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2� 1 7�2 782 <br /> , , <br /> L[]AN #: 'I fi�2'�389� <br /> or ground ren�s on t�� Praperty, if any, and �amr�nuni��r Assacia�ian Ques, Fees, and Assessment�, if <br /> an�. To th��x�ent that�hese i�ems ar� E�c�ow I��ms, Qorro�n►�r shall pay th�m �n the mann�r pra�ided <br /> in Section �. <br /> B�rrov�er shall promp�ly discharge any �ien �vh��h has priQr��y o��r this ��curity Instrum�nt un��s� <br /> Bar�ower:�a}agr���in�vri�ing�o the payment of the obl�gation s�cured b��he�i�n in a manner accep�abie <br /> tQ L�nder, bu��nly�a�ang as B�rro�ver is perform�ng�uch agreement; �b}con�ests th�lien in gaod faith <br /> by, or defends agains�enfarc�ment�f the li�n in, �egal pr��eedir�gs�rvhi�h in Len�er'�apinian vper�te ta <br /> �r�vent the enfarcem�nt�f the�ien whi�e those pr��eeding�are pending, but�n�y until s�ch proceedings <br /> ar��onc�ud�d;nr�c}��cures fr�m the holder of the iien an agreement satisfactory to Lendersubord�n�ting <br /> t�e lien fio�his 5ecuri�y In���ument. If Len�er d���rmines tha�any part of th� Prvper�y is subj�ct t�a�ien <br /> �v�ich can atta�n prior��y nver th�s �ecuri� �r��trument, Lend�r may gi�� Barrawer a natice �denti��ng <br /> the lien. 1Nithin 10 days of th� dat� an�rvhich that not��e �s g��r�n, Bvrrow�r shall satisfy the lien ar t�k� <br /> one or mvre af�he a��ians s�fi f�rth �b�v� in this ��G�i�n 4. <br /> Lender may require Sarrov�r�r �o pay a �n�-��m� charge fvr a real estate �ax verific��ian andto� <br /> reporting s�rvice �s�d �y Lend��in cannection wi�h this L�an. <br /> 5. Praperty Insurance.Borrawer shaii ke�p fihe improvements navv�x�sting�r hereafter erected�n <br /> the Pr�per�y insured agair�st fass by fir�,hazards�r�clu�ed�ithin the�erm"extended cvv�rage,"and any <br /> o�h�r ha�ards�ncludir�g, bu�n�t limited ta,�ar�h�u�k�s�nd flaods,fvr which L�nder requir�s insu�anG�. <br /> T�i� ins�ran�e shail be main��in�d in the amounts�inc�uding d�ductib�e i��els� and fvr�he periods tha� <br /> Lender r�quir�s. 11Vhat L�nde� req�ires pur�uan� ta the preced�ng s�en�ences can change during �h� <br /> t�rm of the Laar�. The ir�suran�e carrie�providing the insuranc�shall be chos�n by Borrower su�ject�o <br /> I��nder's righf ta disappro�e garrawer's chaice,wh�ch right shall not�O�exerc��ed unr�asonably. Lende� <br /> r�a� r�quire Bo�ro�er to pay, in cvnnection v�ith this Loar�, either: �a} a�ne-tim� charg�fvr���ad �ane <br /> d���rm�na��an, c�rti�ica�i�n and tracking�e�v�c�s; vr�b}a vne-��me charge for f�ood zone de�ermination <br /> an�certifica�ian�ervic�s and subs�quen�charges each time remappings�r similar changes occurwhi�h <br /> reasonabCy m�ght affect such determination or c�rtificativn. B�rrvw�r shal� alsa be r�sponsib�e fa�fhe <br /> �ayrnent af any f�es imposed by the Federal E�ergency I111anage�en�Agency �n conn�c�ion vvith fh� <br /> revie��f any flaod zane dete�mination r�sul�ing from an obj�ction by Bo�r�wer. <br /> If Borraw�r fails to maintain an� af th� c�vera�e� descri�ed abo�e, Lende� may obta�n insuranc� <br /> �o��rage, at L�nd�r's vpti�n and Bor��vv�r's �xp�ns�. L�nder is und�r no �b��gatian to purchas� any <br /> particu�ar�ype or amoun�of c�v��ag�.Therefore, such coverag�shall cover Lender, bu�might�r rni�h� <br /> na�protect garrower, Borr�wer's equity in th�Prop�rty, or the can�ents of the Proper�y, aga�ns��ny risk, <br /> hazard or��abil�ty and might pr�v�de grea�er o�lesser coverage than wa� previ�usly in eff���. �orr�we� <br /> acknowl�dges that