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2� 17�2��3 <br /> Parce� I D N u m ber:4��1�7��7 vwhich currently has the address of <br /> 4347 Kdy Av e �St��et� <br /> �ra�d I s�and ��`�ty�, Nebraska 68803-1426 ��ap�'ode� <br /> �"Prop erty Addre ss"�: <br /> T�CrETHER�VTTH a11 the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property,and a11 easements, <br /> ap�urtenances,and f xtures ncaw ar hereafter a par�of the prop�rty.All replacements and additi�ns sha11 alsa <br /> be co�ered by this S�curity Instrument.A�1 of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the <br /> "Propert�y."�orrower uaderstands and agrees that MERS holds only legal title to the interes�s granted by <br /> $�rrower in this Security Instr�ument,but, if ne�es�a.ry to�omply�ith law or custam,ll�ERS(as nominee for <br /> Lender aad Lender's successors and as�igns}has the right:to exercise any�r all of those interests, including, <br /> but not limited to,the right to foreclose and sell the Property; and to take any action required of Len�ier <br /> including,but nvt limi�ed to,rel�asing and canceling this Se�tuity�nstrument. <br /> $t7RR�WER C�VE�ANTS that Borrower�s l�wfuliy seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right <br /> to grant and con�ey the Property and that the 1'roperty is unencumbered,except far�ncumbrance�of record. <br /> $orrower warrants and will defe�nd generally the title to the�roperty against a��claims and demands,subject <br /> ta any encurnbrances of recard. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform co�enants for national use and non-uniform covenants <br /> with limi�ed variations by jurisdiction to canstitute a uniform security instrument co�ering real prop�rty. <br /> UNlF�R11A��VENA�ITS,Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fol��ws; <br /> 'I. Payment of P r�nc�pal,l nterest, Escraw items, anc�Late Charges.Borrower shall pay when due <br /> the principal af,and interest on,the debt e�i�lenced by the I'�ote and�ate charges due under the I�Tote. <br /> Barrow�r shall a��o pay funds for Escrow Items pur�uant to Section 3. Payment�due under�h�Note and <br /> this Security InStrument sha11 be made in U.S,currency. H�wever, if aay che�k or other instrument <br /> received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security�nstrument is�'eturned tQ Lender unpaid, <br /> Lender may r�quire that any or all subsequent payments due under�he I�ote and this Securi�y Instrument <br /> be made in one ar more of the following forms,as selected by Lender: (a}ca�h;�b}money order;(c) <br /> certified check,bank check,treasurer's ch�ck or cashier's check,pro�ided any such�heck is drawn upon <br /> an institution�hose depasits ar�insured by a federal agency, instrumentality4 or entity;or(d}Electranic <br /> Funds Transfer. <br /> Payrnet�ts are deemed recei�ed by Lender when recei�ed at the Iocation designated in the�Tate or at such <br /> other loca�ion as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the notice pravisions in Sectian 14. <br /> Lender may return any payment or partial payment if the payment or partial payments are insuffcient to <br /> bring the Loan�urrent. Lender may accept any payment or partiai payment insufficient to bring the Loan <br /> current,without waiver of any rights hereunder or prejudice to its rig�its�o refuse such payment or <br /> partial payments in the future,but Lender i�not obligated to apply such payments at the time such <br /> payrnents are accepted. �f each Periodic Payment is applied as af its scheduled due date,then Lender <br /> need not pay in�erest on unapplied funds.Lender may hold such unapplie�fun�s until Barrower makes <br /> paymea�to bring the Loan cunent. If Barro�uer daes not da so within a reasanable period of t�me, <br /> Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. If not applied ear�ier,such funds wi11 <br /> be appl�ed to the autstanding principal balance under the Note immediately prior to foreclasur�.No <br /> offset ar elaim which Sorrower mi�ht ha�e no�r or in the future against Lender shall relieve Borrower <br /> fram making paymeats due under the 1Vote and this Security Instrument or performing the covenants and <br /> agreern�nts secured by this Security�nstrurnent. <br /> FHA Deed of Trust W�th MERS-NE 9/34/2414 <br /> Bankers Sys#emsTM VMP C� VMP4N[NE}(154B}.40 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page 4 of 17 <br /> qv��7��09��4 02�� 430 41� <br />