2� 17�2785
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: 'I�'13�253'I �C�nt�nu�d} Page �
<br /> �ther Defau�#s. Trus�or's act or-Failure �o act ad�ersely affects Lender's s�curi�y interast in�he Proper�y, ❑r any
<br /> right of Lender's in suGh security.
<br /> Right to Cure. i�any default, o�her than a default in paymen�, is curable and i�Trustar has not been giWen a nvtice
<br /> of a �r�ach af the same pro�ision ❑f this❑eed❑�Trust wi�hin�he preceding twei�e {'{�} months, �t may be cured i�
<br /> Trus��r, after Lender sends written noti�e to Trus'tor demanding eure a�such defauit: ��} cures the default►rvithin
<br /> ten �1�y days; or {2} i��he �ure requ�res m�rs�han ten 4�D} days, immediately initiates steps whi�h Lender deems
<br /> in Lender's sole discretian�❑he su��icient to cure the de�aul�and thsrea#�er continues and cornpletes a�� reasnnab[e
<br /> and ne�essary st�ps sufficien��o produce�vmp[iance as soon as�easanably prac�ical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. !f an E�en�❑f DefauEt�ecurs under this Deed of Trust, a� any time thereaft�r.
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender may exercis�any vn�or more of the�oli�wing rights and remedies:
<br /> A�celerat�on Upon I]efaul�;Addi�ionai Remedies. I�any E�ent❑#De�ault o�curs as per�he terms ot�he No�e
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may deciare al! indebtedness secured by this ❑eed of Trust�to be due and payabie and
<br /> the same shali�hereupon become due and payabi�without any presen�ment, demand. protest❑r nvtice of any
<br /> kind. Therea�Fter, Lend�r may:
<br /> ta} Either in person o� hy agent, with or wi�hout bringing any action or praceeding. or i�y a reGei�er
<br /> appainted �y a court and wi�hout�egard to�he adequacy af its secur�ty, enfier upvn and ta[�e possession
<br /> o�the Property, or any part thereof, in its vwn name ar in�he name o�Trus�ee, and dv any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable�� preser�e�h� Walue, marke�ability ar rentabiiity of the Proper'ty, or part o�F
<br /> the Proper�y vr in�erest En the Prvper�y; increase the �ncvme �rom �he Property ❑r protsct the securi�y a�
<br /> the Pr�perty; and. wi�h or withaut taking possession af the Prvper�y, sue #or ar ❑�herv►rise callect the
<br /> r�n�s. issues and pro�its ❑f the Proper�ty. �nciuding those past due and unpaid. and apply the same, Eess
<br /> cos�s and expens�s of opera�ion and coi[eGtion attarneys' fees, �o any indebtedness secur�d by this Deed
<br /> o� Trus�, all in such order as Lender may determine. The en�ering upon and �aking poss�ssion ❑t the
<br /> Property, the cvllec�ivn ❑f such ren�s. �ssues and pro�i�s, and �he applicatinn therevf shall not cure or
<br /> wai�e any defau�t❑r notEce of de�ault under�his D�ed of Trust or in�aiidate anY act done in response to
<br /> such defauEt ar pursuant t❑such no�ice o�de�ault; and, notwithstanding the continuance in possessian af
<br /> the Proper�y ar �he cal�ection, receipt and appiication of rents, issues or pro�its, Trustee or Lender shall
<br /> be enti�ied to exerGise e�ery right pro�ided fivr in�he Nv�e or the Re�ated ❑ocuments or by !aw upvn�he
<br /> occurrence❑f any e�ent o�de�au�t, including�he righ�to exercise�he power v-F sale;
<br /> {by Commence an ac�ion to foreclase this Deed of Trust as a mvrtgage, appoin�a re�ei�er ar speci�ically
<br /> enforce any o��he cv�enan�s herea�; and
<br /> �G� Deli�er ta Trustee a written dec�arati�n of default and demand�For sale and a written na�i�e o�F d��ault
<br /> and eiection#o �ause Trustor`s interest in the Prvperty to be sold, which na�tice Trustee shai! cause to be
<br /> duly�iled for re�ord in�he appropria�e a��ices v�the Caunty En which�he Proper�y is la�ated; and
<br /> �dy V11i�h respect�� a[� or any part ofi the Personal Prvperty, Lender sha�l ha�e al�the rights and remedies
<br /> of a secured par�y under the Nebraska Uni�arm Commer�ial Cade.
<br /> Foreclvsure hy Power of 5ale. i�Lender elec�s to �areclose by exe�-cise of the Power of Sale herein�an�ained,
<br /> Lender shali nati�y Truste� and shall deposi� with Trustee this Deed of Trus� and �he Note and such receipts
<br /> and e�idence v�sxpend�tures made and s�cured by this Deed ot Trust as Trus�ee may require.
<br /> �a} Upan receip�of such not�ce �rom Lender. T�ustee shaff cause ta be re�orded. published and deli�ered
<br /> tv Trus�or such Natice o� De�ault and Nv�ice of 5ale as then re�uired by law and by this Deed ❑�Trus�.
<br /> Trustee shaIi, without demand on Trustor, after such time as may then be required by law and after
<br /> recarda�ion of such Nafii�e ❑� Default and after No�ice o� Sale ha�ing been given as r�quired by law, sell
<br /> the Proper�y at the time and pia�e of sale fixed by i� in such Notice �f Sale, ei�her as a whole, or in
<br /> separa�e lvts ar par�els �r items as Trustee shall d�em �xpedient, and in such ard�r as it may de�ermine,
<br /> at public auc�ion to the highest bidder�Fo� cash in lawfui m�ney ❑�the Unified 5ta�es payabie at#he time
<br /> o� sals. Trustee shal! deIiver ta such purchaser or purchasers thereof its good and suftic�ent deed or
<br /> d�eds con�eying the prvperty sv sold, but withou� any co�enant �r warranty, �xpress or implied. The
<br /> reci�a�s in su�h deed ot any matters ❑r �a��s shall be conclusi�e praa� o�the�ruthfulness there�f. Any
<br /> persan,including without limitation Trus�or.Trustee, or Lender, ma�purchase at such sale.
<br /> tb} As may be permi�ted by lav►r� after deducting a�� costs, fees and expenses of Trustee and ❑f �his
<br /> Trust, in�luding costs❑�eWidence ot����e in c�nne�tion with saie,Trustee shai� app�y�he pr�ceeds a�sale
<br /> �� paymen�vf 4i} a!I sums expended under�he terms o��his Deed o�Trust vr under the terms of�he Note
<br /> nvt then repaid. including [�ut no� limi�ed �a accrued inte�est and late charges, {iiy all other sums then
<br /> secured hereby, and {iii�the remainder, if any,ta the person or persons legally entitled thereta.
<br /> �c� Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by law pastpone saIe of all ar any porfivn v�the Prvperty.
<br /> Remedies Not Ex�[usive. Trustee and Lender. and each vf them. shal� be en�itled �o enfiorce payment and
<br /> performance ❑�F any indebtedness❑r obiigations secured by this ❑eed❑�Trust and to exercise afi rights and pvwers
<br /> under this ❑eed ❑�Trus�. under �he Note, under any v�the Related Documents, or under any o�ther agreement �r
<br /> any laws now vr hereaiter in force; nv'twiths�anding� some or all af such indebtedness and obliga�ians secured by
<br /> �this Deed af Trus� may nvw or hereatter be a�her►n►ise secured, v►rhether by mortgage, deed o��rust, pled�e, lien,
<br />