<br /> . .
<br /> -------- _ - � --_ - - --- - ------- --- -
<br /> — -_,_ .. _ ..--- --- -- - ' --- -�--- ----------- - ----------- — --
<br /> .:.�.._-. - . -----��-- ---. . , . _.- - -.-_ �
<br /> ' `UNIFaRM COV$NANtS- Borrowe�and Leadu cover�nt and agra as Pollasvs: � � �
<br /> ' � l. Paymeat o�PrtndD��iatcns�Prri�syareat�rni{.nte CAarges. Borrowrr ah:�ll prumpttY PaY�hrn dur �
<br /> Ehe principal of and iaterat an the debt evidrnced by ehe Note and any grepaymesnt and late charges due under thr Note.
<br /> ` 2. Funds ias7'�xq aad Insurance., SubJut to applicable!aw or to a written waiver by Crnder.BOY[OKCi S�I�U�1�}
<br /> , ,°� to Lender on th�day monthly payments are d�e under the Note,until thc Nate is paid in full.a cum("F�ends)equat tu
<br /> r oree-twelfth �fs (�)yeariy-taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this Sc�rity [nstrument: (b) }���arl}
<br /> ( �� teasehold�paymenu or�ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly
<br /> � rnortgage insurance premiums.iPany.These items are ca�led"escrow items."Lender may estimate the Funds due un chr
<br /> � �"�! basisafcurnntdataandreasonableestimatesoifatureescrowitrms. �
<br /> � , C�� Tht Fun�s skall be hdd in an institutian the deposits ar accaunts of which are insured mr guaranteed bs 3 fedzral vr
<br /> � ssate agutcy(incinding Lender if Ixnder is such an institution). Lender shalE appty the Fund�to�Say the cwcrow itrms.
<br /> � f t ' Lendtr may not charge for holdiag aad applying the Funds,analyzing the account or verifyi�g the eszrow� items. untc,s
<br /> � Lender pay�Harro�crer interest on the Funds and applica6k!aw permits Cec�er to make such a charge. Borcuwer:snd
<br /> � . l.ender may a�ree in wrii�ng thai interest shal!be�aid on the Furtds. lTr•Iess an ag'reement is madr or applicabtr Irw
<br /> requises�;tetqt to 6e paid.l.ender shall not be r�yuired to pay Barrawer any interest or eamings an the Fundc. Lender
<br /> shall give to Borrawer.without c�arge.an annuat accounYing osthe Fusds showing credits and de6its to the Funds and thr
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Fnnds are pledged as additional security far the sums secured 6} .
<br /> thisSecurity tnstrumen�
<br /> � � If the amount af the Funds bdd by Lendes.together with the futurr monthly payments oC Funds payable prior tu
<br /> . . the due dates of the esc�sw items.shall exceed the amount ra}uired to pay the escrow items when due.the ezcess shall br,
<br /> � � . ' at Bormv��'s optiQa��ixber praa�n�gtly repaid to Borrower or credited to Barrower on moathly�payrments of Funds.If'the
<br /> _ - _ _ - �, -., amouut ca�at�r Furx�3sr.13 by Lea��aoi�sienE w pay the escrow items wh�due.BQtrow er sball Qa�tes.�eder an�
<br /> , • • �snous�t r�sary¢�e�a�ce up the de�ciency ia one or more payments as cequired by Lender.
<br /> � : �pntn payruent in full of all sums secured by this Security Instr�ent,Le�der shalJ promptly refund to Bonouer � •
<br /> ' � a.zy Fu�3s itetd by Lender.If under paragrapb 19 the Ptoperty is sold ar a:.quited by I.ender.L.ender sha11 appty,no later � . � . . '
<br /> thus�rr�,3iatelq prior to the sate oP the Property or its acquisitian by lxader,any Funds hetd by Lender a¢ihe time of �
<br /> appti��iarxas a credit against the sums secnred by this Security Instrnment.
<br /> - 3: Applipttlon o!Paymeob. Uniess uppticahle_taw provides a�aherwise.ait payaients ceceived b��:ender.undrr. ' .
