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<br /> � 9Q.-.10144 f �
<br /> ►
<br /> � � (b� The performanee of each agreement, covenant and werranty of Trustor herein
<br /> eontained or set forth in the Note or any agreement or fnstrur►ant oxacuted by Trustor in
<br /> c:6nnactfan mfth the indebtedness hexeby seoure�i and
<br /> � (c) The pay�ent of eny sur� oF sums of money mith interest thereon mhich may he
<br /> , hereafter paid or advan�pd under the;erms of the Oeed af Trust.
<br /> NQ►:1. THEREFORE, TO PROTECT iHt SECl1RITY OF THIS 0'cED OF TRl19Ts Trustor daes far himself
<br /> and for T�stor�s heirs, representatives� vend=ee, s�cessars and assigns, the amners of safd
<br /> Rraperty, hereby expressly couanant, agrea and uarrant to and mith the Trus�ee and Beneficiary.
<br /> and their successars, ve�dees and assigns:
<br /> FIRSTs That tha Trustor hereby covenants and agrees, to tE9�extent permitted by lam, as
<br /> follourss (a) to pay promptly when due the principal and fnterest and other sams of mqney
<br /> preuided for in the Note and in this Qeed of Trust; (b} to prampfily pay befoce delinquency all
<br /> � ta;ces, assessments and other charges lmposed by la� u�on tt�e Pro�art�; (c) to keep the abnve—
<br /> descri6ed Praperty and tha fmprwements therean in goad conditia� and ropair and nat ta cammit
<br /> . ar sufPer waste thereof, and except as autharized in any sci�sdule e.�n�:ad hereto and forming a
<br /> part hereof, neither to remove nor permit the remaval of any: timber. buildings� oil� gas,
<br /> minerals, stone, rack, clay, grauel ar �op snil �ithaut tha pr3or mrftten consent of
<br /> 8sneficiary� (d) to maintain att� deZfvar to 8ar►2ficiar� policfes of insurance against sucfi
<br /> • h��.aT f:iie buildings and imprr�uenents nor� ar h��fter lo:atd an or canstituting a part of
<br />. i-tw'.�=���f as the BenePiciary stial2 require, in such cpcnp3nf.s� ar►d amaunts and with such loss _ , .
<br />, �sn���bl� clauses not less then the outst9nding indebtsd�e�s� that in the event of lass,
<br />• Seneficiary is e�ressly autharizad to settle or campromiss clafms under said policies and the
<br /> prrn.�eeds thereoF shal2 be paid ta the eeneffciary who may apply the same ar acry part tfiereof on
<br /> , the indebtedness secened h:rehy or toward the reconstzuctian or repair af said buildfngs and
<br /> • €mprnvement� or release same to th3 Trustar; (e) to pry any lien, claim or charge against the
<br /> �nperty mhi�h mig;-it take preced�ce w�r tha lien hereof= (f) to pay an demand �'_1 title •
<br /> ��:�rches and aparaissl feas re�.sor�ably irw_�Frzd ar �aid by Beneficiary to collect the '�ote or
<br /> fureclnsuxr� or pratect ths l�ei of� this Deed af Tr�sst� (gj that in the event Tru9tor shall fafl� � .
<br /> � compl3� mith #t� provisio�s of (a) thraugh (f) abaLe, the Beneficiary may expend such Purtds
<br /> ar�d take su�h aetian as is �ecessary to remedy such failure and all sums paid by the ��ePiciary ' r+:
<br />- pvrsuant hereto mii:h interest at the rate hsreinafter provided shell constitute a li�n upon the .
<br /> Property, shall be secured by this Oeed of Trust� and shall be immediately due and repayable to �
<br /> the Benefic3.ary; (h) not to sell the Property or any portion thereofi and irt the event of such =
<br /> sale herein prohibited, then the entire indebtedness secured by this Deed ¢� .irust shall, et the • :�
<br /> aation of tha 9enefi�iary, become due end payablei (i) that if the Property or any part or ' __:,,:�,:
<br /> �arcel thereof shall be taken or damaged ur.sder the pomer of eminent domain, the award Por any ;°;�.
