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<br /> i UNIFORMGovENwxfs �� • ' . � ,7V�O1,5�� .
<br /> 8qrruwer aifd Lcitder covenant aad ag�ee as follaws: :
<br /> . � !. Payme�t a?Pr�pat and Iateres�Prspsymmt�ad Ltte C�g� Borrawer shall promptty pay arhen due . . . . .
<br /> the prinapaf af and interat on ske de6t svidenced i�y the Note and any prepayxnent and�ate charges dae under the Note. ' �
<br /> " • 2. Fands[orTues and Insnrance. Subject to ajtplica6te taa o�to a written waive�by Lender.Borrower shall pay
<br /> � to Lender on the day m�nnthty payments are due under the I�Tote,until tt�e Note is paid in fuU,a sum("Funds")equal to
<br /> one-twetftl� af: (a) yearly t�xes and assessments wiuch may aitain priority over this Security Instrument; (6j yearly
<br /> teasthold payments os gr+ound rents on the Properry, if'any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiams; and (d)yearty
<br /> mortgagt�nsurance premiums,if any.These itans are ealIed"escraw items."Lender may esrimate the Fands due on tite
<br /> � basis ofcurrEnt data aad seasonabtt estimata�f f�ture escrow itecas. � � '
<br /> ?he Frmds shall bt held in an insritution the deporits or accounu of which are insured or gaaranteul by a federal or �
<br /> staEe ageacy(inctudin�Lender if Lender is snch an institution).Lender shall apply t�ie Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br /> Lender may not cTiarge for hoIding artd applying the Fuitds.aaalyziag the acctsunt ar verifying the escrow items.wtless �
<br /> I.eader pays Borrower interest:an�the Funds and applicabie taa:permits i,ender to make such a chargG�Boaawer and
<br /> � " �Lacdes�nay agra in arit�ngithat�iaterest shatl be paid on the Funds. Untess an agreement is made or applicable law �
<br /> raq�tes interest to be paid,��tder shall aot be rcqu'ued to pay Borrower any interesE Qr earnings on the Fuuos.Lender.
<br /> si�all give to Borrower,withont chasge.an annual accounting af the Funds showing credits and de6its to the Funds aad the
<br /> parpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.Ttie Funds are pledged as additional seeurity for the sums secural by �
<br />; � thisSecuritylnstrument. . � �
<br /> If the amount of tlre Funds he}d by Ixncler,together�vith the foture monthty payments of Funds pa3�h?`e�priar qe; :���
<br /> the due data of ttte escrow items.shaJ)exceed the amount requi:-ed to pa}the escraw items when du�the e�ess skat�tue: :�-::'
<br />: � at Borrower's aption,either proenptly repaid t��orrower o:creclited to Borrower on monthly payments_af��'�.,.s��I�iL�i:.::,..' �
<br /> amannt af the Funds hdd by Lender is rtot suflicient to pay tite escrow items when due,Borrower shaJl pa�wL��.:��=���s a�:' .
<br /> ;�f`:�..�, amount neccssary to make ug the defrciency in one or more.payments as required by Lender. .. �.;.'��
<br /> :..'�°;, Upoo paymeni ia ful!of aJl s�sns secured by ihis Secitrity Insuumen� Lender shall promptly refuad to Borrower.:�.,
<br /> �� , any Fands held by L.ead�.If under paragraph 19 the Property is sotd or acquired by Lender,Lender shall appJy,no Iat���:�.� �
<br /> than immediately pri���.o the sate af the Property'or its acquisition by Ixnder.any Funds held by Lender at the time af, :
<br /> .;. , applicarc�as a credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument_ . ,
<br />_ � � dppi�cition o!PsymeAts. Unless applicable!aw p!ovides otherwise,a11 payments received by I.��er uader
<br /> paragrapbs 1 and 2 sha116e applied:first.to late charges due under the Note;second.to prepayment charges due under the
<br /> Note;third,to amonnts payabte under paragaph 2;fourth,to interess due;and:�st.ta principal da�
<br /> 4. Chargex Liees. Bbrrower shall pay all ta�ces,ass�ssments,charges,fines and imposit��:s attrihutable ta the �
<br /> . Property which may attain pria..�aec:,over this Security Insrsument, and leasehold payments or ground�re�r�. if any. • �
<br /> Horraw:;rshal!pay these obligati�s in the manner providea in pardgraph 2,ar if not paid in that manner,Bcir�ower shall +, �
<br /> , pay thern tm tirrie directly to th�pe:son owed payment.Bonower shall prompxly furnish to Lender all notices'of amounts
<br /> to be paid under this�grapA.��Borrower maices these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly Fumish to Lender � �
<br /> receipts evidencing the payments. � , i.
