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2� 1 7�271 7 <br /> ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS <br /> �.van Na: 'i Q�3[���94 t�orl�lnued} Page 5 <br /> r�quire. ��� !f mare than ❑ne p�rson signs�his Assignment as "Grantor," the ❑bligations o�each Gran�or are�oin� <br /> and se�eral, This m�an$ tha� i� Lender brin�s a I�wsu��, Lender may sue any one or mvre af the Grantors. !� <br /> Bvrrower and Grantor�re nvt the same pe�rson. Lender n�ed not sue Bo�rower�irst, and th��Borrower need na�be <br /> jvined in any lav�sui�t. t3} The names given to �a�agraphs or sec�ians in this Assignmen� are f�r cvnvenience <br /> purpases anly.They are not to�e used�o interpre�Qr de�ine�he pra�isions of this Ass�gnment. <br /> Nv Waiver by Lender. Lender �h�l� not �� deemed �n have wai�ed any rights under this Assignmen� unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in wri�ing and �igned by L.ender. Nv deiay ar omission ❑n the par�❑t Lender in exercising any right <br /> shali operate as a waiWer ❑fi such righ� or any Qther right. A wai�er by Lender v� a pro�is�an of#his Assignmen� <br /> shall nvt pre�udice or cans�`rtute a wai�er af Lender's right v�herw�se �o demand s�r�ct complian�e wi�h �hat <br /> pro�isian�r�ny v�h�r pra�isian❑��this Assignment. No prior w�i�e�by Lender, n�r any caur�e o�dealing betw�en <br /> Lender and G rantor, �ha�i �flns��tute a w�iver o�any o�Lender's rights vr o�any af Grantor's vbli�a��ons as tv any <br /> �uture transactions. Whenever �he con�ent of Lender is required under this Assignment, �he granting a� su�h <br /> cansent by Lender in any ins�ance shafl nvt constitute continuing �vnsen� �o subsequent ins�ances where su�h <br /> cons�nt is required and ir� all ca�es such cansen�may b�e grant�d❑�withh�ld in the�ale discre�ion❑f l�ender. <br /> Nv�ices. Any natic� requi�ed to be gi�en under �his Assignmen� sha1� he gi��n in writingr and sh�l� be effec�ive <br /> when actuaily deli�ered. when ac�ually receiWed by telefaGs�mile �unless o�he�wise required by law}. when <br /> d�pvsi�ed with a nativna��y recvgnized❑Wernight c�urEer, ❑r, i�mailed, when deposited in�h� Llni�ed Sta�es mail. as <br /> f�rst class, cer�i�ied �r registered ma�l pos�ag� �repaid, dir�cted �o the addresses shawn near the b�ginning v�this <br /> Assignmen�. Any par�y may change its �ddress far notic�s under this Assignment by gi�ing �ormal wri���n nv�ice <br /> ta the ath�r par�ies, speci�y�ng that #he purpase of �he noti�e is �tv �hange th� par�y's address. For no�i�e <br /> purposes, Granto� agrees �v keep Lender in�ormed at a1� times a� Grantvr's current address. Unless otherwise <br /> provided or r�quired by iaw, i� �here Es more than one Gran�or, any notice gi��n by Lender to any Grantor is <br /> d�emed�v b�natic�gi�en t❑a[f �rantars. <br /> Pvwers v�F Attorney. The�arivus agencies and powe�-s of attorney conveyed on Lender under�his Assignment are <br /> granted �or purp�ses��se�uri�y and may no� b� r�voked by Grantvr until such�ime as �he same are renounGed by <br /> L�nder. <br /> 5�rrerab+li�y. If a caurt of comp�efien��uri�diction �inds any pro�ision v� �his Assignment �� be illegal, in�alid, �r <br /> unenfarc�able as to any cir�umstance, that