Y ' -- � - � �
<br /> .- . . .
<br /> � � ; � � � � � , � � � �a-= ���5�� �� � � � .
<br /> L t�J�t of p�Vtaett t�d late C�atta Borrowtt•s�aU pay wh4n due the priacipal of,and u►terest on.tlte debt ,
<br /> avidence8 by the Note and tate chuges dae uader t!►c Notc. � ' , . ,
<br /> ` ., �MoaWt���+of TuES.l�xe asd Ot�er t�utn•BOrrowu shali iactude ia eacte�aonthly paymeat,tagefher aath .
<br /> ..•� the�rinciPat an�interess as set fortd in�he Notr end aaY faze charges.an insca[tmmt ot anY(al taxes and s�ecial assessmmts .
<br /> [evied or ta be kvied aS�inst the Property,(b)[easeho2d paymeQis or ground renu on t6�e Propdrty. and(c)pnmiums fos
<br /> " ias�uanc+e ro4��bY p��Dh 4.
<br /> -. �Fach raontM►mst�tmert for ittau fa).f b)and tel sha!!er[ugi aus-tar�fth of t��eal amorsnis.as rrasonably estimaud by.
<br /> l.eader.Dins an amonnt snfticimt to nnaiatain an additioaat b�laace of not more ttum oar-siath of the estimated amounts.'t'he
<br /> fult anaual amoinet fos acD itean s6alt 6e acc�mulatad bY Leader withia a Deriod ucd►n8 oae month before an itms wot� ,
<br /> become ddinqueat.Lendec shall hoW the amounts coIIecced ia tnut to pay items(a),(b)and(c)before ttiey become ddiaqumt.
<br /> If st aay time the tatal nf the payment+held bY Leader far itans(a),(b�antt(c),cogetker With the fut�ue monthiy paymmts
<br /> for such items PaYable to Leader Drior to the dae dates of such items.�s tsY taore th�a one-s�xth the�ied amouat of
<br /> papmenu required to pay sach items when due,and if paymeats oa tQe Note are current.thta Lender st�ll ather rtfaud the
<br /> exoess ova one-sixth of the extiaaatod ylYments or crtdit tbe excess ovu one-sixttr of the esmazted pay�nent�w sabsalnent
<br /> paytneats bp BoaaveEr.ai the optioa of Borrowa.If tht total of tht payments made by Boicawer fos ite�a ta).(b),or(c)is
<br /> insvfficieat to pay the itan vvhea due.then Bosrower shall PaY to Lender anY amovnE necessary to malce up the deficieac3►an or -
<br /> 6efon the date ths item beeames due.
<br /> As aud in this Securiry instrnmmt,"Secretary"meaus the Secretac�►of Kousing and Urban Developmsat ar his or hu
<br /> designx.Me�t SecuritY[nsttumeats insured bY the SecreteuY are i�ued onder programs which require advance paYment of the
<br /> �� mtire mortga�e insurAacx praainm.If this Security Instramait is ot w�s insured undu a pro�am whicb did not require advance
<br /> paymeat of the entire murtga�e iasurauce Pranium.thea each monthly paytnent shaD atso inctade either:(�an instagment of t*�e
<br /> �naust moctgage.�ptaaium to he paid by Leader to ths Secretary,or(n�a monthly charge Instead of a mnrtgage
<br /> . inn�r,na pr�.{�i i�'this Security InStntlneAt is 6eld by tht SazeESCy.EaCh IuOAthly ias[aUmertt of the•murtgagt insuraIICe , ,
<br /> � premiam sh�U he ia an�nouat sufficient to uwmWate the fu(1 ar�cual mortgage insuraace praaivm with Lender one month
<br /> prior to the date t�e,fiill arWual mortgage ins�rance premium is due to the Secretary,or if this Security Insuama�t is hdd by the ,
<br /> Sa�ary�eacb uioatAly ch�rge shaU be in an aruosu►t equal to onatwetfth of ane-halt•percent af.the outstaadin8 princiPal
<br /> b�lance due oa the Nou..
