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<br /> TNE tlt�ERSIGf+�D lERE �. 14c�N and O.�iIA J. RcCQd�l, M�sband and Uife, hereby certify
<br /> and ackroa�ledge that, before signing and executing the be2om Oeed af Trust. they did read and .
<br /> � sign this hJsitten Acicnourledgment and, by v�xtue hereof, the undersigned unQerstand, and
<br /> ur�erstnod tretore signing said Oeed of Trust, that said Desd of Trust fs a Trust Oee� and nnt a
<br /> mnrtgage and that the Raorer of Sale provided frs said Deed of Trust pmvides sub�tan�ially
<br /> different rfghts and abligatians to the undersfgnsd than a mortgage in the event o�F a dafault ar
<br /> � trrexch of obligation urtder tt�e said Trust Qeed, frtcludfng, 6ut nat linfted to, the Benefiaiary's
<br /> � right to heve the rsal property sal�i by the Trustee u�ithnut eny 3udicial proceeding or
<br /> foreclostaei TAe wdersigned represent and orarrant that �his �lri2ten Acknom2edgment mas
<br /> executed by them before the executfan of the Trust Dee� This Uritten Actcnomledgment Ss �
<br /> appsrtded as a preface to and made e part of the 6a2ora Qeed of Trus�
<br /> : �+ - ` �
<br /> '�<!j� � � �a���.�.L �..t�v _ �n.
<br /> IRerle J.�, Trustor aria J. au�n, Trustor
<br /> ' IE�iA,SKl1 [�t! [F Ti�6T
<br /> THIS OEED �F TRUST, made this rG`h day of �'"t,�(�c !f- , A.Q., 199�, by and • �
<br /> hetu�een I�J�.E J. lil�ll and I�UA ] Rd�M, Husband and Wife. of the County of Na11 and St�3te
<br /> of Nebreska, hereinafter called lTEtUSTOEi", and ROMALD S. DEPqE, of Hall Caunty, NebrarLcs,
<br /> hereinafter called �i1�STEE'�, and tEi�Y � tEliDl[�R and 1111t�'�lIIfT L 1E'!iDl�R, th.�tand an� Uff�e. . . . .
<br /> Bax 127, Wood River, Nebraska 68883, herefnafter call.ed �BQ�F'ICIlIHY'i
<br /> iilITIVESSETH, That the Trustor, for goad and valua6le consic�ratim� fncluding th=•�t _ �
<br /> and trust hereinafter mentioned and created, does by these presents. irrevocably..c�rant, tzsc_•+'�c�
<br /> and sell, convey, assign and �r►firm unto the safd Trusteet Ii'�! TRUST WITH POUER 2' SALE, Par #� � ,
<br /> benefit and se�.srfty of Benaficiary, under and subfect ta t�-= terms artd condition of this LT�:rd . _
<br /> of Trus�, th� fallowing described real property sftuated in Hall Coun�/, rJabraska, to-u�its . ,
<br /> ' Lots One (1), three (3). Five (5). Seven (7j. Nine (9), Eleven (41). Th9.:t�en (13). ;;�
<br /> Fifteen (15), Seventeen (1?) and Nineteen (19), in Foster's Subdivisio� of. Waod Lemn
<br /> Subdivisiore, a part of the Southeast Q�arter of the Northeast Quarter (SE�1�?�� and part �
<br /> of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE�SE�) of S=ction Tmenty-faur '
<br /> {2p), Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (9 2), West of the 6th P.�1., Hall Ccunty, ��'
<br /> Nebraska, exceptfng a certain tract therefrom as reco�ded in Ularranty Oeed in Book 116, '�
<br /> Page i89, in the Register of Oeeds Office. •, �
<br /> . --
<br /> TOGETHER with and includfng all and singular the tenements, h=redLi;e�ents, appurtenanc� and
<br /> Fri��?eges thereunto belcrta_ing or in anywise eppertainfng, whathar n�.� or hereafter ac�sired,
<br /> ��+iJi shall include, wit�s�ut limiting the ganeralfty of th� 4orey�in�, ths Pollauin�,:
<br /> �
<br /> nll of the rents, i���?s and prcfits, including aLl x•ents, royaltie�, bonuses and �.'".
<br /> '-�a7efits under any cx_�ting or future a#.11. g�s ar ninaral or other leases= alI `*
<br /> �-;ement3 ans2 rigF::s ��.° ;uay� all rights o�' Vr�;�nestead and homestead exemption and any ,� .
<br /> ' survfvirg ��se's marital or distr�bvti�e share, and all other contingent rights in •. ��
<br /> and to sa-:= pre�aises; all water, water rights, whether rfparian, appropriative or
<br /> � ��herWise end whether or not appurtenant, all ditch rights, end any shares of stock
<br /> cc�'xdencing any such water or ditch rigt�t= a�d
<br /> All fixtures, improuements, bui.ldings� and the plumbing, heating� vantil��ing and
<br /> . 2ighting �;���ems and equfpment there�n; a'_Z barn equipment; and all pump:o pum{viz�
<br /> � �tz':ions, r.ators, c^3ines, machinary, re�s:voirs. pipes, Plu�c�, fences, and ath�r
<br /> -�:��inary r,* equiF��t� except tractors, �s�.�� for the pradletf.�n of uater on sa��*
<br /> �.r��7i�s c: �`�s the irrigatlon or drainage tryereof. ai� af which shall ba cana�r��ed arv3
<br /> consfd�rM �s afPixed to and part of the rea2 estate.
<br /> A1: :� �i4 foregoing e9tete, property arsd intarost hore�y conveyed to th� safd Trus�:�n is
<br /> horeirtafter collectivaly referred to as the °Pruparty".
<br /> .-�=--_-
<br /> TO NAUE ANO TO HOLO the same u nto the said Trustee, his s�ocossors and as�igns, '
<br /> forever, IN TRUST NOGIEUER and WITH POUIER �F SALE hereby expressly grantsd untv the said Trustee�
<br /> his successors and assfqns Por the purpose of securingt
<br /> (a) 7ho paynent of Trustor's fus� indebtedn�ss to S�neficiary in th�: principai sum of ' ��
<br /> Qno ktundred Thousand (Jollare ($100,hU0.00) for money bortor�ed, with interest thQreon, all as «
<br /> euldeneed by ond in strict occordancc� with the terms of that certain promissary note, ��
<br /> L noreino�'ter callod tho "DJoto", bdaring aven datd fnQrewith nade payeble ta th� orrler of ��:f
<br /> 4enofpciary, dxoCUtdd by TrU9toTS and providing for thv p�yrR�nt oP soid ind�btednciss in r'�
<br /> in�tal2nont„ tt�n lnst oF which 9s riu� ant} ;�ayable llpril 1. 1998� sub3ect 4n acceleratfon nf • ,�tt��
<br />- r�oturi!y on Naf<iult fn 2hri pt�yment nf ��ny {nstalln:en! �fi prfncip�tl or interest �r in the =' �"
<br /> �r��ribtm��n�e of �ny couenant, ayre�m�n! or watcanty cnnt��ne3 in thiy �e�-c�uf Tr��stg " '
<br /> �
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