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<br /> � ' '
<br /> '
<br /> � � ����Q1�4"�
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<br /> � hereirr, it shall include the legal ho2der or ho2ders of t!-�e h�ote ar the indebtedness setaaeti
<br /> , herehy.
<br /> � SEYEMTNt L►¢an wrftten request of Bsr�effciazy stating that aIl amounts and irtdebteciness
<br /> secu�ed herehy have been paid, art�t�gzut s�¢r��F �f}�� p8ed of Tre,rst and Lhe Nate to Tnistee
<br /> for LF�e carx:ellation and_retention and ttpon payraent by Trustor oP Trustee�s fees, Trustee shali
<br /> re�onvey to Trus�or, or the persan oF persort� legally �titled thereta� mfthout marranty, arty
<br /> postion of the Rroperty ttten held by Trustee hereunder. tlsa recitals in such reconveyance of
<br /> any matters or facts shali be canclt�s3ve praef of the trutzFcr�r-,�ss thereop. The grarrtee og g�y
<br /> reconvayance may he dsscrihed as "the parsan ar �ersons le3aLy esttf�Zed thereta"
<br /> �s Excapt for any notices, de,;.am3s, requests or other communicatians reqe�ired
<br /> � applicable la� to be given in anot,� manr�er� mhe�z� ���i��y Tsustor or Trustee
<br /> 9ivss or servas�.�y rntice (includin9s �sithaut �imftatian, rr�t`,,._ce of coramunfrzt�n:�s u►ith respect
<br /> ta this 0°-ed af irust. each such notice, dew,�,�, requevA �� other c��-�unications sha22 be in
<br /> �ri`r�rra artd siall 6e effectfve only ff the �T=� �2�J� by p��artal servics or mailed 6y
<br /> ��'•`�d m�-=s Qastage prepaid, return recefFt b,.�eyg�z ����s� to the address of the party�
<br /> to mhom mai3e�as Set farth at tha e�d of this O�c► of 5�.�� q�y p�y may at arry time change
<br /> its address for such notices by delivering or mai:�.�3�� ��_ other parties hereto, as afaresaid,
<br /> a r�t�ce of such chang� Any notice hereunder sf;-a� E= �r�ed to have 6een gfven to Trustor ots
<br /> B=.r�W€£�:iary when given in the manner designated t�:=�ti '
<br /> IN WITrlESS WFiEREpF, the Trustar has signpd and ����:c.�ed this Ueed of T:� the day and
<br /> year first abovs written.
<br /> � .
<br /> � sf ^ -./1 / -�,' �� �2, s
<br /> L--� ,%.v. ..,. �'ii. /r .
<br /> I+ter:e RfcCoun� Trustor �""" �''�"'�.--�
<br /> 2aria J. '�;.�,ti�n, Trustcr
<br /> ,��::...
<br /> .;;.;;.,, •
<br /> STATE QF PlEBRFi�RR ) ,::•;� ,
<br /> ) sss �
<br /> COUNTY QF HA!!. ) ,
<br /> The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on the ��
<br /> �A'C�h . 7990, by merle J. �icCoun and Glaria J. �1cCoun, Nuyban� and Wife T� of , —
<br /> . ��
<br /> ��� � :
<br /> ����'�� Notary P l�� 1 Y
<br /> .�
<br /> �
<br /> �.
<br /> Tha undersigned Trustee, for tne uses and purposas :';erein stated, does hereby accept
<br /> delivory of the above and foregoing Daeh of Trust c:,xan the te:ms and conditions therein state�
<br /> • / . ; � ±
<br /> /l ,� ;�,
<br /> �
<br /> Ronald S. Depua
<br /> 811 �1est Znd� P.O. Box 173
<br /> Grand Island, PJE 68802 ` �
<br /> TelQphone: (308) 3B4-U7T0 ;
<br /> STATE OF It1�gRASKA ) .
<br /> f S9, , ;
<br /> CQ�J"JTY OF H�ILL ) ',+��
<br /> � i
<br /> Tho f�regofng fn�trumant uas acknouledc�ed boPorQ ma on the ��� � �
<br />; fi��J rt a• , 1�9b, by ftonald 5. U�puo, Trusto�. ��Y �f �
<br /> ���
<br /> ���
<br />_ ���� ; %<- f �: f.. ,
<br />` E�1111!EOt ieM►:91 I�Jlf _ %,', , -r. f ;��
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