<br /> IF Boirowi�tenders to L�ender tbe fullpay�cent of aU sums secured by this Security Instrument,Boaower's acwunt shall 6e .,
<br /> C[edited witb the�balaACe cemeini ,ina for aTI�installments for items.(a� tb)and(c)and any mortgaSe insurana premiwn
<br /> instaUmeat Wat Lender has aot becnme o6�cgated to pay to the Secretary,and Lender shall promptly refnnd any excess fimds to
<br /> Borrowet. lmmedlately prior to a foredasure sale of the Property or its acquisitioa Iip�,Horrower's ac^ouni shall be - �
<br /> ctedited wiW aaY balaaa c�alr�in8 foi ali instaUmeats for items(a).(b)anQ(c). , . ' ..
<br /> x_A��Yestio�Pt ps7�•AU paY�enu uuder F��,raPhs l and Z shall be.��bY Lender as foltows: . . , . �
<br /> , IRS ,co tre mortgage iasurance premium to be�ai:�:4 y l.endec to the Secre��or to the monthly charge by the Seccetary• , ,
<br /> ibstead qf thc�e:iihty mortgage tacurance Drertdum,usI'��arrox�paid t�.entire mostgage insuraace premium w8en 3his• ^
<br /> Sec�uity tas�at was sigaed; �
<br /> c�p�Ip,raany taxa.specia!assessments,teauhoGt�yinetzts ar grouad rents.and fise,flood aad othcr hazard insurance
<br /> Premiums.as rMuired: • `
<br /> �,to interest duc undcr the Note;
<br /> FOLJRTH,to amortization of the principal of the Note: .
<br /> �.to fate charges due uader the Note.
<br /> 4.Ftrr,�7ood ud OlUer flusN IasQmce.Borrawer shalt insure aU improveacats on the Pro�erty.whethat now in caistcnce • —
<br /> or subsequently erecced.a8ainst ariy hazards,casualt:es,a�sd contingeacies,incturl��rt,fo�which Lende�requires insuranco•
<br /> This insuranee shall be maintained in the amou4ts�.^,,c t for t he ycri o d s t hat�du roquires. Horrower ah�l!�Oilsa in"sure atl ..
<br /> . e�Lsrovements on the Property,whether now iti e�istea:.e or subsequentiy aected.against loss by iloods to the�a�trnt requirod by ,'" '� _
<br /> s�e S�cretaiy-All insurance shall be carrie��.,'�corr�panies ayArove�by Lender.The insurance policies aad any'«a�a'�'sha11�' , j•
<br /> be held by i.eader,and shaA include tass p3labi'e ctauses in favas of,and in a form acccptabtc to�Lender. , <
<br /> , . . :
<br /> In the event o!toss,Horrower shall give Lender iz,uaeuiate nadce b/mail.Ler�er may malce proof of loss if sor rnad�'pxus�+'•. •• !
<br /> ty by Borrawer.Each insurance company concerned is hereby authorized and d�.rc::d to make Dayment for su��oss cCi-ax?y tfl�• ;
<br /> Lendet.instead of to Bonower and to l,euder�ointly.All or any part of the insur�.e proceeds may 6e applied by Lmc:e�r,at:is � �
<br /> option,dther(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note ar�d t}s�S�curity Jnstcument, First tn any dctE�,;�t { .� �.
<br /> �aunts ayplled in the order�n Para�aph 3.and then to preDayment ot principal, or(b)to the restoration or repxir qf ehe -'
<br /> dam�ged property.Any apD>>ation of t�e procads to the princi�l shall not extmd or postpone the due date of the�c�shly �x .� .
<br /> paymrnts whicfi are referred to ia Fatagraph 2,or chas�ge the amount of such parmsnts.Any excess insurance proceeds over an
<br /> amount requirod to pay a���uatanding lndebtedness a��,ter the;�i�te and this Se�zrity Instrumrnt sha11 be paid t'�the entity tegal• '•� !
