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<br /> (c) pfter paying Lhe items specified in subparagraph (b) of this paragraph FIFTH, iP
<br /> the sale is by Trustee, or the proper cnurt �r.d other costs of foreclos�ae and sale if sale is �
<br /> pursuant to judfcial foreclosiae� the proceeds of sale shall ba app2fed fn the order stated `
<br /> � tss].ow Lo the payment af: (1� Cast� of any eviCence af title pra�ured in conrtectfan with s��ch
<br /> sale and of any revsnue requfred to be pafd; (2) All sums then secure8 f�ereby= (3) The
<br /> remain�r, ff arey� to the p8rsors or pessQns Iegally entitled theretw
<br /> F_ach of the partfes ta this Oeed of Trust hereby requasts that a capyr of eny f�oticQ of QeFault
<br /> and a copy of any Not�ce of Sale prouided for hereinabove be mailed to each sush party at his
<br /> . post offfce address set forth hsrein llpon tAe occurrertce of sny default flere�mder, Beneficiary
<br /> shall have the aption to fare�losure th3s Uest3 of Fr�;st in the manrter prcvided by lao► for the
<br /> foreclasure of mortgages an real property.
<br /> SIXTN: Tzustor speciffcally agrees thats (a) 6eneficiary may, from time to time, by
<br /> wrftten instrument e�cuted a�d acknawledged by Beneficfary, mafled to Trustor and recorded in
<br /> the cowty or caunties fn urhich the Property is lo�ated and by otherwfss complyartg mith the
<br /> pravfsians of the appZicati2e l.ams of the State of Nebraska, sutrstftute a sc�ccessar or successors
<br /> to tfie Tnistee named hereirE or actfdng her�nder; (b) A1tQzaugh tf�e Trust�, er his successor or
<br /> successors, may be an agent c�f, ar attorneY for, or othermise connected with the Ben�rPiciazy,
<br /> sueh fact sha].1 not Ee canstnred to dfsqualify him to act as such Trustee� nor sha21 suich fact
<br /> prevent the Trustee os Beneficiary from bidding at a sale and �uying any par� or all� af the
<br /> Property at any sal� hereunderi (c) that if it should be necessary or appropriate for the
<br /> protectiun of tfie security hereby conueyed or enforcement oP the debt hereby secured, for the
<br /> Trustee or �he Beneficiary to institute or become a party to any proceeding or suit in a caurt
<br /> nf bankruptcy or probate or other cnurt rlf general or limited j�isdiction, all expenses; and
<br /> casts properly incurrQd by said Trustee or said Beneficiary (fncludfng reasonable at�orneys'
<br /> fees) paid ar incurre� ��y said 7rustee or Beneficiary in maititafning, prusecuting or defending `_
<br /> such preceeding or F:��a:�;�;� �I�ir respective rights hereurtder shall b� �� additional debt
<br />. secured 6y ttiis �eed af �r:r: fn like manner with t�+a prfncipa2 debt h�rein described; (d)
<br />, Benepiciary. or 3ts ayents, representatives or work�e�, are authorized to entes at any
<br /> roasonable time uperr ,:� in any part of the Prnperty for the p�rF�se af inspecting Lho same and •
<br /> for the purpose of ���orming any of the acts it is a�thorfzed to perPorm under tP�e terms oP
<br /> this Deed �f Trust= (e) any forbearance by Beneficiary ar Trustee in exercisfng any rigfit or � �
<br /> remedy her�:r,_er, or otherwfse afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude
<br /> the exercfse of any s•��y right or remedy hereunder; similarly, �he waiver by Beneficiary or
<br /> 1'�stee of any dePault of Trustor under this Oeed of Trust shall not bQ deemed a waiver of any .,
<br /> other or �i�ilar defaults subs�;�ently occurring; (f) extensfon of the L-ir..e for � "
<br /> modiPicati�- ar amortization c` ��3 sums secured by this Dasd oP Trust granted by Benefic ary to
<br /> any success�r fn interest ef Trustor shall not operate to rolease, in any manner, the liability ;: T
<br /> of the original Trus�:w^, and Trustor's successar in interes� Beneficiary shall not be required
