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2� 1 7�2 782 <br /> � e <br /> L�AN#: 1�D21389� <br /> ��ternat�mor��age�nsu�erse�ected by L�nder.Ifsub��an�ia�I�equ�v�lenfiMartgage Insuranc�caverage�s <br /> no��W���ab�e, �o�ra�er shall�ontinu�to pay ta Lender�h�amount of the s�para�e�y designated payments <br /> �h�t�►v�re due���n th� insuranGe cov�rage ceased �o be in e�fe�t. Lender wiil accept, use and ��tain <br /> �h��e�����nts�s a nor�-re�undab��ios�r�ser�e in �ieu of Mar�gag�Insurance. Such loss�eserve shall <br /> be �on-r�fundable, no�withstandin� the f,a�t that t�e Loan is ultimately paid in fu�l, �nd Lend�r�ha�� nvt <br /> be�e��ired�o p�y �vrro�e�an�in�ere�t ar earnings an such ia�s r�serv�. L�nder can n�longer requi�� <br /> loss r���rv� payrr�en�s if I11�artgage insu��nce coverag� ��n ��e amount and for�he p�riod that L�r�der <br /> req�ir�s} pravid�d b� an insu��r��lec�e� by Lend��again bec�mes availabl�, is ob�ained, and Lender <br /> r�q��res sepa�at�ly designa��d paymen�s t��ar��he pr�miums��r Mortga�e I n�uran��.If Lender r�qu��ed <br /> �ort�age �nsuranc� as � cor�dit�an �f rnaking �h� Loan and Barrower w�s �equired to m�k� ��parat��y <br /> designat�d payments tow�rd the premi�rr�� �ar i1Jl�rtgage �nsurance, Borrvwer�ha�l pay �he pr�miurns <br /> required tfl main�ain Mortg��e Ins�ran�� in eff��t, or tv prv�ide a non-r�fundable loss re��rve, until <br /> Le�de�'s requirem�n�f�r�111�rtga�� insur�n���nds �n accordance wi#h any written agreem�n� b��w��� <br /> B�r�ower and Lender p��v�ding �or �uch ��rm�na���r� ar until terminat�an is required b�Ap�iicab�e Law. <br /> N��hing in �his 5�c�ion �D af��cts BQrrower's�bl�ga�i�n�o pay in�eres�a�the rate �rovided in th� N���. <br /> �flrtgage Insurance reimburses Lend�r��r any�nti�y that purchas�s the Not�}for c�rtain�ass�s it may <br /> �ncur if Bor�ow�r daes n�t re�ay the Loan as agreed. Borro�er is not a party�a the f1l�ortgag��nsura�c�. <br /> Mortg�g� �nsur�rs �va�uate �heir tv�a! risk on all such in�urance in farce �ram tim� ta time, an� <br /> may �n��r �nt� ag�eem�nts �nrr��h oth�r pa�ties �hat share �r modi�y their risk, �r reduce Itisses. These <br /> ag��ements ar� �r� terms and �ondit�ons tha� are satisfac�ary �a �he mvrtgag� insurer and the ather <br /> party �ar �artie�� to �hes� agreements. Tnese agr��ments may re�uire �h� m��tgag� insurer�a make <br /> p�yments using any sourc�of fund�that the mort�age insur��may �a�e a�ailab�� �which may include <br /> ��nds ob�ain�d fram I�ortg�ge �nsurance prerr�iums}. <br /> �s a resul�af the�e a�reem�nts, L�nder, any purchas�r of fhe na��, another insurer, any rein�u�er, <br /> �ny o�her �ntit�, o� aff��iate o# any af the fo�egoing; m�y r�c���e �d�r����y or indirect�y} amoun�s that <br /> ��ri�e fr�r�n ��r m�ght be cha�ac��r�z�d as} a part�on af Borrov�rer's paymen�s fv� Mortgage Insurance, <br /> in exchange fi�r sharing or modify�ng th�ma�tgag� insurer'�risk, or reducing Iv�ses. if such agr�em�n� <br /> ���vided �h�t an affilia�� �f Lender tak�� a share of��� insurer's ri�k in �xchange fQr a shar� of�he <br /> p��miums paid ta�h� insure�, �he arrangerr�en��s��ten ��rrr�e� "captive rein�ur�nce." Fu�ther: <br /> �a} �Iny such agr�em�nts ►n�i�i na� �ffe�t th� amounts tha�t Borrr�wer has agreed �.