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<br /> Loan No� 'I Q'i 3�34D34 t��nt�nu�d} Page 3
<br /> �his Assi�nment and n�t reimbursed #rom the Rents shal! becvme a par� ❑� the �ndebtedness se�ured by �his
<br /> Assignment, and sha[! be payable an demand� wi�h interes�at the Nat� rate�ram da�e of expenditur�un�il paid.
<br /> FIJLL PERF�RMAN�E. i� �ran�or pays all o�f �he Indeb�edness when due and otherw�se per�orms afE the obligativn�
<br /> imposed upon Grantor under�his Assignment,�he i�o#e, and th� Rela�ed ❑ocumen�s, L�nder sha�t ex�cut�and deli�er tv
<br /> Grantar a suitai�ie sa�is�ac�ion of this Assignmen�and sui�at�le st�tements of terminatton of any�inancing statement❑n
<br /> �ile ��i��rrcing Lender's security interest in �he Rents and the Praperty. Any termina�ion �ee required by law sh�ll be
<br /> paid �y�rantor, i�permitted by appli�able 1aw.
<br /> LENQER'S E?CRENDlTURES. 1�any ac�ian v� proceeding is commenced tha't wou[d materia!!y affect Lend�r's in�erest in
<br /> �he proper�y or i�Gr�ntor#ai�s�v cvmplY with any pro�isian af thi�Assignmen�❑r any R�la�ed avGumen�s, inc�uding but
<br /> r��t limit�d ta Cran�ar's faisure to di�ch�rge a�p�y when due any amounts Grantvr is required�c� discharge or pay under
<br /> �his Assignmen� ar any Reiated ❑ocumen�s, Lender nn Gran�or's behal� may tbut shall nv� h� ❑bliga�Ced �o� �ake any
<br /> action �hat Lender deem� apprapr�a�e, including but not �imited �a discharging ❑r pay�ng ail taxes, �sens, security
<br /> in�eres�s, encumbran�es and other�laims, at an��ime ie�ied ar placed on�he Rents Qr the I�roperty and paying a!I casts
<br /> �or insurir��, main��ining and preserving the Praperty. A!� such expendi�ur�s incurr�d or paid by Le�der for �uch
<br /> purpvses wili�hen bear in�erest at�he rate charged und�r the Nv���rom the date incurred vr paid by L�nder�a the da�e
<br /> ❑� reRayment by Grantor. All su�h expenses will bec�me a part a�the lndebtedness and, at L�nder's option, v►rill �A}
<br /> be payabie on demand; �B} be added �a �he �alance ❑f the Nvte and be appor�i�ned among and be payabie with any
<br /> installmen� paymen�� t❑ �ecame due during ei�Cher �1} the term a�r any �pp�icable insuranGe p�iicy; ar t�� the
<br /> r�maining term v� the NQt�; ar {G} be trea�ed as a �a�loan payment which w�ll be du� and paya�l� a� th� Nate's
<br /> maturity. The Assignment alsa will secure payment vf these amounts. Such righ�shall be in additivn to ali other�igh�s
<br /> and remedies to wh�ch Lender may be entitled upon Defauf�.
<br /> p�FAI�LT. Each❑��he follawing. at�.end�r's op�ian, sha11 consti�u��an E�En�o�IJe�f�ul�under�his Assignmen#:
<br /> Paymen�De�aul�. Qorrower�ails�o make any paymen�when due under�he Indebtedness.
<br /> ❑ther Defaults. 6vrr�wer or Gran�or fails tv c�mply ►rvi�h or to pe�form any other ��rm, obligati�n. co�enan� vr
<br /> candi�ion c�ntained �n �his Assignmen� ar in any Qf the Re�ated ❑acuments ar �o comply wi�th or �Q perfvrm any
<br /> term, obliga�i�n, co�en�nt or cvndi�ian�on�ained in any❑ther agreem�n�bet�nreen Lender and �arrvw�r or Grantv�.
