2� 1 7�2 782
<br /> _ .
<br /> L�AN#: 'I fi�21389D
<br /> 2. Ap��i�ati�n of Payments vr Prace�ds. Exc�pt �s atherwise describ�d in �his Section �, al�
<br /> pa�ments a�c���ed and applied by Lender sha�1 be a�plied in the�ollo�ving �r��r o�priority: �a} interes�
<br /> due unde��he Na��; �b} princ�pa�due un�er th�Nat�; ��}am�unts due und�r�ectian 3. �uch payments
<br /> sh�l� b�app�i�d�a each Per�vdic Payment in the o�d��in v�rhich ifi beca�n�due.Any remaining amount�
<br /> �h�l� b� a�pl�ed f�r��ta ���e char�es, second t� any a�her�maun�s du� under�h�s S�curity 1r�strum�nt,
<br /> ar�d �hen �� r�du��th� principal balance af�h� Nofi�.
<br /> I� L�nd�� r�ceives a pay�n�n� �ram Borrow�r for a d�linquent Periadi� Payment which includes a
<br /> suff�c�ent amount to pay ar�}r late charge due,the paym�n�may b�applied�o the del�nquen�pa�ment and
<br /> th����e charge.i�ma��than ane Periad��Payment i�outstanding,Le�der may appl�any paymen�received
<br /> from �arrower to the repayment of tl�e Periodic F'aym�nts if, and to�he extent fi�at, ea�h paymen�can ��
<br /> paid in fu�i. Ta the extent that a�y exc���exi��s afte�the paym�nt is appfied��th�fut�pay�er��❑f one or
<br /> more Periodic Paym�n�s, such exce�s ��y be ap��ied �a any late charges due. Voluntar� prep�ym�nt�
<br /> shall be applied fir�t�o an}� prepa�men�cha�g�s and �hen as desCribed in �h� Note.
<br /> Any applicativn vf payrr��n�s, insurance pr�ce�ds,�r Misc�llan�aus Proceeds to���ncipal due ur��der
<br /> the Note sha�f nat extend or pos�pone the due �at�, or change the amount, of�h� P����dic Paym�nts.
<br /> 3. Funds f�r Escrow ltem�. Bo�rovWe�shall pay�o Lender on�he day Periadi��a�ment�ar�due
<br /> under the Note, unt�l the Na�e is pai� in ful�, a sum �the"Funds"}to provide��r paym�nt of amaun�s due
<br /> fo�: �a}tax�s and a�se��men�s and ath�r it�ms v�h�Gh can at�ain priarifiy���r�his Security Instrum�n�as
<br /> a lien ar encumbrance vn the Pr�perty; �b} ��a�ehold paym�nts o�graund rents on �h� Pr�perty, if an}�;
<br /> �c}premium�f�r ar�y and al�insurance requ�red by L�nder under�ectian 5; and�d}Mortgage Cnsurance
<br /> pr��n�ums,if�ny,orany�ums�aya�le by Borrowert�Lender in li�u af�h�paym�n��f Mvrtgage Insurance
<br /> �r�m�um� in a��ord�n�e with the pra�isivn� of S�ctian ��. T�ese it�m� are called "Esc�vw I�ems."At
<br /> ori�inati�n ar a�any t�me during the t�rm o��h� Lo�n, Lende�may require�ha��omrnunity Associat�an
<br /> Du��f Fees, and��s�ssments, ��any, �e escrowed�y B�rrower, and such dues,fees and assessm�nts
<br /> sh�ll be an Escr�w Itern.Borra�ver sha�i�romptly furnish�o L�nder all na�ices a�amounts�o be paid unde�
<br /> �his Se��ian. Barr��ver shalf pay Lender the Funds fnr��crow ��ems unl�ss L�nder vUaives Borraw�r's
<br /> a�ligation to �ay�h� Funds for any�r all Escraw�fiems. Lend��may r�aiv� Barrower's�b��gatian t� pa�
<br /> �� Lender Fund�for any ar all �scrow�tem�at any tirr�e.Any such�a�We�m��Qnly b� in�rr��ing. In the
<br /> even� of such v�raiv�r, 8�rrawer shall pay di�ect�y, wh�r� a�d �h��e payab��, t�e amour�ts due f�r any
<br /> ��cr�w Items far�v�ich p�ymer�� of Funds has b�en waiv�d by L�nder and, if L�nder requir�s, �hall
<br /> �urnish to Lende� r�ce�pts �v�d�ncing �u�h p�ymen� wi�hin such ��m� per�ad as Lend�r may require.
