2� 17�2785
<br /> aEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: ��"I 3U��3'i {C�nt[nu�d� Page 7
<br /> ass�gnmen� vr a�herwise. Neither �he accep�ance o� this Deed of T�ust nor �ts enforcement, whether by cvurt
<br /> a�t�vn �r pursu�nt�o �he pawer o� saie or Qther pawers con��ined in this De�d �f Trust. shali prejud�ce or in any
<br /> manner affect Trus���'s �r Lend�r's righ� ta rea�ize u�on or en�arG� �ny ❑�her seGurity now o� hereafter he�d by
<br /> Trustee vr Lend�r, it being �greed�hat Trustee and Lender, and each a��h�m,shall �e entitied ta en�orce'�his �eed
<br /> ot Trus� and any othe� secur��y now c�r her�after hefd �y Lender or Tru�tee in such vrder and manner as they or
<br /> either a�them may in their a�solu�e dis�retion determine. No remedy con�erred upan or reserved �o Trustee or
<br /> Lender, is intended�o he exclusi�e ��any ather remedy in�hi� aeed of Trus�or by iaw pr��ided vr permitted, but
<br /> �ach shall be cumulat��e and sha!! be in add�tian to e�ery other remedy gi�en in �his ��ed v� Trus# ❑r now or
<br /> her�a�ter existin� ��law or in equity or by statute. E�rery pawer Qr remedy giWen by th� No�e�r any o�the R�la�ed
<br /> Dvc�men�s �o Trus��� ar Lender or t� which either ❑� th�m m�y be Qther►rvise enti�led, may be ex�rcised,
<br /> concurrent[y or ind�p�nden�ly, �ram �ime to time and as aften as may be deemed expedient hy Trus�ee or Lender.
<br /> and either o� �hem may pursue in�vnsis�ent remedies, No�h�ng in �his Deed af Trus� sha1� be construed as
<br /> prahihi��ng Lender from se�king a de�i�+ency�udgmenfi agains�the Trus�o�-to�he ex�en�su�h ac�ion is permitted by
<br /> iaw.
<br /> Election of Rem�dies. All ❑� Lender's righ�s and remedies wii� be Gumuiative and may be exercised alane or
<br /> together. if I�ender decides tv spend mQn�y ❑r tv perf�rm any of Trus�or's obligations under this Qeed v�Trust.
<br /> aft�r Trus�ar's failur� �o dv so, that decisian by Lender will nv� ��Fec� L�nder's right ta deGlare Trustvr in de��ul�
<br /> and to e�cercise Lender's r�m�dies.
<br /> Req4est fpr Nv�ice. Trus�arr pn b�half o�Trustor and Lender. hereby reques�s'tha�� �vpy of any Na�ice�f Default
<br /> and a cvpy of any Notice ��Sale under�his Deed of Trust be mailed t�them at the addresses set forth in the �irst
<br /> paragraph❑f this ❑eed a�Trust.
<br /> Atturneys' Fees; Expense�, If Lender institutes any �u�t vr action to enforGe any o� the 'terr�s ❑# this Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lender�h�ll b� �n�itled �o re�Q�er such sum as th� Gvurt may adjudge reasonable as �ttorneys' fees at triaE
<br /> and upon any app�aE. Wh�ther ❑r no� any court a��ion is inWal�red, �nd ta the ea��ent not prohibi�ed by iaw. all
<br /> r�asonable expense� Lend�r 1nCurs �fiat in Lender's ❑pinivn are necessary at any t�me �or the pratecti�n ❑f its
<br /> in�erest or the en�orcemen�n�its ri�ht� �hall become a part❑t the �nd�b�edness p�yable on demand and shal! bear
<br /> in�er�st a�the Nvte rate from the da�e o#�he expenditure un�i� repaid. Expen�es cv�ered by this paragraph inciude,
<br /> withvu� limi�afiion, howe�er subjecr�o any iimi�s under appii�able law, Lend�r's attarneys' fees and Lender's lega�
<br /> expenses, whether ❑r not there is a lawsuit, including a��orneys' �ees and expenses �or bankruptcy proceedings
<br /> {including eff�rts t� modi�y or�acat� any�u��matiC stay or injunctian}, ap�e�ls, and any an�t`rcipated pas��udgment
<br /> collectivn s�r�vE��s,�he cvs� of searchin� re�ords, nbtaining �i�Ie reparts �includ�ng fare��osure reparts}, sur�eyors'
<br /> reports� and apprais�l �ee�, titfe insurance, and fees for �he Tru���e, �v the exten� permitted by applicable t�w.
