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<br /> .t,�'�::':..r-..ai�::_ 6 : _..• ._ - ' ._.
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<br /> if Lender required mortgage insurance as s conditian o!makin�ths i�zn secu-F4 D�.t�a :.-.�uifty tnstrument, 8oraower atsai pry ths
<br /> premiums reqvired 4o mainta:►+the insurance in eftect untii s�cth tim.e as iR�re�ui+_n'.Er�R[s�r tha insur�ncs termiaates In accordanee v+ritl�
<br /> Bflrrower's and Lender's writtete agreement or ap��;cab!e taw.
<br /> � 8. It1Sp6Ctton. Lender or iIS agent may make reasonab'.e ensr�u,�or�an.i ins�+2�a�a ot 13►¢Property. 4exid�r sha!Qtva Barrawer
<br /> notice at the time ot or p�tor te an inspection specitying reasar�b'e ceu3e!or at�a a�sp�-
<br /> �. COn$AmnatlOn. The proceeds ot eny award af ctaim tos 63rrag:-s. dsc-+�rr..conseq�cv�t�sl. in ecnneciian wtth�rry cortd�nns-
<br /> tion or other tatcirtg of eny part ot the Property, a tos wmreyanre irt Eeu oi ear:.S2�rrr�t.',;ar: ue hereby assiyned and�ha9 be paid to
<br /> Lende�.
<br /> fn 3Ae event of a total tatdng ot the Property, lhe prasseds sEs�fi De ep�'!sd ta R�S�.'�'�u sea+red by this Sewrity tnat�ument. whE:her
<br /> or noi then Que.with any excess paid to Borrowe�. tn thQ e��ent of a parrai lak3:s,t M,t!'t°P%pcRY.unisaa Borrower arsd Lenda othemtse
<br /> agree h writinp, the sums secaued by this Secur.ry tr�struTent sh3�ba r��lcfd�►�.tFtA amAUn1 ot ths pracaeds rtes�4ip�ed by the to9owing
<br /> iraeiion: (a)the tolai amount of sums seared imme�iatHy befcs�ttv�ta1Jn�.,d�ff�by @3 th�hir rtwAcet vatue at the PropeRy karr+ed'ately
<br /> be!ors the takfig.My ba�anca shal!be paid to Barrower.
<br /> If rhe P�ap�/is ebandoned by Borrcawer, mr N aft�r n�tice b�Lerr�rsr to Borrower tha!the conder�ar oftera to m�tc�an sNard or
<br /> setle�ciairR i�r�amages, Borrower ta��s ta resp,n�to LertQ2r w"vPoA,?A�days aftertha date the noilca ts Qtven, lender!a asriha�izzed to
<br /> ��end ap�:}the proceeds. at its apGac�. eithCr.4a rFSto�ati�,t�repais ot the Pra�eRy or to the aums secured by this Securfly
<br /> t^,�t�ent,wti�.;'�er or not then due.
<br /> Jnfess t,e�sd�and BoROwer othemise ag�ce in v�n'lnq,, sny.app5cafien o!pra:c-a�ta prhdp�!a9�a!rtat ex[end o�po�tpa.se the dufl
<br /> dats o/the mur;irt��ayments referted to irr���raF'a 1 eas�2 or chr�rge the ameurt aI auch pr�s.
<br /> 10. 8ors�c��c.�Nat Reteas�d; Forebeara�lce By Lender Not s 1AI�E�o� 6�esx�an ot the ume tor pa�,ir.ser.�t or mcd�t-
<br /> +si"u-.�:a!a.^��"+�:.'an ot the sums secur�d by tPJa Secv.�/ Instrument pranted(s{lr�z 3er to�ny successor tn interes4 oi Borrowe► shatt
<br /> . +�.�:c�;.�at�C¢°�iease the fiability of th2 oriqina!Bv.ra�rEr�r Borrowers success�ss L�;ntere.st. Lender shaA net be requtred to ce�r.mes*c�
<br /> procee�ings a;�,r..at any successor in inL:re3t ec rKusa to extertd tim.e(as payment a olhe�wi��modi[y art�ortvetbn ot tha sur:s sec�u'�
<br /> by this Secu:i��.-strument by�easa�o:anl d2r►*arsd made by the oriQ.��3 Borrow$r or 8orrowers successass In interest.M�Y��..ala.�►o2
<br /> by�ender in ex2r:Asi�g any rf�trt ar remr:dy aMY, noi be e wai+res ot or prectude the er.ercisa ot any dyht or remedy.