<br /> Borr�vver's obiig��ion���ak�su�h ��yr�ents and �o prvr��d� receipts shali for a�l purpases be d�eme�
<br /> �o be a covenant and agreem�nt con�ained in �his Security ins�rum�n�, as the phras� "�o�r�nant and
<br /> agreem�nt" �s �sed in �ec�ion 9. I� B�rrawer �� obligat�d �o pay Esc�aw I�ems dir�ctl}�, pursuan� �v a
<br /> wai�er= and Ba���wer fia��s �o p�y �he �r�oun� du� ��r an Esc�aw ltem, Lender may ex�rcis� ��s rights
<br /> under Section g and pay such amaunt and B�rr�w�r sha11 then be ob�igated und�r ��c�ion � to repay
<br /> ta Lender any such amaunt. Lender may r�voke�n��vai�er as t�any ar ail Es�row I�ems�t�ny tim� by
<br /> a no�ice g���n in accordan�e v�ith S�cti�n 1�and, upor� su�h r��vc�tion, E�or�ower shal! pay�o Lend�r
<br /> a�l Fund�, and in su�h amaun�s, �hat are then �equir�d u�der this Sectivn 3.
<br /> L�nd�r may, a�an��ime, coll�c�and h��d Funds in an a��unt��}suff�ci�nt�o p�rmit Lendert�apply
<br /> t�e Funds a�tF�e time specified under RESPA, and �b}n����exceed�h�maxir�num amaunt a �ender car�
<br /> req�ir�e und��R��PA. Lend�r shal!estima�e th�amoun�of Funds du�on�he bas�s af current data �nd
<br /> r�e�sanabl��st�r�na�e�of�xpend�tures flf�u�ur�Escra�v��ems�r oth�n�rise in accordance with App�icabl�
<br /> L��.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an ins�ituti�n whase depos��s�re insured by a f�d�ral ag�ncy,instrumen�ali�,
<br /> �r entity �ir�cl��in� Lender, if Lender is an ins�i�u�ion whos� depa�its are so insured} or in any Federa�
<br /> �ome Loan Bar�k. Lend�r shall appfy the Fund�t�pay�he Es�rnw It�m�n��ater�han�he��m�specif�ed
<br /> und�r RESP�. Lend�r shal�no�charge go��ow�r for holding and applying�he Funds, annua�ly analyzin�
<br /> �he �s�row account, or W��ifying the Esc�ov� ltems, un�ess L�nd�r pays B�rrov+,rer interes�vn�he Fund�
<br /> and Applicable L��perm��s Lend�r to rnake such a charge. �ni�ss an a�r�em�nt is made �n writing or
<br /> Applicable Law�equires ir�t�r���to be paid on the Fun��, Lender shail nofi be required �v pay Borro�er
<br /> any interest ar earnings vn the Fur�d�. Borro�er and L�n�e��an agree in writing, ho�ever, th�t inter��t
<br /> shali be pa�d ❑n �he Fu�ds. Lender sh�ll give to B�rrower, with�ut charge, �n annual ac�ountin� of the
<br /> Fun�s as requ�r�d �y RESF'A.
<br /> If �here is a surpius of Fun�s h�ld tn esc�aw, as de��n�d under RESPA, Lender sha�l a�caun� to
<br /> Barrflwer�or�he ex�e�sfunds in a�cordanc����h�ESPA. If there is a sh�r�age af Funds h�ld in e�cr��r,
<br /> as de�ined under RESPA, L�nder shal!n�tify Borra�nrer as r�quired by RE�PA, and Barrow�r sha�l pa��o
<br /> L�nder the amoun�n�c�ssary�o make up the shvr�age in accardance with �ESPA, �u�in na mare than
<br /> �� monthly paym�nt�. If�her�i�a de�iciency of Funds held in escrow, as d�fine� und�r RESPA, Lende�
<br /> �hal! nvtify Bo�rower a� required �y RE�RA, an� Bo�rower shal! pa� t� Lender�h� �maunt necessary
<br /> to m�k� up�he d�fi�iency in acc�rdance wi�h RESPA, �u�in no rnare�han 12 monfihly paym�nts.
<br /> Upon paym�nt i�n full o�a�l sums s��ure� by t��s Se�uri�y Instrumen�, Lend�r shall pramptiy r�fund
<br /> ta Borrower any Funds he�d by Lender.
<br /> 4. �h�arges; L�ens. Borrower shall pay a�i �ax�s, ass�ssments, �ha�ges, fines, and irr�pa�itions
<br /> a�tributab�e�a th� Prape�y�►vhich can at�ain priority ov�r th�� �ecurity Ins�rument, leasehold paym s
<br /> -
<br /> Initials: � �
<br /> NEBRASKA--Sing�e Family--Fannie IVlaelFreddie Mac UNlFt3Rl1�1 INSTRUMENT Form 30�8 11Q�
<br /> E�lie Mae, Inc. Pag�4 vf�� NEEDEED �3�5
<br /> NEE�EE❑�CLS}
<br /> Q41�212�'�7�'�:05 PM PST
<br />