�a`�,�f_. �'�=` :art,�t�r`'�..i�.c�.� �t`,;�_.'.�`'=3�YUiN"�L�Y�'Jft-t-�Y;ck&b,an�-Nh,cuid�(Pi's.�i�*f.� � _1, -+, L_`c S ; . Wr`�.C' ` ��ts � ,r}d''3�`'��i`.��
<br /> ,}� rE" � ,4, �
<br /> "i_4_�'lfl'c 4�G�a�17� '�:�`sa��xbl ��c�.,�Cl��v.l��� A�- r.._'is`-'6L=.�6a,�----_"---_
<br />.._.-.. .—. - . . - . .. . 'C.. ' __ _-____ . .___ _ _ __ . . _— .. . . . . .
<br />.. -___""'� . . ' , . . ' ` '� '_.'_ __� ' . " '_ '__ , '� �
<br /> , � - � � - �.. ` g�� �101C�t�. � .
<br /> - NowUrtlFt�[tM CovENtwtuTS.Borirowet and Leadet further eoveaant and agree as follows: , � �
<br /> , . 19.Acahsattoe; Remedtes. I.ender s6aU$he not�ee to Horra+rer prfor to occeieration foltowtag Borrow�r's
<br /> � hreacA of�sy ca�Enaat o►a�eemtnt in thisSecarity IAShnmenE tbut not prfor to acceteration nader parsgrap�s 13 an�1? � .
<br /> : � ant�s appiIcable taw proddes oti�trwisel.'I�t aattce shd[spedfy:(�the defaWh.(b)thr action req�ired to cuse��he
<br /> ; � dsfant�tc)a d�te.eat tas tb�e 30 dsps�rom the date tlee noLlee is gireo to Borrower,by w6lcf�tice defiuit must be cured; • ' . .
<br /> ae�(d)th�t fiilure to�re the defanli on or Deiare t6e dste specified in tbe notice may ravlt In acce[erat�oa of the sams�
<br /> secand by this Securlty instrument and sate of the Pmpertyr.11ie notice s�11 imt�tr inform BorroRer of the riglit ta
<br /> rei�t�ftes ae�i�oa asd t6+c rtg,6t m 6rieg.a coart�ctton to assert the non-ezistence of a default Qa any ather
<br /> � ` defsase af Borrawu to acoelcrntloe and.s�la If the tlefiolt is aot cured an or 6efore the date specifled in the not��Lesdts �
<br /> �t ita opt�on msy reqa�re immediate psymeat in iufl oi�alt sums.seeured by this Secor[ty Instrament withont fiuthcr , .
<br /> � deacand�ud esay t�ofce the powa of sate and aay other rened�es perntitted Dy applfcable law.Lender sh9ll be eatitled to :
<br /> � co!ltct all tx�eases fecurred iu paraoiag the remtdie�pro�i&d in this pungiph 19,Incindin� 6n! aoi limliwi to, . •
<br /> . reasonabteattoraeys'fas andoosts oftitleenidenc�:� � �
<br /> . If tbe poAer of sate ts fa�oked,Trastee ahall record a aotice of dehult in eac6 connty in wfifch any:•put of the .
<br /> Property u[aeate�aad sball mait copies of sac6 notice in the mnnnner prexn'bed bp�ppUaibte Ii+v to Barrnwer and to t6e
<br /> . other persons prescrli6ed 6y applicable taw.After t6e time reqnired by appItcable[aw,Trastee s1�gire pab9ic notice of '
<br /> sale to t6e peesons and in tt�c m�naer prestn'bed by appl�c9ble la�r.Tsostee,withont demand on Borrow�,shall s�U the
<br /> Propert3►at pablIc anction to the bighest bidder at t6e time aad pl$ce aad under the terms designated in t8e av�ce of sale in
<br /> ode or more pucels aad tn aay order Trastee determines.Trm�tee n�:��stpoae sale af all or aag�rcel of the Peoperty 6y
<br /> public�nouncement at the time�nd ptace of any preFFaaslg ��`fT�r]sale.Leader or its�ignee may p�frc�se ths� "
<br /> :.:,•,
<br /> Prapertyttanpaate. � • �--- ���' �;�'.� ' � �
<br /> Upon receiRt.of paynteut of the prite bid,Trastee��t�:�r to the purchaser Ti�a�ee's deed canveying the
<br /> Prope�ty.The reait�tls in the Trnstee's dced sball be prno�fACi���ce.of the truth oi tfs�s;tatements made thereln '
<br /> Trustee sbill apply ttie praceeds af the s�!!e in tlie followfng order:faf�ta�sall e:penses of the sale.iaclIIdin$,but not timited � •
<br /> to,Trasta's fces as pernutted by appi�csble taR and reuonsbte attoraeys•fees;(bl to all sams secared by t6is 9er�rity �
<br /> < -Inst�aAtea�su�d(c)siny escess to t6e persoa or persoas legally entitled to iL
<br /> � � �ZO Lender in Po�sessIos. Upon acceteratian under paragraph l9 or abandonment of the Propert}, Len�er(in •
<br /> persan,by agent or by judicially appointed receiverj shall be entitled to enter upon,take possession of and maazge the •
<br />" ' Property and to collect the rents of tbe Property including those past due.Any rents eo}lected L�v Lsnder or the iec��c�
<br /> shall be applied first ta payment of the casts of management of the Pmperty and collection af'�nts,including,.liut R�t �
<br /> . limited tq,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonabte attorneys'fees,and t�ea�co the snm5 secured� ' - .
