2� 1 7�2 782
<br /> L�AN#: �s�2�3s�o
<br /> �ecfiivn �2 ar athenn�is�, Bo�rower h�r��� a�signs to Lender �a} B�rraw�r's rights tv any �nsuran��
<br /> �rac�eds in an amaun� n�t t� exceed �he am�unt� unpaid under�he Nv�e �r this �e�uri�y �n��rument,
<br /> an� �b3 any other �� B�rrower'� rights �oth�r than the right to any refund of unearned prem�ums p��d
<br /> by Borrvwer} under al� �nsuran�� p��ic�es covering the �'roperty, insafar as such rights are appliGab��
<br /> fio t�� c��erage of�h� Praperty. Lender ma� us� the insurance proceeds either�a repair or res�are the
<br /> Property ar t�pay amaun��unpa�d under the Note or�his Securit}� �nstrurr��n�, whe�her or not th�n du�.
<br /> s. C]ccupancy. Bv��owe� shall occupy, e�tablish, and use the Pr�perty a� Bvr�ovver's principal
<br /> resid�nce v�i�h�n 6fl days after the executi�n of this Securit� Instrum�n�and sh���con��nu��o�ccupy�he
<br /> Proper�y as Sarrovve�'s principal re�idenc�for at least one y�ar a�ter the date of occupan�y=un��ss Lend�r
<br /> oth�rwise agrees i� wri�ing, �h�ch �an�en� sha�� no� be unr�a�onably w��hhe�d, or un�e�s �xtenuatin�
<br /> circums#ances exist which are b�yond Borrov�rer'�cantr�l.
<br /> 7. Preserrrati�n, illl�ir�tenanc� and Prvt�ction of th� Pro�erty; lnsp�ctior�s. Barrow�r sh��l
<br /> no� destr��r, �ar�ag� or impair the Praper�y, a�low the Prape�t� to d�teriorate or �ammit�aste �n �he
<br /> �r�p�rty. 1Nh���er o� n�t Borrower i� r�siding �n the Prap�r�, Borrov�er shal! main�ain the Prop�rt� in
<br /> orde�to prevent �he Pr�p�r#� fr�m de��riorating or d��reasing in valu� due �o its candition. Unf�ss it
<br /> i� de��rm�n�d pursuant �o ���t�on � �hat r�pair ar �estv�atian �s not e�anomic�lly feasibl�, Borrav���
<br /> sh�l� promptly repair�he Pr�p��y if dam�ged �o avoid �urther deteria�a�ion �r damage. If insuran�e �r
<br /> �ond�mnation �roceeds are paid in c�nn�cti�n wi�h d�mage ta, o��he taking af, �he Property, Bor�vonr��
<br /> shal� be r�sponsi��e for repairing or �es�orir�g �h� Property �nly �f Lender has released proceeds �or
<br /> such purposes. L�nder may disbu�se proceeds for the repairs and restorativn in a single �ayment or
<br /> tn a seri�s af pra�ress paym�nts as�he vtrark is completed. If the insu�ance or condemna�i�n praceeds
<br /> are nvt sufiFic��n��o repa�r or restor�th� Prap�rty, Borr�wer is n�t reiieved af B�rrovver'� obliga�ion for
<br /> the completion �f such repair ar r�stnra�ion.
<br /> Lende� or i�s agen# may mak� reasflnabl� en�ri�s upon and �nspectians flf the Praperty. If it ha�
<br /> reasanab�e cause, L�nder may inspect�h�inter�ar❑f the imp�ovemen�s an fih�Praperty. Lender sha�l�ive
<br /> �orrower no�ic�at the t�me af or pr�or to su�h an in�eriar inspectian spec�fying such reasan�rbl��au�e.
<br /> �. Barraweris Loan Applicat�on.Barrow�r sl�all be in defau�t if,during the Loan applica���n pr�ces�,
<br /> Bvrrowe�ar any p�r�ons or entit�e�act�n� at th�dire�ti�n of Bar�ower or with Borrower's knowledge o�
<br /> c�nsent gave ma�eriall�fa�s�, misleading, ar inaccurat��nf�rmation or statem�n�s fv L�nder��r fa�led to
<br /> pra�ide Lender vvi�h material inforrr�ation}in co�nection wit�th�Loan. Illla�er�al represer�fa�ian�includ�,
<br /> bu�are na��imited ta, repr��e���tions can��rning Barrflwer's�c�upan�y of the Property as Barr�w�r's
<br /> principal residence.
<br /> 9. Protect�c�n of Lend�ris Intere�t in the Property�nd R�ghts Under this S�curity�n�trur�ent.
