. . : . � .
<br /> _. . . . �-
<br /> - ,
<br /> � - -- � � -
<br /> _-.= -• -------- - ----- -— - —-- -- - -— -- - ._. .-- ---- -
<br /> �� -— ---._ - -•- -----
<br /> - - _ . . _._... _.... . �_._ - -- - --
<br /> � �
<br /> j ` Nort-UtvtFORMCovElv�t�7s.BarcowuandLemderfurthercovenantandagroeasfoftaws: � � �� � `
<br /> , . � . 19. Accete�attos; Re�edfes. Lend'tr sBatl giv�aat�ct to Borrawer prior to atcelesatio� [�o1lowIag Bor�owec•s ' � - - -� �
<br /> � 6rssc6 ots�Y co�eaa�t oc aae�e�t�s�'Securtty Iasisumeat(6ut aot prior to ucetent�oa uede�pssayap6s I3 and 1T .
<br /> uatas�ppliea6fe!tw oioildES othe►wtse.Ttie eottce s6a1!specify:W t6e de[aulh,l6)the actlon required to cure the � ,
<br /> detaul�(e3 s datt,not kss t6aa 30 days lrom the ditt t6e eotice Is givea¢o Borrowu.by w6tch the d¢tault raust be cuted: �
<br /> �� aad(dl that�failure to cure the defaWt on or before tbe date speci8ed ia t6e nottce msy resutt in acceteration of the sums `
<br /> . �! �+ecured 6Y tbIs Secu�t� iastn�meat and sste ot the Property.T�e eoticr saaU lurt6er inform BorroKer of ttre riyqht to .
<br /> Q retastate aRer accelerattnn aad tl�e si�Lt to brin�a conrt set{os to aue�t tbe aon�xisteace ot a detaWt or ar�y other '
<br /> � � &fease af B�rrawer to screteRtiaa=sd sate.t[t6e defiutit Is not c�ued on or�e[are ihe date spect�Fed ia the aotice.i.eader " �
<br /> . �y at its option msy require I�nmediste psynten!ia fY�tl of tli sims cecuted by tdis 5ecetty Iasirnment r►it6out further
<br /> p dem�ed aad may in�o�e t�e powu�sute uid asy ot6er tem�dt pertnitt�by�tppttcabte Isw Leuder shafl 6e rntitted ta
<br /> �y coikct dl t�eases�ac�rred ie p�uin�tbe r�mtdies provided in Wis partgr9pk 19. inctudia��aut aot Iimlted to, ,
<br /> . ra�eat�ty�fea�sdcatsottttkeiideaa. �
<br /> �� If t�p�es at sale is imo�ed,Trastee shi)raord a notice of dtfiult fa a�cb county in w6tcb any p*rt:of tke °
<br /> �� Ftaperty Ls taptcd�sds�aU�ail oopaes olsae6�otire�t6e�naer�►reserIb�d by appliq161e I�tir to Boriowesapd to the
<br /> u1�es perto�prescri6ed by ap�.Ucabte�tw.ARer ttie time rtqnired by applica6le Is�r,Trustee s1wll�gtre pabUc ootice of
<br /> sst�e to the persoas aad is t6e m�nn�praaibed by spplicabte t��v.Truste@;.wItltout demxnd on Borcaeer,shai!setl tbe �
<br /> Fioperty u pa�5lics�retlun to tAe 6ig�rest 6iddes at!he dme and plsae aad undes the termsdestgnAted ia t6e natice of sate in � �
<br /> ` oae os mart�retis aad in aay order Trostee dctenaiass.Tnutet�nsy postpaae sale o!�ll or aay pucel of the Property by
<br /> punti�aaaa�st at t6e time�nd ptste ai�y psevtoasly ccbedu4ed sa1e:Leader or its designee may purcha5e the • `
<br /> , Ptopertgats�ys�. .