<br /> t t. Suecessors aa��f l�.�signa Bou�d; Joint and Several Uabilit�r, �CV-signo�s. The covenants end ayreements oG
<br /> tDis Securfty tnsGvment�hr�f t�:hd artd�an:fit,tc��su�cessors end assigns ot lend�:�:d 8orrawer.subject to the provistons ot peragraQh
<br /> 17. Banawer's cavenartts �.�� agrcem.enE.q sh�a0 be joint end severai. My Bortow�r wHo co-si�CU this Sewrity tnstrurr,enf but does not
<br /> exeeu!e th2 Nctc: �a; is c�-slgning ft.fa Sacur�nj �nstrument onty to mcR�,rge. g:a�t. and cor,vc�t",�at Borrawer's inte�est{n the Properry
<br /> und��*.e lert�s cl�"is Secutify snstrrnr�ai:�(b)(s noi persa:sn:t�SS�g�:eW ca pay th.e ssms securc�3 Esy ihis SecEC.�iEy InSUUme�1; end(e)
<br /> agrees that LezC�s sn�Bny G'S`+cr 9osr4�uer may agree to�*�r.d, modi,y, forbeas or cr,ake any ac:am.^zaG2`�.��a�:Ih repard to terms ot ,
<br /> thia Seeuriry in_Lr�rent of the Nc�e wdhout that 8orrower's consent.
<br /> 12. L02iG �f�€Wrges. If tt� [oan secured by this Securiry tnstrument Is subJect to a la�h�w;�i:�::,seis maxtmum faan ct�arges. and
<br /> ihat iaw(s final.r �n:erpreted sa tB��t the interest or other loan charges cattected or to be c3ttecte�ir�coneeetlon with ihe loan exePed lh8
<br /> perm���d fimits,then: (o� pnf such loan charges shall Oe reduced by the amount nece:.^,ay to reduce the charge to ihe pmNtted qmit;
<br /> ar,d (L; any sums alreadj caEtected from 8orrower which exceeded permitted lim'sts wii de refr:nded to �bRawec Eendec may choose to
<br /> mak��S:Is retunQ h�red�ciny tS�e prinapat owe�un�er the ��tote or by making a direct payment to 8orrower. tt e reiun�reduces pdnclpal, '
<br /> the re�u+x+on r�i?i;a ir•tnted e:, a partial prepeycnent without any prepayment charge unCer the NaT�. �
<br /> 13. �.egdg.[�.t•�on AHeCting Lender's Rights. II enactmen! or oxpiration ot applicabie taw h�s the e!f+ct o1 rfr;:�trg any ; ��'
<br /> pra�:!s3en o1 tho NatQ a�ttla SQCUriry fnsUument unenforceable eccording to its terms. Lertder.�1 Bs opUon, m�y�e;u:r2(m>�ierTia:a payrt:c-r,r : r1•'=.�;
<br /> ' �J
<br /> H�«�s1�� scmr► aecu.ed by this Security lnstrument and may invoke any remedies permitted by parayraph 19, i'� lendei ex+t�ases th`s ;,'.
<br /> option. lendar shr�li take the slsps spec�ed in the second paragrapA a1 paragrapb 17.
<br /> 1A. NOt1C¢&. My notice to BoROwer provided lor in this Security Instrument shatl be yiven by detivering il or by maitir,3 it by firs! �
<br /> ctass mail unless applicabte taw requires use of another method. The notice shall be direrted to the PropeRy Address ar er�ather address .:��
<br /> Ba�rower designates by notice to Lendet. My notico to Lender 5ha11 be given by firsi ciess meA to Lender's AdZess stated hereln or eny
<br /> other sddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice provided tor in ihis Secudty tn9trument sh�;! �e deemed to have been �
<br /> flhren to 8oneh� or Lender when given as provided in Ihls paragraph.
