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<br /> - - .----�.._r---, , . ..�..�..-., - - -
<br /> :� .:.. .. . _. ._.. , _. : .. < • --. . .. . -: - --- - � . --
<br /> �.,�_;.-.
<br /> , .. :..,.�.;
<br /> ••_• .� . -- • ;• '
<br /> .,,..:,
<br /> ., . �:.;;,,,: ::' _ .
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<br /> � NaN-LiNIFORM COYENAI�7'S�orrowra and Lsadu further covenant and agra as follows:. ��O���� .
<br /> � 19. Acoeleratfoa; Rea�ediex. Lender s6all g��e notice to Borrowu pr[os to acc�teratton foltowiag Borrowe�s •
<br /> breach oteoy rnYen�st ora�eemeat in�,Secacity Inst`nment(bat nM prior to uoeteratfoa uader pang�ray6s 13 and iT � ; ,
<br /> abless a�6k 4w Oro�tdes btherwise).The'natIce sUall specUy:(s)the defaal�tb)the actloa reqadred to cme the
<br /> � definl�(�s date,n�t less tl�m 30 dsys Etom the date t6e notiot fs Qi�en to Borrawer.by wbkh the defiolt muat be care�
<br /> swd(d)tlutt failure to care tbe defaalt on or before the date speci8ed in t6e flotice�n�ay resutt ia acceleration oi ttre suars
<br /> � ' sec�red by this Secarity Tnstrament and sate of the Property.'ILe notice shsU furth�r taform Borrower of tfie dght to
<br /> reias�te�fter ureleradoa a�d tbe rigl�t Lo br.ing a court acttan to assert t�e non�eacistence of a defanit or aay otber .
<br /> defeestoEBoerowatoaceelsntionaad atta IttbedefaWt isnateand onor Txfore t6e dite specified inthe notle�tmder � �
<br /> ' ' at its o�n mag reqairt immediats�ymmt�n full of aU sums seeared by this Secarlty Iastrament without tiuthv c h .
<br /> � < demaed sad mip in�oke the powEr Qlsak and any other remedtes ptrm[Ktd 6q applicabte taw.Le,nder s[uU be entitled to
<br /> collett all t�cpeases incarrid ie��g die remedfe�Pmddsd in t6is �h 19, includiag",bnt not IImited to, .
<br /> : rea�nabk ittorneys'ie�sande�oft�tie e�Ideace. •�
<br /> ; If t6e power of sate is in�oked,Tn�stee s6all record a natice of de�iuit in euh connty in R6fc1��ay put of ttie • `
<br /> Pmperty Ls loahd�ud sliaU msi!eopies of sue6 aottce�n tbe manner psescaabed bS applicable isw to Borru�u and to t6e
<br /> u
<br /> � other persaas preacn'bed by appllcable law ARer the 6me reqaired 6y appl�cabte taw,Trustee sL�ll give pnbltc notice ot
<br /> � : sate to the pasons aed ia tLe miaeer prescn'bed bq appliatble law.Truste�wfthoat dem9ad c�a Bocsa�rer,sh�U sell tt�e
<br /> i Propa�E�,tat pnbGcaacttontot6e,.�ightstbid�er�t�e timeand place andnnderthe termsdcsigasted ia tbe aot�ce of sale ia f��'.::.��� .
<br /> ames�r�sre parceTs�ad in a��aTd�s Trattee determines.Trastee may postpoae satt of ail ar apy p�rcel of t&e Froperty by ��
<br /> i���nloancemeet at tbe�:u�d plue of nny gre�imisIy sch�dstied sai�I.eAder ar its designee msy pwchase the � �:.. ..- .
<br /> . • �-.- �' ,.
<br /> :.. ' �'�4t�Y�:- ': - -_ —. ._ . . .,. . � ,�� .. , -
<br /> ' �i.�"�n ret�''pt of p�ym�.�'_of tire price 6id,Trustee shAll deliver to the porc�ser Trastee's deed caneaagr�.di�... �
<br /> Ph�.�;T6e recltaLs ia tLe:�mustee's deed shall be pri:aia facie eddeace of the trnth of the st�tements ma�e��:`. • �' �, `.�` ` •''•
<br /> ' Trq�s�all apply t6e proceeds��tLe sate in ffie follo.iemg.order:!a)w all espenses of t6e snte.tnnctudin&,�at�sat timite�d.. . . .. ....
<br /> to.Trnstee's fees u peraiitted 6y appticable�Stw tnd ce�sonable attarneys'fees;(b)to�II sams secured bg this 3eivrlty � , � �
<br /> Iastrumea��nd(c)any,ezeess to the persoa oa�r�ersons legaUy entittedto i� ,
<br /> 2(1. Leeder In Pa�essfon. Upon ac�:c�tion ur�der paragraph 19 or abandonment o#'the Praperty,l.ender(in , ` � .