<br /> �f �a� Borra�er fa��s to pe�fvrnr� th� �ov�n�n�� a�d agr�emen�s ca�r�ain�d in this 5ecuri�y In��rum�n�,
<br /> �b} �h�r� �� a le�a�l praee�ding �ha� m�ght signifi�ar�tly affect L�nder's in#ere�t in the Prvp�r�r �n�t�r
<br /> righ�s under�his Secu�i'�}��r�s�rument��uch as a prc���eding in bankrup�cy, prvbat�, f�r condem�a�ion or
<br /> �orfei�ur�, for enforcemen��f a ���n which may at�ain p�io�ity over this S�curity ins�rurr�ent�r��enfor��
<br /> fa�s or regu�at�ans}, or �c} Barra►�rer has a�andaned �he Praper�, then Lend�r may da and pa}I for
<br /> whatever is reasar�a�le or apprapriate�� prot�ct Lender's interes�in the Propert� and r�ghts un��r�his
<br /> Security Instrum�nt, including pro�ecting andl�r assessing fihe�alue�f�he Property,and securing andlor
<br /> r�pairin���e Prvperty. L�nder's actians can include, bu�ar�not�imited�o: �a}paying any sums seCured
<br /> �y a lien�h�ch has priari�y ove��his�ecurity lr�strumen�;�b}app��ring in caurt;and�c}payin�rea��na�l�
<br /> a�t��neys'fees�o protect ifis interes�in�he Praperty andlor rights unde��his Secur��y Instrument,inciuding
<br /> i�s secured pas��ion in a b�nkrup��y pro�eeding. �ecur�ng �he Prvp�rty includes, but is n�� limited �o,
<br /> entering the P�operty to make repairs, change I�cks, replace �r board up daors and �►vindows, drain
<br /> anrater from pipes, e�irr7ina�� building ar o�h�r cade vio�a�ivn�ar danger�us conditions, and h�v�utiliti�s
<br /> tu�n�d on �r off.Al�hough L�nder may�ake acfi�vn und�r�his Section 9, L�nder d�es nat ha�e to�o so
<br /> and is nat unde�any du�y ��+abli�a���n�o do so. It is agreed tha�Lender in�urs no �iab��ity for na��ak�ng
<br /> any o�all act�ons au�harized un�der thi�S�ct�orr 9.
<br /> Any amounts disburs�d by Lender und�r this �ec��on 9 shall become addi�ion�l �eb�of Ba�ro�rer
<br /> secur�d by this Se�urity lnstrument.The��amaun�s sha�l b�a�interes#at the Nate ra��fram the d�te of
<br /> disbursemen�ar�d shaii b�payabl�, ►nri�h such in�er�st, up�n no�ic�from Lender ta Barro�r�r r�ques�ing
<br /> �aym�nt.
<br /> �f th�s ���u���y lnstrum�n� i� �n � �eas�ho�d, �orr��r�r shall �amp��1 v�ifh a�l the provisians o��he
<br /> le�s�. Borrower sha�� �ot surrender the I��s�hold estate and int�rests here�n con��y�d ar�erm��ate
<br /> or cancel t�e ground I�ase. Borro��r shal! not; �i�hout th� express wri��en c�r�s�nfi vf Ler�de�, al�er or
<br /> am�nd �he g�ound lease. �f �orrow�r a�qu���s fe� �itle to �h� Property, the l�asehold and �he f�e ti�ie
<br /> sha�� n�t m�rge unless L�nde���rees to t�e m�rger�n v�rriti�g.
<br /> 'I�. lVlortgage In�urance.�f Lender required Mortgage�nsurance as a car�dition of making the Loan,
<br /> Bor�ower sha��pay the premiums r�quir�d t�maintain�he Mortgage lnsuran�e in��fect. If,for�ny r�ason,
<br /> the M�rtgage �nsurance c�verag� r�quir�d �y Lender ceases�v be availab��fr�m the m�r�gag� ir�sur�r
<br /> tha� previously provided such insur�n�e and Borrov�rer enras requ��ed tv make separateiy d�signated
<br /> paymen�s �award �he prem�ums for M�rtgag� Insurance, Bvrro�ver shall pay the premiums required
<br /> to ab�ain �o��rage sub�tan�i�ily ��uivalen� ta th� Mortgag� insuran�e previ�usly in eff�ct, at a cas�
<br /> substan��al�y equi�alen��a t�e c��t ta E3arr��ver o��he M�r�ga�e �nsu�anc� previ�usly in �ffect, from�r�
<br /> Initials: �� ��
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Famil}r--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�]RIVI lNSTRUMENT Form 3028'l10�
<br /> Ellie Mae, Inc. Page�of�� NEEDEED �3��
<br /> NEEC]EED�CLS}
<br /> D41�212017 0'{:�5 PM PST
<br />