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2� 17�2785 <br /> �3EED �F TRL�ST <br /> Loan No: '1 C�'i 3��53'! ���nt��lued� Pag� 5 <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upan r�quest by Lender, Trus�vr shall execute su�h do�umen�s in additivn ta <br /> this ❑eed of Trus� and �ake whatev�r��he� a�tion is requested by Lend�r to per�e�t and cantinu� Lender's �ien an <br /> �he Rea! I�rQp�rty. Trus�ar shall reimburse Lender far all taxes, as described below, together wi�h a�1 expenses <br /> incurred in recording. perfeG�ing ❑r cont�nuing this Deed ❑� Trust, ir��lud�n� wi�hvut limitativn ajI t�xes, f�es� <br /> dacumen�ary stamps, and other charg�s f�r recflrding or regist�ring this Deed❑�Trus�. <br /> Taxes. The followin� shail �vnstitu�e �axes to which this section applies: �7} a s�eci�fic �ax upon this #yp� �f <br /> Deed a�Trust or upon al! vr any part caf the Indebtedn�ss secured by this Deed o�Trust, {2� a speci#ic �ax vn <br /> Trus�ar which Trustor is authori�ed ❑r requir�d to deduc��rom paym�nts on th� lnde��edne�� secured by�his type <br /> of Qe�d a�Trus�; �3} a tax vn this�ype o�Qeed flf Trus�C charg�able �gains�the Lender or�he hvEder o�the Na�te; <br /> and (�� a spe�ific tax on ail or any pvrtinn❑t the Inde�tedness vr❑n paymen�s��prin�ipa! and in�erest made by <br /> Trustvr. <br /> Su�sequ�n� Taxes. !� any ta� to whi�h this se�tivn applies is enacted subs�quent �o �he date of this �eed v� <br /> Trus�. �his e�en� shafl ha�e �he same e�ffec�C as �n E�en� o� L�e�auit, and L�nder may ex�rcise any or all of its <br /> a�ailable remedies �or an E�ent o� De�aul� as pra�ided belovir un�ess Trustvr ei�her ��y pays th� �ax befvre it <br /> b��ames delinquent, or {�� cantests �he tax as prvvided ahv�e i�the Taxes and Liens section and depasi�s v►►ith <br /> L�nde�cash ar a su��icient c�rporate surety bond a�r❑ther security sa�tisfactory to Lender. <br /> S��UR1�'Y AGREEMENT; FINANGING STATEM�NTS. The �aliowing pro�isivns r�ia�ing to this Deed v� Trus� as a <br /> security agreement are a par�of this Deed❑�Trus�: <br /> Se�urity Agreemen�. This instrument shall consti�ute a Secur�ty Agreement ta the extent any v� �he Property <br /> constitu�es �ixtures, and Lender shal! ha�s a1f o�the righ�s o�a seGured party under the Unif�rm Cvmmercial Cvde <br /> as amended from�ime t�time. <br /> 5e�uriiry tnt�re��, Upan r�ques� by Lender, Trustvr shall tak� whatever actian is reques�ed �y �.�nder �a per�ec� <br /> and can�inue Lender's securi�y in�erest in the Persana! prop�rty. !n addi�ion ta recvrding this Deed ❑f Trus�in the <br /> rea� property reGords, Lender may, a� any time and withvu� �ur�h�r authorization �rom Trus�tor, #ile execut�d <br /> coun�erpar�s, �vpi�s �r r�produ���Qns �� this D�ed vf Trust as a �inanGing stat�ment. Trustor sh�l1 reimburse <br /> L�nder �vr al� �xp�nses incurred in pe��Fecting or continuing this securi�y interest. Up�n de�ault, Trustvr �hall nv� <br /> remaWe, �e�er or deta�h the Psrsona� Pr�p�r�y �ram �he Prvperty. Upan defaui�. �rus�ar shall ass�mble an� <br /> Personal Praper�y n�t a��ixed �o the Proper�y in a manner and at a place reasanab�y Gan�enient ta Trustor and <br /> Lender and make it a�ai�abie tv Lend�r within �hree �3} days after receip# a� wri�ten