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<br /> ;b � `� ' � �:;a' .stii3's.i:.-y5..vc
<br /> i:�,-- �t+ .a t' ..it -'��.2�5F`�;��r'`.`3�'i'�'� iUN��S;t�:y.�:w'�Saa.�i:•��'^r�t�n�f� ..,.�csy�3,R, 3' _---
<br /> �—. _ _ � �
<br /> - g�1013C4
<br /> ' NON-UNIFOAM COVEkANTS. BoRawer�nd lender fuRher covenant nnd nqree as 4oiow� •...
<br /> S9.ACCil�r�ttOn; Flemedirs. lender ahaD qive notice to Barrower prior to teceFersuon 4�a+ti�s 8o�6wer's Es��s a! :.�r;
<br /> CAYM+R1 Of lgfE�fRIMt IIf tRIS Security tnstrument (but not pdcn to eceeteretian unda para�h 13 a 17 unkss appGcahte law provtdes
<br /> atte�wtse). fie notice shal! speafy: �e)t4�e detau�; (b)the action required to cure tM 6ehuth (c�a dite,not less than 30 dtys Uom the
<br /> � date the notice is gtva►to Barower. Oy wAich tha defauft mrast be eured: end (�that fa�7ure to arn tAe det�uh an or 6Nore t;�e date
<br /> spe�llkd in tAe notice may resuft in acoetereT�n ot the sums secured by this Securily Inatiument and a�te o!ths PropeRy►. The notice sh�9
<br /> fuRh�intorm Borrayrer o!!he risht to reinsiate aRer acceferatien and the dsht 4o brinp�couR�etior► to tasat ths non-exut�nce of •
<br /> dehial or any oiher dNense ot @orrower t4 acceleratinn and sate. ii the defautt Is not ared on a befors lhs d�t�specified M the noUce,
<br /> �entfa at its opi9on msy requ're irrYnediite paryment in t1�Y of at!sums secured by this Secu�4:y fnsUument w�hout fuMer Qaner+0 and may
<br /> • invoic�tha power of safe artd any otrter reme�es pem�ued 6y app9rahle 4w. Lender aAaA be enWaO to ooled al e�enss�harted tn
<br /> pursuny tha rernedres proviQeO in thts puagraph 19,inGudinp,but rtot W�tited to.�sone6fe�Komeys't�es and eo�ts oi tlBe evldence.
<br /> fl ihe pawev ot sate is invoked.Trustee shap�acord�notice of deltuSt In eath t.ounty h whkh�ny pu't of the Property ts bCated and
<br /> sMR rtpii cop�es o!suh`►notice tn the mannar presuided tiy eppi'�cebte taw to Barmwer�nd tv ti�e otAer persons presa�ed by appEab4s
<br /> iaw. ARa!he Wie�equ'rsd by appGcabte iaw. Trustee ahari��ve pubGc rtotiee o!sate to ih�persons�nd(n tAe msnner prosaibed by
<br /> �ppicabis yw. Trustea,withcut demand on BoRawer,ah�G seU the RropeRy�t pubfic.wctton to the bi�hest bidder at tha t4ne and piace
<br /> �nA under th�terms deslgnated(n the notice af sate in on�or more pucels�nd(n arsy orMr Trustee datem�6�ss. Trustes rtry postpone
<br /> sab oi d ot eny pare�l ot tt�e Property by pub&c announcemeni ai the time and piaee of ar+y pcevtausly acheduted aate. Lender � @,s
<br /> desiprtee may purclsase ihe Properry at any sa!e. �
<br /> Upon tecelp!01 prpt�ent ot the price bid,Tiustee shW deiiver t�the purchaser Tcustea'a deed conve�Mp th�Proparly. iRe re�t�ts 6�
<br /> the Trustee's deed shsH be pdrr�fede�idertce at the Uuth oi the statements made thadn.Trustea sha,Y apply the procesds a4 Lh��e
<br /> In the tolfowin9 order. (a}to aA expenses of the sa'.a incfa�:ng, Qut net liraited to,TNStee's fees ss peer��tr�y appliabie law ar�f�es-
<br /> sonabSe attameys'fees: (by to eIl sums secured by th's�ecu-�.ry lnstrumenl; and (c)�y excess to ttte��san ot��asza leyaay etRitJed
<br /> to�.
