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<br /> - � ��--1tii3�4
<br /> r- �A ASS�JM�'TIOI� POLI�Y RiDER
<br /> THIS ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDER is made this 8th day of March � 19 50 �
<br /> and is incorporated into and shall b�deemed to amend and svpplement the Mortgage.Deed of Trust.or Deed to Secure
<br /> Debt("Instrument")of the same date herewith,�iven by thc undersigned("6lortgagor").to secure the Mortgagor's
<br /> Nate("Note")of the�r:�ate to
<br /> . FLE�_ "_��t�age Cocp. ,
<br /> � its successors and assigns
<br /> ("Martgagee") and c���ring the praperty desaJ�e�in the instrumenc artd iocated ar.
<br /> Rt. 1 Box 177,, Gtanc� Lsland NE 688oZ
<br /> (Property Address)
<br /> Not��ithst�.;.t�ing an�t?:ing to the contrary set fortli in the Instrument.T4ortgagee and R'fortgagar hereby acknowledges
<br /> and agree��� the follo«�in�:
<br /> GUARANTY: Show',?_'�e Departraer.c of tierr-ra.rs Affairs Pail or rcfuse to issuc its guaranty �n.fuSi amount within
<br /> 60 days from the date t.l:�r�his loan ti�ould ne.rrr�,iaa:ome eligibie for such�uaranty�committed u�r�r by the Department .
<br /> of Veterans Affairs urcycr the pro�•�sions of T'.ti��:>3�f the U.S.Cadc"�'�.z�rans Benefits",the'.11ar��.��r:e may dedare,
<br /> the indebte�r�ess herch: securect a� t:�ce due and pay�aE:e�-��z:at f�;C'C105e 1Q11i1Cd181C�)' Of Ii18y�Y�Tt75f BiLy other
<br /> rights herew:_;�s J. t�I.r:any otrer proper action as by Ea�• �-���z��d. .
<br /> TRAh5F�i?QF TH[.L��20PERTY: tf all ar any part of the Property uc any interest in it is sold or transferred,llli5 .
<br /> loan shall be immediacely due and payable upon lransfer("assumptio.^.")of the property securing such loan ta any
<br /> transferee ("assumer"), uniess the acceptabili[y af the assumption and transfer of' this loan is established by the �
<br /> Department oP Veterans Affairs or its autharized agent pursuant ta sectian 1817A of Chapter 37, Titte 36, United .
<br /> 5tates Code. , .
<br /> An authorized transfer{�•assumption")of the property shal)also he subject to additiona!co��enants and agreemen:s �:
<br /> as set iorth below: ,
<br /> (a) ASSUMPTInN FUNDIRC�FFE:.A fce equal to one•half of 1 percent{.50?'0}of the un�3i�princi�al P�alanWe
<br /> of this loan as of the date of irar��.:� oT the property st�a!!L: pa��abtr al the tirr�: :�`trar�frr ro the m�rtga�ee c�r
<br /> it�a ithurized agent, a5 trustcc for t:c Sc�rrtary of�'etera�s Affair�. If thc a�.tiun:cr i:.i15 tu �ay this fec at the t4r. e
<br /> oi'transfer, the fee s�all con5titute an adaitiic��.31 debt to that already serured by th:s ir�strur.-cn:. shall bear in!:rNst �
<br /> at the ratc herein provided, and. at the optiar.c;thc mortgagee of the indcbtcdnes5 ?:creby secared ar any tr�ns�eree � �
<br /> thereai, sh�U bc immediately due and payan.e. This iee is automatically ��•aiti•cd i( ci•.:awsurr.er is excmn;. u,-c':r thc �
<br /> pravision��sf 38 U.S.C. 1829(b1. '
<br /> {b) ASSU PflC�V p[tnCFS51NG_CF����?_t';f_Upan applicati�r{'c�c appra�at :a aUna assurnpi�on and cr�nsfet �';
<br /> of this loan.a ptoceG4:.^.s fec may be charged�� ~::mortgagee or its auth�.:�,-.ed a�ent f�r dctermininp the creditwarthiness
<br /> oi thc assumer and svbscqucntly re��i�ing the^c:�1er's owner�hip rcc�rds�a".n an ay�r:�o�cd transfer is completed.The
<br /> amount of this charge shall not e•=�c•d �he ma?�inium established by the nrpanrT,:i�: oi' Vctcram Affairs for a loan
<br /> to which section 1R17A of Chapter 37. 7itle 38. Uniied StateS Code aF�.'ics.
<br /> (c1 ASSU_11�P'Tlf�'�_)N�E1�INITY I.IAf31��'fY: If'this�bligation is as���ned, then the assumer hereisy abrecs to �
<br /> dstiume all af`thc oblib�tions of the vctcran ur dcr thc tcrms nf the instru��cncs -rreatir�g and sccu�in�the laan,including
<br /> the obligation af che �•eteran �o indcrnriify !l,e Repartment of Veterarts �►t'i'ai:s to �he cxtcri o` any dairn paymcrn
<br /> tirising frorn the guaranty or insuc.;.s,ce of t�*c indebtcdness creatcd by this in5tru«��:nt.
<br /> I;�i �1'il'tiESS �VNfREOr, 1�1artgagar(s)'r..is exc�utcd this Assumption P'i�licy Ridcr.
<br /> - _�l����_�I �-yz���_ ._ ----- (5ca1) ._. - --- — -- ----�1ort(aec�c
<br /> William J:• Naney Mortgagor F F
<br /> ,, .-_ ---
<br /> • , .. .
<br /> �. ' '�'�'� .j f<., . ,, �,.. ,, _ 15ea1)' -- - � (5ca1)
<br /> It1a Nlae. Haney _ ..- .�-------- �lortgagor �tr�rtgagor
<br /> � 528 e.o:� •.±!r!au�irGnr,g��u,��.,ai�,1gi 9ia,..g;r.,.51i �t�� ,f v
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