<br /> . this Se�ity Instrument.
<br /> .. {.
<br /> � �1:Reconveyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Secnrity Instrument,Lend�r shall request Trustee€o .
<br /> reconvg�the Praperty and shaU surrcnder this Security Instrument arfd all notes evideacing debc4ecured by this Securit} _ .
<br /> Instni*:+�C t:o,Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey ihe Property without warranty and without charge�to the person or persa� �
<br /> _ ' .� .�egaSYa�s:t�4ed to it.Such pecson ar persons shall pay any rcear8at's.csn custs. , :.-_- '
<br /> -Z'�;Su6stitute Trustee.Lender,at its option.may f'rom t�me to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee �
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the eounty in which this Security Instrument is reccnded.
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property,the sn�cessor trustee shalt succeed to aA the title,power:�d duties confea�red upon _
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicable law. •-
<br /> , 23�Request for Notiees.Borrower requests that copies nf the notices of default and Sale be sent to Bnrrower:s �. -
<br /> address svhich is the Property Address. , _�
<br /> ' Z4.R�ders to tdis Security Instrument.lf one or more riders are executed by Hort�o�e�.:.rzd recorded together with :; '�;
<br /> ,;this$ecurity lnstrumen�the covenants acc��xeements of each such tiii»rr shall be incorpor�e�s i:nto and shalI amend and .
<br /> � ' ':�suppl�tent the covenants as�ci s.�e�ztyenrs'cG this Security Instra:��t as if the rider(s}�:�e a part of this Security �` !
<br /> Instru.ra�t[Checkapplic,ablEl�ax�PS)j . � �
<br /> � �Adjustable Rate Rider [] Condaminium Rides ❑ 2-4 Family Rider _ i
<br /> � I. � ❑Graduated Payment Ridcr ❑ Planned.Unit DeveIap�nent Rider � � �
<br /> � �. �'�diher(s) (specify] . ��$R
<br /> , �'T3Y Stt;NiNG BELOw. Borrower accepts and agcees to the terms ar� covenants.cx�ntained in this Security �� �
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)eaecuted by Borrower and recorded w�it h it. � ,
<br /> .... .........................................................:............ ...��1/.�....���,�[j�..,.................. ..(Seal) ,�
<br /> ....:....::... ...... . . ... ..... ..
<br /> � • . ' da L. no�.idis —eanower .
<br /> . � �.`,
<br /> ... ... . . _ ---------------------- - ..._.. .. _.. ._ . .._ _ . . .. . . ..._ ..-- - --/y�-- - . _. ..... . . _ _.... _. . _ . .. . ------- -� . .
<br /> . . ...`..... .......................................................................... ..�.����. ./..!�l.. .. .... `................... ..(Seal) .
<br /> � Steven A. Martoiidis —6or•o'"°' �
<br /> 5rntE ot NE xtens�n. - - Hal.l ('ount�� «:
<br /> On Ihis 19th day of' l�IarCh ,ly 90. bcf'orc mc. ihc anJrrtii±:ncd. a N��tary� Yuhlic
<br /> Ju{y cUmmitisirn��;d attd yualifird f��r.said cuutny.pertiunatty camc Linda L. td�no2idis� and Steven A. �
<br /> . Manoliais, each. in her and his own right, and as spovse of each /° .���1c k�������t u•hc�hr �--=__
<br /> . identiral per�onts) ��•husr name�sl .�re �uh�crihed tu U�e fare�:oin� intitrumrnt and .�rF.n�n+�led►ce�1 ihe etccuti�m
<br /> thcrrof tu be their . .�ulu��iary ac� and dred. `
<br /> Witness my hanJ and notarial scul at Grand IS18nd. �ebraska ' in�aid r�►anty. �hc ' '
<br /> date afr�res�id. � � - "' � ' I
<br /> 1 -
<br /> /�. .._ . . . _ . .. . � . � . " '_ � :
<br /> / /��
<br /> i�1}��.Oltllf11S510(1 CY IfCS: �- � ' � J � A //� �
<br />� i.� • r ` .�.: .'l �, j�/.��. . �� .t��.��f ,r``.'. �.. . . .. . . . . .
<br /> . ���If� . . .� ti�,,:�<< 1'�.�.t�_ �
<br /> ,prMee�.lY I:��t��:�Yfe�k tc��.c Nv��t�ar�c�i " r.
<br /> rt���k w0�•t�OSMtt.tll3 ,
<br /> . � �
<br /> ��#w utlEi�t+i}�t�Et! t4 tlti ta��tek't t�! llt,: ete�t� e.r iie�it't tii•i�le.s! !�ti lli�4 1lc�<! ��t Eta�.r ',,iic! :,��t, ,�� r�..,+•-; t��,�c!!�:s i'
<br /> � .
<br /> ��th ai�rth�r incfefirC�iir�•�.�:����fl(i�i�'1i� tri(�t�c�ti€�i i rii:i,ti,iL!'i*crn��iii rr tt�1f �i���ti tfi�fi('fi'�'C i�t`i,�i:F ti�:.�ti;i'fi..tii� �
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<br /> t�u�r f�,id 4�� }r.+r �tnd:•r ltn; 1l.refi �,f 1ru.t ic� t�n ���•r.��n a�i ;•; r.un I�c.ell. ci•iti�.f �L•��<<.• "
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