<br /> .. - -- - - -- bJ�s�dDi Qf pssy�a!af.l8e�#tt b#d,.�'�tc�a�slt Q�rer i8 t�c p�;clr�ser�'rustee's d�#canvey�g t4Y� . -- ; --- .
<br /> � �pert�.'�e ieeftals ia tbe Troste�s�eed s6sU'be priaia facte evldrnce of tbe trnt6 of t6e st�tements made thereia. •
<br /> , Trasta sia�s�piy tie procads of tiesste tn the foIlowiag order:(a)to aU expeases of t6e sate.tacluding,but not limited ,
<br /> to,Trus���es�s oermttted 6y ay�ltc�6le bw aad ressaosble sttarntys'fee�tb)to s11 sams secured by t6is Security . .
<br /> F,�ameat;��iiid tc)aaq excas to t6e person or persoas[egatfly eatiNed to i� '
<br /> � � 2(l.Lender in Possesston.Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the�r��erty_,Lender(in , ,
<br /> . ����peisoR,by agrnt or by judiciAily appointed receiver)shal!be eatitl�to enter upon.take possession of scrd.manage the
<br /> Property and to coliect the rents of ttce Property including those pasE due.Any reats.caltected by Lender or ti�.seceiver
<br /> shal!6e appteed first to payrnene of ttce casts of management of the Property anct.�tfr�iion of rents,inctuding, but not
<br /> limited W.rectiver's fas,premiums on receiver's bonds and re2sanable attorneys'�ees,and then to Ihe sums secured by
<br /> chissecariiy inscrument. � . . � -
<br />. 21.�ecoureyan�e.Upon gaymsnt ot'all sums sccured by this Security Instrum�rit,.l.ender shap requesk�'f�vstee ta � : �
<br /> . recanvey ftia Property and shal)sumessQer this Security Instrument and all nates evide.acipg debt sscared by thix security � � .
<br /> ' �.Iiuttua�tet�i to Trusta.Trustte sha}f re�convey the Property withaut warranty and without chsuge tuRhe persunar persaas , ;
<br /> , . ::' tegai2y rntitted to i�Sucf�person or persons sha11 pay any recardation costs. ' � � r .
<br /> � 2�Substltute Trastee.I:endrr,at its opsion,may from time to time rmnove Trustee and apiiyint u suc��;s�s trustee �
<br /> taany Trustee appointed heriwndcrtry.at�instrument recorded in the county in which this Security rastrumer:c.i�r�rded. :. ,�:=
<br /> WithQUt canveyance of the Property�the successor trustee shall susceed to all the title.power and duties con!'ecr��upan ,
<br /> . � Trustse hercin and by app�llt�ble taw. . _-
<br /> ' Z3.RtqIIest tos NOtka.Borrower requests that copies oP the noti�ts af default and sat�be sent 7o Borrower's . �
<br /> addras which is the Pruperey Address. � � �
<br /> � t+�Atden to t61s Secartty Iash+uAaeat.JFone or more riders are executed by Baaaawer and iecotded together with � '�.�
<br /> this Security Instrument.the covenants and agreements af cacb such adu shall be inc�e�x:ated into and shaU_aur.�nd and �
<br /> ,. . f
<br /> supplemant the covenants and agreements of this Security lnstrument as if the rid�r(s) wece a�{a::r�o£ at�i�3ecurity
<br /> tnstrument.[Chxk applicable box(es)j � � ,
<br /> . _ � Adjnstabte Rase Rider � �Condaminium Rider ' [� �-� �':�miTk �tider � .�
<br /> . ;
<br /> • ❑ Graduated Payment Ri�r� ❑ Planned Unit Devetopmeut Rider " , �� ��'
<br /> . �Other(s) [spor6Tyj Ackn.awledgement � . " �
<br /> ;�:�;'..
