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<br /> rIf Lcnder required tnartgage insurance a�c a condition of makrng ehe l�an secured by ths 5'!l�Isrity Instrumtnt, .
<br /> � Bprrower shall pay she pret�iums required to maintain the insurance in effert until such tirne as th�rtquirement for the
<br /> , , insurance termiaates in accordarice�vith Borrawer's and Lender's cvritten agteement pt applicalsle taw. .
<br /> 8- LispeEttue.� i.cader ar its ag�t may maice reasonabie entries upan and inspoctioas of the Preperty.Lender .
<br /> shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspcciion specifying reasonable ca�se for the inspectian. . . . _ �
<br /> 9 Condemnitioa. Ttte ptuceeds of ar�y avvard or claim for damages,dirert or cansequential�ia cannection witb '
<br /> � an}condemnation or other taking of any part of the Praperty,or for conveyance in tieu of condemnatian,are hereby' � _
<br /> ;; . assigaed and shall be gaid to Lender. - ' •
<br /> '�.=t� - - - In tht cvent of a total taking of tke Property.the praeceds shall be ap�liad to the sums secund by this Seeurity - E�
<br /> - .Instniment,whethu or not t�en due,with any eaccess paid�ta Bonower.In the event of a partial taking of the Property, � ,
<br /> ; nnless Banower and Lender otherwise agrce in writing,�he sums secured by this Security Instrumrnt ghall 6e reduced by
<br /> ; `% ' the aznount of the proceeds multiptied by the following fractiar-{a)the total amoant of the sums secured immediately
<br /> before the taking�divided 6y(b)the fair maricet value of the Prc��xty emmedidtely before the talcing.Any balanee sha11 be '. ,
<br /> . paidto Borrower. _ . . �� .
<br /> If tIte Property is abandoned by Borroaer,ar is,after notnce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oSers to ,
<br /> _ � � make an award or settle a cfana for damages.Banower fails to res�naa to Leuder witbin 30 days after the cfate the notice is � •
<br /> ; � given,L.endcr�is se�4hor+zed to collect and apgly the Rroceeds,at i�a�srion.either to restoratian or repair of the Property or .
<br /> , ' to the sums securo�by this Security tngtcusttent,whether or not ttieia due. � .- .,
<br /> . Unless Lender and Bosrower otherwise agrce in writing,izag�apptication of proceeds to principal shaU not extend or ". ' `
<br /> pcA�tposae the due date of the maontbly paymenis referred,to in paragcaphs 1 and 2 or cbange the amount of such paymcnts. , : �
<br /> �' 10. Borro�ver Not Eteleased;Farbearaace By Lender!�ot a d�Vaiver. Extension of the tnme for payEnent or . � , .
<br /> ' .. madification of amortizatioa of the surais secured by this Seeu��.1y Instrument granted by.Lender to any successor in ' � .
<br /> ' ` �� ' inierest of Borrower shatl not operate ta�etease the liability of ti�e mriginal�arrower or Borrowet's successor's in interest. � - � �
<br /> ' , Lender shall not be require�to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for � _ .
<br /> • payment or otherwise mo�dify amorEi�tion of the sums secured by this 5ecuri"ty Instrument by reason ofany demand made . � .�
<br /> by.:;lie ariginal BorFawer or Borrawer's successors in intecest.Any forbearance by Lender in e�ercising any right or remedy �
<br /> � � shaiI not be a waiver of or preciude the e�sre�cise of any�ight or reaeedy. . � �
<br /> ` . 11. Succeasors and ldssi�s Bousnd;doi�t an�{Sererai I.ia6itity;Co-sigiiers. The covenants and agreemertts of � , . � '
<br /> " � tEensSecurity Instrument shal!bind and�efit the successors and�ssigns of Lender and Borrower,subject.to tlte provisions ''`
<br /> , of paragraph 17.Bonower's covenanu astd agreements sha11 be joint and several.Any Bonower wha�us:gns this Security ;::,;':}.
<br /> � � . �4is�ument but does nat ex�s�te tEse Na#e:(a)is c"o-signing tAis Sec�rity Insxrument only to monga��grant and convey �.�'.'��-'�
<br /> ' thai Borrower•s interest in iffi�Propef4y�utder the terms af this Setarity[nstrument;(b)is noe persoi�ally obligaEed t�pay , ;"_';•��:'`:
<br /> the sums seeumed by this Security Instc�ent:and (c)agrees tha4 Lender and any other Horrower may agree t�extend,
<br /> � modify,forbear or make any accommadations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Nate without ' .
<br /> that Borrower's consent. � . -
<br /> , l2. Lo�u C�uges. If the loan seeured by this Security Instrument is subject t�a law whicb sets maximum loan ' =
<br /> � charges.and that law is finafly interpreted so that the interest or other�loan charges collected or ta be collected in ����L
<br /> ' connection witb the loan eacad the permitted limits, then: (a)any sach loan charge shall be reduced by the amount !���
<br /> neceasary to reduce the charge ta the permitted limit:and(b)any sums already caltected Prom Harrower which exceeded �Z-_
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower.Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing tFt�riticipa)owed
<br /> , unttet the NaLe or by malcing a direct payment ta Harrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reductior.�°;�Q be treated as a
<br /> par�:al prepayment withaut any prepayment�harge under the Note. . ;
<br /> 13. L,e�istatioa Afl'ecting I.ender's Rights. If enact,��ne ar expiration of applicable laY�s 1�as the ea$ya of � � ' • �'
<br /> rendering a.,•�rovision af the Note or this Security lnstrurnent a;^��forceable accarding to its terms,Lender,at its option. ' . , ;;,_
<br /> may require immediate paymrnt in full of all sums.�:�:ured by this Security lnstrument and may invoke any remedies �.:
<br /> itted b ara a h 19.If Lender exerrises this-•-�i��an,[.ender shall take t�e ste c s ecified in the second ara ra b bf � �`���
<br /> P� Y P Si'P -�,` : p. ,p p � P
<br /> paragraph 17. . ' �:�:; �, •
<br /> � 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thi.�Security Instrument sha!!be given by delivering it or by ''
<br /> ;.,.;,';';'.
