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<br /> ' - . 9Q-= 1a1521 � _
<br /> � 9.Grouds for Aa�kratloi o!Dtbt. " �
<br /> (a)Del�!!.Leader may,a�copt as limited by reguIadoas issued by t6e SaietarY ia thE case,of paymmc defaults,requirc
<br /> immediue paymmt m fuli of aIl sttms secured by this Stturity Instrument if:
<br /> (i�Boaower defaults by fa�ing to p�y in fuU any monthty paymedt•required by thiY Secutity instr�ment priar to or oa
<br /> � the due date of the nsxt montLty paymeat,os � : '
<br /> (u)Bonower defautts by fa�iag.for a period of thirtp days.ta perform aay other obligadons containrA in this Security
<br /> ' Instiumeat.
<br /> [b)SNe WifLoiot Ge�t Appvo�l.Lendec shall.if Pa'm►tted 63+arpplicabIo lavv and witt!tl��Siarappmva!of tt�e Sea�y.sequue � • .
<br /> �payme�ia fuII of alt the sums senttad by dus Soc�ixy Ic�tr�e�t if�: �
<br /> . � (7 Atl ar prut of dre Property is athe�wise t�ferrad(aher tbaa by devise or deseee�?'pY t6c Bomnwer.a�
<br /> ia?1Ue Qmpe►ty is aot ooc�iod 6y the purrhasea or graatee as his v�Gtc p�or aecuodsry iesidmoe,ur tLe par�er or
<br /> g�nox does so aoaipy the Roperty 6ut his or Ler cn�t das nat bem apprttre�in aoeondui�ae wiah the iequ��ts of tbc Saeetazy.
<br /> (c)Na Wai�er.lf arcumswnces occ�that v�ul��e�mt�Leader to requir�imiuediate pa,yment in full.but L�der das not
<br /> roquire auch payiseats.Leudsr does noi waive its��igitis with respec�t to snbsequent evati§.
<br /> (dj�ui'HUD Sea�,�.Ia man�r cinwastanas ngutations issued by the�acetary w711imit I.ender's tigbu,in .
<br /> th��meof pzyiueat defauI:s;ao��re�ate payment in full aud foredose if nat paid This Serurity Iastrr�eat does
<br /> `�: nat�tutlimju ac�ietation arf�losure if+4bt:ptm�Itted by regulations of t6e Secretary.
<br /> . �• 10. Bd�eat. Boaower has:a right w be reinstated if Lender has required immediate paymeat in fuil becanse of
<br /> ` � Barrower's fulare to pay au amou�t,due e�nder the Note or this Security Instrumeat.'I'his rlght applies ecm after faieciosnre �
<br /> . . proceedings are institutaf.To reinstade ihe Secarity Iastnuuent,Bonower shall tender in a himp sum aII�QUnts reQ.iired to
<br /> ..,l::' i�rIng Bona�ds accauat cuzreat inc�luding,to the eatent they a�e obligadons of Borrower under this Secaiity iarstnrment, � ,
<br /> . forectosure costs ansl�:reawnable and customary attomey's fas ared expeflses pzoperly associated a� the foreclosure •
<br /> procading.Upan ni�ment by Bonower,this Security InstNment and drec�bligations that it secures ~����ain in effect as '
<br /> if Leader 6ad aot require�immediate payinrnt in full.However,Lender is aut cr�,t;ired to permit rein���r.�+-�T--if•(�Lcnder has
<br /> acapied rcinstatement after tfie eemmenament of foralosure proceed�f,.,,within two years imase�:iateiy preceding the
<br /> . :.:` commeacemeui af a cu:reat farectr�ire procceding, n rcinstatement vitill pstctude forectosure an differtnt gro�tafis in the � • �-
<br /> . tpture,or iu reiastate��t R�a_�+�seiy affect the priority of the lien created by ttds Se�urity Ins�.iment. � `
<br /> 11.Boreower Nat S�ed;�v�ace By Leader lVot a Waiver. Facteosioa of the time of paycr.eai or rtsodifcation of -
<br /> •� amartlrat�oa of the s�s secared bp�is Security Isuwment granted by l.ender to any suecessor ia interest of Borrower shall aot
<br /> �apaate to release ths Ia�ilitq of�e eri�inal Borrower'er 8�rrower's sucassor in interest. Lender shall not ba rey,*U.sred to � �
<br /> coauaeucs proceedfngs agairssi a�y�,�essor in interat or r�fuy::�,exteud tirae forpaymmt or othsrwise modify a�xr�zatton �
<br /> ` of,tht•'sup�s savred by this Security Instr�ment by reasoa af�y demand made by the original Borrower or B:r~?vwer's � ; '
<br /> suocessars ia interest.Aay forbearance isy i,ender in eaercising auy right or cemedy shall not bt a waiver of ar�recZude the '
<br /> taercise af any right os remedy. �
<br /> `- r.