<br /> to commence praceedir,ys agair►st such successor or refuse to extend the time for payment or
<br /> atherwise rt�;,�ify amortizatfon of the sums and fndebtedness secured by this Oeed of Trust by
<br /> reason of �-y demand made by the original Trustor and Trustor's successors 3n interest; (g) '�
<br /> mithaut affecting ths Iia�i3ity of the Trustor or any other porsan liable for the pnyme-: aP the � • '
<br /> ¢�eligotions end inde��c3^�t�ess secured by th� �eed af Trust, a�� �sithout aPPecting the ii�n or
<br /> c°sarge oP th:s Oeed o.° Trust upen any portian of the P:operty .r.� then cr t�oretoPore released -
<br /> es securi±y fss� tho full amaur.. �� all unp�id oblfgat��.ss, BP1R���`A�y r,,��, Pram time to time f'
<br /> and withou� na�ices (i) re2ease any por�on so liable, !ii) ext�-;� tho maturity or altor any of
<br /> the terms c,° �^y ru:�� cbligatians, (iii) grant other indulgenc�s, (iv) releasd or reconvey� or
<br /> causa to 6e releas�� �: recanueyed at any time at F3enefici�ry's option any parcel, portion of or
<br /> all of the �rc�e:*.y, (vj take or release any other or av�'s+;iona2 security for any obligatian or
<br /> indebtednes� t-e:ein mentioned, or (uij mak� compositior,� �r other arLangement� wfth debtors in
<br /> relation th�rr:ci (h) in addition to the righ�s and powers c�iuer. !:o tha Trustoa end Benofic3ary
<br /> haroin, the 6eneficiarY> 9ha11 have all such �°c�er rights both ir; :.=r� and equity for c�i�ection
<br /> oP the indehtednes� �::�ured hereby as it :�ould h�ve but for :7i� Oee� oF Trust; (i) all
<br />, cavenants zrd agreements of Tru:.Cv:: set forth in thi� Elasd oP Trust shali a� ;;int ertd severali
<br /> (�) this DeU�i•cF Trust shall be ::�:��rned by the laws of the State of �:ebra;;�a; (k) in th� event
<br /> any nr�e vr more of the provisfons contairted fn this Daed Og TrL��a� ar the �lote or any other
<br /> seeurity instrument givgn in connection uith the indebtedness horeby securod shall for Any
<br /> reason bo held to b� fnva2id, 121ega1 or unonforceablo in any respect, such invalidity,
<br /> fllegality, or unenfnrceabflity shall, at the oAtion nf F?enoffcfary, not affec! any other
<br /> ----
<br /> prooision o.° this beed of Trust, hut this Oeed of Trust shall be canstrued as if such invalid, , `
<br /> illegal, or unenforceable prnvfsian had nnver been conta�ned hercrin or therein, If thq lien of '
<br /> this Qeed of Trust is invalid �r unenPorceablo as to any part of the fndebtednoss hereby secured
<br /> or avfdenCOd by the h'nte, nr if the ],ien is invali.d ar �manfpTCe�!+2e �� trs any past o� ��8 `
<br /> �'ap9rty. the unsecured �r partially sa�ured portian �f such in�+ebtednc�ss shall bo cc�mpletely .�
<br />" p�ld pr3or Eo the paymant of the rem�ining and secured or partfally secured ��nrtinn oP >uch �'i
<br /> � fndebtednoss, and ell paynet►L•� made on �uch in�i�btednass, whettu�r voIuntary or und�r foreelosure ��
<br /> nr other enfotcumtmt aot�on or proce�ure, sha2.I bo r,onsiderdd to have be�n first p3id nn and
<br /> ��P��liad to th�• full paym�nt of th;�t ��
<br /> Rn�'tttrn oF such indebtednus;, which �s riot scc;ur�d �� �iot �
<br /> futly ser_ure��by the 2len oP thi� beed oP 7rust� c+nd (2) rhe t!�vr.nan�s atid agrc��mi�r�ts cnnt.afn��i U�
<br /> tr� t`+I� Flt�c�1 of Trust ,ha12 bir.!t, 1t�fl Lhti ben�P!t� �r,ri aclv;�r�tu� tT�; herenf �f�at i . ` ����
<br /> rc:s �,.-tiv:; t- a I _nurn. t�, thi -
<br /> u-- atr=., ::xe�:c���,rs, ahmirjf�:trators, :�ua:v-�;vf� ,�r..t .��:sfc�ny �f t�,�, ;,arfir��: h,�reta. �. �
<br /> • L•�herf:VUr u�:=rP ub!reir,� �hF� ,;f�u.�u1�iC �nii,t��r �ha]! 1rn�Iu�t:• s���� �� .
<br /> lt iYh� l�;rl t:V�NI•TSl�I;1� nut fhr. ��.
<br /> ��f on�r ���n:t�lr �:h;r1J ',�� a�,ptfrtihlE� 'n a11 ���,,,:t..r<o. '�t�:,,.,y... .�.,. ...;,.. ���a�,;-t�ft� j.��y" .,..,,t
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