<br /> 20. l.ende� in �oSSession. Upon acce;eration a����^,�:agraph 19 or abandor►r.iecri ot the PropeRy. Lenda (��persen, by
<br /> agent a by Judicial�,�eppointed receirer) sha(1�2 entRJed to ert:er u�on, taKe possession ot and manigs the PropeRy aad to ca�e+�the '
<br /> rents o11he Property�ciuding those put due.A.iy rents coltected by Lend�ar the recetver shaN be appQed 1Prst to Rayrrseni e9 tfie�sts
<br /> 01 management of the Property and cr,°action ot rents, including, but nat limite0 to.�ec��eta tees, premiums on teceiud�ban�s�:3
<br /> reasonabta pttomeys'tees,snd th�a ta the sums secured by this Securiry Instrumen4
<br /> 21. RvCOnveyanee. Up�n pa�rment o1 aSl sums secuce�by this Securiry f�sUument,Lender sh�Y request Trus:�e to recarsv��Lhe
<br /> Praperly and shaU s:�-render this Seasriry Insir�-��1�nd a'i a�tes eviderecJng debt secured by this Secvrfty(nsUument to 7NStee. . '
<br /> Trustee ahaA reconvey the Property vrthaut wa^a�'� and w'hout charge to the person or persons IegeAy entitled to it Suclr paso� or
<br /> pecaons ahs9 Rry any recordaUa�c;.Js.
<br /> 22. �Lt�iS4EttatA Tfust89. le�3er. at iis a;�:;on. rsar (ram time to Iime certtove Trustee and �ppoint a suec�sor trustee to any �
<br /> Trustee a��a'r,.:d h�r.:nder by an instrument�e�-.r..rled tn the county ln whicb this Security tnstrument is recordee. WAhoul canveyance !
<br /> 01 ths Property, s•�:r✓-.�ssor trustee shall succeec��:n alt the titie, power and duUes confe�red upon Tru3tee herein and by�ppqcabie faw. '
<br /> 23. Raquest fflr Notices. Borrower�equests that coptes oi the natices ot dttauR and eafe be senl to Boaowa's address
<br /> which is�P,e Properry Address. Borrower tuRher requests that copies of the ooGces ot defeult and sete be sent to each per�on who is a ,
<br /> paRy h��_1 at the�ddress of such person set toAh herein. � �
<br /> 24. 8$:�°ars to this Seeurlty tnstrumen� II one ar moro riders ue executed by Borrower and recorded to�ether with thts � •
<br /> Security tnsUument, the covenents end agreements o1 each such rtder shali be incorporated hto md ahtN�mertd�nd auppteme�t the . .
<br /> coven�r:s and ayreements o!this Secuoty tnstrummt�s if tbe rider(s)were a paR nt ihis Securriy insUUmen� =
<br /> (Chec�:arID+cable box(es)] �
<br /> _ � Adjustable Rate R�c� (�]" Conctominium Rider � 2-4 Farr,ir�(=.���2r
<br /> [� Qra��a�e3 Payment RiCer � Pianned Uait Devetopment Rider .�',
<br /> (�Oiner;s) Speuty :�cknowledgement & VA Rider .
<br /> 8Y SIQNINfl BELO'IJ, Bcr.a::��.rRpis and agrees to the teims anJ covenants conl�;,.�eQ in this Sewdry tnstrument and fn sny dder(s) ,�
<br /> executed by Bortower and recer�;��wilh ft. ,.
<br /> Cv GL•�ii�,r, ' •�,Fn-r��� s�►� ..
<br /> eo�►owe� SJi 11 is���.;. Haney
<br /> � , . i
<br /> .,r, '��P^.- i .,.•l/,'/ 1 �FAL
<br /> eo�roW�: na ae aney
<br /> ,
<br /> .':::uce 8elovi Th�s:.^e For AcK�e�eC�ment)
<br /> STATE OF P3ef�:ask�
<br /> COUNTY OF � ss.
<br /> Hall
<br /> �._- :C:ar�c.'a �r���i' '_�=�^ _,a Notary Fati:ic In and tor said cou.ity end stete,do hereby c�Lt,r lhat ,___�_�
<br /> William J. Hane�,� �;:� Ina Mae Haney,t Hus^��;,.� a�d c�7i f�• ,e�sona�y appcarcd �
<br /> betore me and is (are)known to rrr.:�bc iho person(s)who, being intormed a`ti-�c��.��^te o1 tha toragoing(nstn:�s���, heve oxecuted
<br /> same,eid acknowtedged said ins:r:�sent to be_ thei�__.. Ireo ena �c1,:-r;;c���t�nd doed end that��.ta�, _
<br /> crue.ner.the�r) �ne.�r .tnoy)
<br /> executed�eid instrument for tho purposes and��:es therein set toAh. �
<br /> � Witness my hand and offieial seal this 8th d�y o� MaCCh ,t9.9U . ��y
<br /> My Comm�ssion Exyires � �v`
<br /> } . •�
<br /> � !L i�lY�-- �_ a -f y,vt.._:_!�� r s�� t�..
<br />• — � U]�
<br />_ N,•e�/�uD ���
<br /> �r'r1_=°3'��-��
<br /> Th�3 ih9lrU�ilCtil Y�SF prCUylGd hy �I.�1�AY'5�:1 Gi H..�..� •
<br /> E�NttJ108Efitv!iLLER
<br /> , .,d ,�6 11��1l�E1�Nttt�f.19��
<br /> " � ffr�llrY'�vll ty'l�l(f ?�
<br />. �
<br /> ".y_"'__.' -,__,. �.:�'"__".r_:. ...�"". �--�-�..+-m----+ - 7
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