<br /> person,hy agmt or by jadicially appointed�receiver)shall be enti�led to enter upun, [ake possession of and manage the
<br /> Property and to collect ttse rents of the Pruperty inclu�g those past due.Any rents wllected by I.ender or the receiver , �
<br /> shall be applied first to payment�of the cosu of mana��ssent of the Property and coliectian of rents,including,but not
<br /> limited to. receive�•s fees,premiums on receiver's bon�s and reasonable attomeys'fees,and then to the sums secured by `��
<br /> thisSecurityInstrument. `�t.'; : - "_
<br /> 21.Reconreyance.Upon^�.�.�rnent of aSI sa^*.�s.cured by this Security lnstrument,Lender shall request Trustee to ° ; :
<br /> reconvey the Property and shalTs�reader this SaG�.^��nstrument and all notes evidencing debt secured tt�:this$ecurity • .
<br /> ' Instrument to Trustee.Trusiee s:aU reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the persbn or gersons =�
<br /> ltgaliy entitled to i�Sucb person or persans shall pay any recordation costs. � � �
<br /> . 22.Substitate Trastee.Lender,at its option,may fram t�me to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee • # -�` �
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument reco'rded in the county in which this Security lnstrument is recorded•.� , t
<br /> Without conveyance of the Pre�ity,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the titte,power and duties conferred upon `;`�``-
<br /> Trustee haein and by applicable law. � •
<br /> 23. Reqa�t for Notices.Barrower requesta that copies of the notices of default and sate be sent to Barrower's =`'
<br /> address whi�b is the Property Address. , '
<br /> . 24.�tlders to this Secudty Instrumen�If one or more riders are eaecuted by Barrower and recorded together with =
<br /> this 5ecurity lnstrument,tho c�uvenants and agreements of each such rider sha11 be incorporated into and sErzll amend and �1�
<br /> � suppt�ment the covanants and agamrnts of this Security lnstrument as is the rider(s) were a part o f t his S ecurity
<br /> � Instrument.[Check applicabte boa(es)j �
<br /> ,,.,.._ ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider _ ,,
<br /> �,
<br />. . Q Graduated Paym�r,t�Rider ❑ Planned Unit Devetopment Rider
<br /> � ` ❑ Other(sD,.�yP�iEy� � ; .
<br /> , HY Str,NING�B�t,o:�. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms acr.�i; covenants contained in this Security , '•��'
<br /> ' ' Instruaa�ent and in any nd�s➢ea�acuted by Barrower and recorded with it. .
<br /> .;.
<br /> ` ......... .......................................................................... .......� . . . . ... .. ................................---Bor�e, , '. _
<br /> C eryl omRkic� . .
<br /> �-- -- .... . . . . .. . .. ...__.. _.. _. ... .. ... .. _ _. . . ... -- �- - - - - �- -- _ .. .. . _. .---....---.
<br /> ........................................................................................ Jo n�W. Kin�. ...............'�ea.�i� •
<br /> S'i'A'fL(�t' NL•I3IiA5kA. H8I], ('ollnty «:
<br /> ' dn this 22nd day of March .1990 . befnrr mc, thr undcr�ignccl, a Notary Puhlir
<br /> � duiy commissioned and yualificd for saiJ county.pcnonally camc E(�eryl Tompkin, an unmarri ed person,
<br /> and Jnhn W. King� an unmarried person .to mc kno�ti�n �c�bc ihc ; ---`
<br /> , 8dentical pe�son(s) wTii�sr name(r,) are �nbscriheci a� ti�e f��rr�c�ing instrumen� and ackno�cleJ�.rd the e+�ecutirni
<br /> .�hcreof to bc their coluntary sct �nd dced.
<br />, , ` Witness my hand and n�tariai scal at Grand Island, Nebraska m said cvun��•,thc ' �
<br /> ds�te ayocesaid.
<br /> . , .. . . .
<br /> , � t�ly Commissit�n expires: �� �--�3 �x��-r.•4'•"`•..,f�i1. �. � . .�C� .. . .... . ... . .
<br /> ��?r.�..
<br />. ���� ��w.,�.,<< i���i•��� �
<br />• � �wOs�►�t�1� l:Ulal�til 1OFt Rl:CUy�`i tAN('1. �"
<br /> tt r 7'tt �`'�
<br />. ��1�.� (�1{�EZ���:S�4'�14�+�1�{E�F�(t lY�{��l'{lQ1ll'{lY jitl�l'�4f{;tIF4'tJ l�L (�IIr II'.'L'41 t!� �Ill�t �!.ltk� llf��4'!)I littll�+r St�!'l'IIZCI � �
<br /> �III`��I�l�(�IIF Iittl�t�Itlflti'c4tC�4itf1'tllyj. flitG(t4C{Ii9I Tf(iCi,ii:lt"C�li�Ti J'�.il(�iff f1fEI _j`��fF,�r� i��°rcfi;z ifi�<<t�tfi �n..tn<<,t:�rci ;
<br /> IttilC f�f ❑f1IC� a1t�1 fttr, 1)e:��.1+�) 'ftUtit. n1lt�le �Ifc tlnc�i'r(�e!!i�•ecl,ti, .rn�f t�� t�•e�•h�c:, :�.�Fi��,ui v.,n�,}n��, .ill ili� :•.I,i;� . .
<br /> untti hcitl Iti� t��i� un�h r iln, f)c:tt��1 itit�.f t<< tlic {•cr.�•n nt S•cr:nt�� (ci�.�il•, �n�i�l� _f �ii.+rt�� .
<br /> �1Jh' � . � ,_,,,�
<br />�. � ' ' • � ' . .
<br />