<br /> 15. �OV�cusing Law; SevAra6ility. This Securiry Insirumer.;5he�l be govemed by fed�ra'.law end ihe taw of th�ikrlsdiction In •
<br /> whicb the Property is tocateC. In the evenl that a�y provlsion or clauso of this Securiry tnsUumeni or the No:e c�nR(cts witl�appUcable �
<br /> law, suth conilict shali not effect other proyisions ot this Security Instrument or the Note whieh can bo given EY.•�cl without ihe conflicUn�
<br /> provision. To this end the provisions of th�s Security fnstrument and the Note aro declared to be savCrabte.
<br /> 16. BOrrC�ver's Copy. Borrower shall be given one cor�formed copy ot the Note artd o2�!ria Security Instrument.
<br /> 1T. T►ansier of tho Property or a Beneflcial lnterest in Bor�ower, u all or ar.�paA ot ihe PiopeRy ot atty intetest In .
<br /> it ts sold or transterred(or 1t a beneticial interest in Borrower Is so�d or transterred sc� 8orrower i�not a nat�:al' r�erson�without Lender'e
<br /> p:�ec written consent, Lender rr,ay. et its option, reqa:�:�~mediate paymeM 1n tu:l�g all sums secured by thls Securiry fnStrumEnt.
<br /> k?��rever, th;s�ption shall no2 be exerc:se:by Lertder il exercise ls prohibited Dy lederal faw es at tbe data o9 t':.s Sec�^.y tnst►ument.
<br /> 11 lender exer�;ses Ihis option, lend�:,hall giva Bonower not,te a^acceterntion.The natice s".�11 provlde a perfo4 0!n:J;Uesa than 30
<br /> days hom tha::��e tho notice is delivered or mailed within which the 6orrower must pay ell sum3 secured by Ytr:� Securic��nsir�ment. If
<br />. QonowBr feils cz pay these sums prior to tho expirallon ot thls pe�fod. Lender rr.��i-•�oko any�emedies pe:^:�"'m� 6y thla Secudly Instrtt-
<br /> meM wi�hoat fw:her notico or demancl on Borrower.
<br /> 18. Bor�a�+car's Ftight to Fielnstate. (f Bor�ovrar meots certain concfiUons, Borrowtr shall havo the�ighl to have enforeement
<br /> ot thls Securiry Instrument discontinued at any time pr:or to iho eadier ot: (a) 5 days (or sucb o:�ar perlo0 as applicabfe tew may apeciy
<br /> tor rei+tstetemenq beforo sale of the P�aperty pursuant fo any power ot sF►10 contained tn Ihi�Security InsWment; or (b) l.�ntry o! a �� ��
<br /> �udpmenf entorcing this Security Instrument. "ihoso conditions are that Bonower: (a)pay�LenCer�N sume wfiich Ihen would be due under
<br /> ihis Security tnstrumeM nnd Ihe Noto had no ecceteration occurred; (b)cures any Actautt o1 any other covenanl or egreetncnts; (c) pays
<br /> eA expense�incur�ed(n enforcing th�s Security Instrument, including.but not fimited to. reasonabte�ttomeys' fuos; end (dj fekos 8uCf1 Acti6»
<br />' ss LenQer may reasonaDy requ�ro to essuro Ihat the tien o}this Secunty Instrumenl, lend�r'e rights In t�e Property end BorroHer's obUg� �
<br /> atfon tQ pay sums secured by this Securiry Inslrument shall eontinuo unchanged. Upon rntnstatemen!by Borrowor, t�ls Securiry Instrument ��
<br /> � and the oblipaUans secured hereby sha0 remain 1u1ry eHectivo es H no ecceterntion had occurred. However, thl3 sight ta relnslato sha!I , ��
<br /> not eDply tn Iho rASO ot occeleration u�dcr pdragraph 13 or 17
<br />, VI'
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