<br /> Praperty so taken or damaged (including �e�,��ance damages to tha remainirtg premises) shall 6e '
<br /> paid to *��� Beneficiary end applied in f•:�T or in �xa�t at the option of the B�neficiary i.;
<br /> rsductian of the indebtettness hareby secur�u; (3) that the Beneficiary shall haua the right ta
<br /> irsaect the Proporty at such reasoneble. fii:nes as the Bensficrary may desire tc 'e�ermine �
<br /> �`sustor's compliancd with the covenan}s contained in thi� '?eed of Trust; (k} that the � '
<br /> Beneficiary may release from the lien hereof any part or parcel oF tFrv aroperty mithout `��.
<br />" requirfng any cansideration therefor, and (1) that Trustor is lawfully sei��� of sai� �=emises
<br /> and Praperty in fee simp2e, that the sar.r� are Pree and will remain fre� from ali :iene and ;�`'�`�
<br /> encumbrances except as may otherwise be s«:�.ifically noted herein or waioed in wrr*..i�g by tha • ��y� ''
<br /> Beneficiary; that Trustor will execute or procure any further necessary ���:�rances of title arr� "
<br /> does her�y warrant general2y ti�e title to said Property and will fos�v9r defend tho sara�
<br /> against �!n claims and de:�z.� �f all persans. mhomsoever, and that Trustor's separate estata,
<br /> uhether vested� c7nt;ir.;er�T_ :: in expectancy, is heroby cor�ueyed and Tru�tor dae� heroby
<br /> expressly waive, rel�:>� all ri1hts and benof3ts af any homestc�::, �o�er, curtesy, a�;:�isement,
<br /> � exemption and stey laws uf th�s state. It is agrofld that ?hs interest prov�ded �Por in
<br /> subsection (g) abouo shall be at the same rate as speciPied in tnv Note :e�.:red herehy an the
<br /> principal thereof efter defaui± and maturity.
<br /> S�C�!!Ot 2n tho event Trustor, w3thaut the prior wsftit�� cons�rt cf B�noFiciary, shall
<br /> sell. trarafer or conuey or contract to sell, transfe� cr co�;ey :he Gcr�l�aty, or any part
<br /> thereof �: any interest therein� thd entfre balance of the in3=_�_�e�ness nareby secured sha1Z
<br /> beCOme and be immodieta]y dua and payeble at the option of re:�eficiary; provided, however, _ ___, --
<br /> Beneficiary may waive svch option to accelerate if, prior to sr�+ sale, transfer or conveyance r
<br /> or contract therefore� BenePiciary and the person to whon tne property is to bo solA or
<br /> transferred reach en egreement in wrfting that tho credit of such persan is satfsPactory to ,
<br /> Qenaffcfary and that the interest payable on tAe sum� secured by thie Deed of Trust shall be at �
<br /> sur�� :ate us Be�re�ilc:iary sna3i request. �
<br /> TNIRD� That as further securfty for th3 payment nf the Nota and the indebtednsss �'�
<br /> �, theraby �ufdenced and tha �iarformarce o4 all oP the terms, covenants anrl canAitf.ons heteo�, ���
<br /> Trustor agrees that f+cne4icfary shaIl and does hsreby hav� the right, pomer �nd �uthnrity duririg r��
<br /> tht� eontfnuancQ af thl� Deed oP Ttust L6 collect thU rents, iss�es ahd (�rnf�ts of thr �rop��rty �
<br /> �
<br /> ors�1 nP ar�y ��+rsonal �rnperty Incated th�:ruo��i ufth nr vithaut takin� possessfon pf tht± ;,�pN�rty •,.�
<br /> affetted th�r��y: and Trustot h�t�hy :�hs�,le�tr�2y �nct �r��-onrii42onslly :3ssigns a�lt S�,a:h rer�ts� r. �
<br /> t���u�,a c�+vJ ursfi►_s to fien�atietary. Gtev�cft<<i�ty, �ouE�uc.•r, h�,rer))! �'Uh�;c?hts f� T:u�.teTT'�.
<br />.. (:�311F;L�fO'� iJnrj fOfC'f1�lUlt Uf 'iCR:f� ?'!47�4� }•.S:l��„r 8iltj O(bfi4:i �[: t`.f�' �..ft�1'. :�riri :l�}yfl�'jf' '�� ��-�'U i'- �
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