th� cost ofi�he insurance �average so obta�ned might s��nif�cantly �xce�d �he cost <br /> o�insuranc�that �a�rawer could hav� o�tair�ed.Any amvun�s disbursed by Le�d�r under th�s �e��ian <br /> � shal� b�c�me addi#ional debt af Bvrr�vver se�ured by this ��curit�l� lns�rument. The�e a�oun�s shali <br /> bear in��rest at�he Na�e ra�e fram th� da�� �f disburse�ent and shall b� paya�l�, ►�i�h such in�erest, <br /> upon n�tice �r�rn L�nd�r to Borr�erv�r requesting paym�n�. <br /> A�I insuran�e�vli��es required by Lender and renewals of such palici�s shall h�subj�ct�a Lend�r's <br /> ri�ht�a�isapprov�such polic�es, shall include a standard mor�gage �lause, and shall name Lend�r as <br /> r�nortgagee andlar a�an additional�oss pay�e.Lend�r sha��ha�e th�righ��o ha�d�he po�icies and renewal <br /> ���tif�caf��. If L�nder requir�s, Ba�row�r shall pramp�ly g�u��o L�nder all r��ei��s of pa�d prem�ums and <br /> r�ne�a!nfltices. If B�rrvwer obtains any form of insurance coverage, n�t ath�rw�s�r�quired �}r Lender, <br /> fQr d�ma��to, or des�ruc�ion of, the Pr�p�rty, such pali�y shall includ�a standard mortgag�clause and <br /> sha�! name Lender as m�rtgagee andlor as an addi�ional �oss pa�ee. <br /> �r� th�e�ren��f lass, Borrow�r shall g��� promp�nat�c��o th� insuran�� carrier and Lender. L�nd�� <br /> ma�make proof o��oss if nofi made prampt��b�r Barraw�r. unl��s Lender and Borrawer otherwis�agree <br /> �� �riting, a�y in�urance prace�ds, wheth�r o� nat �he under��ing insuran�e was requ�red by L�nder, <br /> sh�ll be applied�o re�tora��on or�epa�r o��h�Prap�rty, if th�res�oration or re�air is ecanomically feasible <br /> and Lend��'s s��uri�y is nat lessened. CJur�ng such repair and res�oration p�riod, Lend�r shal! haWe�h� <br /> right�o hold su�h insuran�e prace�ds unt�� Lender h�s had an vpportuni�y ta inspec�such Praperty fio <br /> ensure the w�rk ha� been cor�plete� to L�nd�r'� sa�i�fac�ian, pravided that such insp�c�ian sha�� be <br /> undertaken promptly. L�nd�r�nay disburse proc�e�s for�he repairs and r�storat�an in�single pa�ment <br /> or ir�a ser��s af pragr��s paym�n�s a�th�work is comple�ed. Unless an agr�emen�is mad�in w�iting or <br /> AppliCable Law requires interest fi�b�pa��on such insu�ance proce�ds, Lend��sh�ll n�t�e required fio <br /> pay go�ro��r any in��r�st ar earnings on su�h pr�ceed�. Fe�s for pu�l�c adjusfiers, �r other third p�rti��, <br /> r�ta�ned by Borrow�r shall nat be paid aut of the insurance prflceeds and shal!be�he sole oblrgation of <br /> Sa�row�r. I�th��est�ration o�r�pair is not�con�m�ca�ly fea�����o�L�nder'�se�ur��vvvuld b�I�ssen�d, <br /> the insurance proceeds sha�l �e appii�d �� the sums secured by this Se�urit� �ns�rumenfi, whether or <br /> n�t th�n du�, wi�h�h��x�ess, �f any, paid to Barrawer SuGh insurance pra�e�ds shal� b�app��ed in�he <br /> order prflvided for in ��ctifln �. <br /> �f Barr��nrer a�ar�dons th� Pr�perty, Lender may fil�, n�g�tiat� and s��t�e any a�aila�le insuranc� <br /> cl�ir�and �ela�ed ma�te�s. If Borrow�r does no�r�spond�i�hin 3�days t�a nvtice fr�m L�nde�tha��he <br /> �nsur�nc�carrier has offer�d ta set�ie a ciaim, then Lender may negatia��and se��e�h��lair�n. The 3Q- <br /> da� p�r�od�ri�l begEn when the not�c� is giv�n. In ei�her�vent, or if Lender acqu�res th� Property under <br /> lnitials: �=-�� <br /> NEBRAS�{A--�ingle Famiiy--Fann�e�aelFredd�e Mac UNIFQRIVI INSTRU�IIENT Form 3428 11�1 <br /> Ellie Mae, Inc. Page �of 11 NEEDEED a315 <br /> NEEDEED(�LS} <br /> �41'!212��7��:�5 PM PST <br />