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 s�.a1f bc applied:flrst.to late charges dae under the�tivt�secand.ta prepay�ne�e r�arges due under the
<br /> Notr,third,toamouaESpayabte unde�paragraph 2;fourth,to interest dcs��i last.toprincipat der: - `
<br /> 4. Charges;Lieas. Borrower shall pay a11 taxes,assessm�[s,cTMrrges.�'s.t,,.es�d impositions attributabte to the
<br /> Property which may attain priority,over this Security Ins�eat, .�d��aselicid gray-rnents or graund rents, if any.
<br /> , . Borrower shall pay th�se obligasiou.�s in the mannet pravided in para��-!���a r,nr if not paid in�hat�naer,8orrower shali
<br /> pay them on time dira��fa Yh��serson owed payment.Barroaer s�a���pc�;rnptly famish ta Len�c�*c"i notices af amaunts
<br /> to be paid under this�a.�a�.~ruf.T:.:�f Horrower makes these payments direttly,Borrower shaU proi:��e3y furnish to Lenc3e� '' .
<br /> ':�:�.:�'.
<br /> •rxeiptsevidmcingthepay�r�-..�. �
<br /> Borrower shafl prumptis•dTscharge aay lien which Isa�'prsority over this Security lnstrument unl�&�rY,�H-ar:(u1 ' �•i ,;
<br /> agrees in wiriting to the�gayment of'the abligation secured by t�tt�Iien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)coht�rc in goud ; "
<br /> faith the lien by.or d�f�ds against e�forcement aP the lien in,legai praa.�.'•.�ngs which in the Lender's apinion operate to �
<br /> prevent the enfarcem�oP the lien or forfeiture of any part af'the Prepe�iv;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an `. '� �
<br /> agreement satisfactary to Lcnder subordinating the tien to this Security Y�strument.IP Lender determines ihaE any p3rt ut' '
<br /> the Property is su6}ect ta a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrumc�nt. I.ender may giw�. �,;:sruaer a
<br /> notice identiPying the lien.Borrower shall satisPy the lien or take ane ar mare af the actions set fanh atra�e K�c7�in 10 da��s ' -��
<br /> � -. -
<br /> of/he giving of notice. •..- `
<br /> � S. Hazard iesstsance. Borrawer shalt keep ihe improvements now existing or hereafier er�.�ec!on the Pca�xrty ,'�f'�li
<br /> insured against tass t�y fr•e.hazards i�ctuded within!he tertt�"extended caverage"and any ather haz:,rds for«�:ich Lrndrr '�ti
<br /> teqvires insvran¢e. T�is ensurance shall be maintairted in tE:;amounts and far the periods that l.endes r�uire.. The
<br /> insurar�s.e�amer pr�ti:��.irig the i:�surance shall br chasen by Botrower subject to l.cnder's approva!i+hic�: �h�it uut he
<br />, unreasonably with�:efd, : � '
<br /> , All inSuramce�so`;:ies and renewals shall be acceptable ta l.ender aad shall include a st:�nd3rd murtgage�lau.4- . ,'. `.
<br /> . Lendcr shall have the sig��i�to hotd the palicies and renewats.lP Lender requires,Horrower shull pramptly g:�•e to Lendrr . � '�....
<br /> all reccipts oPpaid premi�:ns and rec:wal notices.ln the event of tass,Barrawer shalt give prompt notice t�thr insuran�r ;�" �'
<br /> ' carrier aad Lender.i,e:�der may ma;ce praoP�floss iPnot made prompily by Hurruwer. ' '
<br /> , Unless l.endeca�d Borrower otherwise a;ree in writing,insurance pracceds shall be apptied ta restcira�iou��r rep:�ir �;'�� '
<br /> of the Yroperty dam���d,if the restnratian ar se�sair is economically f�asible and Lendcr's security is not lessenrd. If thc • . ��'�
<br /> restoration�r repair is not economicalJy feasib;e or l.ender's security wautd be lessened.the insurance procreds yhaU br
<br /> applied ta the sums secuted by this Security lnstrument,vxit�thet or nat then due.with any eaccss paid ta Bc�r�awrr. IP. `
<br /> Horrower abandans Ihe Property,ot does not answer wiahcc�sUdays a notice Pram l.cnder that the insur�ncc carrier ha, •
<br /> offered ta settle a claic^,then Lcnder mAy collecc�rn ineurance�roceeds, i.ender may use the pr�xesis tn repair or r�wt��rr �
<br />� the Property vr to pa�p:sr�rns secured by this�S«:�.*cry tnstrumcnt,whecfc�ar not then due.The ��d:fy prriod tvill brFFn •
<br /> . ,,
<br /> ---�- -�--.._._.Whenlhenatiseisgi��cr....---_..__._....... . _. .._... .. .. _.. _. .. .. .... -- � . ... .. .... ..... ..