<br /> ly entlQed thercto. •� �'•:
<br /> sn the ev�ac of forcclosure of this Security lnstrur:ent or othcr transfer o�title to the Property that ezdngu9�hes tha in• �
<br /> debtedness.aI3 rrght,tltte and intetest oi Borrower 9n astd to insura.�ce palicits in force shall pass to the parchaser.� • �
<br /> �,pe+aen�tlo�ua M�Ute��wce of tbe Prooerty. LeauYoids. 8orrower s;`�}}�not com�nit waste or destroy, damage or -
<br /> sn�etuitiaUy change�he Property or allau�tho Prayerty to deteriorate.rarsoraoihtie'wtar utd tau cxcepted.i.cmder may inspect
<br /> the property if the pra�erty is vacant oc abandoned or the loan is in defauicl Lez+ri�i•mnytake reasonabte action to protect and
<br />' � ��� �-� �preserve sudr vaaant or�barufoned propec€y.it this 5ecutity Iastrument ia on a Ie�schotd;BoYrowrr shall comply with.the.�royi•�
<br /> sion�ot the Iease. 1t Borrower acquirx�fce title to tha Property.the teasehotd�aa�!oo t'srl��st�1lHoe be merged nntess Le�u',t�r� �� � � �
<br /> agas to the merger in writing,
<br /> b.C��a to Eorrower sb PcotecNo�o!LeNePs Rii6t�is the ProPerir.SG'rrawa ahall paY�1l governmencaS or municipal �
<br /> ch�rges.t'ines and imDositioas tbat aze not included in Paragtaph 2.Barrower shaltpay Ihese obligations on crrae•ditectly to the
<br /> ' entity wtticb fs owed the p�yment.lt fatlurt to pay woufd adversely affect Leader's in[erest in the Property.upar.Len�er's re-
<br /> quesf Bonowet shall Dromptty fumishto 1.ender roceiipts evidertcing these psymmts.
<br /> ti Borrrnvet faits to make these payments or the paytlta�t�•required by Paregraph 2,ar taits to perform any otr!r cur•enants and
<br /> agreements contained in this Security lnstrumsnt.or thdre is a[egal Droceeding that may significantly afleri Lender's rights in ___ _
<br /> thr Property(such as a procading in b�nlcruptcy.for condeau►ation or to enforce taws or regulations).then E.ender may do and : —
<br /> pay wdatever is necessuy to protect the value ot the Propetty and Leader's rights ip the Property,induding payment of ta�es.
<br /> huud insuranct and other items rttendaaed in Paragraph 2.
<br /> My amounts disbursed by•lender under thls ParagraDh s6�11 becomr an aQditional debt of Surrower and be secured by this
<br /> ' Secyr�ty ta5trument.'fhase amounts shatl beu interest from 1he dau of duburscment.at the Nate race.and at tho.opUon uf
<br /> ' � Lender.shsil6e immediuiety'due and payff�te. � � � ��'�-�
<br /> � �.Co�dtbs.The proceeds of any awar�i ur ciaim tor dama$a.direct ar consequential.in ronneclinn with a���cunden:� �
<br /> nation or oiher taking of eny paut ot the Property.or for conveyance in place of cortdemnalion,c+re hereby assigtted and shall be , � �
<br /> pald ta i.r.nder tn the extent oi the fuli amcfunt ot the indebtertness that remaias unpaid urtdet the Note nnd thia Security Inslsu �;
<br />: � ment.Lendtr shall sypiy<tteh proceed�to the reduction of the indtbtedness under the Note and this 5ecurity lnsttument.Grst tn ��
<br /> uny delin�uent amount4 e�plied in the ordtr provided in Paragraph�.and then!o prepayment of principal. Any�ppiicali�n��f �p.
<br />. thr procteQs to 1he pnncipal shal) not extend or pnstpnne lhe due date ot the rtt�nthly paymen�c, whi:h nre tefecred tv i�� t1`i�
<br /> 6*aragsaph�.ar char►ge thc amuwu ol�ac!!payments_Aay excess pracreds u�er an amc�u�»requirc:i tt�pay aU out«a»ding�n• . -�,:-
<br /> Qebtrdness undrr�he Nate an�2 shi4:4c€ur�ly!insttument sh�l!br p:tid ta sF�c en!ity /egalFy ui�il►eJ lhetel�•. � -
<br /> ii.ief�. I,er�der may rrilc�h !er rr�d chargcc.auth�tiri�rd Ay thr�eete�arv
<br /> �� � �vrr z�,��
<br /> �
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