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<br /> � � � 90.- 1Q16�� � :
<br /> ^ !f I ercdtr requ'ued Rtartgagc insuranre as s condition of making the taan secuied by 4bis Security Insrrument. "
<br /> i Borrawrr shalI pay the premiums required to maintain the insarance in effect until sach time as the requirement far tfi�
<br /> insarance terminates in accordance witfn Borrowet's as�d Ltnder`s writtrn agreement or appJicabte taw. ' �
<br /> 8. Iaspe�tian. Lender or ets ageni may malce reasonable entries upon and inspections uf the Property. Lender
<br /> , st�ali geve Bcinower natice at tite time of ar prior to an inspectian specifying reasoua6te cause Por che inspection. _
<br /> ' 9. Candemattion„ T[ie proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct oc ronseq�eatial.in cannection w-ith�
<br /> any candemnation or ather taking af anr part of the Proper[y,or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation,are hereby
<br /> assigned and shatl he paid to�.ender. � .
<br /> In tke event of a tot�!taking uf the Property.the proceeds skatt be apptied to the sums secured by this Security � '
<br /> Jnstrumenr.whether ar rtoi thea due.with any excess paid to Borroaer. In lhe event of a gartial taking of the propert},
<br /> unless Borrower and Lender atherwise agree in writing,the sums secured bg t6is Security Ictsttu�rtent shall be rrduced 6y
<br /> the amount af'the prc�ceeds multiptied 6y the following fractiunr(ajihe total amaunt of�Fie sums secured immrdiatriy
<br /> before the taicing.divided by�(b)tttc fair market vatue of the Proper}y immediately before the taking.Any balaace shall be
<br /> ' paid ta Borrawu. �
<br /> If the Propecty is abandotted by Bonuwer,or if;afeer notice by Ixnder ta BorroRer that the candemnor offen tu '
<br /> make an award or settle a ctaim for damuges;:Hoaoiver fa�s to respurtd to I.cader within 30 days atter the date the aoticr is .
<br /> • given�t,ender is authorized to coltect and:�,s1:�ti�s proreeds,at its�a�ition,either ta restoratian or repa'u of the Frapert}ar
<br /> ta she sums�ecured by chis Security Inst�.�'�sfie#Ti�r.�not.t6C•ct due.,.. ,
<br /> • � Unless Lenderand Bb�erotherwiseagt�iit�r`iting,any ap�catui�'i�fproceeds to principal shalt not eatend or
<br /> � pastpesne the due date of th�ririciattaly payments referred to in para�raphs"1 ancf�?e�r change ihe amount of such paymenu.
<br /> , � 10. BonoRer Nat R�; For6eatance By I.ender ll'aL g'�atver.' Extension of the time for paymeat or � , . .
<br /> modifcatiaa af auwrtization of the sums se�i.vred hy this Secucit���"r�rument graated by Lender to any success�r in ` •
<br /> inta+est of Harrawe�shall aot operate to release the tiability of th��!?�"ss�al8otrowu or Borrower's successors in interest
<br /> ' � Lender sh�ll not Sc required to commence pmceectip�,s:agai�st any successor in interest or refuse[o extend� time for
<br /> , payment or otherwisemodify amartization of thesum,se�ured bg tbis Security Insiruraerlt by reason afany demand made .
<br /> by the original Borrowu or Borrawer's succ.�s,s;ir�it�c*:tierest.Any forbearaqce by Lender in exercising any right or reinedy . " �
<br /> _ :i.: � sball not be a waiver of or proctude the exeru5e�..��ny right or remedy.
<br /> il. Seccq�ors and Aseiigns Bot+a�'�'a�tt and Sevenl LinblUty;Co-slgeers. The covenants and agreertients of �
<br /> , this Security Instrument shall bind and ben�t the successors and asssgns oSLender and Bornower,subject to�hr provisions
<br /> of p�asagraph 17.Borrower's covenants autd agraments shall be joint and several.Any 8orcower who casigns this Securiry �
<br />. ' � Ins�tpment bat does not exocute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security instrument anly to tnart�age.grant and convey .
