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2� 17�271 � <br /> f�EE�3 �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 1�]7 3D4�94 {Cont�n ued� Page � <br /> deeds can�eying th� property sv so�d, but wi�hout any �oWenan� or warran�y, expr�ss �r impli�d. �'he <br /> reci�a�s in such deed ❑f any matters or �acts sha[i be conclusive prov�a�the truthfulness thereo#. Any <br /> persan, includin�with�u�limitativn Trus�ar,Trustee, or Lendes, may pur�has� at su�h sal�. <br /> �b} As m�y �e permit�ed by Eaw, after deduc�ing all cos�s. fees and expenses v� Trust�e and ❑f this <br /> Trusfi, including casts of e�idenG� v�title in c�nnection with sale, Trustee shall apply the pra�eeds v�sale <br /> �a paymen�af �iy all sums expended under the�erms r��this Deed v�Trust or under�he t�rms a��he Nv�ke <br /> not �hen repaid, including but no� fimited tv ace�ued inter�s� and la�e char�es, �ii} all Qth�r surr�s �hen <br /> se�ured hereby, and �iis} the remainder, if any, ta the persvn o�persons [egally entitl�d�her�to. <br /> {cy Trus�ee may in the manner prv�ided�y law pos�tpone sale af ali or any porti�n v�the Proper�y. <br /> Remedi�$ Na� Exclusive. Trus��e and Lender, and each ❑� �hem, shall be �ntitled to enfor�e p�ym�nt and <br /> performance o�any ind�bt�dness or obligativns secur�d by thi� Deed o�Trust and t� exercis� all rights and pawers <br /> ur�der this Deed vf Trust, under th� Note, under any a�the F�e�ated Dvcumen�s, ar under any oth�r agreemen� or <br /> any laws now or herEaf-ter in farG�; nQ�withs�anding, som� ❑r a[i o��uch indeb�edness �nd c�bligat�ons secured �y <br /> this Deed of Trust may ndw ar herea�ter be othervuise s�cured, whether by mortgage, deed ot trust, piedge, lien, <br /> assignment or v�herwise. Neither #he ac�ep�ance vf �his D��d of Trust nar fts enforc�ment, whether by cour� <br /> ac�Eon or pursuant�v the power af sal� or o�her pvwers con�air�ed in this �eed a�T�us�. shai� pr�judice or in any <br /> manner a�t�ct Trus�ee's vr Lender's r'sght�o reali�e upan or en�vrce any other s�curi�y now or hereafter held by <br /> Trustee ar Lender, it being agreed tha�T�ustee and L�t�der, and�ach vf them, shall he enti�led t❑en�arce this De�d <br /> ❑�Trus� and any a�h�er secu�ity now ar her�after he�d by Lender ar Trus�ee in such order and manner as they or <br /> either ❑f them may in their abso4ute discretion de�ermine. fVo remedy canferred upvn or reser��d tQ Trustee or <br /> Lender, is intended to be exclusi�� of any other rem�dy in �his peed a�Trus�or by [aw pro�ided or permi��ed, �ut <br /> each shal� be cumulative and shal� b� in addi�ion �tv er�ery o�her r�medy giWen in �hi� Deed of Trust ar now ❑r <br /> hereafter existing at�avu❑r in equity❑r by statute. E�ery pvwer or remedy gi�en by the No�e ar any of�he Relat�d <br /> Dvcum�n�s �a Trus��� vr L�nder or �v which ei�her af them may be o�her�rvise en�i�ied, may b� exercised, <br /> cvncurrently ar Endependen'�Iy, from time t� �ti�ne and as vften as may be deem�d expedien�by Trustee or Lender, <br /> and either o�# them may �ursu� incansisten� remedies. Nothing in this ❑�ed �f Trust shall be construed as <br /> prahibiting L�nder�ram seel�ing a de�iciency�udgmen�a�ains�the Trustar ta�he�x�ent such a��ivn �s permitted �y <br /> law. Election by Lender f❑ pursue any remedy shal[ not ex��ude pursuit af any vther remsdy, and an election to <br /> make exp�nditures or ta ta[�e a��ivn ta perfvrm an abiigation of Trustar under this �7eed ❑f Trust, after TrustQr's <br /> fai�ure ta perform, shall na��f�ec�Lender's right ta de�lare a de�aul�and ex�rcise �ts rem�dies. <br /> Reques��or Noti�e. Trust�r, ❑n