finding shall nat mal�e the offend'+ng pro�ision illega�, in�alid, ar <br /> unenfivrcealale as to any other circums�ance. If feasihie, the o�fending praWisian shall be cvnsidered modified sv <br /> that it becamEs �egal, �raEid and enfor�eable. I� �he offending pro�isiQn canno� be sv mod�tied, it sha�l �� <br /> c�ns�de�e� deEeted �rrom this Assignment. Unless otherwise requ�red by I�vu, �he �IlegaEity, inWalidi�y� ar <br /> unenfar�eabi�i�y ❑f any prv�ision o�f �his Assignment shal! not a�fec� �he iegali�y, �aiidi�y or en�orceai�iii�y o� any <br /> o#her pro�ision v��his Assignment. <br /> SucGess�rs and Assigns. Subje���a any limita�ivns sfiated �n this Assi�nm�nt�n�ransfer a�F�rantflr's in�e�est,thi� <br /> Assignment shafl ae binding up�n and inure �o �he bene�i� ��F �h� partiesf their successors and assigns. Ef <br /> vwnership ❑f the Prvper�y becames�ested in a persan nther than Grantor, Lender, wi�hout notice�o Gran�ar, may <br /> deai with Gran�vr's succ�ssars v+rith rs#erence to �his Assignment and the Ind�b�edness by way of forbearance vr <br /> extensivn withvut refeasing �ran�or fram the obligativns v�this Assignmen�vr liabili�y under�he Ind�htedness. <br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is❑�the essence in�th�perfvrmance o��his Assignment. <br /> V11�i�er of Homes�ead Exemp�ion. G rantor hereby releases and wai�es a�l rights and benefi#s ot the hamest�ad <br /> exempt�on lavus o�the State�f Nebraska as�o�!I Indebtednes�secured by�hfs As�ignmen�. <br /> DEFiN�TI�NS. The �oslowing c�pi�alized rEvv�ds and �Cerms shall have the �o�lDwing meanings when used in �his <br /> Assignment. Uniess specFfically stated �o the cvntrary, all reterences ta doilar amoun�s sha�l mean amaunts in law�ful <br /> money of the United Sta�es ot Amer��a. Vllords and �erms used in the singuiar shall in�lude the plural► and �he plural <br /> shall inGlude�he singular, as�he cont�xt may require. Words and t�rms not❑th�rwise defined in�his Assignmen�shall <br /> have the meanings attribu�ed�a such�erms in�he Uni�orm CommerctaE Code: <br /> Assignment. The word "Assignment" means this ASSfGNMENT�F RENTS, as�his ASS�GNMENT�F RENTS may <br /> be amended ar mod�fied fram time ta�time, tagether�rv'rth all e�€hibits and s�hedulss a�tached t❑#his ASSI�NMENT <br /> QF RENTS �rvm time�v�ime. <br /> Barrower. The ward "Borrower" means LANE HDME IMFRC�VEM�NTS & G�N�TRUCTI�N LLC and LAN� B <br /> LEISlNGER. <br /> Defau[t. The v�rard "Q�fault" means th� De�au�t�et fc�rth in this Assignmen�in the��ction�i��ed "�e�ault". <br /> Even�of Qefault. The wards "E��n� ❑fi D�fault" mean any v�F the even�s o�de�ault set#ar�h in this �ssignmen�in <br /> the defauit section v�this Assignmen�. <br /> Grantor. The ward "Grantvr" means LANE H�ME lM�R4VEfUlENTS &CDNSTRUCTI�iV LL�. <br /> Guaranty. The wvrd "Guaranty" means�he gua�an�y from gu�rant�r, endarser, surety, ar accvmmoda�ion par�y to <br /> Lender, including wi�hau�limita�Cian a guaranty o��II or par�of�he Nfl�e. <br /> Indeb�edness, The wvrd "�ndeb�edness" means all principal, �nteres�, and other amounts, Gasts and expe�ses <br /> payable under the Nvte or Rela�ed ❑a�uments, tage�her with a�i renEwafs of, �x°tensic�ns ot, mvdi�i�a�ions Q�, <br />