<br /> Detauit vn ather Paym�nts. Failure ❑f Gran�or within �he time required by this Assignment ta make any Rayment
<br /> for taxes ❑r ins�rance, vr any other payment necessary�a preven��filing o#❑r to e��ect discharge❑t any lien,
<br /> False S#a�em�nts. Any war�an�y, represen�ation ar��atemen�made ar�urnished to Lender by Bvrrawer o�-Gr�n�or
<br /> ar vn Borrawer's vr Gran�or's heha[t under thEs Assignm�n�ar the Related Dv�uments is �Fatse or mis�eading in any
<br /> ma�erial respe�t. �Ether n�w vr at �he �ime made vr turnish�d or becomes false or misl�ading at any time
<br /> thereafter.
<br /> De��ctiWe �vli�teralization. Th��Assignm�nt or any Q�the Related DvGuments c�ases t� be in�ull �arce and eftect
<br /> tfn�ludin�failure o�any cvllater�l document�o crea�Ce a�alid and perfect�d security inter�st ar lien} at any time and
<br /> for any reasan.
<br /> �eath or InsalvenGy. The di�svlution o� Grantor's {regardless v� wh�'ther elec�ion tfl cnntinu� is madey, �ny
<br /> member wi�hdraws �rom �h� iimited liabi�ity Gvmpany, v� any o�h�r �ermination ❑� Barrawer's ar Grantar's
<br /> exEstence as a going business vr�he death o�any member,the insolvency of Bor�rower or Grantar,�he appointment
<br /> v�a recei�er fvr any par�o�6vrrawer's ar�ran�a�'s prvperty, any assignment�or the benefit vf credi�o�s, any type
<br /> ❑f creditor wnrkaut, ar �he eommen�em�n� ❑f any proceeding un�ler any bankruptcy �r insoi�ency �aws by ar
<br /> a��inst Bor�ower❑r Grantor.
<br /> Credi�or ort Farfei�ure Prvcsedings. Comm�ncement ot fareciosure or for#eiture praceedings, whether by �udicia!
<br /> prv��eding, self-help� repossession or any o�her method. by any creditor of B�rrow�r or �rantor vr hy any
<br /> governmen�a� agen�y against�the R�nt�or any property se�uring the �ndebtedness. Th�s tncludes a garnishmen�❑f
<br /> any a� Bvrrvw�r's vr Gran�or's ac�oun�s� including depvsi�acc�un�s, �rith Lend�r, Howe�er, this E�en�a�r D��ault
<br /> sha�1 nvt apply if there is a good �aith dispute by gorrower or Grantor as to �I�e �alidi�y ❑r rsasonableness ❑f the
<br /> ciaim which is the bas�s of the credi�or or for�eifure proceeding and �# �orrvwer ar Gran�ar gt�es Lender v►rri#ten
<br /> notice af th� credrtQr���or�ei�ure proce�ding and depQsi�s wi�h Lend�r mc�nies or a surety bond�ar�he creditvr or
<br /> for��i�ure praceedin�, in an amaun� de�ermined by Lend�r, in i�s sole dis�retion, as being an adequ��e reser�e or
<br /> band tvr�#h�dispu��.
<br /> Prop�rty Qamage ar Los�. The Pr�perty is lost, ��olen,subs�an�ially damaged, soFd. vr ba�rvwed against.
<br /> Event� Af�e��ing �uaran�ar. Any vf�he pr�cedin� Events o�Gurs with resp�ct tv any guarantor, endprser� surety,
<br /> vr accammvdation par�y ❑� any nf the lndeb�edness or any guaran�or, endvrser, sure�y, �r aGcammodatEan par�y
<br /> dies or ��cr�mes �ncvmpeten�, or re�akes or dispu�es the �alidi�y of, ❑r iiabil�t� under, any Guaranty a� �he
<br /> Indeht�dn�ss.
<br /> Adv�rse Change. A m��erial adr�erse change vccurs in Gr�ntor's �inancial candition, or Lender believes �he
<br /> prv�pect r�#payment vr per�vrmance o#�he �ndeb�edness is impaired.
<br /> Insecuri#y. Lender in govd faith belie�es itsei�inse�ure.
<br /> Cure Prv�isivn�. it any defau�#� a�her �han a de�aul� in paymen#, is cur�b{e and i� �ran�vr has na� been giW�n a
<br />