<br /> Borrower sball promptly discharge any lien whieh has priority over thu Security Instrument unIess Borrower:(a) ` `
<br /> agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by thelien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good
<br /> faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,tegal proceedings wh:ch in the Lender's opinion operate to '
<br /> prevmt the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of any part af the Property;or(c)secures from the halder of the lien an �
<br /> agrament satisfactory to Lender subordinating the fien to this Security Instrument.IP Lender determines that any part of � '`
<br /> the Property is subjtct to a lien which may attain priority over this Security lnstrument.Lender may give Bonower a -
<br /> notice identifying the tirn.Borrower shall satisfy ihe lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days
<br />, ofthegivingofnoiice. , � �. . ;
<br /> 5. Ha�rd lasurance. Horrower shall keep the improvements now eaisting or hereaPter erected on the Propeny �
<br /> ensured against lass b��.:re,hazards incJuded wi�?-.�::the term"eatended caverage"and any other hazards For which Lender� . . ;
<br /> requires i.^.surance.�.:s insuranee shall be m�cained in the amounts attd for the Qeriads that Lender requires. The
<br /> insuran�sx,�-rier providing the insurance shaq be chosers t�� Borrower subject to L.�.;,:�;tr's approval which shall not be � •
<br /> unreascrc�:t�i�withhetd. � . . � ;
<br /> � �1?�i�.surance policies and renewats sha�`�e_acceptah�tQ_Lender ana sha!!inclede a startdard mortgage clause. .`°_�;
<br /> Ler�Qer s.�^�:,have the right to hotd the policie�ar�renewals,lP Lender requires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender �
<br /> a11 receiFt�of paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurarece ���?��
<br /> cariier ar'�6.ender.Lender may make proof af lass if not rr.;�.�3,:�rompily by Borrower. � ��;
<br /> 4�.!�s Lender and Borrowe-celsc�awise agree in wr:rsn�,insurance praceeds sh�?�be applied to testoration ot repair �
<br /> of'the Property damaged.if the restora:�u�ar r�air is eeor•�:aically fe�asibte and I.ender's sccurity is not lessened. IP the �
<br /> restoration or repair is nut economically feasi�T,�:��.�i,ender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be •
<br /> appfied ta�he sums secured by this Seeurity Ir�tnu;nent,wE:ether or aot then due,with any excess paid to Barrower. If
<br />. Botruwer�bandons the Property.or daes Rcst a:ts�yer withi-ec,i0 days a notice Pmm l.ender that the insuraace rarrier has
<br /> atfered e�c�tcle a cltum,then Lender may collect t?::ins�r::.��Qroreeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the pruy�erty or t�pay sums serured by this S�Y�ri�y instr�:�ent,whether or nos then due.The s�fay_period.will..begin
<br /> . . .. . . . .. . __ ._. .__. ... . . _ ..
<br /> . ._. _. . . .Q-htathcnoticetsg�ven.- -... ....---�- �---._.._ . .._ . . . . . ._. . .. . .
<br /> Unless Lender ea�d 8orrower otherwise a�ee in writir�.any applicatiun��f pri�ceeds ta pnncipal shall not eatCnd ar
<br /> �postpone the due date af the month{y�ayments referred to�n�atugraphs 1 and 2��r rhatt�e the amount of the payments. 1f
<br /> under paragraph 19 the Property is acyuited 6y Lender.Barrawer's right to any insuran,:e policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> from damage ro the Propert�priar to the acquisition shail p�ss to Lender to the eatent af the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br />" 6• Prt�erraHon and Maintensnce at Property;Leaseholds. gorrower shall not destrny,d�mage or substan�ially
<br /> � ehange the Ptoperty;allow the Praperry t�deteriorate or commit wasCe. IP this Security instrurtsent is on a Ieasehal�i. - - - -
<br /> Borro�:s!�lDcomqly with the pr�.iaions nf Ihe lease.and if'�arr�►xer arquires fee title tc�the Yroperty.Ihc le'asche►Id and r
<br /> fee titleshaU nat merge untess I.ender agrees tothe merger in writing.
<br /> a. Protection ot Lender's ItiKhts in the Property; Mortptage lasnrartce, lf Bnrrnwer fails tu perfium the
<br /> covrnants and agreententscontaincd in this Security lnstrument.or there is a leg�l proceeding that may significantly alfcct ,
<br /> Ltnder's rights in the�Property(such as a'rroceeding in bankruptcy.�rabate. for candemnatian ��r to rnfi�rce laws or
<br /> tegutation�);then Lender may dn and�y ft+r whaiever'ss neresti:ery��prasrrt tt�e fa)�tc uf ilir Prc�perty And f,crrdcr s righcs � �
<br /> in the�roperty. lxnder'�artions may include paying nny sums secured by a licn wh�ch hac pri��ri�y� �•�•cr�hia 5ccut�ty �
<br /> lnstrument.App��ring in court.�+�ying reas�mable attorneys'fees artd entering�m the 1'raperty a�make repair�. Af�hnu�h ��
<br /> , l Lertder may take action under�his par��raph 7,[.ender does nut have to da sn. ,�
<br /> Any amountsd�sbursed by Lrn�ict un�fer this paragr�ph 7 chafl t+er�+mr a:ldnre+nal dcht e+f Nnrrowcr cccured h}•this r"'
<br /> Securily tnstrument.Unless ti��rr��wer nnd Lender agrec touther tcrms c�f payment,tbrec;ftnc+um�tihali�+ear�ntcretii fr��m ��
<br /> � the date of disbutzemen�at the }Ve��r r�te cmd chall he p�y;�bte, w�th �t��err�t, up�+�� u�m�c f'rum l.ender t�� P9��rr��act ° �
<br /> rcqueslin�payment. �
<br /> . . . . ' �:3 '-
<br />, ' �
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