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2� 17�271 � <br /> aEED �]F 1"RUST <br /> Loan No: 'i[�'I 3�4�94 �C�11ti�1u�d} P�ge 3 <br /> trus�ee, and�he ins�rument shall be executed and ac�nowledged by a�ll the bene�i�iaries under this Deed a�F Trus�❑r <br /> the�r successors in int�res�. The successor�rustee, wi�haut �on�eyance o��he Property, shall succeed to ��I �h� <br /> titie, Rvwer, and du�ies con�erred upon�he Trustee in�his deed of Trust and by applicable law, This pracedure�ar <br /> substi�ution ❑f'�rus�ee shall go�ern to ths excRusion of a!!ather pra�isians for subs�i�utivn. <br /> N�]T10ES. Any notiG� required #o be gi�en under�his Deed of rrust, incRuding withou� limita�ion any nv�tiGe v�defaul� <br /> and any n�tic� ot sa�e shail �e giWen in writing, and sha�! be e#�ective when actua��y delivered� when ac�ua�fy recei�ed <br /> I�y telefacsimile �unless n�herwise required by Iawy, when de�osited wi�h a nati�naliy recogniz�d v�ernigh�Gourier, ❑r, if <br /> maiied, when depvsi�Ced in the United ��a�es mai�, as �irs�c�ass, cer���ied vr reg�s�ered mail postage prepaid� direGted�v <br /> �he addresses shown near the beginning of this Deed o�f Trust. All cvp�es of no�ices o�foreclosure from the holder of <br /> any lien WhICh ha5 priari�y r��er �his ❑��d Qf T�ruSt 5�'1a�I �lB S�Ci'��fl L�ndEi'`5 address, as shawn near the b�ginning a� <br /> this Deed af Trus�. Any party may change its address #�� na�ices und�r this De�d o� Tru�# by gi�ing farmal writ�Cen <br /> notice tQ the o�her parties, spe�ifying �hat the purpose v� �he nv��G� i� �v change the par�y's address. For nvtiGe <br /> �urposes, Trus�or agrees �v keep Lend�r infarmed at aff�imes o�Trustor's curren�addr�ss. l!nless atherwise pra��d�d <br /> or required by iaw, it there is more�han one Trus��r, any notice g�ven by Lender to any Trustor is deemed'tv be no�ice <br /> gi�en ta all Trus�ars. <br /> MIS�ELLANE�3U5 PR�V15��NS. The�allvwing misce��aneaus pr�Wisions are a part of this Deed of Trus�� <br /> Amendmen�s. This Qeetl��Trus�,�ogether wi�h any Relat�d Dacumen�s, cvnst�tu��s the en�ire und�rstand�ng and <br /> agreement v��he par�ies as to the ma�ters set for�h in this Deed of Trust. No al�eratfan o� ar amendmen��a �his <br /> ❑eed of Trust shall �e ef�ective untess gi�en in writing and sig�ed by�he �arty vr parties sought to he cha�ged flr <br /> bour�d by�he al�era�iv�n or amendmen�. <br /> Annual F�e�ports. l� th� Proper�y is us�d �or purp�ses oth�r �h�n Trus�ar's residence, Trust�ar shali �urnish ta <br /> Lender, upon request, a �er�i#ied s�atem�n� c�f net opera�ing incom� received from the Prvperty during Trustor's <br /> pr�Wious �risca� year in su�h �arm and detai! as Lender shail require. "Net operating in�vme" shall m�an a1� cash <br /> rec�ipts trvm the Prvpe�y le�s al�Gash e�pendi�ures mad�in cvnnect��n►nrith the op�rat�an o�the Property. <br /> Gap#ivn Headings. Caption headings in �his ❑eed ❑# Trust ar� �or con�enience purpv�es anly and are no� to be <br /> used to interpret vr defin�th�praWisions af�his[3eed vf T�ust. <br /> IVlerger. There sha[� be no merger of the interest❑r estate Greated by this �eed fl�Tru��►nr�th any o�her in�Cerest or <br /> esta�e in�he Prop�rty a�any�ime held by ar�or the ��nefit vf Lender in any capacity, without#h� vuritten cansent <br /> o�Lender. <br /> Governing Lavir. This De�d of�rust wzll be governed by f�deral iaw appli�able to Lender and, tv the extent not <br /> preempted by f�deral[aw,the laws