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2� 1 7�271 7 <br /> ASS�GNMEI�T �F RENTS <br /> Loan No: 7�"i 3�4�94 �Conti�uedj Pag� 4 <br /> nvtice �f a breach o�the same pr��ision of this Assignment within the pre�eding twel�e {1�� months, it may be <br /> cured i� Grant�r, a-�ter Lender sends writt�n nv��ce �o Barrower dernanding cure of such default: ��� �u�es �he <br /> de�awlt wi�hin#ifteen {'15} days; ar �2} i�the cure requires more�han�if�een �'f 5� days, imme�iately initiates steps <br /> which Lender deems in Lender's sole discre�ion �o b� su��i�ien� tv �ure �he de�aui� and thereafter cantinues and <br /> cor�p�etes a�� reasonable and neGessary steps suf�icient ta praduce campliance as soon as reasonabfy practical. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEQIES �N DEFAULT. L1p�n the❑c�urrence ot any E�ent a�D�fauit and af any�ime therea�ter, Lender <br /> may exercise any ane or more❑��he fo[�ov►ring rights and remedies, in addi�ion to any fl�her rights ar remedies prvWided <br /> by law: <br /> Accelera#e Endeb�edness. Lender shall ha�e #he righ� at its vp�ion ta declare �he entire lndeb�edness immediateiy <br /> due and payable, inc�uding any prepayment psnal�y�hat Borrvwer would be required to pa�. <br /> Ga[le�t Rents. Lsnder shall ha�e the right, withaut notice ta Barr�wer or Grantor, t❑ take passessi�n o� �he <br /> Proper�y and cviiect the Rents, inGlud�ng am�un�s past due and unpaid, and app[y fhe net prviceeds, a�er and <br /> abo�e Lender's costs, agains� �he lndeb�edness. in furtheran�e vf this righ'�, Lender shalE ha�e aii the rights <br /> pr��ided �ar in �he Lender's Righ� to ReceiWe and Collect Re�ts 5ection, abo�e. lf the Rents are cv��ected by <br /> Lender, �hen �rantor irre�ocably designates Lender as Grantvr's at�orney-in-�act t� endorse ins�ruments receiWed in <br /> payment t�erev�in the name of Grantor and ta negc��iate the same and collect the proceeds. Paymen�s by tenants <br /> vr �ther users �o Lender �n response tn Lender`s demand shal� satis�y �he obligativns far which th� payments are <br /> made, whether ar nv� any praper grounds �or the demand existed. Lender may exercise i�s �-ights under this <br /> subparagraph e�ther in person. by agentr or�hrough a recei�e�. <br /> Other Remedies. Lend�r shall ha�e al� vth�r righ�s and �eme�i�s prv�ided in �his Assignment ar the Note or by <br /> !av►r. <br /> Elec�ivn of Remedies. El�ctivn by Lender to pursue any remedy shafE nat exciude pursuit v�any other remedy, and <br /> an election ta make expenditures or to take act�vn�a per-�orm an vbligatian of Gran�ar under�his Assignment, after <br /> Grantor's faEEure to pertorm, shall no�a-Ffect Lender's right�v declare a de#au�t and exer�ise i�s rem�dies. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or a�tion ta enforGe any at the t�rms of this Assignment, <br /> Lender shall be en�itled to reco�e� such sum as the �vurt may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees at tria! and <br /> upon any appeal. �111hether ar no� any court ac�ion is in�oiWed, and ta �he extent n�t proh�bi�ed by law, a�i <br /> reasvnable expenses Lender ir�curs that sn L�nde�'s op4nian a�e neGessary at any ��me �or �h� pr��ection at its <br /> interest❑r�h� enfo�cemen�o�its �ights sha11 hecvme a par�af the lndeb�edn�ss payable on d�mand and shaii bear <br /> interest at the No�e rate from the dat�v�the expenditure until repaid. Exp�nses co�ered by�his parag�aph �nclude, <br /> wi�haut lim��a��on, howe�er subject�o any limits under appiicable faw, Lender's at�orneys' fees and Lender's legal <br /> expens�s, whether ar n�t �here is a lawsu�t, ir�cluding a��orneys' �ees and expenses �or bankru��cy pr�ceedings <br /> �Enc�uding e#far�s ta madify or vacate any au�vmat�c stay c�r inyu�ctson}, appeals, and any an�scipated pas��judgment <br /> collection ser�i�es, th� cas� at s�arching records, obtaining �itle repor�s {including forec�osure repartsy, sur�eyors' <br /> reports, and appraisal ��es, fiitle insurance, and �ees #or the Trustee, �a the extent permi�ted by appiicab[e law. <br /> Grantor also will pay any court co��s, �n additi�n�v all o�her sums pro�ided hy law. <br /> MISCELLANEC3U5 PR�V151�NS. The�vilawing miscellaneoc�s pro��sFans ar� a part v�this Assignment: <br /> Amendments. This Assignment, �agether ►nrith any Reiated ❑ocuments, constEtutes the entire u�derstanding and <br /> agreemen-t o� the parties as #v the matt�rs set for-�F� in this Assignment. Nv a�teration v� or amendment ta �his <br /> Assignment shail be e'�fe��i�e uniess gi�en in w�-i�ing and signed by the par�y or par�ies s�ught �o be charged or <br /> bound by the altera�Evn or amendment. <br /> Caption Headings. �aption headings in this Assignmen�are for con�enience purposes anly an� ar� no'�to be used <br /> to interpret or de�ine the pra�isians af fih�s Assi�nment. <br /> �overning Law. This Assignment wil� be governed by federal law appficah�e to Lender and, �#o the ex#en� not <br /> preempted hy#ederal law,#he laws of the State v�Nehraska withou�regard�o its c�nflic�s o�law pro�isions. This <br /> Assignmen�has heen aGc�p#�d by Lendsr in�he 5tate of NQbraska. <br /> �hai�e o� Venue. I��here is a lawsuit, Grantor agrees upan Lender's reques� tv submit tv the jurisdic�ian ❑��he <br /> cour�s ❑f Hal! County, State o�Nebraska. <br /> Jvin# and S�veral Liab�t�ty. All abligations af Borro►rver and Grantvr under this Assignmen� shall be join� and <br /> s��eral, and all references�o Grantar sha�� m�an ea�h and e�ery Gran��r, and ai! references to Borrawer shall mean <br /> each and e�ery 6vrrower. Th�s means that each Grantor signing be�dw is responsible fo� aEl obligations in this <br /> Ass�gnmen�, Where any or�e or more of�he parties is a corpara�ion, partnership, limi�ed �iabiEity cvmpany❑r similar <br /> entity, it is n��necessary#�r Len�e�to in�u;r�snta�he powers a�any o��he o��icers, di�ectars, par�ners, members, <br /> or o�her agen�s ac�ing or purparting to act on �he entity's behalt. and any vbligatians made ar cr�ated in relian�� <br /> upon�he prafessed��cerc�se o�such p�wers shall be guaranteed und�r�his Assignment. <br /> IVlerger. There shall be no merger �f the inter�s� ar�s�a�e crea�ed by �his Assigr�ment with any ather interest or <br /> estate in the Prop�rty a�any tim� held hy or�or tl�e bene�i�of Ler�der in any �apaci�y. withoufi the writ�en cvnsen� <br /> of tender. <br /> In�erpreta�ion. ��� [n al� cases where �here is r�tore than or�e gorrow�r ❑r Grantor, then a�1 wards us�d in �his <br /> Assignment in the singufar shall be deemed to ha�e been used in�he plural where�he �an�ext and cons��uctian so <br />