<br /> BY SI�NINO HELdW, Barrawer accepts and agras to the terms and ca:�,��ts cuniaiaed in this Security � �f�•'#
<br /> lnstrument arid in any ader(s)eaecutod by Borrower and recorded witb iL � ;,�
<br /> �................................................................................:..,... ..r'1��`...:���«r�:--::;................................. Seal , .
<br /> . �� .•( )
<br /> f
<br /> ET�c A. SQ[►&OA —Borrower � • • •
<br /> ---� --�-�---.....__ .....-- - ..... ..--- �- - . . .. .i '' ,
<br /> �--------. ..... ;f:.r::':::�.�r.4:.;�;::::..`�,;:Y�nn�:::::.:.:..:.�.:..:.-:..::( .. ,
<br /> .. . ....--�--��-�------ Seal)._..... . _
<br /> .. .. . .. . . ... .
<br /> ........................................................................................ ...... _
<br /> ' ' .��BriBtte 1.• �2A8011 —Borrower
<br /> STATE Qi'N�ORASKA. Hell • COUllly SS;�;
<br /> , � , . . • .
<br /> - On f�is twenty-six�h dAY af March ,t9 90 , brfare rne, the undersigne�f, a Nolary F'ublir
<br /> , tfiuly rommissionccl and,q�;�fifieQ fvr said county.persnn�lly came Er2c A. Benson and Jeanet te L. Bensou,
<br />. � husband and wife . .to me knatvn tc�H�ihr �--�-—�� �
<br />. identica! person(s) whose namels.T:are subscribed to the foregoinb instrument and acknotivlcdged the exe�ution � �
<br /> S� thereof to be their voluntary art arid deed.. �
<br /> Wi�ness my hand�nd notaria!seal at Grand Island ' ���5����„�����y, ���� ,
<br /> date aforesaid. .
<br /> .. .. _ _ ._ . Y�
<br /> Mly Cammission expires: i-2-92 �r ': � L _�.. y . ... ,� .� .... . . ..
<br /> L fEiii�'1E�1AAY•SCi�Ot�t�i / ��'U/ :l�' �j�� ;-:�!:f.�'l? ' �./ ,
<br /> MAUGaeEf ni►.Uatl.ON RCQU�ST FOF� R� UI�iV�?YAfVCC hota�y I��j�,l�� . �
<br /> � � _ �G�.E��.1+►b?.1992 �
<br /> ��.
<br /> Thr unelrrsigt�c•d is the holde�nP ihe n��tr ur nc,trs secared hy thiti I)rrd nf I'►U!�t.tiaid n��te c�r n�•ie.,tE���c�l�e� F"� '�`
<br /> ,> �
<br /> witi�uli t±ll�ef indcbtrdness sceurcd hy lhis tyre�!i�f Ir���,l.(�aue hccte��ia!iei f:t(4. �'�.�tt a�r le�r:•!�c�)rrti•�trct t�=�.;tfi�E l�.tr�t
<br /> nntc�r'ntftrs�tiei �f�i�; tlei•d of�'rutt. tirbich.�fr�telivrred fecr�hy,and lu t�:c+�trtc�. «iti��•ur tk.�n.�r�i�, .�t1�hr ,•.r,,�,�' -
<br /> rtv« (tc�ld hy pc�u uu�4cr lt�ic fYcc�l4�f 1ruSt t4+lh�• pctt��lt��r (�t.t�t�t (c�v;tll4 k'11lE:icd tHrr�•!F•
<br />:._.... . �)Atf � ,. �
<br /> � .J.., --T--"s� � : Y-. --
<br /> , ,-� ..
<br /> �` �. �r`�. -- srrt��s,Z'L��./1? .�r�. � ,�- `�. .._f��-. ---
<br /> ::.
<br /> . . ' . . �, .. i . ' ._a. n. ' . - . ..,.. . _ � .-. ,,:. . .,- � ..r.��srn. � -i-� �. ,�—�, .,,:ca+- .«a-rn�r.w,�.�.vaws. -. ____.,
<br />