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2� 17�2��3 <br /> The Funds shal�be held in an institution whose depos�ts are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, <br /> or entity�including Lender, if Lender is an ins�i�u#ion wh�se deposits are so insured)ar in any Federa� <br /> Home Laan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds ta pay the Es�row Iterns no later than the time specifiec� <br /> ut�der RESPA.L�r�d�r sh�11 no�ch�rge Borr�wer#'or halding and app��ing the Fund�,annualiy ana�yzing <br /> the escrow account,or�erifying the Escrow�tems,unless Lender pays Barrower interest on the Funds <br /> and Applicable Law perrnits Lender ta ma�e su�h a charge.Unless an agreement is made in writing or <br /> Applica�te Law requires interest to be paid on�he Funds,Lender sha11 n�t be re�uired ta pay Borrower <br /> any interest or earnings on the Funds.Barrower and Lend�r can agree in wri�ing,howev�r,that interest <br /> sha11 be paid on the Funds. Lender sha�l gi�e to Barrower,v�i�hout charge,an annua�accounting of the <br /> Funds as required by RESPA. <br /> If there is a surplus af Funds he�d in escrow,as de�ned under RESPA,Lender shall accaunt to Borrow�r <br /> for the excess funds in accordance with RESI�A.If there��a shortage of Funds h�id in escr�w,as defined <br /> under RESPA,Lender sha�l notify Borrower as required by RESPA,and Borrower sha11 pay to Lender <br /> the amount necessary to mak�up the shortage in accordance with�ESPA,but in no more than 12 <br /> monthly payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA,Lender <br /> shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA,and Borrower sha11 pay ta Lender the amount r�ecessary to <br /> make up the deficiency�n accordance�ith RESPA,but in na m�re than �2 monthly payments. <br /> Upan payment in full of all sums s�cured by this 5ecurity Instrument,Lender sha�1 promptly refund to <br /> Borrower any Fund�held by Lender. <br /> �. �harges;Liens.Bonower shal�pay ai1 ta.x�s, a�sessments,charges, fines, and�mpositions at�ributable <br /> ta the Property whieh can attain priority o�rer this S�curi�ty Instrument, leasehold payments or ground <br /> rents ox�the Property, if any, and Community Association D►ues,Fees, and Assessments,if any. To the <br /> extent that these items are Escro�u Items,�onower sha11 pay them in the manner pro�ided in S�ction 3. <br /> �orrow�r sha11 pramptly discharge any lien whieh has priority a�er this Security Instrument unless <br /> �orr�w�r: (a}agrees in writing to the payment�f the obligatiar�secu�ed by the�ien in a manner <br /> a��eptable to Lender,but anly so long as�orrower is performing�uch agreement; �b}contests the tien in <br /> good faith by,or defend�against enforcement of the lien in, legat proceedings w��ch in Lender's opinian <br /> aperate t�prevent the enforc�ment of the lien while those proceedings are pe�ding,but only until suGh <br /> proceedings axe cancluded;ar�c}secures from th�ho��er�f the Iien an agreement satisfactory t�Lender <br /> subardinat�ng the lien to this �ecurity Inst�ument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property i� <br /> subje�t to�.tien whi�b�an attain priarity over this Security I�strument,Lender�na�give Banawer a <br /> notice�dent�fying the�ien. VL�ithin 1�days of the date on wh�ch that notice is given,Borrower sha11 <br /> satisfy the iien or take one or mare of the actians set forth a�o�e ir�this Section 4, <br /> 5. Property�nsuranee.Barro�uer shall keep th�irr�provements now exi�tiag or hereafter er�ct�d on the <br /> Proper�y insured against Ioss by,hazards included within the term"extended coverage,"an�any <br /> other hazards in�luding,but nat limited t�,earthqual�es and floods, f�r which Lender requires insuraace. <br /> This rnsurance shall be maintain�d in the amaunts�including deductible lev�ts)and for th�periods that <br /> Lend�r requires. �hat Lender re�uires pu�suant t�the preceding senten�es can change during the term of <br /> th�Loan.The insurance carri�r pro�iding the insurance shall be chasen by Borro�ver subje�t ta Lender's <br /> right to disapprove Borrower's choice,which right shall not be exercised unreasonab�y.Lender may <br /> r�quire Borrower to pay, in connectiQn with this Laan, either: (a}a on�-time charg�for flood zane <br /> determination,certi�cation atad tracking se�vices; or�b}a o�e-time charge for flo�d�oae deter�rnination <br /> and cer�ification servic�s and subse uent char es each time rema in s or similar chan es occur whi�h <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS-NE 913�12D4� <br /> Bankers SystemsTM VMP� VMP4N�NE}��5�fi}.flQ <br /> Wal#e�Ktuwer Fir�an�ia!Services Page 6 af 17 <br /> q433749Q9474 p 33 434 �617 <br />