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2� 17�2785 <br /> �EED �F TRUST <br /> Laan Na: ���3�253'i ��orltinued} Page 4 <br /> lndebtedness sha!! cons�itute campiiance ►►vith the insurance pro�isions under �his ❑eed ❑f T�ust, �❑ th� exten� <br /> compliance wi�h the �erms of this Deed o�Trus� wvujd cvns�titute a dupli�atian ❑� insurance requiremen�. If any <br /> proc�eds fram the insurance became payab�e on loss, �he pra�isions in this Deed o'�Trust�o�di�isian o#proceeds <br /> shall appiy only to tha�p�r�ion of the pr��eeds not payable tv the holder❑f�he Exis�ing lndebtedness. <br /> LEN�ER'S EXPENQITURES. I� Trustar fails �A} �o keep the Property free ❑� aII �axes, liens, security interests, <br /> encumbrances, and o�her cla�ms. {B} �a pro�ide any required insurance vn the Property. {C� �❑ make repa�rs tv �he <br /> Praperty vr t� c�mply wi�h any obligation �a maintain Exis�ing �ndeb�edness in good standing as required be�av+r, �hen <br /> Lender may da so. If any ac�ion ar pra�eeding is commenced that wauld mat�r�aliy a���ct Lender's interests in the <br /> Property, then Lender on Trustar's behal� may, bu� is not required �v. �ake any activn �hat Lender be�ie�es �o be <br /> appropriate tv pro�ec� Lender's in�erests. All expenses incurred or paEd by Lender for such purposes wi�l then bear <br /> in�terest at the rate �harged under th� Note #rom the da�e incurred or paid by Lender �o the date of repaymen� by <br /> Trustor. All such expenses wiil become a par� ��the Indeb�edness and, a� Lender's op�ion, wilE {Af �e payable on <br /> d�mand; �6} be added �o �he balance o� the Note and be appor�ioned amvng and be payabie with any instailment <br /> payments to become due during either {�� the #erm o�any applicabie insu�ance pojicy; or ��} the remaining term o� <br /> �he No�e; ❑r {C� be treated as a balloan payment which wilf be due and payable at the Note's maturity. The Deed of <br /> Trust aiso wil� secur� payment o#these amoun�s. The r�gh�ts pro�ided fiar in this paragraph shall be in addi�ion �o any <br /> v�ther rights ar any remedies to ►rvhich L�nder may be en�itled on accvun� o� any de�aul�. Any such actian by Lender <br /> shall nat be construed as curing th�de�ault sv as to bar Lender trom any remedy�hat it otherwise would have had. <br /> VIrARRANTY; DEFENSE�F TfTLE. The�nllowing pro�isions relating�o�wnersh�p af the Praper�y are a part a��his Deed <br /> ❑fi Trust: <br /> Ti#!e. Trus�ar warran�s that: {a� Trus#ar holds gnod and mark�table tEtle of recard �o �he Proper�y �n fee simple, <br /> �ree and clear of a!� liens and encumb�ances other than those set for#h in �he Real Proper�� description a� in �he <br /> Existing Indebtedness sectivn below or in any�i�fe insurance palicy, title report, or�inal �Etle opinivn issued in faWor <br /> ❑f, and acGep�ed by. Lender in canneG�ion with this Deed ❑f Trus�. and �by Trustar has the full right, power, and <br /> authori�y�ta�xecu�e and deli�er this ❑eed a�Trust to Lender. <br /> �efense of Title. 5ub�ect�� the ea�cep�ion in �he para�raph above, Trustor warrants and will ��rever de�end the <br /> titl�ta the Proper�y agains�the law�ui c[aims o�F al! persons. in the e�ent any action or proceed�ng is cammenced <br /> tha��ues�ions Trustor's�i�ie ar the interes�❑�Trus�ee ❑r Lender under this ❑eed of Trust,Trus�vr shall defend the <br /> ac�ion a�Trustar's expens�. Trus�or may be the nvminai party in such proceed�ng� but Lender shall be en�ified to <br /> par�icipafie in �h� prace�ding and to he repres�n�ed in the proceeding by caunsei ❑f Lender's vwn choice. and <br /> Trustor will deli�er, �r cause tv �e deli�ered, �o Lender such instruments as Lender may reques�from time to�ime <br /> tv perm�t such participation. <br /> Compiiance Vllith Laws. Trustor warrants that the Praperty and Trus�or's use of the Property complies wifih all <br /> existing applicabie laws, ordinances, and regu�ativns o�governmental authorities. <br /> Survival of PromEses. All pramises, agreemen�s. and s�atements Trustor has made in this Deed ❑f Trus� shai� <br /> sur�i�e�he execut�on and deii�ery of�his Deed of Trust, shall be cvn'tinuing in nature and sha�l remain in�u!! fiorce <br /> and e�fec�un�il such time as Trustor's it�debtedness is paid in full. <br /> EX[5T[NG [NDEBTEDNESS. The fviiawing pra�isions concerning Existing Indebtedness are a par�of�his Deed v�Trust: <br /> Exis#ing Lien. The Iien vf this Deed v� Trus� seGuring the indebtedness may be secondary and in�eriar ta an <br /> exis�ing iien. Trustor express�y �a�enants and agrees �o pay. or see tv the payment of, �he Existing Indeb�edness <br /> and�o pre�rent any default on such indebtedness, any default under the instruments eWiden�ing such indeb�edness, <br /> or any default under any security do�uments�or such indebtedness. <br /> No Modifcativn. Trustor shal! not enter into any agreement with the holder ❑� any mortgage� dee� o� �rust, ar <br /> vther security agreemen� whi�h has pr�orEty aWer �h�s D�ed of Trust by which that agreement is madi�ied, <br /> amended, ex�ended, ❑r renewed vui�hout �he pria� writ�en consent ot Lender. Trustvr shal! nei�her request n�r <br /> a��ept any�u#ure adWances unde�r any such security agr��ment wEthvu#th�prior written cvnsen�of Lender. <br /> CQNDE�1rINATI�N. The�ollowing pro�isions rela�ing to�vndemna�ion proceedings are a part of this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Prviceedings. lf any proceeding in condemnation is fiiled. Trustor shall prompt�y noti�y Lender in ►nrriting, and <br /> Trustv� shall promp�ly take such s�eps as may be necessary ta defend the acrion and ob�ain the award. Trust�r <br /> may be�the n�rnina! par�y in such pro�eeding, bu�Lender shafl h�en��t�ed�o participate in th� proceeding and t❑ be <br /> represented in �he prv�eeding by �ounsel of �ts own choice, and Trustvr wili deli��r or cause to be deli�e�ed �❑ <br /> Lender such ins�ruments and dacumen�at�on as may be requested by Lend�r �rvm time to �im� to permi� such <br /> participation. <br /> Applica#ion ot Net Prviceeds. I�aiI ❑r any par-t a��he Property is condemned by eminen�domain prviceedings or by <br /> any praceeding or purchase in lieu af candemnation. Lender�may at i�s ele�tivn require that all or any por�ion❑f the <br /> ne� proceeds of the award be applied ta the lndebtedness or the repair vr restoration vf the Proper'ty. T�e net <br /> proceeds af�he award sha�� m�an the award aft�r payment af ail reasonabie costs� expenses, and attorneys' �Fees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in conne�tion wi�h�he condemnation. <br /> �t1JlPQS[T�ON QF TAXES. FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTHDRITIES. The �olivwing pro�isions rela�ing <br /> �o gv��rnmental taxes,fees and charges are a par�af this D�ed v�Trus�: <br />