<br /> that Borrower•s interest in the Property undes the terms of this Se�ureyF.Instcument;(b)is no�persoruilly qbligated to pay
<br /> the sum&secured by this Security lnstrumrnt;and(C)agrees thut L�act�aad acty other Borrower may agree to exte�td. " � �
<br /> . modify,forbear or make any accommadations with regutrd to the ee�af ttres Security lnstrument or the Nute without "
<br /> ihat Borrowcr's consent. „.
<br /> 12. Loan Chargess. If'the loan secured by this Security Instrument is"subject to a luw which sets maximum laan . �
<br /> � eharges, and that law is flnaUy interpreted sa that the interest or other loan charges coltected or to be collected in -
<br /> connection witb the loan escoed the permitted limits.then:(a)any such toan charge shall be reduced by the amount -
<br /> necessary to reduce the cherge to the permitted timit;and(b)any sums already collected fram 8orrower which exceeded I' .'�'.:�=-
<br /> permitted limits wil!be refundad to Horrowtr.Lender may choose to makc this refund by reducing the prittcipal owed '��:—
<br /> under ehe Note or by making a dsreet payment to Borrower:lf a refund reduces principal,the reductian will be[reated as a +
<br /> partia!prepayment witkaut any pra�aymcnt charge under the Note. ;
<br /> � ' l3. Legi5lat�r� Attedtng I.endct•s Rtghts. If enactrt�arot�v expiration of applicable laws has the effect ut' �
<br /> rendering any provision af tt�e Note or this Security Instrument ur_e�Faseeable according to its terms,Lertder,at its aptiun, �
<br /> • may raquire imrriediate paym�!t in full of all sums sece:r�d by this Secudiy Insuument and may invoke any remedies s,.. .
<br /> , perimit�ed by paragraph 19.If Lender exercises ihis optian,P�erCer shap take�he steps specified in�he second paragraph of ' ; :;
<br /> , 'Q�rd�raph 1'f. '�,�,,,,.,
<br /> � 14. Notices. Any notia to Borrouer provided for in this S�:urity Insirument shall be given by dclivering it or hy
<br /> maiiing it by first class mail unless applicabte law reyuires use oF�nother methnd. The nmice shal) be dirrcted to tl�c '� .�'.r
<br /> � Pra�crty Address or any other address Sorrawer desz,,anates by notice to Lenttee.Any nuticr to Lendcr shull be givcn by �� '�%r
<br />_ � first r.lass mail to Lender's uddcess stated herein or any otheraddress Lenderd��:gstates by nntire t��I3arr�wer.Any nnticc ,�
<br /> provided for in this Security Insnrument s�ea9!be deemed to have beer..gaven to Dorrower or l,rnder when givrn as providcd �
<br /> in this paragraph. . .,.
<br /> f5. Goveaa8ag l.aw;Scvernbllity. '�iis Sc+o�tity lnstrumes�.shal)be gov�rned by f�eral Is�w and thc law of'thp
<br /> ' jurisdiction in whish the Proprtty is lpcated. In the ec�.�t that any provisiot�o.*ccause��f this Sccurity lnsirument or Ihr
<br /> Note conflicts with applicable 1'�w,such conflict sh�Ft r,at affect flther pr�visi�ns esP this Srcuri�y Instrument or the Nute
<br /> - . . .------ whicb can�be given effect withaut the conl;::�341g�100DS=9:l: 1'o-this�end the pr��visiuns�aPihi!;Sccuriti'Ift�ituq�te�li-:fdil Ih�.. ... . ..-- -- -- _... .
<br /> Note a�rc declared+,o be severable. . '
<br /> � 16, Boms�wer'8 Copy. Harrower s3�aU be given one ccs^fuc�ed capy c�P the Nc�tr a�id��i�his Srrunly in�trununt.