demand �rom Lender tv the <br /> ex�ent perm�tted by appliGabse Eaw. <br /> Addresses. Th� mailing addresses af Trustor {debtor� and Lender �se�ured party� fram whiGh in�orma�ion <br /> cancerning th� se�urity in�eres't gran�ed by�his D��d of Tru�� may h� ob�ained {e�ch as required by t�e Un�farm <br /> C�mmercia� Cnde� are as stated�n the�irs�page vf this Deed v�Trust. . <br /> FURTHER A55URANCES; ATT�RNEY-�N�FACT. The failowing pra�isions refating �o �ur�her assurances and <br /> attorney-in-fact�re a�ar�vf this Deed❑�r Yrus�: <br /> Further Assurances. A� any�C�me. and �rom t�me�a �ime. upvn reques� of L�nder, Trus�or will m�1�e. ex�cu�e �nd <br /> de�i�er, or wiEf �ause to be made, exe�u�ed or delivered, �o Lender or t� Lender's designee, and when request�d by <br /> Lender� cause to b� filed, re�arded► re�i�ed, vr rerecorded. as the case may be, at such times and in suGh ❑f�ice� <br /> and pla�es as Lender may deem apprvprEate� any and ail s�ch mv��gages, deeds o�trust, se�urity deeds, securi�y <br /> agr�emen�s, financing ��atem�nts, ��n�inu��ifln ���tements. ins�ruments of �ur�her assur�nce. �er�i�icates, and <br /> o�her da�uments as m�y, in �he so4e ❑pinivn af Lender, be nece�sary a+r desirable in ardsr�o effectuate, comp�e�e. <br /> pertect. con�Enue. or preser�e ��} Trustar's obliga�ions under the Nate, �his Deed a� Trus�, and the Related <br /> [�ocuments, and {2} �he liens and security int�rests crea�ed by th�s Deed o�Trust an the Proper�y, whether now <br /> owned or hereaft�r acquired by Trus�vr. LJn�ess prvhibited by !�w �r Lender agrees to �he cantrary in writing, <br /> Trus�or shall reim�urse Lender�ar ai�casts ar�d expenses incurred in conne�t�on with�he m���ers re�erred�o in�his <br /> paragraph. <br /> AttQrney-in-Fact. !f Trustar fails �o do any o��he�hings re�erred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may dv sa <br /> tor and in the name o�Trustar and at Trustor's ex�ense. F�r such purposes. Trus�Qr hereby irrevo�ably appoints <br /> Lend�r as Trustvr's a�torney-in-��ct tvr the purp�se c�f making, ex�cutin�, de���ering� �iling. recording, and dning ��� <br /> ather �hin�s as may be ne�es�ary o� des�rable, in Lender's sole apin�on, to a�complish �he matters re��rred ta in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFaRMANCE. I�Trustor pays a��the Indebtedness. including w�thou��imitation a�� �u�ure ad�ances. when due� <br /> and o�h�rwise p�r�orms all the ob�iga�ions imposed upQn Trus�ar und�r this De�d vf Tru�t, Lender sh�ll execute and <br /> deliv�r �a Trus�ee a r�qu�s�C for fu�l cecan�eyance and shall e�ecu�e and d�li�er ta Trus�ar sui�able s�atements of <br /> �ermina�ion v� any �inancing statement on fil� evidenc�ng �ender's security in�erest in the �en�s and th� Persvnal <br /> Prvper�y. Any rscQnveyanc�fee required by law shail be�aid by Trustor, i�permitt�d by appli�able iaw. <br /> DEFAULT. A�Lender's np�ianr Trustvr w�ll �e in defauit under this �]eed ❑�Trus��f any of the fvliawinc� happen; <br /> Fraud ar il�aterial Misrepresent�'tion. Trustpr commits fr�ud or mater�al misrepr�sen�ation in cannecti�n with �he <br /> �erms�t�he No�e. <br /> Payment Defau�t. Trustor�ails�o meet the�epaymen��erms❑�the Nvte�vr any vu�stan�ing balance. <br />