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2� 17�2��3 <br /> Z. A�plica�ivnof Payments vr Proceeds.Except a�expressly�tat�d other�rise in this �ecuri�ty <br /> In.strument ar the l�ote,all payments accepted and app��ed by Lender sha11 be app�ied in the follawing <br /> flrder of priority: <br /> Fixst,ta t�e Mortgage�n�u.ra�ce prer��ums to be paid by�,ender to the S�c�retary or the mo�.thly <br /> charge by the 5eereta.ry instead of the rnonth�y mortgage insuranee prerniums; <br /> Second,ta any taxes,special assessments,le�.sehold payments or ground rents,and fire, flood and <br /> other hazard insurance premiums,as required; <br /> Third,to interest due under the l�ote; <br /> Fourth,to amortization of the principal of the Note;and, <br /> Fiftha to lat�charges due under the l�ote. <br /> Any application�f payments, ins�rance proce�ds,or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under the <br /> Note shal�not�xtend or post�pane the due date,ar chaag��he amount,of the Perivdic Payments. <br /> 3. Fundsfor Es�row Ifems.Borrower sha11 pay ta Lend�r on the day Periodic Payments are due un�ier <br /> the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum�the "Funds"}to provide fnr payrnent of amaunts due far: <br /> (a)ta�es and assessmen�ts and other items wh��h can attain priority over this 5ecurity�nstrument as a lien <br /> or encumbrance an the Prop�rty; �}leas�hald payments or ground r�nts Qn t��Prop�rty, if a�y;�c� <br /> premiums for any and a�l insuran�e required by Lender under Section S;and�d)Mortgage Insurance <br /> premiums to b�paid�y Lender to the Secreta.ry or the monthly charge by the Secretaiy instead af the <br /> monthly Mortgage Insu�ran�e premiums.These items are ca�led"Escrow Items."At orrgination or at any <br /> �ime during the term af the Loan,Lender may re�uire that Community Association Dues,Fees,and <br /> A85es5ments, if any,be escrowed by Borrower,and such dues, fees and assessmen�s shall be an Escrow <br /> Item. Borrflwer shall promptly furni�h to Lender ali notices of amounts to be paid under this Sectian. <br /> B�rrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items uniess Lender wai�es Borrower's obligation to <br /> pay the Funds for any or a11 Escrow Items.Lender may wa��e$arrawer's abligati�n to pay to Lend�r <br /> Funds for any or al�Escrc�vv Item�at any time.Any such waiver may onty b�in writing. In the event of <br /> such wai�er,B�rrower sha11 pay�irectly,when and where payable,the amounts due for any Escrow <br /> Items far which paym�nt of Funds has been�vaived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shail furnish to <br /> Lender rec�ipts evrdencing such payment with�n such time period as Lender may reyuire.Borrower's <br /> ob�igatioa�o make such payments and to provide receipts sha1l for a11 purposes be deemed ta be a <br /> coWenant and agreement contained in this Security Instrument,as the phrase "covenant and agreement"is <br /> used in Section�. If Bo�rrawer is obligated��pay Escraw Items�ue�tly,pur�uant to a waiv�r,and <br /> Borrower fails t�pay the amount due far aa Escrow I�em,Lender may exercise its r�ghts under Sect�on 9 <br /> and pay such amount and Borrower shatl then Ue obligated under Sectioa�to repay to Lender aay such <br /> amount. Lender may revak�the waiver as t�any or alI Escrow Iterr�s at any time by a natice given in <br /> accordance wYth Section 14 and,upon such revacatian, Borrower sha�1 pay to Lender all Funds,and in <br /> such arnou�ts,that are then required und�r this Section 3. <br /> Lender may, at any tirne, collect and hold Funds ir�an amount�a}sufficient to permit Lender ta apply the <br /> F�nds at the time speci€'ied under RESPA, and�1�}t��t to ex�eed the maximum amQunt a len�ier Can r�quir� <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall estimate the amount tif Funds due on the basis af cunent data and reas�nable <br /> estimates af expenditures of fu�ure Escrow Items�ar otherwise in a�cordan�e with Appli�abie Law. <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS-NE 9I3412�14 <br /> Bankers Systems'''� VMP� VMPdN�NE}(15afi).Q4 <br /> Wol#ers Kluwer F�nan�ial5ervices Page 5 of 17 <br /> q�33749fl9474 p�33 43� 4517 <br />