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<br />- _-f��.• i.� .c.v�-_k tiib�, sifr&:A.`�;iY1�. `��,�. .i �tl(�� w4it � . f� .r::• ' '� -t .!.,L�� :'.L\4`L�'SYa4 i,d..�`f�l_�C.Y'...0 f5r�\+rK.-�'. _
<br /> - °�:tisl�4.ie� _ �ff��7�Yif� rc� YG97YV `��Rf�fi��� Y.��' `� �r�� n - �ti�v� at�iil�F7c =_ _.
<br /> -�:ivaracs ___ _ __�' --
<br /> � �. .._ . . ; ' _ � . . -_tT .�__ . �
<br /> X` � , ' �
<br /> �= ia�52� � . ,
<br /> NON-UNIFCIRM COVENAN75.Bamwer�nd isader fiutber oavemat aad agree as fdtaws: .
<br /> 1T.Fae�cto�es Roce�e.If f�der �rtmadiaoe paymeat ia fWt tmder pua�6 9.Leader may invoke 1he power af sate .
<br /> � ��3►�*��P��Y�taw.Lendcr sts�be mtitled ta adloc,t a1I capeases i�vrcod m pia�g We�
<br /> provided m tms�ra�b t7,indudiag.bet mt tmbtad ta.twaa�bk attomeys'fas aod oosts of utk evideoce. ,
<br /> Utiep�da�le ii iaroted,Tetrtee ri�eeea�+d a mtKs ddd�Y Fa ncA coomfy iri wfiic6 aay prt dt6e FtapQty is toeahd .
<br /> ��sid iM ri aopiea dsid�ootirs i�tie moar Sy a�pY�eabte Yw ta Baeruuer�ad to t6e dier p�o�p�umed
<br /> � by,�pptiaMe iw. A11Q d�e tt�e�r�ofred����.Tnrtee�¢e�pobite natfoe d�ie m tLe p��aod�n t�e
<br /> eo�er b3�p�te Irw.�I7E d!'�A1 BQ�DwQ�6rY��!pl8�Stp�iie iOC�[D f�lG�'
<br /> eidder ttie tYe�d pl�ae a�i sWer t�e tem�dal�ated L We nattoe dade io aae ar mo�e+e p�ce�s ad io aoy aeder'f�taa::
<br /> deiRmire.Tnnteea�patpo�e sBe d a!ar a�y p�+ad d tLe Q!P�6iic�aE t6e time ao3 pi�ce ot ad� . .
<br /> p�reb�eel�edriea NG i.�r ar its de�ipet m�pre,ire�at ae7 s�
<br /> �aTpos reoefpt d pa�nint d tk peice Dd,lYmtee a�/dd[rer ta tLe p�d�r Trasteds deed coa�cy6��e Pe�oparty.l�e
<br /> �t�dhh ts t�e 7�af�ec sdeN�be pr4s facis cvldea�e dO�t�d�ie shte�eats mad+e tiresefo.Tiat�esiW appiy th�e psnc�
<br /> d tlrc ede f�tbc to�o�wi�mdQ:(s)to a�a�pe�d tb�sak.t�lodi�.ba1�aot Biefted tn.lY�atee's[es as Permit�bl s�--, _ . .
<br /> pila�bie�w atl er�a�6te altar�e�s'Ces;(6)to aY s�s sac�sd 09 8�s Senuity Ia�ntme�aod(c�ray��•.:l��asis •
<br /> ar k�e�ttied W it.
<br /> � i��s..�.e�ac�upou psyrnmc of�u srms aoauea by au,sa�aicy caununcas.l�uder s6au�aq�esc Tn�ee co s000av�y the Propacy
<br /> and si�ll surrender @ns Socurity I�at aa�all mtes evidao�cbig de6t secUred by th's Seauiry Ia�cirt to Trostee.T�asuee s6a11
<br /> r000nvry the Ptoperty witho�t wanany and wit[�ch�ige m th pe�sas or Pe�soas leg�llY eataSod to it.�Sach petsoQ or ptrsons st�ll�� -
<br /> P�Y aay reoo�pon oosts. .
<br /> l�Se6etidoRe Trdea t.eader,at its aptioa,m�y frnan tiu�e w timne reajove Tnutee�d�ppnuu a succ�or trnsoee to sny T��oee •
<br /> ap�oiarea 6e�mdcr 6y an it�meot reoordea in tbc oaurty iu whtt�a�s s«„rity Inshtm�eat is ieco�aoa.wah�xa com►e�mx of thie
<br /> . p�p�y,the s�tcoassot tnutee shaU suoceed ta all the dtte,powu aud duties confearied up�oa Tr¢st�hecem�by ap�Cable taw.