<br /> ` � maiting it by first ctass mail untess a���ceable law requires use of analher methoci.The c�otice shaU be directed to the `:`��`;:�
<br /> � Praperty Address ar any ather address Borrower designates by noticc to lxndcr.Any notice ta Lender shall be given by � -
<br /> � � firs�t class mail to Lender's address stated herein ar any other address Lender designates by notice to Barrower.Any natice . � . �
<br /> . pravided for in this Security Instrument shaU be deemed to have been given ta Borrower�r Lender when giv�n as provided
<br /> ' in this paragrssph. �
<br /> 15. Goveming Istw;Sererability. This Security lnstrument shal)he governed by fetiex�l{aw and the law of the
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision ar clause af this 5ecurity Instrument or the
<br /> Note conflicts with ap�licable law,such�conftict�hall rtat�affect other�provisions oF this�Sc�curity�lnstrument or-the�Note� � � � �� ---- �-�- - � -
<br /> whieh can be given efPect without the conflicting pr��ision."Po this end the provisions of this Security Instrument artd the
<br /> � Notc are dccl�red to be sevcrable. -
<br />: 16. Borrower's Capy. Borrower shall be given one confbrmed cop�r af'the Note and of this 5ecurity lnstrument.
<br /> 1�. Trae�te�ot t6t Proj►erty or d BencRcial lnteres!ia Bo:rower. lf ull or any part af the Property or any
<br /> tnterest in it is sold or transferred(ar if a beneficial interes!in Barrawcr is snlc!or transfened and gorrower is nc�t a natural
<br /> pesson)without l:ender's prior written concent,Lender map,at its option,reyuire immeYiiate naymem in fall of nll sums
<br /> - secured by this Secutity lnstrument. Hawever,this aption shall n�t be exercised hy l.ender if exercise is prohihited by
<br /> federai law as of the date of lhis5ecurity Instrument. ' +-----=
<br /> ' If Lender eaereises this option,l..ender shall give 8orr�wer nottce of areeleration.The n�tice 4hall provide a peric�d �
<br /> nf nat less than 30days Prom the date the nnticc igdelivered nr mailed within which Hnrtower mutit pay al)vums secured by i
<br /> , this Sccunty tn�trument. 1iHotrottcr faiis to pay Ihese sums pnor to the expiration of thir period.Lender may�av�ike any - • �
<br /> r�medie5 pertnitted by this 5ecurity lnstrumcm without furthet ni�tice or demand�n 13orrower. � � �
<br /> 18.Bnnnxe�'s Rjg�t fo Relnstate. .If Ho►rnwer�meets ce:luin cnnduinny, Burruwer shall have the right to have _
<br /> - ' � enfcr'rrement of tfiis Secur�ty tnstrument disri�ntinued at s�ny t ime�nnr ta�he eariirr i,f:(a)S days!or surh uthet peri�xi vti
<br /> L ap�+liratile law may sperify fur rcinstatementl f+etore sale«f ehe Pr�,per�y pursuant a►any pr�wcr nf salr rc•ntaincd in this .
<br /> Security lnstrumem;c►t(h)ernry��f a judgment enfnrcing th�s 5ccurity Imtrumenl '('h���e conJiti��n�nre that liorrawer.
<br /> 1n1 pays l.endrr all sumc which then w�ruld hr dere uttder th�s 5cr:unty Inctrumcnt and tiTC !�c+tc tiad t�n�ceclrratte,n r,,;
<br /> �xeurrrd; (b)eures a»y default oi'ar�y c�ther cnvenant�nr agreernentc; r�►�ay�S al) e��+en�es�ncuvred i�i rnfi�rcu�g Ihi� [p
<br /> Secuney Inctrumerst,�r�clud�ng,hut not limited t�f. reasnneble nttor��ey�fe�w:und Id) takct�Uch acts4�r= :�s I.cttder m.iy r�
<br /> reawn�bly reyu�re t��as�ure ih�t tlit iten�,flht��ecat�iy In�ttument, f ender's ci�htc in tf�r Yr�+j�er�y ��nd H�+rrnacr's r'` ''�
<br /> !�bl�gattim rn pay the s�m� iecuteti h� th�c 5eeue�tt (ttcc�urii�rst tifi,�it cF�rittntic- �nirha�igcci 1'•jNtil iClfi�ldlftltftll h� � `
<br /> bntti��aer.tE��ti Se�uriiy Ir��truineat�Fnd�t�c u�+figalic,ttti scEUted Fiere�sy 4#r,�!!E:•��r<+�te fultv el�e�!���e ac if n�tae-�•rlc:s:ttu�i►i►.f��
<br /> ��EUtred ilc�»cvcr.the�nght tn re�rntatc�h�R��nt�C��It�tn�he!•a�e of r crfct�itt�,ti u�i�fcr r.uarrarh�1�nr I%
<br /> . �
<br /> � � .
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