<br /> ...._._.._.._..._...... ..
<br /> � Unte.s�Lender�nd Bwrowcr olherwise:�sre in writtrcL,a7y arp�:�:atinn of pti�xects 1c�Qrincipal shaU nut extend or
<br /> • postp�ne the duc date af the monlFa(y paymrnts sc�%rrecl to ir�:::agraphs 1 und 2 or c!'.:�^;+•��h�smount of the�Sayn�rm,. If
<br /> under psra�aph 19 the Prnperiy is ucquired by�I.���er.43rrci}��:er'x rigyi to sny ij:tiur;;.i.�:�}�;:f'4�cK and pr�kec�iti rc�ultin� '
<br /> Prom damage to th�I'ru�rty pric�r to Ihc ac4u,�ti,ir,�:�sh;�;]���s t��l.�nd�r ro t 6r rxtcn±�:%c}�t�.um:.�aurcd hy thiti 5rrur�c� .
<br /> lnstrument immcdiatet�-prior to the sryuisiti�.;��.� , ,.
<br /> ' � 6. �reserv�tion�ed l�tdatenance ot Pcr�er�;t.ea�bolds. 13c�stowrr sh�ll il��t destroy;damage or�uh�taatialiy
<br /> change the !'raperty.alfow the Pruprrty ta Bet«.�rr�_,aer or c��mmit waste, 1f this SccurNy lnstrument is uu a leatiehald.
<br /> Bnrruwer sh�11 comply with tHe provisi�ms of thi.•i�ss4c,and if 13orrower acyuires fee�itle t�i�he F'r��per�y,thr Ica�rhuld and �
<br /> • f<�r titlr sha11 nol merge unlesti(.cnderagrecs t�11t�:'�crger in writing. _-__
<br /> � '1. protection o! Lender's Rtghts in t�e Yroperty; 1�fortgAge lesurnncc. if il��rroaer Pails �u prtfi�rm thr �
<br /> covenants artd a�eements contained in this 5ecurity lnstrume��t.i�r there ic a ie�l prexcrding that may sigmfi�auUy altert ;
<br /> Lendcr's rights in thc Properly(such a5 a proceeding in bankruptry. probatc. Pi�r cc�ndemnatic�n vr to rnfi�rcr IsH.��r�
<br /> regulatinns).�hea Lender mby do and pay for whatever is n��cestnry ta�raicct the valui��f tlte 1'ropec{�and Lcndcr'�r�f:hty I___
<br /> ir� th�Y�6perly. Lertdrr s arii�ms may indudc paying any sums sccured hy a lien w�hi�n hati pr�nrit� o�cr thn Scruntq �
<br /> Instrument,appearing in caun.paying re�asuttabl�altorneys'fees and eutering on the F'rt+perty t��makc rcp��rti Attfi��u�ii ��
<br /> ' , l.ende�may take ac�ion under Ihis par�graph 7.Lender d��es ni�t have to du w.
<br /> � Any bmountsdisburscvl hy Lender under this paragr3ph 7 Sh�q become a�iditianat dcbt oS Hun�►u¢r secvrcd hy th►.
<br /> 5ecnrity tnsuurnent.tJnless porrnwer and Lendrr agrer tv uthrr trrmyuf paymcnt,�he�e amounts�hall bear�ntrrr.� Prnm �
<br /> the datc af disburscment 31 the Nute ratc .�n�l �h:�ll t+e payable. ��uh intere!�t, upm� n�,ttce Pre�m I.cnJer tt� li��rr��ucr �
<br /> �eyuesttng paymen�.
<br /> . i!'�
<br /> , �
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