� pay ��r <br /> 111�ortga�e t�n��rance,or any Qtherterrr�s a�the La�n.Such a�reements�+v�l�r�ot in�r�asethe ar�t�ur�t <br /> Barrvr�rer witl ov�re f�r M�rtg�ge ln�ur�n��, �n�l the�r���! nat ent�tle Barrov�ver t�an�refur�d. <br /> �b3 Rny such agr�ements ��!I nat aff�ct the rights Borrorn�er has - �f any - �n�►�th resp��t ta <br /> the Mort��ge Insuranc� ur��er t�e H�rr�e��r�►n�rs �'rntection Act of 1998 �r any� oth�r I�►�r� Thes� <br /> r�ghts may include th� rigMfi ta re��i�� �ertain disc��sures, ta requ�st ar�d o�ta�n can�ellatiar� <br /> of the Martga�e �ns�rance,to ha�e t�e�ort�age Insuranc�terminatet� autom�tica�iyr �ndlar t� <br /> recei►ve a refunc� vf a�ny Itl�vrtgage �nsu�ra�nc+� premiums that were unearned at th�tinn� vf such <br /> G�n�ellation ar terminatian. <br /> 11. Assignment af�lliscellaneous Pro��eds; Farfe�ture.All 1111�scellan�vus Proce�ds are here�y <br /> as�ign�d t�and sha�� be paid t� Lender. <br /> If the Prop�rty is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proc�eds�hai1 be app��ed�o r�st�ratinn or r�pair of <br /> �h� Prap��, �f�he restQra�ian vr repair is e�anvmicafly f�asibl� and L�nd�r's secu�ity is not less�ned. <br /> During su�h r�pair and �es�oration p�r�ad, Lender �h��i ha�r� the righ� to hald �ueh Miscellan�ous <br /> Praceeds unti� L�r�der has had an oppor�uni�y ta inspect su�h Prop��t� to �nsure �h� w�rk has b�en <br /> c�mpl���d�a Lend�r's�atis�action, pravi�ed�hat st�ch inspec��or�shal�b� undertak�n prampt�y. Lend�r <br /> r��y pay fo��he repairs and r�s�ora�ion �n a sing�� disbur���r�nt or �n a series of pragress �ayments <br /> �� the v�ork is compi��ed. Unie�s an agreerr�en� is mad� ir� v�►ri�in� a�App�ica��� Law requ�res in�er�st <br /> �a b� paid on su�h Misce�lane�u� P�a�e�ds, Lender snall not be �equired to p�y Barrow�r any int���s� <br /> or earnings an �uch Mis�ellaneous Prac��ds. �f�h�restora#ion ar repa�r i�not economi�ally f�asib�e�� <br /> L�nd��'s s�curity w�u�d be l��sened, th��1llisceilaneaus F'roc��ds sha��be appli�d�o t��sums se�ured <br /> �� t�i� S��urity Ir�s�rum�nt, �het�er �r n�� �hen du�, �vi�n �h� �xces�, �f�ny, p��d �v Borrawer. Such <br /> ��scellaneous P�oce�ds shall �� applied in �h� ord�r provided fa�in 5ectian �. <br /> In�h�even�of a t��al��k�ng,d�s�ruc�ian,or ioss in va�ue�f the Pr�perty,�he Miscel�aneous�'r�oc�e�s <br /> shal� be applied �a the sums s�cur�� by thi� 5ecurity instrument, wh�ther vr nvt then due, ►n�ith th� <br /> excess, �f any, paid �o Borrov�e�. <br /> !n �he even�af a part�a��akin�, d�st��c�ian, �r�v�� in value of the Pro��rty �n �rhi�h th�f�ir imark�� <br /> value of the Prap�rty immediately b�f�r�� tl�� pa�t�al taking, des�rc�ctian, or Ioss �n �alue is equ�l t� �r <br /> �r�a��r���n the�moun���th� sums secur�d by this Securi�y ��s�rument imm�dia���y befor��h�pa�t��! <br /> taki��, d��t�uction, �r loss in Walue= �nle�s gvrraw��ar�d Lend�r other�vi�e agre� in �nrriting, �h� sums <br /> se�ur�d �y this 5ecuri�y In�trumer�t si��li b� r�edu��d by th�e amoun# of the ll�iscellan���s Prace�d� <br /> mul�ipl�ed by the f�i��wing f�acti�r�: �a} �h� to��� �moun� of th� sums �ecu��d imrr�ed�a�ely before �he <br /> par�i��takir�g,d�stru���an,Qr�vs�in value divided�y�b}the fa�r mark�t valu�of the Property�mmediate�y <br /> bef�r��h� par�ial taking, de��ru�t�an, �r loss in value.Any balan��shall b� paid t� Borrower. <br /> !r� th� e�en��f a part�ai taking, destruc�ion, ar�as� in Walue of�h�� P��p�rty in v�hich �he fair marke� <br /> valu�of�he F�rop�rty �mmedia��ly bef�re the Rartia��aking, des�ructi��, or�ass in value is I�ss�han �he <br /> lnitiafs: J "� <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie IIAaelFreddie IVlac UN1F�]RN�IIVSTRUIIAENT Form 3a2H 1!0'� <br /> Ell�e Mae,inc. 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