<br /> Trus'tvr also will pay any cour�C casts, in add�tivn to al!a�her sums prorrided by law.
<br /> Rights v�Trustee. Trustee sl�a��ha�e all vf the righ�s and duties❑f Lender as se��Fvr�h in this section.
<br /> P�V1rERS AND �6L[GATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The following pro�isions reia�ing �v the pawers and obligarions ❑�Ti rustee
<br /> are par�vf this ❑eed a�Trust:
<br /> Powers vf Trustee. ln addi�ion��a!I powers o#Trustee arising as a matter a�law, Trustee shall ha�e�he pawer to
<br /> tal�e the �ollnwing ac�iQns vvi�h r�spect to �he Property upvn�h� wri�en reque��❑� Lender and Trust�r: ta} jain in
<br /> preparing and �il�ng a r�ap or plat vf the Reai Property, including the dedicaxion o� s�reets ❑r other rights ta �h�
<br /> publi�; �by ja�n in granting �ny easement ar crea�ing any res�riGtion on �h� �e�� Praperty; and {c} join in any
<br /> subardina�ion ar❑�her agreement af�eGting�his Deed��Trust or�he tn�erest af Lender under this Deed nf Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shal! meet a1� qu�li�icativns required far Trustee under app�i�able �aw. In�addition to the rights
<br /> and remedies set�vr�h aba��e, wi�� resp��t to all or any �art o� the Praperty, the Trustee shall ha�e the righ� tv
<br /> foreclase by nv�i�e and sa�e{ and Lender wi�l haue the right ta �oreclose �y judiciai f�rec�osur�, in either cas� in
<br /> accordance wi�h and�o the full exten�pr�vi�ed�y applicabl� law.
<br /> Successvr Trus#ee. Lend�r, a�Lender'�❑pt�on, may from time to time appoin�a �uccessor Trustee�o any Trus�ee
<br /> a�pvinted under �his ❑eed a��"rus� �y an ins�rument executed and acknowiedc�ed by Lender and recorded in the
<br /> �ffice o�F the recorder o� HALL �vunty, State o� Nebraska. The instrument shal� con�a�n, in addition �o ail ❑ther
<br /> matters required by stat� law, the names of the original Lender. Trustee, and Trustor, the bonk and page {or
<br /> cvmputer system re�erencej where �h�s �eed of Trust is recarded� and the name and address a� the sucGessar
<br /> trustee, and�h�instrument shaii be execu�ed and acknowled��d by ai�the beneficiaries under th�s Deed o�Trust or
<br /> �hetr succe��ars in in�ErEs�. The successor trus�ee. withau� conu�yanGe of the Praperty, shal! suc�eed �o �II �he
<br /> title, power, and du�ies ��n��rred upvn�he Trustee in this �eed o�Trus�and by applica�le �aw. This pro�edure�or
<br /> suhsti�utEon o�Trus�ee shail r�o�ern to the exclusion o�a�l�ther pro�isians�ar substitu�ion.
<br /> NDTICES. Any no�ice required to be gi�en under this Deed of Trus�, includ�ng wrthout limita�ion any na�ice of���auIt
<br /> and any no�tice ❑�saie shali be given in writing, and sha�� b� effecti�e when a��ual�y deli�ered, wh�n actually re�eived
<br /> by te�efa�simile �unless v�her►nrise required ��r law}, when depasited v►rith a na�ionalEy recognized averni�h�cour�er, ar, i�
<br /> mailed, when depvsi��d in the llni�ed S�ates maEl, as first cias$. ��r�ii�ed ar registered mail postage prepaid, directed ta
<br /> the addresses sht�wn near�h� be��nning a�this fleed a�Tru�t. All cppies o� notices af f�r�closure frvm �he hoEder raf
<br /> any lien which has pri�ri�y ❑ver �his De�d o�Trust shall he sent t� Lender'� address, as shown near th� beginning o�
<br /> this Deed ❑f Trust. Any persvn may change his ❑r her address �vr natices und�r�his Deed of Trust by gi��ng fvrma!
<br /> wri�ten nati�e ta �he other person ar pe�san�, specifying tha� the purpose v� �he no�ice is ta ch�n�e �he person's
<br />