<br /> , S.S�oce�o�s u/A�as Boe�d;lobt tsd Several Ua6fHry.Co•9�ers. The cove�.s and agrCCments of this Security � r
<br /> • Instnimrnt shaU bind and 6enefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject Co the provisions of paragraph 9.b. �
<br /> � Borrower's covenants and agramenu shall he joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security Instrument but does " � -
<br /> � ' • not execute the I�Iote:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mongage,grant and convey that�onower's interest in � ` �
<br /> the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is aot personally obligated to pay the surnc sra:�red by this Security ':
<br /> lnstrnmeqt; and (c) agras that Lerrdcr and aay other Borrower may agra to extead, modify. f�,r�ear or make any . :'`
<br /> , acsommodatioas with regard to the term of this Security instzanent or the Note without that Borrawor's cansenc. ' . . �� –
<br /> l'!.Notices.My nouce to Boaowa proveded for in this Sat:sty Instrusnent shall be gtven by delivering it or by�z.��irr�:by �� -,—
<br /> f rat class mail un2as applicable!aw requires use of aaoiher method.The notice shell be d'uected to tho Propecty Address or any ,
<br /> other address Borrowerd�gnates by notice to Leci�er.Any notice to Lender rhall be given by Grst elass m6id to Lender's address '
<br /> stated herein or any a��LenQer designates by nolice to Borrower.Any r�o�:e provided for in this Security Jnstru�ent shaU � :�
<br />. be damed to have been�:en to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraDh.
<br /> �
<br /> !1.Coarates Law:9ere�abWty.This Securiry tnstrument shwr've govemed by Federal taw and the faw of the jurisdictlon in � �
<br /> which the Property is located.In the evcnt that any provision or ciause of thls Security lnstrument or the Nu::conflicts with aD- �' �
<br /> plicabk law.such conflict shall not affect othe�pcovisions of this Security Instrument or the Note xt�s�'s'can be given effect . . '�r '
<br /> wlihout the conflicting provislon. To tlus end che�rovisiors of chis Security Instrument aad the Note are declared to be
<br /> severabla � ;.�
<br /> :. ,,�.
<br /> 1S.aoreower'e Copg.Borrower s"zi!t�e gi►en a�e canfor.~ed copy of this Security Instrument. '
<br /> tb.A�sse�t o!ReaCg.Borrower unconditica�Cly assigns and transfers to Lender all the reats and revenues oP the Propeny. �' �
<br /> Borrower authorius Lec:der o:Le;:d.�r's agenes to coUut the«nts and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of the Property
<br /> to pay the rents to i.ertder or Lecder:�:;;:iru.However.prior ca Lender's notice to Borrower ci Borrower's breach of any cove- �
<br /> , , nant or agreement in the Security ln.:�r�:ent.Boaower shall caitect and receive a0 rents and reveaues ot the Propeny as rrustee
<br /> Por the brn�t of l.emder and$orra�er.Lhis assignment of rerCS constituies an absolute ussignmcnt and not an assignztent for
<br /> � addlUonal security oniy. , �
<br /> _ . .. .. .
<br /> If Lender gives notice of broach to Borrower:(al aL rents received by Borrower ahall be held by Bortaw•er�s trustee for 6eneGt
<br /> • of Lender only,to bt ap�iie�to tha ss...�s seeuted by the Security Instrument:(bi Lender shali be entitfed ta caltect and reccive alt
<br /> of ihe rtnts of thr Yropeny:and(s�eafih tenant of the Propeny shall pay all rents due and unpaid to Lendcr or Lender's agent
<br /> on Leadee's written demand to the tenaat. •
<br /> Borrow�r has not eaecuted 2my ptior assignment af the rents and has not and will not perfarm any act that would prevrnt
<br /> Lcnder trom ezetcising its rights under this paragraph 16.
<br /> � Lender shall not be requlred to enter upon.take contral of or maintaln the Property before or after giving notice of breach t�
<br /> Borrower.Nowever.Lender or a judiciaily appainted receivp�may do so at any time there is a breach.Any application of rents
<br /> shall not cure or waive any defauit or invatidate any other right or remedy of Lender.This assignment of rents of the Propeny ;�
<br /> shall terminate whtn the debt secvred by the 5ecurisy Instrument is paid in full.
<br /> . _t�.�
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