af the lien an ' �G
<br /> agreement satisfactory to Lender subord'mating the lien to this Sccurity Instrument.If Lender determines that�ny part of ,���
<br /> the Property is subject to a tien which may attain priority over this Se�irity Instrument. Lender may give Borrower a � : =
<br /> notice identifying the lien.Bdrrower shall satisfv�,he lien ar take ong or cr:ere of the actians set forth abave within 10 days
<br /> of ebe giving of notia. � r��
<br /> � S. Hatitrd Iasurance. Borrower shall kee�the ir���.�z-ements naw existi����rhereafter erected on ehe Property `
<br /> �, insured aga:nst loss by fire,hazards included wit�:c�r!.':e te�ce."'�e�tended c�:,�e.�age'z:::z:�y other hazards far which Lender . ;
<br /> ��equirts insurance. Tt�.is insuranee shall be m�;�:*:zined in the amo�::>t� ::.�t.� far the periods that Lender requires. The
<br /> �»�surance carrier praviding ehe insurance shall be chosen by BorroaW�L;ect to Lender's approva�which shaA rtot be � ;
<br /> unreasana6ly withheld. � � �
<br /> � A;�insurance policies and renewals shall be arcepz�L to Lende�and sh�!E i�clude a standard martgage clause. � " �
<br /> l.e�iQer w�.¢i'have the right to hold the policies and renewzl's L�Lender requires.�J.cntwer s6a11 promptly give to Lender �''
<br /> all r��of paid premiums and renewal notices.ln the e��ent of lass.S+3rrower sha"�give prompt�notice to the insurance . „��
<br /> �:�rier a�.sf ixnder.Lender may make proof af loss if not made promptly 4su I3orrower. r �
<br /> � �:�;ess Lender and Borrowes otherwise agree in writi;,:�,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoratic�n ot repair ` �
<br /> ; � of the Pr��tiy damaged.if ihe rc�u:ration or repair is eceacr::cally feasible and Lender's security is not les.�ed. lf the
<br /> � resioratr:,�m,c;r repair is not econom3ca11y feasibie or Lende�3�c�::r.��woyld be lesseneA,the insurance proce�aYs shall be � ��
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Ins;sument.w::rt:er e:n;cc rhen due,with any eacess paid to Botrower. lf
<br /> Bonower abandons the Property.or does not ar��t�►_r within 30 days a w�.�tii:e from L.ender that the insurancc carrier has
<br /> , offered to settle a dair�,ahen Lender m3y collecr rl�e insuraace aroceed�.�.crider may use the proceeds to reparr ar restare
<br /> the Prope�ay or ta pay sums securer;�y this Sec�rity-lnstrumr.n:t,-whet�eror not thc�due.-The s�J-�day-peric�J vaill begin- �� � � -- ����--��--�-��� � �� �
<br /> . . .------- --�when the aatice is given. � .
<br /> 11d1css.Lenderand Enrrower otherwiseag.ee in wrt:r�,any appticatifln af proceeds to pri�cipa3 shall not extend��r
<br /> postpone the due date of the rrtonthly payments refeired to i*�Saragraphs E and 2 ot change the amaunt of'the payments,lf
<br /> under paragraph 19 the Property is acquired by l.ender.Bore+awet's right to any insurance policies and prnceeds resulting
<br /> from da,mAge to the Propeny prior to the acyuisition shalt p3ss to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secutity
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to�he ucquisition.
<br /> 6. Preservatton and:1+tatntenance ot PropeHy;Leasehaldy, Horrower shall nnt de�,�ray.damage or suhssantially
<br /> change the Ptoperty,allow the Property to deteriorate ot commit waste. If this 5ecurity In+trument is on a teasehoid: ' �
<br /> • Borrower shall comply with the provisions oPthe lease.and if Horrower aequires Pee titic to the Property,the lea�ehc�ld�nd .
<br /> fee title shall nat mrtge unless Lender agrees tothe merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Pratectton ot Lender•s 1tlp,hts ie t6e Property; 4iartgpge lnsurartce. If Iiorrow�er Pail� to perfnrm �he
<br /> covenants and agteements conlained in this 5ecurity Instrument.c�t there iti a leg:�l ptcnecJ�ng Ihat may si�mficanNy af1'ecl �
<br /> _ 1.enQer's rigfits in the Propettv tsnch as a praceecting in k�nkroptcy, pmt�ate: t'rr cc�n�fetnnattrn rr to eaforce t�c�s nr . � '
<br /> regufations).th�n Lender may dci attd pay for whatever is necessary tc�pmtect the�alue��f thr 1'rc�pert��aud Lcnder's nghtti � ,�
<br /> in the Properiy. l.cti�der s ucttc�ns may include paying any sutrts serured t+y s hcjn+.lurh has pn��ntz ��+.cr�h�ti Security .1'r
<br /> � Instroment,appearing i»caurt.paying reasunahle att��rneys'fec�and entenng vn Ihe Prorerty ta make rep��rti. Alth<�ugh ,
<br /> I.tnder m�y takc action under th�s rar�graph'�,t.cnder dc�es nvt have f�►do«� '
<br /> Any amnuntcdishn►sed Ny l,ender under thn paragraph 7.chu11 t+e:��mr.iddin��e�al cich<<�f HotrE�«rt ucurrd hy th�ti �
<br /> 5e�urity Insirurrient.UnJess t3or.ruw�er and i.ender a�rec te���thrt tetm�of�+aymerii,ilre.r;sm�+unt�s�raii i•�,,r r�i�e�c��k�mr
<br /> , , the c�ate �Pdisbursemcot at tF►c Nptc ratc arid ahall he pa�ahie, ���Ih intt�sctil. up�•�i n��lt�c h���n i c�xEcr t�+ Hnrr�.acr ��
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