.^_�_ � •----_ �
<br /> �a�.- 10144p�
<br /> . tsustor is nnt at such �ime in default with res�ect to payme�t of any indebtedness sesured
<br /> h2T�}I OP �R the performance of any agresment heresmder. Upcn arry such default, 8eneficiary map
<br /> at any ti�ne, elther fn persnn, 6y ages�t, or by receiver to be apFointed by a ccurt mithout
<br /> � riotice and eeith�st regard to the adequaey of any sscurfty for the ind�t�rfness hereby securedf
<br /> (e) enteF upon arsd +tzke possassivn of the Praperty or any part th�reof and in its oun name sue
<br /> for or othar+nise collect such renZs, i$ssjss and profits, irt�luding thase past dae and �aid,
<br /> and aRply the same, Iess costs and expenses of oper�ticn and collec�%�, inciudirsg reasa�able
<br /> attornay's f$es. upon any indebtedness secured hei�eby and in such ordar as Beneficiary may
<br /> deter�inei (b) lease tiie same ot any pazt thereaP for such rental. term and upQn sucfi condi�ions
<br /> as �enefieiary's Judgmant may dicta�a or termfnate or adjust the terms and conditians of any
<br /> . existinr� lease or Ieases. Unless Trustor and 9eneficiary agres ctherm3sa fn mriting, am,r
<br /> app3lcatian af rents. issuss or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall nat exters� cr
<br /> postpane the d� date of the instal.lmert payments as pravided ic� the fUute or chan33 t[�e arcn:�t
<br /> of s.ich installments. The entsring ug�^ and taking pnsssssfon of the �sagerty, tr�e c�r1E..^�fart
<br /> nf suc°+ sents, issues and profits, and the applicatian thereoF as afara�a;d, s7iall not maiue or ,
<br /> cure ��� defaul� or nntice of default hereunder, or invalidate any act dane p�s=uant to svcfi
<br /> notice. Trustor assigns to Beaef£ciary. es further security far the perfe:?ance of tha
<br /> fn�'oted�►ess ancf abligatidns secured :�.�eby, all prepaid rents and aIl monays :ri r_:h may haUa .
<br /> be�a er may hRreaf�er be deposited miti: Tn;st�r by any Ie�see of the ?raper�y, � secur�: �1��
<br /> payrs;�':fi of asy rent or damages, and �an d��t in the performanc� �f any af �he provisi�
<br /> hereof, Trustor agrees tfl deli�er sue� =�:r'.s a-r� �eposits to Beneficiaryw Be���aeyo ug mritten
<br /> r�tice of Beneficiary's exercise of t:*•e �_3`.Ls yranted by this paragraph THTM� �a any tenant
<br /> occupying the Praperty or any portion �:zereof s�all 6e sufffcient to require sarh .�enant to pay
<br /> said rent to BerteFiciary unti,l. further rtotice. �•
<br /> Fa11RTHs IF there shall be Piled by ar against the Trustor any Retition or praceeding
<br /> � seeking an arrangement or composition or extension ar any attier relief under or pursuant to ths
<br /> FederaL 8ankr�st�� Cods or any other similar statute as nnw or hereafter in effect, or if ths
<br /> Trust� sha}.1 be adfudicate� hankrupt ar 3nsoZ,r�r. or any of Trustars ��perty shall have t3�ar? •
<br /> sequ�t°red and such decree shall have continus'� �..�discharged and un���� for ninety (9�) ��w� '
<br />, aftcr the entry thereof, then the u1hp23 nf the Note and indebtednes� hareby secured shall,
<br /> wfthauL notice, at the optton of tAe Beneficiary became due and payabla � '
<br /> fIfTHs Upon default by Trustor in the peyment af the 'tiate, or any renewais, �
<br /> modifications or extensions thereof or the payment af any other in�f8btedness se,:ured hereby . �
<br /> Beneficiary mey declare all sums secur�d hereby lmmediately dua and payable and the same shall ;:
<br />, thereupon become due and payable witheut presentment dem��� rratest or notice of any <<ind. . .3
<br /> Upon breach by Trustor in the performance of any ather term or conditian of the Note, Oeed of , , .�:
<br /> Trust, reneu�als, modiPications or extensions thereof, Benefieiary ma� prauide natice of such •, �
<br /> breach to Trustor and Trustor sfiall have thirty (30) days from the mailfng of such notice to �
<br /> cure the breac�`�. Thereafter, Beneficiery may deliver to Trustee a written �.+.3aratian of
<br /> default and demand 9or sale. Trustae shall have the power of sale of the Gr�..^.e�ty and iP
<br /> Ben�f�3ary decides the Proporty is to be sold. it shall daposit w3th Trustae this Oeeo af 3rust
<br /> and the Note or notes and any other dacuments euidencing expenditures s::ured hereby� and s�al]. � �•
<br /> deliver to Trustee a written notice of default and election to cause the Property to be sold� �
<br /> . and Trustee, in turn, shal2 prepare a similar not3ce in the f�rm requfred by lam� uhich shall be "� .
