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2� 17�271 � <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: 'i�13�4�94 ���t7tinued� Page 'I D <br /> ex�ension v�ri�haut�e4�assng Trus�ar�rvm�he abSiga�ivns of t�is�eed o�Trus�or ita�i�i�y under the�ndebt�dness. <br /> Tim�is af the Essence. Time i� of�he essence in�he perfarmar��e�f�his [�eed of Trus�. <br /> Wa��er a� Homes#ead Exemption. Trustar hereby releases and wai�es af I rights and bene��ts of the homes�ead <br /> exemptior� Iaws o�the S�a�e of Ne�raska as to a!i Indel��edt�ess secured by this ❑eed vf Trus�. <br /> DE��N�Tt�l1IS. �he faffow�ng capita4ized w�rds and�erms shalf ha�e the following meanings when used in this Deed o� <br /> Trust. Unless speci�ically s�ated to �he contrary, ail references to dollar amaun�s shail mean amvun�s in lawfu� maney <br /> vf �he United 5ta�es a� America. Words and terms used in the singular sha11 include �he plural. and the plu�al shall <br /> inc�ude the singular, as the cont�xt may require. �11lvrds and �erms no� a�herwise de�ined in �his Deed ot Trust shall <br /> ha�e the meanings at�r�buted to such terms in�he �niform �ommerc�al Code: <br /> Bene�iciary. The wvrd "Beneficiar�" means Fi�e Pvints Sank, and i�s suc�essors and assigns. <br /> Borrowec. The word "Bvrr�wer" means LANE HDME IMPR4VEMENTS & GDNSTRUCTIDiV LLC and LANE 6 <br /> LEISINGER and includes al!co-sign��s and�a-mak�+rs s�gning�the�ote and af�their suc�ess�rs and assigns, <br /> Deed a� Trust. The words "�eed ❑�F Trus�" mean �his Deed ❑f Trust amang Trustor. Lender, and Trustee. and <br /> includes ►nrithout limitatian all assignment and security in�erest prvvisians re[ating ta the Persanal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> . <br /> De�aul�. The ward "De�aui�" means�h� Uefau��set�orth in�his ❑eed❑�Trust in the section ti�ied "Detauit". <br /> Environmen#al Laws. The words "En�iranmentaf Lav►rs" mean any and a�� sta�e, federal and iocal sta�u��s, <br /> regulations and ordinanGes re[ating to the prvtec-�ivn o� human health or th� enWiranmen�, inc�uding without <br /> limi�tation �he Camprehensi�e EnWironmentai Response. �ompensatior�, and Liability AGt of 198�, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C. Se�tion 96��, et seq. {"�ERCLA"}, the Super�und Amendments and Reauthoriza��an Ac� o� �986. Pub. L. <br /> Na. 99-499 {"SARA"f. �he Hazardau� Materials Transpvrtation Ac�. 49 U.S.C. 5ecti�n 'i SD�, et s�q., �he Resaurce <br /> Conser�ation and Recv�ery Act. �� U.S.C. Sec�ion 69Q�, et seq., or other appfi�able state or federal iaws, ruies, <br /> or regulativns advpted pursuant�hereto. <br /> Event ofi Defaui#. The words "E�en�vf De�aul�" mean any��the e�ents ot de�ault set�or�h in�his Deed a�Trust�n <br /> �he e�en�s o#defau[t section o�F this �eed o�Trust. <br /> Existing Indebtedness. The words "�xisting lndeb�edness" mean �he indebtedness described in the Existing Liens <br /> prv�ision of this i7eed of Trust. <br /> �ua�an�y. The word "Guaran'ty" means t�1e guaranty fr�m guarantar, end�rser, surety. �r acc�mmvdaxi�n par�y�� <br /> Lendsr� including ►rvithout limita�ion a guaranty df alf❑r part of�he hlate. <br /> Hazardous Suhstances. The words "Hazardaus 5ubs�ances" mean materials that, be�ause of their guantity, <br /> concentration or physicaE, chemical or in�Fec�ious characteristics, may cause ar pvse a present ar pv�ential hazard <br /> �o human hea��h or the enWironment when improper�y used. �reated, stared. disposed of, genera�ed, manufaetured, <br /> t�anspar�ed ar otherwise hand4ed. The v�►ards "i�azardaus 5ubstances" are used in�heir �ery brvadest sense and <br /> include withvut limita�ion any and aEl ha�a�daus or �axic su�stances, mat�r�als �r waste as d�fin�d by ❑r listed <br /> under the En�ironmen�al Laws. The term "H�zardous Subs�ances" als� inciudes. without limitati�n,'�pe�rvleum and <br /> petrvleum by-produc�s vr any fract�on thereof and asbestos. <br /> Impro�ements, Th� ward "lmpro�ements" means all existing and fufiure impraWements, buildings, structures, <br /> mabi�e homes af�ixed nn the Reaj Property, facili�ies. additions. replacements and ❑'�her construc#ian on '�he Real <br /> Proper�y. <br /> [ridebtedness. The wvrd "tndebtedness" m�ans aI� principa�, ir�t�res�, and ��her amoun�s, cos�s and expensss <br /> payable under �he Nate ar Related ❑�cuments. �oge#her wi�h aIl renev►rafs ❑f. extens�ons of, modi�icativns ❑f, <br /> cvnsolida�ions of and suhs�itutivns �or�he Note or R�ia�ed Dvcuments and any am�unts �xp�nded ar ad�anced by <br /> Lendsr tv discharge Trus'tar's ob�igations vr expenses incurred by Trus�ee or Lender to enfiorce Trustar's <br /> obligati�ns ur�der this D�ed ❑� Trust, tagether with interes� ❑n such a�nounts as prv�Eded in �his Deed of Trust. <br /> Specificaily, in►i�haut �imitation, Indebtedness includes the �u�ure ad�ances set forth in the Future Ad�ances <br /> proWisian, togethe� with afl interest �herevn and all amnun#s �ha� may be indirectly se�ured by the <br /> �rass-C�i�a�eralization pro�isian❑�this Deed ❑f T�ust. <br /> Lender. The w�rd "Lender" means FiWe Points Bank,its success�rs ar�d assigns. <br /> Nvte. The wvrd "Nate" means the pr�missory na�e dated Aprii 25, 2�17, �� the ariginai princj�ai amount <br /> �f $15,287.5� trom Barrawer �� Lender, �agether with all renewals ❑'�. 'ext�ns�ons ❑fi, modifi�ativns of, <br /> refinancings of, consoEidativns of, and su�sti�utivns�or the pr�missvey nvfie or agreement. <br /> Personal Praperty. The words "Personal Prflperty" mean all equipmQn�, �ix�ures, and other ar�icS�s 4� personal <br /> property no�v ❑r herea�ter owned by Trus�or, and now or hereafter attached vr affixed �o the Real Proper�y; <br /> together with ali accessi�ns, parts, and addi�ions ta, all rep�acements o�, and all substttutions #ar, any af such <br /> prap�r�y; and together wi�h ati proceeds [including wi�hout �imitation ai1 �nsuranGe proceeds and re�unds �� <br /> premiums� from any sale❑r o�her disp�si�ian vf the Praper�y. <br /> Prvp���ty. The wor� "Prop�r�y" means�ol4s��ively�he Real Praper�y and the Perso�al Prvperty. <br />