<br /> 2b -Req�q�!ar Natloes.Bor�ower roqaests tls3t capies of tue aatices of default a�sale Ix setu to Borrower's ad�ress whicb is tGe
<br /> ; Prape�tg Address. . . .. , �
<br /> . Borrawer apsees t1�ai shoutd tbis SavritSr iastrtuneut and d�e note secau�ed�y twt be eGg�+le for i[u��cr.u�rr t�Nation�!Ho�g
<br /> � _ Aa wwitihie 9D days from d�e date de�eof.Lender may.at 2s opuan and aocwit�ad'u�a�zm�g�L�grap�9,mq+�cie _
<br /> im�'�afe WYmem in fiil!of aU sums sec�roA by d�is Savrity Iastnunea��wrmen�ent of arry auttrorv.e��of the Sscrctary
<br /> �'subsaq�t to 90 days from the date heteof.decii�.�-�g to insut�e this Security Iaswment�zii�ee note seeurcd
<br /> tEie�eAY.sh�ll 6e deemod coactusive prnaf of sucb ineligibility.Nahwiihstaiding the foregoiag,tfiis aption may mt be eac�ised by I�
<br /> . wLen We tm��7a6ility of iasur�ce is solely due W lr.oder's fa�ure to remrt a atosigage utsutaace pt�emium to the Soet+etaty.._.. . ,,. ,
<br /> . Rlders ca�hs Security Instrum�L[riTe or more ridersar�ex�.-uted by Borrower and re�r�ed tagether with this Ses.�catu�,� . •'.•.�?�
<br /> instrumrnt, ch:w?.�enanss of each sadi e�3�shal:be incarporatesi intc�and shall amend and supplement the covenants and�� r:`.
<br /> . �, ,...
<br /> agzee�nents af thcs.��srit�fnstiumem as i�r the rider(s} aere in a pan of this Security Instrument.�Check applicable box(es)). . ��'��
<br /> �E;�,�.
<br /> r r � t.._w�i.
<br /> � CunJominium Ridrr L� Adju+tablr�•��•R�drr l_� Gn�wing Fquity Rider � . ! �?'�;
<br /> ';ti�
<br /> r i-:;�;;:,,
<br /> ❑ Planned Unit Devefopment Rider ❑ Graduated Payment R�der t_� (lthcr � . �•-t;�s�'✓=�
<br /> ,:,,;,.,�.
<br /> �1�-•jf.
<br /> � '�:}_
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW,Barrower accepts and agree,�o the cerm�:�.bntained in this Security lnstrument and in any ridCtQs/
<br />' ,' executed by Barcower and recorded with it_.
<br /> . , '`_
<br /> � .,
<br /> , . `
<br /> ib"smess: • ,
<br /> lJ�'ys""'..�`s�G `'
<br /> --- - . � c_"�s...c.� ----lSCal)
<br /> 0 ugl Ja es Olmstead """,.N"
<br /> �� �/ /f� �-�—�-`- '
<br /> � . -
<br /> —---- -- �tGG-�i�!�-f�-���!���`-� (Seal) ��.-:
<br /> , , ,;,�,...� Beth Olmstead " �t�„�,,,�<, ' � :
<br /> ---.-----. ._------ — - ----� -----..�. lScaU
<br /> . . Kmr.}NC'� .
<br /> .- - • . ',i. :
<br /> � . . . .. - - ------� - --•------�(5eb1) _� .,
<br /> ts�����,,.�•�
<br /> STA7E OF NEBAASKA. Ha].1 C011IIty Y9:
<br /> (ln this 215t day of �I�TCh�� , 14 90 .befon me.the ur�deraigr�od,a Notuy Public
<br /> dulY�ami�io�d aed 4uaW'ud for said caunry,perscx�ally came DouglBS James Olmstead and Nancy Beth
<br /> Olmstead, Husband and Wife .�o me known tn be ehe � �
<br /> identie�l perraMs)wtiose name(s)are subseribod!u Ihe fimgoiag instnunsnt anct astcaowtrdged tl�e ezreutinn tl�ereof w be . .
<br /> their v�tuntuy ap ane decd. . - -
<br /> wimeu mY�nd acd oaui�l se�i�at - Grand Island, Nebraska in said crounty, �he '
<br /> date afotesaid. � �
<br /> • �
<br /> _ MY Carrmission e�ircs:��,Z,J99L - . ,
<br /> �� k«:,�y wh��� �
<br /> Wll�M��
<br /> � �� ��
<br /> ���tZ I�t [t�t1ilF�t�UR RECONVFYANCii �
<br /> '�U TttUS"i'�L� n�
<br /> 'ITte undetsig.�f Ic t�c ft��Ffer ot the note vr txdcs 6ecvraS by this Dred�rt Tnul.Satd n�xc or ryrtcs,to},�ether with all�nher udcbtedree..s � ��j
<br /> u�ured by lhis Dbett t�1 trust,hnve 6een p�.�xt in full. Yav ure hereby dua�ted to car�cel svd nue ur inqei and thic IaR+cd of'I n»t.µhc�h f
<br /> ure Qebverad herehy.anGf!�r tacr�n�ey,w�ttKU1 wartam.Y.:►11 the estate rxsw t�td by}�su ucnler this Iaerd ut�'tutt to the persun�>r pe�u,ar ' ` �!"'
<br /> IrgaRy entsdc+�Uk�KV. :� �
<br /> date
<br /> _.• . ,
<br /> --- -. . - - -
<br /> r,�., � .,
<br />