<br /> duly filed for record by Truste� .f
<br /> � (a) APter the lapsa of such timo a:.- moy bo requirP� by lam following �'�° recorCa�ion
<br /> of f�'otico of Oefault, and Il�cti�e of Jcfault and Notica oP SaLe having becn give� =s requlred by
<br /> law, Trustee, mithout deman� ��n Tru�t:r, shall sell the Property herefs�bePore de�:cibed, en� eny
<br /> and eL�ry part thereof, in ��:::�te parcels or en masse as tho Tru�t�a may elect and irt :uch
<br /> ord�r a� Trust�e mey det�r^�::^e on the date and at the time and place :��Sgnated in said n;�.�ice
<br /> df �z_�, at public au�tion to the highest bidder� the purchas� price payable i.n cash in la�.°ul
<br /> mo�y of the U-�i.ted State9 at tho t3me of sale. The parson conducting tho sale mey, for any
<br /> cau��ha or sh� �=_•�n3 expedient, po�tpone tho sale �rom timo ta time until ft:.•hall be comp��Lsd
<br /> and, i� every �uLh case, nc:fce of postpon�ment s�al1 be gfven by pu'�ii: daclaratfon th�reof by
<br /> such person at the time �-� place lest appointed for th� sale� aro•rfded, if the sa2e is
<br /> postponed for I�rr�er than.one (1) day boyond tho day designated in ±r.n_ �;etice of Sale. notice
<br /> therecf sha21 b� •;ivon in tfi;e sams r.a���.�.: as the original Fbtice of Sals. T.c�t.: wha22 execute �
<br /> and d4ZLV9r to the purcha�: its D2e� ;anveyi.ng the property so so1Q, :ut uitnnut any covenant
<br /> or wa:rant, express or frr��:±ecb The recitals in the Oeed of any ma�ters or facts sha2;. bs ,"�`--=_
<br /> canclusfve proof of the truthfulness thvreof. Any person, including mithout limf totian, '
<br /> HenePfciary os TrustQe may purchase at tho s�le. S3id salF� shall be cunducted at the rual
<br /> estat� formfng a part of the Proparty or at the caurt h�usa fn thQ county in which the Proparty
<br /> to h� sold} ar some Qart thQreof� �s sitUated. �
<br /> (b) ��hen tru�teo �e21s pursuant to thd N�u,Qrs h�rofn. Trusteo shail app?y th� �roceeds ��
<br /> Lof th� salv to payment of the costs and expenses oP exercising the pomar of sale �nd of the �
<br /> sa2E, tncluding, m3thout lfmitatton� the paymont of Trustee's foes incurred, which tru�teo�s �
<br />. fee� shn12 n�t in the ag��ray�tc� excc�e�f the surn �P �'ivv Huiidred Do22ars (55[]U.11d) p1,us Un�r �p
<br /> Fot�e�rt it3�j of thU amount S��cured h��xchy anr4 cetnuf.n��+� unUai.�i <tn�# th�n ±h !�y� items s�t forth • �#
<br /> ,n � �re rri h fC c�P h �ara�:ra,.ti F F T!-1 , h� �
<br /> ` Uh�' 3 P ) ! !s F 1 L' I i1: th:• ,rt1eT t E�aln stat�_�. "
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