b�hal�af Trustvr and Lender, her�by reques�s fihat a �opy o��ny Nati�e ot De�ault <br /> and a copy v�any Nv'tice v�Sa1e under this Deed o�T�ust be ma�led tv them at the addresses set forth in�he ��rs� <br /> paragraph of this �eed of Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Exp�nses. �� Lender insti�u�es any sui� or ac�ion �o enforce any o� '�he t�rms o� this D�ed a� <br /> Trus�. Lender shal! Ine en�i�led �a recoWer such surr� as the cvurt may adjudge reasanalale as a�torneys' ��es at�rial <br /> and u��n any appeal. Vllh��her or nQt any court ac��vn is involved, a�d �o th� extent no� prahibited by law, all <br /> re�sonable expenses Lender in�urs tha� in Lender's opinion are necessary at any �ime �or �he prvtectivn of its <br /> in�erest or the enforcement��i�s righ�s shall be�ome a par�o�the Indebtedness payable on demand ar�d shall bear <br /> ir�terest a��he Nv�e rate�ram the date a�the expendi�ure untif repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph include, <br /> wi�hou� Fimfta�ion, hvwe�er su�ject to �ny lirr�i�s under app�ica��e law. Lender's a�torneys' fees and Lender's I�gal <br /> expenses, whether ❑r not there is a lawsui�, in�Ruding attarneys' �ees and expenses far bankruptcy p�oceedings <br /> {including effvr���o madi�y or�acate any automatiG st�ay vr injunc�ion�, appeals, and any anticipated pvst-judgment <br /> caliection serWices. �he cast v�searching recvrds, abtainin� ti�Cle repar�s [including fareclosure rep�r�s}, sur�eyvrs' <br /> repor�ts, and appraisa[ �ees, t�'tle insurance, and �e�s for the Trustee, to the e�ten� p�rmitted by applicable Saw. <br /> �rus�or alsv will pay any cvurt c�s�ts, in addi�ivn to �ll other sums pra�ided by law. <br /> Rights a�f Trus���, Trustee sha��ha�e all of the righ�s and duties af Lender as se�farth in'�his se�tian. <br /> PC)1NERS AND �BL�GATIQNS �3F TRI�STEE. The�ultow�ng prr��isions r�lat�ng to �he pawers and ❑bligativns c��Trus�ee <br /> are part o�this 4]eed of Trust: <br /> Powers a�Trus�ee. In addi�ian�o ali p�wers v�Tru�fiee arisin� as a m�tter a��aw! Trus�ee shall ha�e the power�❑ <br /> ta�e�he follvwing a�tions with respect tv�he Proper�y upon t�e wri��en r�ques�of Lender and T�ustnr: {�y �vin in <br /> preparin� and fiiing a �nap or p�at v�f the Real Praperty, including the dedica�ian a� s�tr�e�s or other �ights to �he <br /> pub�ic; �by �ain i� granting any easement vr crea�ing ar�y res�ric�ian an �he ReaE Praperty; and ��j jvin in any <br /> subordina�i�n❑r o�her agreeme�t af�s��ing�his Deed vf Trust�r��re interest o�Lender under this Deed��Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shal� mee� al! quali�ica�ior�s required for T�us��e under applicable ia�rv, In additivn to �he righ�s <br /> and remedies set f�rth abo�e. wi�h r�spect to all or any par� �#the Praperty, the Trustee shall h��e the righ� t❑ <br /> fvreclose �y notice and sa�e, and Lender shall ha�e fiY�e right �o �vrecl�se by judicia! �orec[osure, in either �ase in <br /> accordance vu��h and�o the�u![ex�ent pra��d�d by applicab�e�aw. <br /> 5uc��ssar Trustee. Lender, a�t Lender's option, may from time�o tsme appaEnt a suC�essor 7rustee to any Trustee <br /> a�pvint�d under this �eed vf Trust �y an ins�trument e��cuted �nd acknaw�edged �y Lender and rec�rd�d in �he <br /> a�fice o� the recorder af HALL �vunty, State vf Nebra�ka. The ins�rument shalE c�n�ain, in addit�vn �o all o�her <br /> matters required �y state law► the names o� the originai Lender, Trustee, and Tru�tor� the bovk and �ags �ar <br /> camput�r system referen�e} where this ❑eed �f Trus� is recorded. and the name and address ❑� �he succ�ssor <br />