<br /> 17. Transfer ot the Praperty a►a Beneficial tntrrest ia Pl�irrower. !P all at�ny part i�i'�hc Ya�per�y ur :�ny
<br /> intcrest�n it ts sold or transfcrrcd(nr if a beneficiai iuterrtil in Hurrower is tiu1J��r tra«stcrreJ and ll�uru«cr i�uut:�n;dw;+!
<br /> �+erwn)wuhuut l.ender'c pricri wtitien r�nsent.l.ender tu:�y,�t its uptirni.reyui::itnu�ediute paynunl i��fuU uf.ill,um.
<br /> rt�:ared by th�s Security lns�rument. Nt�wevet,thiti apliu�s sh:�ll«ot b�cxcrcncJ hy l.end�r il'�exrrci,r i,pn+hihitrJ h�
<br /> feder.i!lawasofthedateuflhisSccurity lrsstrument. ' '
<br /> i[Lender exereis�this�ptiun.Lender shall give garn�wer notue uPaccelera�iou."1'he m�tire sUall pruyidc a pr�u��! :---�-
<br /> otnot less than 30 daysfrom the date�hr nu�ice is deliveri�ci ar maited within which Uorruwer n►ust pay all.wm�ecurcd hy� '
<br /> �his Secutity lnsirument Ii Bnrrower fails t�p;�y these sums prior to the cxpirati��n�rf thiti prri��d.Lendcr may m���l�r auy
<br /> , rcmedies permitted by Ihis Security Instrumeat withnu�fucther ifntirr r►r demand�►n Horruwrr. � �
<br /> � 18.Durrower's Ri�r,ht b tteinstate. IP t3aru►wer rnretti certein cundqrun�, lintru��cr�h:�ll hacr ti�c r�ght ���h.�.r � �
<br /> . etFfuicemen!nf this See:uritp Intitrument di�r,�mtiauec!at any time�rigr tn the ea[lt�r e�f:!:s)5 el:sytitc�r uuts:sst:rt�u r�+�!.i� -
<br /> • appluable law may sprrify fi�r remstatement)hefi�re sale��f`Ihe I'roperly purtivant tu uny p��acr nt'tialr•un�:unr�) u►th�� � « �
<br /> � Se�ur�ty Ins�rumeni.or(b)eutry af:�judgrnent euForring thic Security Intitrumeot 7'ha��ci»t��liuu+.�re�i�:�i {t���r���.�•r �r
<br /> (:s) pa�•s I.rnder �li sums wh�eh then wuuld t►e duc under �h�ti Secur�ty ln,trun�en� and etu• Ni�ir h.id u�� ac�:cir�eu,�,� ��
<br /> nccutrr�f. Ib►currti any Jefault uf.�ny r.Iher curcnants�,r agreementc. (�)�,,�,;,il r�prr���itti�ttrreEi m rnt��r�ir�� thi. �
<br /> tiecurits Incttwnent.�nclud�uR. hut nut hrmted t��. rca�un::Me altotnryti frr,. :�uJ!.�}I I.�kc-��uE�h.u-tam a� 1 i�ritcr m.�t ��
<br /> reas�,oehl� teywre t:�A��ute Il�at Ihe Itra��f �ii�.tircutt�} lnstroment. I.endr�`� i•r�iitc �n thr 1'nq,c�t} ��id U��rr���<<�i � : ,j�t5�
<br /> � ���,
<br /> �,bltir,�siun tE, p,�y the .urati Stcute�f h} th�� Sr�uni4� Ih�ElUtttet►t til►:iU �n��linur unEh;�nt�r�, 1'�ua �e�ur�:�trne�n� L�
<br /> Ifr,;tfrwrr.�h��Se�ottt} lu�trumcnt:uid tht��htiF�.itti�n:�.��tiu�cd I�ucby sti�ll icte�.:i}e Full� 4fTk�t�1e.s.�t s�<t.�E�:eles��tr�=i�h;fei� - :.• .
<br /> �•��e;rree} (��=�seort,th►;nghf tr.trtr�Lstt-tit�a{t t�td ar�rty�u tttr:.��t°nt.i.tcFer:��t�,�t,nnl�t para�r.�{�ir� i�t�� ! '
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