vf the Sta�e of Nebraska wi�haut r�gard�a i�s �an#lic�s af lav+►pro�isions,.T��s <br /> Deed of Trust has be�n ac�ep#ed by Lender�n the��ate of Nebraska. <br /> Ch�i�e o�Venu�. If�Cher� is a iawsuit, Trus�or agrees upan Lender's request to submi��tv �he jurisdiction ❑�f the <br /> courts o�Hall County, 5tat�❑�Nebraska. <br /> Jvint and �e��r�l Liabili�y, AIE ❑bligatians o� Borrawer and Trusto� under �his Deed v� Trus� shall be j�int and <br /> s�veral. and a�l references�o Trus�or shall m�an each and e��ry Trus�rvr, and a�l referen�es�o Borrawer sha�E mean <br /> each and eWery Bvrrvwer. This means tha�each Trustor�igning belvw is �-espvnsib[e�or ail oblsgations in�his ❑eed <br /> o� Trust, Vllhere any ane ar mare o� �he par�Cies is a c�rparativn, partnership. limited liabiii�y company or simil�r <br /> entityr it is no�ne�essary�or Lender tv inquire�nta�he pQwers Qf any vf the off�cers, d�r�cto�s, partners, members, <br /> or o�her agents acting or purpvrtin� tv act ❑n the en�ity's behal�� and any vbliga#ians made Qr creat�d in rei�ance <br /> u�an th� pro�essed exercise of su�h pvwers shall �e guaran�eed �nder�his Deed v�3'rus�. <br /> N❑Vllai�er by Lender. �.ender sha�l not b� deemed to hav� ►nrai�ed any rights under this Deed of Trus�unless such <br /> waE�er is gi�en in wri�ing and sign�d by Lender. NQ deiay ar omiss�on on�he part❑f Lender in exerGising �ny r�ght <br /> shall vp�rate as a wai�er of such right❑r any o�her right. A wai�er by Lender of a provision a�thEs Deed ❑f Tru�t <br /> shall not prejudice or cons�i�u�e a wai�er ❑� Lender's righ� v�herwise t� demand strict compfiance v►ri�h that <br /> provision ❑r any other pr�vision af this Deed Q� Trus�. N❑ privr wai��r by Lender, n�r any course Q� dealing <br /> b�tw�en L�nd�r and Trus�or, shall cvns�i�ute a wai�er of any ❑t Lender's ri�hts or Qf any af Trustor's obligatFons <br /> as �� any �utur� trans�Gtians. V�lhensver#he cansent ofi L�nder is required unde��his Deed v�"�rus�C� the gran�ing <br /> o� such consen� hy Lender in any instance shall nat constitu�e �on�tinuing c�nsent �❑ subsequen� instan�es where <br /> such consen�is required and in a�l �ases�uch cansen�may lae granted ar wi�hheld in the sa�e discre#ion�f Lender. <br /> Severability. I� a �ourt v# compet�nt�urisdiction finds any prv�ision �f thss D�ed ❑f Trust �v be iilegal, invalid, ❑� <br /> unenfarGeable as ta any circumstance, that �inding sha�! na� make �he vffending p�vvisi�n iliegal, in�alid, ar <br /> unenforGea�le as tv any ather circums�ance. If �easibEer �he af�ending pra�isivn �hall �e conside�ed modi#ied sv <br /> tha� it becvmes legal. �a�id and en�orceabie, �� the ❑�ffending prv�isivn cannofi be so modi�ied. it sha�i he <br /> con�idered de4e�ed from this Deed of �'rus�. Unless v�he�wtise r�quired by faw. the i�legafity, in�alidity, vr <br /> unenf�rceabilEty o� any pro�ision ❑f this aesd o#Trust sha�� not affec�the fegality, �a�idity vr en�orceabi�ity a�any <br /> other pra�ision o�thfs Deed o�Trust. <br /> Successvrs and Assigns. Subject�o any limi�atians s�ated in �his Deed o�Trust Qn #ransfer af Trustar's in�erest, <br /> this Deed af Trus� shall be bindsng upon and inure to the benefit v� the parties, tt�eir successars and assigns. If <br /> ownership o��he Praperty be�omes �e��ed in � p�r�vn o�her�han Trustar. Lender� wi�h�ut nv�ice tv Trus�vr, may <br /> deai with T�us#or's successvrs with�eferen�e tv�his Deed v�f Trust and the lndebtedness by way of fo�-bearance ar <br />